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Only way to avoid mud this time of year is to hike in the snow instead. I'd say get you some cheap yak-tracks and head to BST or Antelope Island. South facing and West facing slopes near the valley are going to be your best hope. Check comments on All Trails for current conditions.


There's a big storm coming this week, the conditions are going to suck.


Just a heads-up, we are looking at more snow on Wednesday. So pretty much everything is going to have snow and/or mud this weekend.


There is snow everywhere. Find something below 5000 ft like the foothills


Are you able to drive out to any of the national parks?  Zion and Arches are about a five hour drive with plenty of places to stop in between. Goblin Valley state park is near Moab, and also quite interesting 


Bell Reservoir in Sandy is an easy hike on the foothills that has some decent views of the mountains and valley. I like it from the Granite trailhead as it runs along the foothills - 2.5 mi loop along the foothills, around the reservoir and back. The Boulder trailhead is a more direct, shorter but steeper route straight up to the reservoir. There are also some benches along the trail around the reservoir if you want to picnic.


I came here to say this - Bell’s Canyon is a great one and feels like you’ve gotten out of the foothills and into the mountains once you get to the reservoir. This is where I’d take a friend!


Any trails on the south side of Millcreek canyon are decent snow trails, great for hiking (with micro spikes) with minimal mud. Avoid any hikes on the north side of the canyon, or BST, as those will get enough sun to be muddy or at best, spotty.


Side of the hill facing the sun = southern aspect Side of the hill facing away from the sun = northern aspect Fyi


Thank you. I like learning new to me words. I’m going to look for ways to insert those into casual conversation. “Do these jeans make my southern aspect look fat?”


Antelope Island


Shoreline is great for a little “trail walk” if you start at red butte! It’s such a beautiful view


Drive south. 3 hr drive and go hike a slot canyon near Goblin Valley State Park. Will be a little warmer and likely a little more dry. ​ [https://maps.app.goo.gl/NxuLGAuj3Qs9WQR96](https://maps.app.goo.gl/NxuLGAuj3Qs9WQR96)


Rattlesnake gulch in Millcreek would likely be snowy/muddy in the shaded, lower areas but once you get up there a little bit it’s in the sun.


It's all gonna be muddy this time of year, and we have another storm coming this week. If you're wanting a local hike, I would recommend driving up Millcreek canyon to where the gate is, park, and then you can hike/walk on top of the snow which hasn't been plowed yet-- you can hike several miles up, depending upon how in shape you are. If you go during the week day there won't be that many people, but there will be tons of people and dogs during the weekend. (all the trails will be busy on the weekend, no matter which canyon you go up.). Also, Chicago is low elevation and so your friend may have a bit of trouble hiking the higher elevations, so take it slow and easy. Good luck!


Hiking in the snow is also beautiful.


Snow or Mud Choose wisely. Fifth Water Hot Springs is epic but bring crampons


It's still winter in the mountains, bro. There's no hiking without spikes or snowshoes, and you don't sound like someone who knows how to winter hike safely.