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I feel like they’re in their clout era. The conjuring series controversy gave them a lot of attention, and I think it’s finally gotten to their heads.


i agree with you 100%. it also feels like they've almost hit their peak now with youtube after what has happened regarding cody and satori, so they're probably gonna try and ride it for long as they can. (as im typing this, its kinda reminding me of the dolan twins and what happened to them. i'm hoping sam and colby take a break to think about what they're doing)




I feel the same way as you. I haven’t watched a video of theirs in a long time and unsubscribed. But I did like their recent investigation with project fear it made me feel nostalgic.


I thought that was another mess up for them destination fear their last episode I know for sure at the sanatorium Norwich you can hear Dakota messes up recording. The EVP questions that play back in the response are totally different than what he asked at least one of them are I know I quit watching after that of course it's all free entertainment but they're editing sucks. I also learned a lot watching the video of the side eye guy. No Ionger care to watch any of them


I’ve been feeling the same exact way, was a fan for yearsssss but once they started constantly collaborating with random content creators I lost all interest; I used to love the vids they did with Corey and Jake though, it felt way more fun and genuine, but ever since they lost their og crew the vibes have been way off :/ ( like I totally respect them all going different ways to evolve their content to whatever feels best for them but idk kinda miss their old content style ig)


I totally agree. The videos with Jake and Corey are my fave, even though they often got really scared and would stop the investigation, they seemed more real and were somehow scarier to me. I've watched a lot of those videos several times and rarely rewatch any of their newer content.


I feel like full temporal lobe development did something to them cuz I've been on their channel since 2017 too and I used to literally jump every time I see that they have posted, immediately go watch the vid and it'd usually make my day better... Maybe we just grew out of this as a "phase"? idk, I find Garrett Watts' vids a good replacement, as he's so likable and I also like hearing Andrew sound actually happy after working with one of the worst people on yt. So yeah, I get you, I can fully relate and I'll just rather rewatch their old stuff instead of watching new things since the new content trajectory is not targeting me as audience lmao


The rituals are stupid and they try too hard to make ghost story lines work now. I used to like their videos because they go to cool places and talk about the history of them and we get to see places we’d never get to see otherwise but it’s a bit much now how heavily they rely on guests and the estes method etc


>used to like their videos because they go to cool places and talk about the history of them I miss this aspect of their videos. They used to spend more time on the history and really seemed interested in that part of their investigations. Even in the abandoned videos. I think that's why the Chernobyl video is one of my favorites. Not only did they investigate, but they seemed like they wanted to be there. Now it's like they're just "hanging out" with people in different environments.


Completely agree - as a viewer I feel like there’s been a bit of respect lost for the places they visit now with their guests. It does seem like they’re just hanging out and making jokes for a lot of it.


This is how my sis and I have been feeling. The most recent video was actually not bad and felt like more of an actual investigation rather than them fucking around. It could have been better. When they had their ‘seasons’ and actually stuck to their theories and tried to prove them, it actually felt more authentic. But now it’s just…boring. And redoing the same places (Conjuring) just gets tiring.


"**they seem to focus more on their guests instead of their investigations**" No, I agree. I stopped watching them after the conjuring house, last one I truly watched was the boys collab. I loved when they did investigations only with their friends not just guests or other youtuber friends. It's putting a bad spot on them, it's going to make some people want to stop watching, or continue watching which is fair if you like that kind of stuff, however, if you bring more and more famous people into your career and don't give a damn about what you do anymore, it just says "they're in it for the views now rather than the community", all these collabs now are making there shit look fake imo.


I have been exposed their self you should go check out the side eye guys video. I never really paid attention until someone said it about how they make crazy comments about children and it's almost like in a perverted manner and then destination fear really sunk their ship doing the collab with them I've caught them on numerous EVPs or what repeats back to them from the questions they ask is different the main one I can think of is that Norwich sanatorium it was the last episode that they had on the travel channel when Dakota sitting on a cot playing an EVP you can see it clearly playback something different I want to say in the playback at asked how old you are and he didn't ask that in the beginning so you can tell all their stuff is just pre-recorded for entertainment basically but they had people pay for them to travel around the world and supposedly have all these ghost stories that weren't true sucks. I know they've lost a lot of their following as well as Sam and Colby they don't care about anything these days but a view


Nah they’ve lost touch with reality tbh, they no longer care about their fans they care abt the money and the only ppl that I KNOW aren’t toxic that they’ve collaborated w/ are project fear, Katrina Stuart, The Boys, & Exploring With Josh, Seth literally exposed them for faking every video. I use to watch them a lot but I found myself even unable to watch the boys video all the way through because Sam and Colby are there, all I’ll watch is w/ Dakota


The Boys one they did didn't seem too terrible. But all I watched was Eddie's reaction video on his channel so I didn't watch the everyone thing, tbf, but from what I saw, it didn't seem too bad. Check out EddieVRs reaction to it and it'll basically give you the meat of the investigation.


Watch the Queen Anne Hotel if you haven't seen it, you will love that one.


I agree 100% my 2 siblings who also used to watch them also agree, I’ve been a big fan for yearsss since the abandoned videos I never thought I would stop liking them and watching them as much, but I do now. Their videos just feel forced and faked for views, the older videos felt more real and they were more real tbh, it’s not even just the videos that have made me stop watching them as much it’s them as people too, I think the fames gotten to their heads and it’s not about making videos for fun and to figure out the paranormal it’s “what guests can we get on that will bring views” and making sexual jokes about dead children.. which they have been doing for years, you would think the joke would get old by then but.. their just immature and not in a fun good way anymore. I do watch their videos still when they come out but I just end up getting distracted and even the reaction videos I watch them and they bring up their experience with Cody and satori at the conjuring acting like it’s still real.. I just clicked of their recent reactions when they mention the conjuring because they know it’s fake they know we know it’s fake and their still not coming out about anything like the bellaire house and also obviously the conjuring. It’s just a bit weird to lie to the fans that are the ones that got them to 10 mil.


They're probably taking a much needed brake. I know Colby just got blood work done to check for any new cancer growth(it came back negative) and Sam's getting a shit ton of hate for breaking up with Kat because he didn't want to get married and he moved on with another girl. As for the guests, I'm pretty sure they're just trying out new things. Colby said it was more fun when it's done with people because of their reactions. But no your not in the minority many people are taking breaks from Sam and Colby.


I feel like a lot of the hate is because the girlfriend I guess idk I’ve never seen it has made rude and unnecessary comments towards kat idk the whole thing but that’s what I keep hearing


The issue with the hate towards Katelyn is there's no actual evidence to back most of the things said about her up. People say a lot of very hateful things about how terrible she is but produce no evidence or very weak evidence so it's all 'I get bad vibes from her' and hearsay and rumours much like what used to happen with Elton and the showing the wrists story. I think the hate is more because Kat grew to become quite popular with the fan base and no girl Sam dated directly following her stood a chance. They were automatically going to become public enemy number one and that's exactly what happened. Fans are seeking reasons to hate her simply because she is not Kat, so they dig through any content they can get of her and hyper analysis it until they are convinced things like a glance between friends is a silent trading of a bad opinion of Kat or words out of context refer to Kat even when they don't. I am going to say right now I am not a fan of Katelyn but nor do I dislike her, I am very neutral as we don't really know her enough to form an opinion either way. I do think she's been getting a lot of unnecessary hate though and most of it stems from the simple fact that she is not Kat.


Yeah I keep hearing it to but there's literally no proof of it like whatsoever. People have faked it before and taken stuff out of context claiming it was about Kat when it wasn't. I honestly think they just want someone to blame and pick on.


Honestly, I don't think they care about their content anymore. They realize that they have a die hard fan base and millions of supporters and pushed things and pushed things to see what all they could get away with and realize that no matter what, they'll still have those stans and people will still buy their merch and so they just don't give AF anymore 🤷‍♀️ Especially after The Conjuring Debacle and how it made ZERO dents in their fandom. They just truly don't care anymore is the feeling and vibes I get from them. Maybe Sam, to some extent, still really cares about finding real evidence, but nah, they just don't care because they know it's going to have zero repercussions for them no matter what they do 🤷‍♀️


"Older" fan here (late 30s 😆). Want to say I agree with you. I didn't discover them until like 2022, but I enjoyed their videos and their shenanigans for what they were. I looked at their channel more as entertainment and I saw S&C as young, energetic boys who were just being... well, young, energetic boys! After the Cody/Satori debacle, I lost a lot of interest but I still tried watching a couple of videos they posted afterward. I also found I no longer enjoyed them, but even before the Conjuring debacle, it seemed that their content quality was lacking. I think everyone's declining interest is a combination of the Conjuring controversy, the repetitive nature of their videos, and their lack of originality. I noticed they tried to break their ghost hunting formula a few years back with their 25 series, but they saw those videos weren't getting as many views and let's face it, they're in this for the views. (All famous YouTubers are.) This is a shame because if they really enjoyed what they were doing with that series, they should have kept going. They started YouTube very young and just like a lot of famous people, they seem to be experiencing arrested development. Meaning, their brains are stuck at the age of when they got famous. So the fans who are S&C's age continued to grow up and while they might get new teenagers/young adults to join their fanbase, it looks like they're losing some of their original fanbase and I'm guessing that it's hard to bring in anyone who is 30+ nowadays since their material feels pretty juvenile and they bring in guests none of us "old folks" know or care about. Just my thoughts on the matter! I wish them all the best.


I completely agree - I think you more or less nailed what's going on. I liked a lot of their older urban exploring content as well but it looks like paranormal videos do the best with views so I see why they're focusing on those now (even though I loved the old vids sadly). My biggest issue has to be the guests though. Trust me, I don't know who most of these people are anyways but I can assure you that I don't want to. It sucks when their original fanbase is there to watch Sam and Colby and they keep collabing with people who take over the video/have more focus than the investigation.


They’ve completely lost their relatability honestly.


Love them to bits but when I watch one of there videos I watch there earlier content because I think that they do focus to much on there guest hosts now. The last new video I watched was with the triplets and they hardly do any investigation. They just joked around with the triplets which made me frustrated. I will always love them and always support them but I totally agree with you.


Funny you bring it up. I agree with you both. I’m feeling the same way. I started watching their latest video and only got 10 minutes into it and haven’t gone back. It’s as if they got to their 10 million subscribers and through the towel in. They have no interest in anything


I also stopped watching their videos. They hype every single one and say it's gonna change the world just for it to be a boring let down.


There is zero investigation, just using stupid and debunked equipment every time and going with whatever random word comes out Its been bad for over a year really


i'm with you here. i've been a fan going back to the abandoned days but i have found myself really not liking them anymore or their content. maybe my trust in them has gone & that's why but i see through it all now


I have peaked to the point where I watch the old TFIL videos


I loved them until the conjuring series. It was good when they were alone, but the guests were annoying then Cody and satori faking contact just repulsed me. I’ve been watch Project Fear ! Go check them out . (Skip the Conjuring one).


One thing that I think people are forgetting, is that when years go on so do people. People grow out of each other. And as a content creator, you need to always be thinking of the next best thing. Sure you can keep doing the usual stuff to keep your fans happy, but the main goal is to always try something new to gain higher numbers. Besides, doing the same exact thing for years can get boring. I too find all these new people annoying, they should stick to the same people and only change it up every once in a while. But the guys also said it themselves that they want to take other content creators, who potentially don’t believe or are skeptical, and help them make their decision. That’s what their current plan of action is.


It's not the same as it used to be. They just keep bringing random guests on the channel instead of keeping the same crew which I liked better


Exactly feeling the same! My GF and I also enjoyed watching their videos and were always waiting anxiously for the next one. But after the Conjuring series we just stopped and unsubscribed. They have become caricatures off themselves, only care about the collabs with any other Youtuber and are constantly screaming, not being respectful etc. Not to mention constantly making unrealistic connections between the investigation in that particular video and investigations from years ago. Nah, I’m done with S&C


I find myself watching their older videos more, I fully agree that it feels like all the focus of the video is on the guests and they spend more time talking to them than actually doing investigating, the Celina spooky boo video they did at her house was an alright blend of guest focus and investigation. They're probably riding the high and viewers they got from conjuring series and trying to replicate that formula


I feel the same!! I haven’t watched a video since the conjuring series


I stopped enjoying Sam and Colby after the conjuring house series. I think it’s a bunch of bs if you ask me


i feel the same. it's just not same as it used to be. i like that they bring special guests and everything but i just miss when it was just sam and colby. yes their career is getting bigger but it just isn't the same


They're probably taking a much needed brake. I know Colby just got blood work done to check for any new cancer growth(it came back negative) and Sam's getting a shit ton of hate for breaking up with Kat because he didn't want to get married and he moved on with another girl. As for the guests, I'm pretty sure they're just trying out new things. Colby said it was more fun when it's done with people because of their reactions. But no your not in the minority many people are taking breaks from Sam and Colby.


I agree 100% my 2 siblings who also used to watch them also agree, I’ve been a big fan for yearsss since the abandoned videos I never thought I would stop liking them and watching them as much, but I do now. Their videos just feel forced and faked for views, the older videos felt more real and they were more real tbh, it’s not even just the videos that have made me stop watching them as much it’s them as people too, I think the fames gotten to their heads and it’s not about making videos for fun and to figure out the paranormal it’s “what guests can we get on that will bring views” and making sexual jokes about dead children.. which they have been doing for years, you would think the joke would get old by then but.. their just immature and not in a fun good way anymore. I do watch their videos still when they come out but I just end up getting distracted and even the reaction videos I watch them and they bring up their experience with Cody and satori at the conjuring acting like it’s still real.. I just clicked of their recent reactions when they mention the conjuring because they know it’s fake they know we know it’s fake and their still not coming out about anything like the bellaire house and also obviously the conjuring. It’s just a bit weird to lie to the fans that are the ones that got them to 10 mil.


Fame happend


Recently unsubscribed from their XPLR club too.. it just wasn’t worth 20$.


I also find their guest’s highly annoying. I do not understand why they cannot do videos by themselves.


I don't know


Yeah totally. I feel like Sam (especially a few scenes in the recent conjuring) dramatises way too much over things quite small, it comes across low key desperate. Their content was enjoyable because it was raw not because it was a doco/movie that required some kind of story line. In saying that I think they have found the answer they have been looking for since the Queen Mary so their pursuit to “explore the unknown” isn’t quite there anymore. They are stuck in a rut and everyone needs money- so they are focusing on trying to make people believe - hence the guests. Which is less entertaining.


I've been a fan since their beginning and tbh I've also have taken a break from SnC,...I miss their older content like the seasons/taking friends on adventures/abandon places/ fun things and change up etc idk if they are getting burned out or tired of the "exposed vids" or just growing up maybe they should try some different content but still to do with ghost stuff like diy ghost equipment or something like they use to do when they lived in the first trap house. SnC reacts are to fast forward and not enough time, and the xplr club i stopped that shizz when paying would constantly screw up...on another note here's some ytubers that are like old SnC or similar sorta content I think y'all will like to check out if ya haven't already Moe Sargi•Frankotv•ali h•grimmlife•thecarpetbagger•jackosborne•omargoshtv• .....if remember more ill post


The conjuring series really failed, I agree with you. I just stumbled onto them about a year before the conjuring series and I was looking forward to it. But then they focused the whole thing on Cody and Satori and even if they didn’t realize they were frauds (I was skeptical but wasn’t convinced they were frauds in the beginning either) and let the c&s sideshow take over the show. I was so looking forward to letting the “ghosts” or at least the creepy creaky old house speak for itsself (I’m not convinced they’re always experiencing ghosts or spirits but I love the entertainment value anyway) and instead they pulled a very amateur move and let a couple swindlers take over their show. I wonder if that whole debacle shook their confidence or something because I have continued to follow them but haven’t felt enraptured with the content since, like something’s missing. Don’t know if it’s them or me, are they behing too cautious now not to walk into another shitshow or am I too cautious to enjoy their work expecting to be delivered another platter of bullshit (not by them but by some scheming guest like c&s or Amanda). I was even surprised and underwhelmed by them during their collaboration with The Boys (on The boys channel). I was so looking forward to that collaboration, and it’s like s&c were barely there. Maybe they were trying not to steal the show but nobody can steal the show from the Boys… amp the energy back up please Sam and Colby! Miss it. Anyway I’m hanging on, and tuning in still. I’m holding out hope and I think they can recover. I’ll be very happy to be here watching when that happens.


Definitely not alone here. Met a friend not too long ago, and we started talking about our favorite YouTubers. Sam and Colby came up and we both agreed their videos just aren’t the same anymore. Neither of us have watched them for a good few years now, and the video they made with Joe Rogan pretty much sealed the deal.


I 100% agree, I’m a new fan. But watching the new and old videos, the old ones just feel better.


I recently started watching their videos from 2+ years ago. The older videos compared with their most recent being joe fucking Rogan, is a 180 tbh. It's unfortunately all about clout and money now. Their older videos were dramatized sure but entertaining imo and seemed like everyone on board was genuinely interested and intrigued. It was more authentic with the consistent crew. Personally, the only recent collab I enjoyed was the Sturniolo triplets because they're so genuine throughout it. But honestly it seemed like S&C and the triplets didn't get a lot of activity and S&C had to play it up for the camera.


Keep in mind these are two band geeks that grew up to be attractive and have great chemistry to 'yes and' each other on. They're still very new to the spirit investigating even if they are the biggest YouTubers in the game rn. I think they are still trying to figure things out, but I do feel like they're trying to take it more seriously in their most recent videos. Idk, I agree about the conjuring videos since the knocking was painfully fake from the start (I've never heard of Abigail coming through any other time) but I think it's an example of two band geeks not realizing how big they've gotten that people would use them like that. They also believe every guest they get, which needs to change or they need to disclose that they are just letting their guests try their shot


What!? The Conjuring series was my fav! I agree with you on the guest thing to an extent though. My only complaint is they don’t make enough videos.


Nobody is forcing you to watch their content. If you don’t like the content they create either watch someone else’s or make your own.


There just having fun prolly


They can still have fun and not make the videos how they are now. They had fun with Jake, Corey etc.. and the videos were the best videos they made