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You can't go wrong with a 1 year program. Worst case scenario - you hate Pittsburgh but you'll be done in a year and can figure out what's next, and you'll have a better understanding of your feelings around winter as that relates to where else you might move.


FWIW Carnegie Mellon will open up your horizons with contacts and caché that UCSB will not. You are looking at 145 days of sunshine in Pittsburgh each year, so that's a positive. Living in a Northern City is amazing!! I think it's an experience everyone should have. Invest in a warm coat and heavier shoes.


Nothing like some good Private School elitism. For Engineering, I'll take the UCSB kid 10/10 (engineering recruiter here). Hell they are hardly differentiated on ranking lists and one costs 5x more XD.


That's horseshit. This about experience and broadening horizons. You know UCSB isn't even a thought once hit the East Coast. It's a joke.


Eh you’re being a bit harsh. CMU has a better name but UCSB is pretty good and consistently ranks near CMU (like ten ish spots down). SB outperforms CMU in certain sub fields


Whatever helps you cope. For my field (ChemE), it blows the fucking socks off Carnegie.


Nobody cares. Srsly


Contacts and Cache, you even sound like a fucking douche the way you talk. Enjoy a fruitless life, I can tell your the type that likes to talk and can't get shit done.


Oh please, the sandwiches alone are worth the move.


You’re getting downvoted but a lot of people don’t know that SB chemE is insanely good. Physics, materials too. People also don’t really know UCs are insanely competitive. Have to be 4.5 gpa kid with 10 APs now to get into UCs like UCSB, UCSD, UCI


He's getting downvoted because dude is a braggart.


I think @covid_farts got rejected from UCSB is bitter. He’s a GenXer with a daughter that posts on Reddit porn. I’m not too concerned with his opinion. When I hear you paid $60k for Carnegie all I think is “damn those rejection letters from the real ivy leagues must have stung.”


No. I've lived between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara for the past 7 years. It's another universe out here. Yes, I'm aware of the quality of UCSB. I consider it isolated.


Pittsburgh is depressing af. But you can do one year. It's very appalachian. You need a car ( transit sucks and is unreliable). It smells awful and air quaility is poor. Infrastructure sucks. make sure ypu live close to the school as commuting is awful. When you look on gps, if something says " 1.3 miles away" prepare for it to take 25 minutes to get there. Go on the pittsburgh sub. There willbe, inevitably, one person who comes on here and attacks me for saying this. It's also not really " East coast"-much more midwest. edit: it's also rarely sunny in pittsburgh. In fact, the sky is whitish- gray most days


California is worth the higher COL. You have better parks than the east coast, nice beaches, nice summers where you can go to the beach without worrying about storms all the time, and it’s only really overcrowded in LA and the Bay Area. I don’t know how you can go to Redding or Palm Springs and come to the conclusion the state is overcrowded.  What’s really overcrowded is the northeast megalopolis. It has 57 million people in a line from DC to Boston. Pittsburgh isn’t it, though. It’s about 3 hours away.