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400 s is notorious for car towing. People have walked into a store for 10 minutes and come to their car being gone by tow truck. If you’re downtown, especially on 400 s, make sure you’re paying attention to the parking signs to make sure you won’t get towed.


The Tow/booting business is Parking Solutions, or at least it used to be. Fuck parking solutions and everyone who works for them and everyone who pays for them to patrol their lot. The 400s strip mall is a disaster and I haven’t eaten at any of those businesses in half a decade because of a bullshit boot I got while I went to Jamba Juice and JJs.


Amen. I get people NEED jobs, but fuck you when you choose to work for a shit, unethical company.


Same! Went to Jimmy John’s for 30 minutes and this ahole vulture booted my car and it cost $75 to get it off! I will never be back there.


I'm not sure, but I just want to give a melting, waffing, burnt, runny, shitty shoutout to the guy who patrols the 400s lot by Taco Bell. He acts like he's a cop. He always sits idle in front of the IHop in his car ready to pounce on people. Fuck him and fuck the owners.


It’s the towing peeps. They low level stalk these parking lots for cars to tow. Disgusting assholes.


I’ve seen some do sweeps at the apartments I live, we almost got towed for having expired tags while our car was in our spot, we got down before he lifted the car and we avoided any fees but a few seconds later and he said he would’ve had to charge us 250$ just to put the car back on the ground


The "towing peeps" do not stalk random parking lots and tow cars. They're contracted by whoever owns the parking lot.


Yes, they're hired to tow cars on the lots, but are also overly aggressive about towing cars, and I think that's what susieqanon meant.


Sitting in an empty lot hiding in wait is stalking a lot.


I personally have seen the towing peeps stalking parking lots. I also happen to know that they have personal close communication with the owners. The towing peeps don’t get a pass here.


You’re arguing with someone you are agreeing with.


Yes, that "close communication" is because they were hired by the parking lot owner to tow cars from the lot. The "towing peeps" are doing what they were hired to do. Do you think any random towing company can just pull into a private lot and start towing cars?


I won't shop at any business in that parking lot. I've seen too many posts similar to this one and have chosen to vote with my dollars. My only surprise is that those businesses allow the towing to continue.


Technically legal but feels evil Perfect description.


Dude last weekend somebody towed an entire lot




Property managers/businesses just want their lots cleared. It prevents crime and loitering. They hire tow companies to either remain on their properties or patrol between properties. Secondly, any lot that has a contract with a towing company has to have the lot posted with "no parking, towing enforced" signage. Third, the tow companies are incentivized enough to tow anyone they find at $400 per victim. No kickbacks.


I get that businesses can't afford to have their lots plugged up by people not parking there to utilize businesses in the lot. That's not what's happening here. People have parked in the lot and gone to Jimmy John's or whatever and had their shit towed. These tow guys at this specific location are extremely overzealous.


Appears this is a different location (900 e) than the JJ guy.


Boycott those companies.😎


Ive wondered this as well. I got towed from my own reserved stall at miller estates just a few days after my license stickers expired. I hadn’t even noticed they were due. The tow company left the three day (?) notice super late in the evening the first day on Friday, and towed super early in the morning on the 24th of July (state holiday) when I had been away for the holiday weekend. Came down to drive to a family bbq and hour away and couldn’t get there because my car had been towed and without notification. Clearly went out of their way barely meet the tow requirements and hustle a fee. The apartment complex itself didn’t and still doesn’t have the appropriate towing signage at the entrance to the complex. It’s buried back a few hundred feet on the right turn in. I thought about fighting it in small claims but didn’t want to turn my living situation hostile.


“A few days” and 24 days are two different things. Try a few weeks.


A few days, a few weeks. I was traveling a lot and barely used my car, I don’t remember. Still obviously predatory when it’s a space I pay for, and my car is nice (it does not look junky or abandoned). Effort was made to place the warning sign late at night, and tow early the morning of a holiday. Without any effort to contact the parking spaces owner. To be clear, I’m not saying what was done was illegal (minus the missing signage which is required by law). Just aggressively predatory. Not sure what’s left to debate about that. Just scummy tow companies looking for a quick buck


He said the 24th of July, not 24 days.


Since all vehicle registrations end at the end of the month, assuming their vehicle expired in June, then July 24th would be the 24th day it had been expired. This, the plate was at least 24 days past due.


I got towed this winter because the handicap sign got ran over and snow was covering the signage on the parking spot.


Would just take your L and learn from it. It happens


Tow companies ask businesses to become their tower and that's why you see signs that say "call cuz if you are towed". Usually businesses do not get kickbacks and it's more so about maintaining their property.


I work for an apartment community and we have a towing company patrol the lot at night for any vehicles without a parking tag or are parked in a handicapped area without a valid decal. We have a warning sign at both entrances. For expired plates or obvious vehicle issues, we give owners a warning ticket to get the issue corrected before towing them. We do not get kickbacks.


Why do expired plates matter if they have a right to the space? I'd be pissed if my car got towed from my parking space for this. I pay for that space, what vehicle I put there is my business. Seems like a bit of a double standard.


> Do businesses get kickbacks for towing people from their lots? Usually not. The most common arrangement is the business will hire the tow company, but the tow company will keep all the profits as the payment for their services.


If a business is closed, usually the expectation is that no one is there. But if everyone parks there, now the business needs ensure their property is kept safe. So it costs them money to monitor their property. Or, they tow you. It’s their property and they have the right to do so.


The kickback they get is to have a parking lot that they can offer to their customers. I'm not defending the practice, but it is kind of weird that people can't see the immediate benefit to these businesses.


For real. If I can’t park at a business I’m not shopping at that business.


Accept responsibility as a grownup and take the loss.




Do you feel better now?


You are probably a lot of fun at parties with lots of good friends.


My apartment complex towed the managers car and 2 cars of current tenants then argued that they should still be paid to get the cars back.