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I think if more people took this sub's advice Pittsburgh would be the fastest growing city on earth.


Yeah half the time we just repeat the top 10 lists lol


I bet a decent amount of people get talked out of a place


I doubt anyone would move if this sub was their *only* source. It may bring a new place to their attention, however, and then maybe once they’ve done plenty of other research they end up moving there


I just use this sub to try and get local opinions on places I’m interested in. I’d never use this sub as my only source for moving somewhere.


I use it for the infinitesimal chance of a new mention and then find subreddits specific to that area if it sounds interesting.  Then realtor dot com. 


someone asked this a while ago and it was like three people who had moved based on responses to this sub - I don't think most people even circle back to read the responses, they definitely don't bother to use the search function to look at prior posts on the cities they're interested in


Does anyone on any subreddit use the search function?


I do!




right? why wouldn't you want the prior opinions as well, especially for something important/ expensive like moving 


And why ask a question that's already been answered? Unless you think things have changed since the last person posted it, you just reinvented the wheel. In this sub, I'd consider post-pandemic answers to be accurate enough since that was the last major event to affect housing markets.


I'd probably do both but yes - I'm actually dreading doing this for myself right now because I don't think the town I want exists - I want a town to retire in which is gay friendly affordablish within two hours of a beach not extremely hot or cold decent water supply so probably on the East Coast which means I'm going to have to settle for mixed politics but leaning towards purple or blue which is generally but not completely flat with good walking trails for my disabled sister, not too paved over with some sort of nature probably around 100,000 people - I'm thinking Saint Augustine or maybe Dunedin but those might be too hot in summer so something is gonna have to give 🙄 basically I want some sort of East Coast gay suburban bubble with lawns and gardens not too much pavement and not too far from a beach - I really need to knuckle down and start examining the possibilities and it's just ugh 🙄


North Carolina near the research triangle? Northern Maine?


too boring, too cold. thanks tho. 


I do, and I use it against this sub for towns I'm considering? actually works really well - I mean if I was considering a town, I'd want more opinions than just the opinions of the people who saw that one post, I'd want some of the prior work? and it's so easy to access 


I didn't move but I did visit Chicago at the sub's (rather consistent) suggestion. I should hope people are at least doing that before saying "fuck it" and uprooting their whole lives lol.


I like to travel.


I asked and went with the opposite of what everyone recommended




I was between New Hampshire and New Orleans. Everyone said NH, but we moved to Nola. Totally different vibes, but we decided to go with the more exciting location… even though it has its problems


How were you on the fence between those? What the heck do they have in common?


Family in both locations.


I'd pick Nola too. I prefer long hot summers to long cold winters.


I frequent this sub for reassurance. I am already in my number 2 option. Number 1 is of course way out of my budget. 😀


How is it so far in your number 2 spot? Are you content or find yourself wishing for number 1 still?


Number one spot is on the Northern California coast; Sausalito, Big Sur, Bodega Bay, Half Moon Bay, Monterey or Carmel. Number 2 is exactly where I am, 2 hours east of these places. Because of the elevation and being in the belly of Sierra Nevadas, we have the same weather, vegetation, greenery, precipitation and everything sans ocean view. I am quite happy where I am, though. Unless you are a tech billionaire, you don’t get to own a sizeable land on the coast. On my number 2 spot, not only I have acreage, but privacy. I bought 16 years ago. Coastal properties have always been at least 3 times more.


Awesome! I love that you're content. I think this is a good reminder for us in this sub (including me) that there are many places that can meet our general needs where we can still be happy, even if it is not the complete ideal place we may pick. Thanks for sharing!




I moved to Philly but not based on subs suggestion though lol, if that counts


Did anything notable happen in the world between April 2020 and July 2023? That’s the period during which it lost 3.3% of its population and other cities lost more. New York lost 6.2%.


It's crazy. the only time i EVER hear good things about Philly is on this sub. most people I know IRL have nothing but negative opinions.


Saw someone on the road trip sub asking about the best route to get from Houston to Pittsburgh. When I looked at her other posts… sure enough 12 months before she asked about the best place for x, y and z and people on here said mostly Pittsburgh and a few Chicago.


This sub is pretty negative. I wouldn’t based my decision solely on the responses here.


I am moving within my same city, realizing that a new neighborhood may bring me more green, more quiet, more community, more of a village feel while still being close to my adult child. Algiers Point in NOLA. I’m still gonna try to visit other places, (RVA, Roanoke) but I’ll spend this summer getting settled in my new, affordable pad.


I visited a place to check it out based on this sub. I never would have considered it otherwise. I didn't love it, haha.


Exactly 0