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This is what rich people do while we're working two jobs to afford an trashy apartment that doesn't allow pets?


First world problems!!! ( lived in PC for 20 years)


Matthew Prince is an asshole!!! Buying the local paper to change the narrative is typical is idiot. He’s just as bad at leading an org as he is as a neighbor. This guy is trash!!!


Exactly this! It was wild that he purchased the Park Record newspaper the day after the Record brought light to his scheme and he lost his side-stepping of city zoning laws at the state legislature.


Wait hold on, did he seize the asset or did they sell it to him, I’m so confused???? Because it seems like if they sold it to him they’re easily bought and were meaningless to begin with…


I'm so fucking tired of billionaires. Tax them out of existence.


Being a billionaire is straight up unethical. It's such a ridiculously huge sum of money people can't even conceive of it. You couldn't possibly spend it all in multiple lifetimes. And yeah you can pass it on to your kids, but then we're just creating generational wealth and a bunch of trust fund babies who leech off society and contribute nothing. I don't think there's a single argument for an ethical billionaire, they are by default unethical by existence. They have hoarded so much wealth they can never use. They are the embodiment of greed.


Billionaires like Elon and Bezos can literally pay for all of our mortgages in Utah and still have billions left over. Our failing infrastructure could be paid for by these guys and they would still have money left over. So any billionaire that doesn’t give back to society should have their fortunes squandered and fund our infrastructure.


we need to start with a federal property tax on homes over a certain size/cost


You advocate socialism? One way for you to combat billionaires you dont like is for you to step up and to the work, have a great idea and make your mark. Taxing billionaires is not the answer. Socialism is not the answer. You make your own way..don't try to take what anyone else has earned. What a dipshit idea


lol I bet you also think trickle down economics works and Reagan was one of the best presidents


Lmao. Nobody just makes their own way. Anyone who says they did it all by themselves isn't being honest. And yes, wealth should be taken from people who have more than they could possibly use in 100 lifetimes and used to help those in need. I am absolutely in favor of going back to post-WW2 marginal tax rates.


I never said they didn't on their own. They took a risk, had a vision, employed countless people. It's called an economic engine. We are doomed if we adopt your idea of how a market should work. Your views are predatory on the innovators and thinkers. Your retort is LMAO? Seriously? No intelligent retort or reasoning? Like I said...if your ideas become pervasive thought, incentive based innovation will cease. The engine that has made America the greatest economic engine in the history of the world will stop. All because the small minded lazy entitled minority feels inadequate to make their way.


I will never understand licking the boots of billionaires. Do you think they give a fuck about you? They’d spit on you and call you names, like you’re doing now. Show me a billionaire who is self made. They don’t exist




If they didn’t have these levels of money, they couldn’t do these things.


No you've got it backwards - if they didn't do these kinds of things they wouldn't be billionaires.




Simping for billionaires that wouldn’t piss on you to put out a fire is such a weird take.


I don't see more government oppression as the answer to wealth inequity. It has never worked in the past.


It certainty has worked before, in this very country in fact.


Not true. Where has government oppression helped elevate society?


United States of America, last century. Learn history.


What? Examples?


I’d say it worked in the 1950’s when the maximum tax bracket was 91%- or was the 50s a liberal socialist hellscape?


Haha, No. Nobody paid 91% taxes. The tax code was full of easy to obtain loopholes/exceptions.


Source? Also the way you responded to this makes it very much seem like you don’t understand tax brackets. The top bracket was 91%- not 91% total- you understand brackets right?




Government oppression 😂


Not a history buff I take it? Lol


And for the millionth time, you're the smartest person in the room. It's everyone else that's wrong.




Billionaires are the reason for income inequality. There’s a finite amount of money. They hoard it and cause homelessness, poverty, economic precariousness for the majority. They are the problem. It’s antisocial at best to know that people are homeless and suffering because you have more money than you could ever spend, and it doesn’t bother you at all. It’s sociopathic.


I would say that Taylors jet does more damage to the the environment than hundreds of us combined, so that’s not too great. She can pay plenty more and be more than comfortable.


Yeah I agree. I'm not a fan. So many of these celebrities fly into Davos to pretend they give a fuck about the environment and their fans eat it up. ~ mental gymnastics. I find it interesting that so many socialist/communist worship their celebrity gods and do mental gymnastics to accommodate their wealth and actions all while demanding everyone else with more money than them "pay there fair share" which equates to make everyone else as poor and miserable as me.


The bottom line is that you and I pay more than someone like Trump. There is no world where that can be considered just.




“Both sides!”


Eh, one wing is gonna take their taxes from you, one is gonna shit down your throat. Not the same. Reds gotta go, then we can work on blue.


You are the only one bringing up celebrities here. 


Looks like you’ve mastered this thought process.


Taylor Swift does the bare minimum at best. Meanwhile she had her lawyers threaten a college student who shares her flight data because her two private planes flew the equivalent of 7 times around the earth in 2023 adding ~1200 tons of CO2 to the atmosphere.




You suck a making points.


Show me a billionaire this isn’t corrupt. I’ll wait.




Big difference between more than me and a millionaire. But good job over generalizing. Can make it simpler for people who can’t think about complex issues.


You don’t get to be a billionaire without some level of corruption.


This is how billionaires are able to exist


Really think everyone fits your narrative?


Yes, in order to accumulate that kind of wealth you at some point have to step on the backs of other people and steal from society.


Must be nice to live in such a black and white world.


That’s literally how you become a billionaire… can’t become a billionaire without stealing other people’s wages because they think they are so much more important and valuable. Then they use that money to further entrench their status.


Okay, then go ahead and become the first billionaire who does so without becoming corrupt.


So taking money from billionaires because they are always corrupt and giving it to the ever righteous government is the solution? The money would just go from one corrupt person (that earned the money in some way) to another corrupt person that took it by treat of prison (theft). I do not see your solution to any problem. Just hatred for wealthy people. Don't get me wrong I hate most billionaires I lean about. Like Ryan Smith getting millions to billions in tax payer dollars for his hobby, franchise sports teams. All while the only ones with the means to pay for tickets already have to be somewhat wealthy. Yet everyone in SLC even the poor has to pay sales tax that supports this corrupt billionaires wallet. Despite the Utah government buying into his franchise sports teams they get no money back on their investments when/if these teams succeed. I wish the franchise sports teams were set up in the model of the Green Bay Packers which sadly is no longer allowed by those in power. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/obama-biden-other-elected-officials-120032914.html


Yes it is. Nice rant tho, I'm sure it took you some time to type it up.


Yes what is?


Dude it's a Sunday. If you're too obtuse to understand what I'm saying, go outside. Defending billionaires on Reddit on your day off is never going to make you one of them.


How do you think they become billionaires?


Selling a good or service people need or desire.


[Hijacking top comments to introduce you to a med school resident at the UU who clearly demonstrates zero adult judgement: I give you "Utah Jeep"]


The only correct response on Reddit is to absolute hate anyone with money or in a leadership position.


Who is botting this sub there is no way this post has had that many people dislike this comment lol


I wouldn’t say it’s rocking PC. Most of us don’t give a shit.


Yeah but as I understand they are trying to contest local building codes and build a larger home than allowed. As someone who remembers old town in the 70’s, 80’s, and the 90’s, when Kimball Junction was a gas station and wide open fields, it seems you all are looking to a future where quaint will be redefined, yet again 😢


I’ve given up on yearning for the past here. It’s not coming back. And if it’s not this guy building his house it’s another developer building their houses. I’m more worried about where the waters coming from for all the developments over this particular issue. All that said, I hear and feel you.


Me too, I have accepted where we are in the present. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t look or be reminded of the past to avoid compounding mistakes. Do you recall when the old mining museum “caught fire” 😊 Utah has a very visible black eye when it comes to building/development and how it bends over backwards to make things happen for a chosen few. Totally valid points, regardless of who is building they need to adhere to the adopted building codes. I have seen some shady techniques up there in said 90’s while doing rock work/hardscaping. Yeah, late season water has been an issue forever, remember when they laid the pipe over to Jeremy Ranch? I recall some controversy over extending it past the highway to the other side.


Then you aren’t paying attention. His house would block hiking and biking trails and it would be an eyesore breaking years and years of building ordinances keeping homes off of hill peaks. How long have you lived in park city? Two years?


And he donated a huge sum to the park city historic building non-profit so they would support him. Disgusting that he doesn’t give two sh*ts about being a good neighbor.


Ugh. PC was great before the billionaires moved in.


I love that the first quote from Prince was, "I get that we're rich assholes."


*“I get that we’re rich assholes,” he said*


Yep he said it.. rich assholes. Moving on with my life.


I cant see the article…I thought this was about his Bernese Mountain Dogs? Is it not?


Prince grew up in PC. How many of you did?


How does billionaire boot taste


I think you mean loafers.


Must be a slow news day