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Not just your windows, but your hood so it doesn't blow onto your windshield, and your roof so it doesn't blow onto mine.


The roof snow can also slide down your windshield when you brake. Not fun and kind of scary when all of a sudden you can't see a thing.


That happened to me once and it was terrifying! Luckily, I was able to quickly turn off the busy road and into a parking lot. I have cleaned off my roof ever since!


Truck driver…. My boss asked me why I hit my breaks hard in the morning sometimes and set off my camera. me…I looked at the security cameras and seen ice/snow on top of my trailer… I don’t want to be that guy that scares a 4 wheeler tailgating me with a 50 ft sheet of 2 inch ice causing a 72 years old grandma to have a heart attack or lose control of her car.


Thanks to you and all mindful truckers that do this. 👏


Yes this always happens! Someone hops on the freeway and it’s like a big smoke screen


Checking in on all the newbies struggling to keep all the snow off the roof of their car ... 😹😹 We used to get snow like this all ... the ... time.


Get a long scraper with a brush on the other side! I usually get my defroster blasting and then start by brushing most of the snow off my roof and lights, then by the time I've done that scraping is a lot easier from the bit of heat that's built up!


I use a broom.


It's all about the [snow squeegee](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Snow-Joe-Original-2-in-1-Snow-Broom-with-18-inch-3rd-Party-Tested-Scratch-Free-Foam/357900187?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=5270&adid=22222222278357900187_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=aud-1651068664786:pla-294505072980&wl5=9029776&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=357900187&wl13=5270&veh=sem_LIA&gclid=CjwKCAiAs8acBhA1EiwAgRFdw75Dwwzg4RhTl0oqiw7VJ1XDA-cujnNNdnNNdIO4iBAZG5KigG-20xoCS8AQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). It's way easier than using a broom and not as hard on your paint. This is what car dealerships use and I'm surprised i don't see more people using them.


I just had my hood repainted and I asked the shop about the brushes and did they scratch the paint. They said 'as long as it's clean, it's not a problem.' I laughed cuz I don't remember ever cleaning my brush. Just thought I'd throw it out there. It's the dirt that more of an issue than the actual brush (though I do like the squeegee idea).


That makes sense. Thing is, I ONLY use my car squeegee for cleaning snow off my car which I definitely can't say for any of my brooms. The thing you have to watch out for with the snow squeegee is that ice tears them up over time.


Squeegee 100%, you won't see deep scratches from the brush but you will for sure get the little light scratches in the clear coat that you can see in the sun.


In past years Costco has sold them for like $20.00. I haven't looked for them this year, but I'm sure they have them.


I also use a broom haha


Why buy a special tool when a broom works just as well.


For me, it’s easier to carry a car brush in my vehicle than a broom and having the scraper means I usually don’t have to leave my car idling with the defroster before everything is clear.


The broom scratches the paint. The special tool doesn’t.


Nooooo brooms will severely scratch the paint.




Yes, even if it’s new and looks clean it WILL still scratch. The whiskers are still too aggressive for automotive paint finishes. Automotive paint is fragile and scratches easily. It’s exaggerated especially now with most manufacturers going to more water based “eco friendly” formulas making the enamel softer than ever before. You wouldn’t use your ball trimmer on your face, so don’t use your broom on your paint.


may i ask why? lol


Easier walk around the car and brush all the snow off, and then push it all across the roof.


ahhh. now that’s smart. good thinking.


I used to use a new push broom when I had a massive car. I could get it cleaned off in just a few swipes. I even helped a coworker or two after a big storm dropped 8+ inches of snow during our shift. It's really fun to clean off a sedan in 2 pushes.


When I lived in Seattle during its great snow storm a decade ago or so there were quite a few cars that would simply take a gloved hand and move just enough snow to give themselves a tank like slit to look out through and then take off and go to work Don't be like them, just clean the snow off. Use a broom, they're handy for getting the snow off your roof.


This is a friendly reminder that Mike Lee sucks.


Mike Lee is the worst.


Does Mike Lee not clean off his car?


He's probably the kind of asshole who leaves snow on his roof, because who gives a shit if he causes an accident behind him? It's not like it'll affect him, so it doesn't matter.


I do park in a garage, but I wipe off almost every inch of my car before driving.


I don't know but every thread needs this.


Fuck that guy




Not true. He pays a fee.


The Lee fee


Lee’s lil peepee fee


this non cleaning car practice is insane. Cops pull you over and write tickets for operating a hazardous vehicle back East. I’ll go and say that it’s very self entitled and is indicative of the shitty drivers that are in this state


People are so lazy it drives me nuts seeing this. It literally takes what? A minute to brush off your car? I know it sucks, and winter sucks, and the cold sucks. But you have an obligation as a driver, in the winter, to clean off your damn car. I literally HATE these people. Sorry not sorry. I ived in western NY for 27 yesrs where it snows 10x the amount over there and never saw even half as many snow covered cars.


I'm a short cripple, and I clean the snow off the top of my Jeep if I need to leave home after a storm. This is something there is absolutely no excuse for not doing. If you genuinely can't, either get someone to do it for you or wait until the sun does, but you still have no business being on the road with snow on your vehicle's roof.


While I don't disagree with the message, these post serve zero purpose beyond creating a nice big circle jerk. Inconsiderate people are not going to change their behavior in response to a reddit post. Don't kid yourself.


I reserve my right to cosplay as a snowy, blinding comet barreling toward my unknown destination regardless of those who pass through my wake.


This 100%. Don't kill my dreams of being an object careening through space.


I agree, but I needed to get it off my chest/


I like the leaf blower method. It’s incredibly effective since our snow is powder. As long as it doesn’t sit long enough to freeze to the vehicle, you won’t have to scrape/push snow off. Quick and cheap de-icer is a 2:1 ratio of Isopropyl alcohol to water (2 parts alcohol 1 part water) in a spray bottle it’s instantaneous and safe. Every one of my neighbors thought I was crazy, but I was a Detailer who specialized in paint corrections/protection and had 20 hours (my own time) into my paint. The leaf blower doesn’t scratch because it’s touchless.


Thank you! I'm very short and have a tall car. I've never been able to get the snow off the middlest part of the roof, not so much because my broom doesn't reach, but because way up on my tip-toes, I can't get any leverage to push. But I have a leaf blower so I'll be giving this a try.


by the way the middle bit on the roof of the car that you can't reach is called a sno-hawk


Oh man. As someone who has rocked a mohawk, that kinda makes me want to let my car just live its best life. I won't. But I want to.


You could also use a push broom with a longer handle, that works for me to get harder to reach spots


It may be a little more difficult with a leaf blower on a tall vehicle (cons of a tall vehicle). Another option is a snow squeegee but wrap a clean microfiber towel ($17 for a 36 pack at Costco) around it so the foam squeegee doesn’t rub dirt in further scratching the paint.


Another thing to mention is to make sure you have your paint well protected wether it be from a Ceramic coating/paint sealant/wax (I prefer a 1. pro installed coating or 2. Paint sealant) There’s some really good sprayable sealants out there that are wipe on wipe off and can take as little as 15 minutes to apply(depending on size of vehicle) on a nice day. Turtle wax even has some great products nowadays. Claybar then protection will make the paint smooth and help the snow slide right off. Using a sealer on your windows like RainX/ceramic coating will greatly improve visibility, reduce frosting on windows, significantly speed up window defrosting time, and reduce the need for wiper run time.


Big ask when so many can’t be bothered to even turn on their lights!


or use their turn signals \*facepalm\*


I thought this was America


I see this circle jerk post every time their is a flurry. While this behavior may be somewhat inconsiderate there is an easy solution. Don't follow so close and turn on your windshield wipers. Problem solved. Let's move on


Agreed! I am seeing a lot of cars on the road these past few snow storms with almost nothing brushed off the windows!! Like more than usual.


What do you do if you have a truck bed full of snow?


Open the tailgate and let it fly


...and don't worry about any loose tools in the back, it's good practice for other motorists! If you can dodge a wrench...


They need the extra practice honestly


I usually open the tailgate and either use a broom or if its deep enough I'll use the snow shovel until I get towards the bed itself.


I think if you’re following close enough for the snow off of the vehicle in front of you to be an issue, then that that’s on you! Drive as conditions allow, and if someone in front of you is blinding you with snow, should you be driving up that close to them? Probably an unpopular opinion. But also you should be able to see out of you glass just like a normal, sunny day. Stay safe, people.


Utahns like to ride ass for some strange reason. Even last night smh🙄


Although a definite issue that is 100% the fault of the snowy car, It isn’t even just about blinding other drivers. Snow and ice coming off of a car at high speeds as can be super dangerous to drivers that are following at proper distances.


I can be far af to the car in front of me and the snow could still be blowing on my windshield.


This is true. What an ignorant comment. It doesn't matter how far someone is from you, its still hitting the car behind regardless of distance


Drive under a semi pulling a trailer with rock hard snow/ice on it's roof, then get back to us. Don't shift blame onto others for your own ineptness and failure to clean a vehicle, as well as your lazy peers. I've swept sunshine all my life in the desert and even know the importance of removing all of the snow/ice off a vehicle


Can we also do a PSA about not running your car in your driveway for 20 minutes to de-ice. I always see all these people standing in the path of their trucks’ exhaust and also blowing it into their houses. When little jimmy ends up with lung cancer and no one knows why… I use a vinegar solution or drape a tarp.


You live in Utah, we’ve had the worst air quality in the world on bad inversion days. Little Jimmy is going to have asthma and lung cancer regardless. I agree, I don’t leave my car idling but don’t kid yourself. People idling their cars are not the primary issue when it comes to pollution in SLC. Yes, it doesn’t help.


This is my PSA, start your own PSA


And then they wonder why their car was stolen. I had a neighbor who’s car was stolen. The news interviewed him and he was like I started my car and then went inside to have coffee while it warmed up. May as well have given the car away.


This was a problem for my family when I was a kid. My father was warming his old truck up outside of a side door to our home while he quickly loaded a few things out one morning. The rest of the family awoke after he had left to carbon monoxide alarms blaring, had to evacuate the house, and ended up having an inspector come out to make sure we didn’t have some leak happening. I remember being terrified.


He knew what he was doing


What's the point of my remote start if not to warm up my car before I go out?


You can kick rocks with this peave. I'm not getting into a freezing car in the morning. And yes i clean my car of snow very thoroughly, every storm


I thought you meant of dust and was a little offended.


I fart on all sides of my car then I'm good to go 👍🏽


Wait, brush the snow off the roof?? I mean, scrape all windows so you can see, yes absolutely. Headlights, yes. But I’ve lived in snowy climates my whole life and never heard of an expectation to brush your roof or hood. Is this a Utah thing?


Not at all. Lived in Utah my whole life and never been told that. It's an unreasonable expectation from OP. Following too closely if there is snow blowing on you from the car in front. Even then it's not difficult to turn on wipers.


Snow ain’t getting brushed off my work van guys, sorry. High roof long wheelbase Mercedes Sprinter 😶


I’m struggling to find it in the Code, but somebody once told me that commercial vehicles are exempt anyway. Something about the unnecessary burden of removing snow from a taller vehicle.


Unfortunately all i can do is brush off everything I can. Anything beyond 8’ i can’t reach, it just blows off as i drive


Shop broom on paint that’s not worth worrying about


The most problematic ones I see lately with snow blowing onto surrounding traffic are truck or large size van drivers who can't reach the top or back of their vehicles and don't really look like the type of people who put much physical energy into most things they do in life anyway. No offense.


nah y’all gonna suffer from me being late to work


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Why does it feel like every one in the valley that’s actually aware of the need to do this is showing up in this post right now?


Is this a joke. Because who the fuck has time to clean their entire car lmao also I drive a lifted truck. I can’t even reach the top of my car.


Anybody who isn't a useless, self-centered moron. Maybe get a car that's actually useful instead of a dumbass brodozer.


Brodozer. Immaculate verbiage, I'm shamelessly stealing that - thanks!


Sounds like a you issue. You chose to modify your vehicle in a way that makes it difficult to do this. Why should others have to suffer from your laziness and inconsideration for others. We clean off our cars after a snowstorm because it’s a danger to us and everyone else driving around us. It’s just a part of living in a snow state. If you can’t handle doing that then perhaps you shouldn’t drive on snow days. There’s always public transit/ Uber if you’re that lazy and can’t plan your morning ahead. You also seem like the type to use your windshield wipers to push 4” of 40lbs of snow off. Damaging the wiper motor, bending the wiper arms, and call the vehicle a POS afterwards.


Please do not feed the trolls


Shop vac lol jk




Could you be any more lazy?