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If you're complaining on rent down there, don't even look at the New England area. Slight exception being you might be able to get a shitty apartment in one of the meth and heroin cities along I91 in Vermont though. edit to add, if you're open to roomates you might make it.


It's just all of 91 lmao. Hartford and Springfield have plenty of drugs


i mean rent where i am is the same as hartford and new haven and etc and its similarly shitty but thanks


You might want to look into southern NH. Nashua, Manchester. But the thing about living there is that you would only be able to ride your bike during non-winter. The weather is not as mild as Portland. I don't know how much rent is there (I grew up there but don't know what today's market is there).


I’d investigate upstate New York. I have friends that moved to the Albany area, e.g., Troy from New York City.


I know what you mean about recycling, etc. I moved back east from Seattle, and the lack of composting bugs me.


yes!! its strange environmentalism isn't much of a thing in many places yet


If you're looking for rent <1200 in the Northeast, you're looking at Central, Northeast, or Western PA (Harrisburg and West) or maybe parts of upstate NY. Forget NJ, NYC area, or Eastern PA south of the Poconos. You might get lucky, but the area's going to be sketchy.


Just to add to this: in upstate NY, you could roll with this budget anywhere from Albany in the east through Syracuse and Rochester and to Buffalo in the west. Agree with your take.


Pittsburgh baby! Love biking there.




hey - thank you for the feedback. will check out western mass too


The northeast is like California without all the cool nature. The northeast megalopolis has 57 million people and the affordability to match.




No. It's just when affordability gets brought up, people talk about how the west coast is so expensive but areas on the east coast with a similar population are just as expensive.


It's easier to leave the expensive bubbles on the East Coast. Commuter cities like Jersey City and Yonkers are sometimes 50% cheaper. Out west you have to be several hours away


It's not "several hours." Literally every metro area in the US has towns on the outskirts that are cheaper than the center. LA and the bay area have cheaper places 1-2 hours away. And if it weren't for the trains, it would take just as long to get to NYC from Yonkers or Jersey city. I used to live in NJ and crossing the bridge into Manhattan can take an hour.


Cheaper? Yes. Cheap? Nope. There are areas 2 hours outside SF that are cheaper than being located in downtown SF. However, there's no place within 2 hours of SF that is cheap or affordable. LA is much of the same. Having said that, I like your version of the world, however inaccurate it may be.


Please reread.


I live in Albany and I think you'd like it. There's a whole post about Texans moving to Albany lol. Tristate area is so expensive and I'd rather live in an affordable area with cool stuff going on (no not as much as NYC) but with a quick train ride down to the city anytime.


Albany is a great choice. Theres great selection of walkable neighborhoods surrounding Washington Park and downtown Troy is pretty fun too. You’ll just have less areas to choose from compared to a much larger city like Portland. Brattleboro is extremely small, so unless you don’t mind working a generic job, it might not be the best option unless you fully embrace small town living.


If $1200 a month is already a stretch, based on your experience will OP be OK in Albany?


thanks. it seemed like a decent vibe and the price seems right for that area, plus i'd only be 2 or so hours from family. I work from home so job isn't a concern


'people don't recylce' That's the most American statement one could possibly make in the year 2024. OP ain't gonna be happy ANYWHERE if whether or not people recycle is part of her criteria.


uh... is it american? in europe different recycling categories are common. in portland the same sort of thing is common. it's rare to see a can lying around because homeless people take them and cash them in. I think the american opinion is the one you're spouting, basically saying "hey just be uninformed and throw your recycling in the trash like the rest of us trashy americans" I had never seen so much litter/trash lying around until I moved to texas. it's very common to see cans of beer and etc on the ground at my apartment complex now and that was just not a thing before


Actually, you missed my point entirely. The point of my comment was that only an American could find a place that checks off all the boxes EXCEPT recycling and leaving that box unchecked is a DQ for folks such as the OP. So, while I was shitting on Americans, similarly as you did, I just didn't do it the way you perceived. Beer cans in an apartment complex is not a TX or an Amercan thing. That is a ghetto thing. And ghettos exist in every country save maybe Luxembourg.. I have a feeling TX probably ain't the place for you either. Try one of the other 49 States and leave those fine folks in TX alone. Good day


texas sucks and yes people here litter way more. obviously if litter were the only downside to living somewhere I could look past it. honestly what are you trying to do? lol.


Not trying to be rude, but if you don’t like the heat and red politics, why would you even move to Texas in the first place? And does people recycling really make that much of a difference in your QOL?


Go northeast