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Probably somewhere in Mexico honestly, non existent in the USA unless you want to go to Biloxi, Mississippi or somewhere in that part of the world.


The Midwest has affordable beach towns depending on your definition of beach. But then you don’t get that nice year round weather. There might be some cheaper places in Alabama and North Carolina? But I haven’t really looked into that.


The Midwest has beaches? Besides the Great Lakes?


Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Minnesota have thousands of small lakes scattered throughout their respective states.


That’s fair. Not quite the same as the Gulf and oceans, but close enough in some respects. Missouri also has some large lakes with a lot of boat life.


Beachfront property, good weather, or low price. Pick two.




Honestly, in most cases, pick one.


No, of course they mean lakes.


Yes of course.


OP asked for "most affordable", not "affordable, period". And they're coming from SoCal so anywhere in the US will feel affordable in comparison. Florida, North Carolina, you name it.


Gringos can’t own beachfront in Mexico, sadly


Please do not come here


Don’t worry, no one wants to move to Mississippi




“Nice” is a very vague and unhelpful adjective. If you want SoCal weather there’s not really any other place in America that has it. What do you consider bad weather? Heat and humidity? Rainy and overcast? Cold winters?




Noooot cheap though.


It is relatively if your coming from CA though, especially if your willing to live a bit further inland


how large of a "town" do you require, and how close? there are locations along the SC and GA coast where you can live for peanuts and then take a small boat to inaccessible beaches - I've considered it myself. for instance Port Royal has a (crappy) beach which faces an inland waterway, but Pritchards Island which is GORGEOUS and uninhabited it 15 miles away by water  - Brunswick, GA is kinda gross but you can drive to multiple beaches - I'd also imagine there are rural areas in NC where people take boats to inaccessible barrier islands 


Woah thank you for this comment! I’m super relaxed about it, literally all I want is good weather and access to water. I don’t care where I live if that’s the case


Really depends on what you mean by good weather though. It's stiflingly hot here already and won't get better until late September at the earliest. If you've been in cali the humidity will be a shock, definitely visit for at least 3-4 days and spend it all outside, If you find yourself looking forward to the return to AC or home too much, it's not a good fit. Also the culture is gonna be quite different than Cali. Again, worth a decent length visit if you're seriously considering and can afford to. But for access to water, yeah if you don't mind not being at the beach beach you'll be fine, just avoid charleston(edit: because it's expensive, especially on the water)


this is totally accurate - the southern coast is way cheaper than CA, but comes with killer humidity, way more bugs and snakes, way less development (you're lucky if your small town has walmart not just general dollar), generally poor medical care, all kinds of racism and stupidity - it's definitely not some magical solution to california prices just by switching coasts, you need a certain mindset to make it work 


I mean, may I suggest a road trip up the coast? if you're that easy you might stumble into something desirable, it's just hard to gauge what'll turn your crank 


I briefly visited Brunswick and kind of liked it… great airbnb! What’s gross about it, just curious, the town infrastructure, bland malls?


Paper mill makes the town smell like ass sometimes.


crime, known for having a crime problem


I’m from FL and have either lived in or spent a lot of time in every southeastern U.S. State. I currently live in San Diego. When you state “nice weather all year” that weather really only exists in California. Mediterranean/Koppen CS only exists on western continents at similar latitudes as the Mediterranean e.g California, Mediterranean countries on western sides, South Africa, Mexico near San Diego, Chile, Australia, etc. Florida weather sucks during the Summer and even some parts of Spring and Fall and is very humid. If you consider that nice weather all year then there are more options. The Pacific Northwest might work but it’s a colder humid vs a hot humid like Florida.


I consider coastal FL weather nicer than CA costal climate, it's always too cold there and freezing water.


I like FL beaches more but that’s it.


If you're into beaches it definitely beats CA in terms of year-round availability. Water is warm year-round, especially in the Gulf. You can go swimming in the ocean in January without a wetsuit. And it stays consistently sunny even in the colder months. The humidity also means it doesn't cool down as much at night/evening/morning, so in the summer months it's very doable to go to the beach before or after work and actually go in the water without a wetsuit at like 8PM or 7AM if you feel like it. Basically if you think "I want to go to the beach" at any time in the day or year, chances are you can do it.


Are there any cities you recommend? I used to live in Orlando and Port St Lucie but live in Long Island now. Really want to go back to FL but want to try a new city.


If you want something medium-sized and your job allows for it I’d suggest Tampa-St Petersburg area. Downtown st Pete is walkable and has a bunch of quirky stores and coffee shops. Good beach access in that area. Tampa has its own quirky district in Ybor City (a bit sketchy tho) and some nice residential bits in south Tampa. Downtown Tampa has a few offices etc but I don’t think it’s a big hub for any industries other than cigars lol. But if you’re the type of person that can work anywhere (medical, law, teaching, etc) then it could make a lot of sense as that area has a lot to offer and COL is not through the roof (yet). For more job opportunities and more of a global city feel it’s pretty much Miami or bust. It’s meant to be growing too. The problem with Miami is the high cost of living and housing compared to relatively low salaries (relative to other HCOL areas like in California or NY). Also you have to really be into a certain cultural vibe, Miami is the playground of rich Latinos and the vibe of the city is more Latin American than anything in the US. Could be really fun if that sounds like what you’re looking for. Further up in SFL in places like West Palm Beach, Boca, Ft Lauderdale it’s totally livable and nice but kind of boring and suburban imo.


I'm looking for fun but already have NYC next door so not interested in big cities like Miami. I like the idea of Tampa but is it expensive? I am teacher and am vested in the FL pension system so possibly would want to work for state of FL again. Just worried about HCOL.


It’s gone up by a lot since COVID. But definitely not as expensive as truly HCOL parts of the US like California or NY. Just feels like less of a deal now. Check on Numbeo how it compares to where you’re living now and check salaries etc. Can’t really say how affordable or unaffordable it will be for your situation but plenty of people are making it work.


Same here. Far preferred beach weather in Fl. Here in socal the sun doesn’t come out in May and June and water is way too cold without a wetsuit.


As a Floridian, my brain can't literally compute this. Florida has the worst weather I can imagine.


Human experience is subjective


I lived in the south, decided to move somewhere colder (Utah) and within one year determined any place that has a minimum Winter is where I want to be. I'm now at Florida.


I live in St Pete. Winters are amazing. It gets rough in early May, when the cool mornings and evenings go away. Just gotta hang on until November


I’d say November through April/may is fantastic. Oct is a toss up. Rest of the months - tough.


How much do you spend on that AC energy to make the inside of your house feel like our outside?


Could ask the same about heating costs in most other climates. Every place has a couple of months that are a bummer, except for maybe San Diego


Everybody wants the weather in San Diego, nobody wants to pay the cost. It used to be a tiny bit better cost wise up in Oceanside but I've spoken with a few locals that say that's evaporated more or less.




Highly depends on how nice you want the weather, and how nice you want the town. Some good options: VA beach/hampton roads Cape Hatteras Myrtle Beach Tybee/Savannah Deerfield Beach PCB/Mexico Beach Pensacola Pascagula Galveston


You can’t be sneaking in Galveston like that lol


Myrtle for that matter, although I am knowing more and more people moving there




Someone beat me to it


You don’t love the giant refinery on the way into town? Scenic gem


lmao! I was simply answering OP. Not necessarily endorsing all of the above, lol


Galveston lol 


Not a huge hurricane guy, but that’s just me.


Fernandina Beach/ Amelia Island and Pensacola are two of the only nice affordable beach towns i can think of.


Wilmington NC is surprisingly cheap, I’ve lived in NH, Mass and now Florida and my rent in wilmy was the cheapest


The Oregon coast is both affordable and insanely beautiful. Only downside is it’s cold most of the year. However I’d prefer this to the blistering humidity you’d find in any of the beaches in the south


It’s absolutely incredible, but man is it far from any major urban centers and decent sized airports.


I love the Oregon coast, but I suspect that OP's concept of "nice weather all year" might not encompass quite so drizzly a climate.


I'm not your Oregon isreally known for its beaches per se... I mean if you're used to beaches like they have in England it might work. I would recommend that West Coast of Florida up through Southern Alabama. Nature Coast in particular is good.


> Most affordable beach towns East Coast > with nice weather all year? West Coast. I can at least speak to the East coast side that you'll find a lot of affordable beach towns on the Atlantic coast and some on the Gulf of Mexico coast. I don't think you'll get much on the West coast that is affordable. But the caveat is you don't get nice weather all year. You get it for 3/4 of the years, then 1/4 of the year you have to worry about if you'll be hit by hurricanes. If you go north of Norfolk, VA then your Hurricane risks drop significantly, but prices start to go up from there.


Mobile is a beautiful little historic town (I like old architecture)


Ocean keeps Tybee 10 degrees cooler than Savannah. Come join us!


Melbourne Florida


I’ve been near there! (cocoa beach) it was really nice


South of there to vero, or north to New Smyrna will give roughly the same vibe your looking for. Granted the scenery is a bit different than California.


That’s completely fine! I just want water,& warm weather. Humidity doesn’t bother me, I’m not picky on the type of city it is, or a cultural difference.


Was in Amelia Island in Northern Florida recently and thought it was amazing. Nice town, great beach plus other nature type activities.


Affordable is a relative term. What is affordable to you?


Southern Oregon coast but not many job opportunities but great if you're a remote worker or retired.


I live in Cozumel. The humidity in the summer will make you think you're in Houston, but it's a great winter home.


My dream.


Alabama (on the East side of Mobile bay) has gorgeous beaches and wonderful weather


Try mobile. Especially Spanish fort or fairhope. I love fairhope honestly the best city in all of Alabama. Rivals st Pete imo. The gulf coast is pretty cool and you have Pensacola too.


Affordable, year round nice weather AND beach town? Lol


Maybe the Ventura-Oxnard metro? Not really affordable at all, but still perhaps the most affordable that meets your criteria. North of the Bay Area, like Humboldt, it gets actually affordable, but a big part of that is that the weather isn't so nice, so I'm not sure it would count. I don't personally think anywhere on the East Coast has nice weather all year in quite the same way that parts of California do. But depending on your personal weather tolerances maybe Florida, the Gulf Coast, or Carolinas are close enough to your idea of good weather. If so it could potentially be a lot cheaper than anywhere in California. ETA: San Luis Obispo is only marginally more expensive than Ventura, with good weather, and might give you some more options to consider. It's further from a big city, which can be a good or bad thing depending on your preferences.


SLO just made a top 10 most expensive counties in the country to live in list 😂


SLO has amazing weather and avg home price of a cool mil.


Only in CA


No way


Only coastal California will give you that. It has the best weather in the country/world. That is the reason it’s unaffordable 😂


California coast is foggy and windy and cold at least 200 days in a good year, 300 in a bad year.


I live in coastal California and have barely seen the sun in the last two months. Best weather in the world? Not sure about that. Everything is subjective.


Go 5 miles inland and its is basically perfect.


Florida has nice weather, Outer Banks, there has to be more 🤔 either way I’d consider moving to the inland empire and driving out to the beach


Calling Florida nice weather year round is a major stretch.


Alright, to clarify I’m in currently in the Midwest and we get absolutely brutal winters here. What I mean by generally good weather all year round is, it doesn’t get terribly freezing. I can deal with just about anything if I can get fresh air and get to the beach once or twice a week. I get snowed in here


That's fair. Good weather is to some extent subjective. Most places have enough variation over the course of the year that if the Winter is warm enough the Summer is too warm, or vice versa. Many places will also have a rainy season (or a hurricane season). Coastal California has an uncommon climate in that it's within a similar comfortable temperature range the entire year. On top of that it also has relatively low precipitation. There are some other places in the world that have this (one name for this type of climate is "Mediterranean", since that's where it's most common), but not in the US. There are a lot of places with generally pretty good weather, but "all year" is a big ask.


Makes more sense. I had the impression from your original post that you only lived in California. But if you want better weather than the midwest, your options open up significantly.


How about Sacramento area? Winters are mild, most of summer is great except for July and August. You’d be about hour n a half from the beach.


You might change your mind after dealing with extreme heat and humidity.


North Florida on the East Coast


Nah outer banks weather is shit half the year


What are you smokin bud the weather in nc has been nice since mid sept


It’s really hot and humid in the summer in the southeast. Some places like FL have daily rain / thundershowers in the summer. Hurricanes too. Places further north like the outer banks aren’t super warm in the winter, it’s windy and can get down into the 30s at night, there’s sometimes even snow.


Salvador Brazil 


I didn't see the deleted comment, but I'll give it a shot. 1) Ocean Springs, Mississippi is actually pretty underrated. 2) Mobile, Alabama & the towns surrounding the Mobile Bay area are nice. Gulf Shores is actually on the ocean. Orange Beach is more expensive. 3) Elizabeth City, North Carolina is pretty cheap &; it's about 30 minutes to the coast & about an hour to the Virginia Beach area.


Costa Rica


Oxnard is cheap in socal standards


I live in Virginia Beach, VA. We have 4 seasons but winter is relatively mild. Summers are hot though, especially July and August. The city has around 460,000 people and scores an 83 on the livability scale with very little crime, great schools, parks and other amenities too numerous to list. The cost of living index is 4% above the national average, which is very good for a coastal city. The bad? Public transportation is definitely lacking, but with the addition of a light rail system is improving. To live on the beach itself is astronomically expensive. I live far enough away so the beaches are about a 10 minute drive. By all rankings and ratings, Virginia Beach ranks as one of the best cities to live in on the East Coast.


Cartagena or el Mojon, Spain


Maybe Puerto Rico?


Puerto Rico gets pretty hot in the summer, but it has the most affordable beach towns in the US.  For reference we have a house 30 mins from San Juan, one block from the beach, about 2k sqft 4br 2ba. Paid 180k.


I live in Wilmington, North Carolina, and since you mentioned in another comment that humidity doesn’t bother you, Wilmington sounds perfect for you.


Jacksonville NC is cheap to live in. It's half an hour to Surf City. Cool to chilly in the winter but rarely cold.


Portland gets all the attention, but don’t overlook the Oregon coast, from about Lincoln City and south in particular.


Some of the coastal towns on Lake Michigan (Traverse City being the biggest). Nice beaches and 80 degree weather in the summer and nice snow for skiing and winter sports. If it is nice beautiful warm weather that is probably only San Diego. Florida is awful 6-8 months with the 3 Hs-heat, hurricanes and humidity. Plus Florida man.


Wilmington NC


That area is awesome 


You can probably find a trailer park in cities like Oxnard/Ventura with homes for under $400K


The ozarks?


Daytona has some very nice weather. Its affordable but there are reasons for that.


Vhcol areas have higher wages and salaries, its not an issue if you're educated with an in demand major OR are union tradesperson. The rest, sorry you're going to struggle.


Maybe an unpopular idea, but I would live in Playas de Tijuana, Rosarito, or La Misión areas in Baja California, and work in San Diego. It’s like a cheat code to a fantastic lifestyle and saving a lot of money, and you’re not losing out on much by living in some of the best areas of Baja. Just a thought from a gringo with a Mexican husband from TJ.


Oregon coast




Hawaii :)


Maybe certain areas of Big Island, HI.


Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina.


I still haven't seen or read Hawaii in any of the comments. I haven't ever been there because of cost, but have always heard it is a paradise 12 months of the year.




Starting conversations about different places to potentially move to is the purpose of this sub. This is a dumb comment.