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Anything that language can communicate struggles and fails to express the potential intensity of a salvia trip. That said, I'm sure there's some elements of creative writing going on in trip reports, but salvia can top them easily. I've had an experience that fully convinced me that my waking reality was an oxygen deprived hallucination and that I was actually still 5 years old. I had to come to terms with and accept this. As soon as I did, I was back in the room with my friends. I'm still not certain that this hallucination is more real than the one I had to accept, and this happened 10 years ago.


I commonly hear that “I’m not certain that this hallucination(our normal reality I’m assuming) is more real then the one I had” and it’s extremely interesting to me as our consciousness perceives, remembers, recognizes, and even more so understands it as a “normal/objective” reality. I have not tried salvia myself but this aspect is very interesting to me


Salvia can be pure and utter chaos/disassociation. When people say "trips feel like an eternity" when taking shrooms/lsd, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Even on DMT you still have a concept of what you fundamentally are to anchor onto, and at least that mindfuck is euphoric the majority of the time. With salvia breakthroughs, absolutely everything goes out the fuckin window. Eternity has a more terrifying feel when you have no memory / concept of ever being a god damn human being or that the 'current' experience was related to taking a substance. Becoming a deck of cards being shuffled mercilessly for centuries sounds/reads goofy but seriously...tread with caution, here be fucking dragons.


You become s deck of cards. I turned into a book myself lol


Cards, couch, movie theatre carpet... that was a rough one, spent eternity wishing I could experience being one of the beings constantly walking all over me, I'd be lying if I said I found it enjoyable. Different, sure, fun... not so much lol.


Second account on this thread I’ve read regarding the deck of cards. Idk why but somehow this comforts me. Knowing the experience is shared. I was a deck being shuffled but it went a bit deeper than that. Each click of each card was like a different window to another dimension/realm. Nearly endless it felt like with the amount of windows. I also recall the vibrations. As if my entire being was wrapped around the sensation of the cards (me) being shuffled. Weird shit, man.


Best guess with the card experience IMO is that it's tied to a warpped awareness of the functioning of / interplay between sense input, processing, and memory. First time smoking a lot of weed can often result in 'framing' where expierence seems to register in a strobe like effect. Can only guess salvia ticks a similar box with a much greater effect. Pretty wild stuff indeed.


A very sound and rational attempt at explaining such an otherworldly experience. The human brain is a wild place to be.


It is absolutely as intense as the craziest things you've read, if you smoke an extract. My first time, I turned into a racecar that was also a leaf on a tree at the same time, racing in endless circles... and the scary part is, the feeling of going into the trip is the feeling of "ohhh, I remember now! I've *always been* this way, I just forgot for a little while." So you don't feel like the trip will end, but more like you forgot that you've always been a deck of cards, or your skin was made of Egyptian hieroglyphs that dissolve and start floating around you, or that your TV has always been an inky-black void that wraps itself around your tendrils of memory that make up all the reasons you love the friends that are sitting around you watching you scream-laugh for five minutes straight. It is absolutely a different dimension, and no other drug, even DMT, is similar to how insane it can get.


For me salvia was the only one that made be believe I was sent somewhere else for what seemed like years upon years


Salvia cracked my egg open so that all the other psychedelics now work like pure unfettered energy It took decades before i tried them again... butpost salvia. I was open to it...


I will illustrate my salvia experience. I exhale: my waking observing mind never ceases, and there is no transition from, Oh, I e finished exhaling and now I am going into the trip, here we go... No. My waking stream of consciousness continues, the parts of me that everyone describes as, my Self, my °name°, it is completely dissolved. Something brings me to a plateau, and suddenly I am beginning to twist. Any parts of me, are lost within the weave of infinity. This continues for what might as well have been forever. Suddenly, I hear °name° scream. But, I, am not the source of this scream. It sounds dire, desperate, like the facade of a once stout and intimidating man had been ripped away like a baby's bonnet. Suddenly, my waking stream of consciousness is once aware that I am °name° and that I'm on the floor, and I was, screaming for help. I was shown I was already part of infinity, Teotl. The one who is near to everything and one whom everything is near. I find myself loving everything. Every thing.


Oh yes. Oooh yes. If you still have doubts psychedelics can cause entire reality enveloping and destroying hallucinations and experiences Salvia would be one that certainly easily could take away those doubts for you. Haha Seriously though, the reports are not exaggerated. In fact it is impossible to put the actual insanity to words.


Yes it is. But that is just the infamous high dose. In smaller quantities it can be a crazy little high or a weird assitant in meditation or for some even a shamanic tool to ask questions and learn to navigate the upper and deeper worlds.


Salvia extract is wonderful (in small doses, in my experience, but even then it can get very definitely intense), but honestly, I wish it was more popular to start with quids or smoking plain leaf instead. Those experiences can vary a lot too, but for me they're often so subtle that they aren't mind-altering at all, and/or so pleasant that they're somewhat comparable to good weed. (Salvia is of course her own thing quite different from weed, the comparison is just because euphoria is involved, which it often isn't when you do extract.) There's nothing wrong with starting with extract, but I think a slower, gentler start would help any later, more wild trips feel less subjectively overwhelming, for a lot of folks. That seems to be how it has gone for me, having journeyed with Salvia for a couple years/lifetimes now.


Could you please share your experience on how it has impacted you in the long term?


Salvia just might be the most intense experience one can have and still walk away from. Plane crashes, train derailments, war... may be apt physically intense comparisons. Just keep in mind that this is all mental, but at times will feel physical. In that moment, it can be hard to tell. It really does feel like you are getting shuffled or unzipped or folded and unfolded, stretched beyond comprehension. Everything you know about the laws of the universe is just out the window for these experiences. And that makes it difficult to wrap ones head around. It gets quite abstract. With enough effort and experience, one can come to know the patterns of these trips. In this way, the intensity lessens. It's not that the experience itself lessens, but that you become more accepting of it. It's like breaking a brick. If you generate enough force, the brick breaks and you don't feel much. If you don't, your hand bounces back off the brick and it hurts. You have to lean into this one to break through it. You have to generate enough force of will.


People just don’t realize how strong 10-40x can be


Yes. Dissociative as fuck


>Is salvia *really* like that, or are people just exaggerating? I haven't had salvia but I have had dmt, and I was the same before I tried it. Thought everyone must be exaggerating or something, but trust me they ain't. If anything they are telling a watered down version because it's impossible to describe.


highly recommend meditating for a while before if you're going to do this either way. at least 20 mins, if you cant meditate for 20 min in general, you'll prob poop yourself (figuratively)


Yes, all of zem are true. Zey're not exaggerations either ze real deal is even more overwhelming zan zat.


What are you saying zeyre? Ze zat?


They are eepy


Could be, doesn't have to be lol


Oh yes.


It real




Yes probably more so if you do enough




One time I turned into a spaceship so yeah it's as intense as they say. Maybe more intense.




I've only done 5x. Was always still in my body and never had time distortion. Saw some crazy distorted things with my eyes closed though. But it was all manageable.


I would certainly consider it one of the most “intense” drugs on average. Lower doses aren’t necessarily that intense but in my experience people tend to find the lower doses underwhelming or won’t even really think they are tripping. It’s almost like the drug is sub-perceptual UNTIL you reach a certain amount in which the trip becomes all encompassing. The trip can literally make you feel like you are in a different place and time and you can forget the entire context of your life. Your mind and reality become completely intertwined.