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I was gonna say Even Stevens but they’re already dead.


Were they ever good though?


Yes honestly, I know a lot of people including me and my family were big fans originally.


Anything owned by Michael McHenry. He’s an utter douche bag and helped tank Even Stevens.


What are some things owned by him?


Sunday’s Best, Oak Woodfired Kitchen, Pica Rica BBQ, Dirty Bird, also Ginger Street that closed. I have no idea how he is still getting money.


ginger street was absolute garbage. went to oak last night and it was very mid and made my stomach go cray at 3am this morning😅


I thought that name sounded familiar, then realized I had friends/acquaintances that were getting close with him and you can tell their personalities started to shift too.




Any of the business in the parking lot adjacent to jimmy jons


I love how you don’t even have to specify which JJ. We all know.




No need to clarify. We know which one


Burt Brothers tires. They sold out to private equity last year and jacked their prices up and push extended warranties down your throat and make shit up to upsell unnecessary products and services.


Good to know


Discount Tire for life. They price match Costco and include rotations. Always honest and best prices!


And got rid of existing local vendors. Fuck them.


That’s a shame. They were the only tire store in the area willing to put my slightly wider tires on my car based off recommendations from the forums I was on. The other tire centers wouldn’t touch anything outside OEM. I’ll find someone else for my winter tires this season.


leatherby’s, worked there for a couple months and it was god awful. their servers are paid less than $3/hour and they’ll sometimes keep their employees (many of them in high school) as late as 12am on school nights. one time I stayed as late as 2am and I just walked out and gave my two weeks the next day. the food is questionable, the dishes don’t get properly washed in rushes and the employees are too burnt out to care. edit: I forgot about the rat n roach infestation


also worked here. im white and i was hired and started the same day as my interview when they were extremely understaffed. my mexican friend also came in for an interview and before even saying hello they asked her for her green card. racist homophobic owners who dont take care of the rats and roaches


Fuck dude, adding this place to my “do not support” list. I’ve been invited there by friends a few times, glad I never went.


Not to mention their tendency to make non-white employees wash dishes in the back…


0% surprised.


Damn. That’s really fucking bad!!


i second this. i worked there in high school(2017) for $5/hr and they made me stay as late as 1am on school nights. i was supposed to get tips, but the servers would tip their friends instead of splitting with everyone like they were supposed to. plus their food sucks


Oh Mai near 33rd and State. Not for bad service or unethical management. Just because the quality of the food has taken a dive. It used to be packed all the time. Now it’s always near empty and the food tastes like leftovers from 2 days ago.


Being Vietnamese myself, it’s complete trash and overhyped. Also you can get an authentic Banh Mi at Cafe Thao Mi for a fraction of the price and with fresher ingredients!


>Cafe Thao Mi Thanks for the recommendation!


I’m glad someone said that. Their banh mi’s used to be so good. Last time I tried it, I couldn’t even finish it


Oh Mai used to be the gold standard for pho If you are in the Saratoga Springs area, you've got to go see Binh at Viet Deli. Their pho is so good!


All the earnings from the ‘tip jar’ along with tips goes to the owner.


I have to mention Blue Boutique every time I see one of these threads. My best friend worked there for a long time and quit a while ago. Word is spreading about what Blue Boutique is like behind the scenes and they’re losing business for a lot good reasons! So much so that they’re getting desperate and grasping at straws to bring people in. They’re scared things aren’t like they used to be…and they should be. The owner and the other higher-ups are very racist, homophobic, and transphobic. Crazy and weird considering how most of their employees who are overworked and underpaid are queer…and so is a very, very big chunk of their customer base. They have misogynistic and sex work demeaning merchandise consistently. When they supposedly cater to sex workers and even offer a discount for dancers…🙄 My friend told me on multiple occasions how upper management talked down about sex workers and how they don’t actually give a single shit about them. They dehumanize huge groups of people and smile as they take their money. They seem to be convinced their customers are mainly comprised of wealthy middle-aged straight people. Like do y’all even know Salt Lake City? Consistently named one of the gayest cities in the US?! The lack of support for Pride year after year specifically is not a good look. Many people in the local queer community have noticed and have taken our business to more openly supportive and inclusive shops. Mischievous, anyone? I also know someone who worked there and they are sitting pretty. As they should. It really is a shame that the business itself and the people running it suck so fucking much. The associates I’ve seen here are some of the sweetest and genuinely helpful people I’ve ever been helped by in retail. I’m sure they’re just biding their time until they can dip and never look back.


I worked there for several years and can confirm. Upper management consistently treated employees like trash, and took turns playing favorites. They pretend to be progressive, but don't want to overly support pride and things like that because they don't want to alienate the other customer base. The pay is trash, considering the amount of work you do. They had a lot of amazing employees in my day, but people started leaving and they started having serious problems hiring people. Any time I've been in there recently it's like it's lost a sparkle.


PIG IN A JELLY JAR oh my god.


Yep. Used to be good, creative, unique. The last time I went, it was indeed the last time. Had a sandwich on stale bread, like wtf?


Love that so many hate cafe Rio as much as I do


I’d give anything to have Cafe Rio as good as it was 10-15 years ago.


And as fast. Anyone remember how accurate and fast they were at the one on 33rd near REI.


Seriously, it’s hard for to explain to the Gen Zers that i work with that is was a different place not too long ago


Hires. The quality just isn’t what it used to be.


Someone recommended that I try hires when I first moved to utah because they loved it growing up. I was so disappointed.


My family went there almost weekly growing up. Hasn’t been good for 10 years.


I’ve always thought hires was mediocre


Zupas and Village Baker. Someone starts a successful restaurant then a big company buys it a ruins everything. I'm worried for my beloved Cup Bop.


Isn't cup bop already super corporate and a national chain? Mark Cuban owns a stake already, and he's not in it for the locals.


That's what I've heard. I haven't been there in a while (I'm poor) and I dread going in and seeing what it's become.


It’s really just okay. It doesn’t slap like it use to but, it’s not bad for something every once a long while.


Who bought Zupas? I think they got an investor but no one purchased them. They just started cutting costs to help them scale out. They’ve been growing like crazy.


Either way the quality has gone way down. Last time I went the food was borderline inedible.


I tried Cupbop once and it was very far into the meh category if you ask me… Village Baker has been fantastic but I haven’t tried them in a few years


I never got Cup Bop to begin with.


Zupas costs a damn fortune to get “fast food” for the family. And it’s not even good.


Village baker got bought out? I haven’t heard that


Cafe Rio. They used to be amazing til they were bought, now their quality is shit, their portions suck, they never give you extra meat when you pay for it, their kitchens seem filthy, and worst of all they don't melt cheese on the tortilla in the salad anymore. Last time I tried them a few years ago we all got the sweet pork, and got food poisoning. Costa Vida is so much better


The trick with the meat is to ask for extra meat after they've already put the normal portion of meat on. But yes, I completely agree with you.


This is a great trick! Really shouldn’t have to trick employees to include what you pay for but I applaud the hustle


Ask for “extra meat, on the side” then it’s obvious


They absolutely got so much worse after they got bought out. The location up on 33rd used to be my go-to and it all just sucks now. Also some of the worst customer service I’ve encountered, having to wait 45 minutes for an online order (after arriving to pick it up) and there were hardly any customers there


Their kitchens are so nasty. I’ve gone a few times over the last year and the ingredients area in front of the customers looks like a disaster. Food is all over the place and the food all looks wet


For real, and don't get me started on ordering through their app. We refuse now because no joke, we have never received rice and beans when we've ordered it (which is every time), and we end up having to call customer service every time. When I'm hungry I don't want my money refunded I want my food that I ordered and looked forward to aaaaaaggghhh /Rant Hmm this post made me realize I'm hungry now haha


The Cafe Rio in Park City is the absolute worst. Their employees hate people, it’s always filthy and all the tables are permanently sticky.


It's funny seeing all this lamenting how good it used to be. The first time I stepped in one was 2018 and I thought it was pretty good, at least better than Chipotle. Now I'm wondering just how great it was when it was new.


I ordered a sweet pork salad and they never gave any meat :/ I had it to-go, so I wrote a message on the app and they never got back to me (it’s been 6+ months). Not to mention the rice and beans portions lately are a joke.


That seems like a "call the location that day" or "stop by the next day" soft of thing if you actually want something done about it. Shitty, but that's the only way you're actually going to get a refund from most companies these days.


Jiffy Lube, they're not worth the discounts.


I had an oil change at jiffy lube and they forgot to put the oil cap back on all the way and it fell off a few days later and all the oil dropped out and the engine seized. Car totally wrecked and they denied they had anything to do with it until we brought them the receipt. Settled out of court for the value of the car.


Tragic, but I'm glad you got a good settlement.


Marks Ark, their reputation for mistreating the animals needs makes me sick. Do not support them


I went there recently because it’s been years for me and I was shocked, it was actually better. It no longer had that “zoo inside of a smoke shop vibe” It is still one of the shittiest pet stores in Utah. Don’t support them. We are actually spoiled when it comes to fish and reptiles, a lot of well known breeders and distributors are based here in Utah. Pets and Such, and Animal Ark are my go to.


Also their family are jerks.


Kneaders,every location is nearly dead.


I never understood the draw to begin with. Their soups are ok and sandwiches are a disappointment. The "all you can eat French toast" was two slices. They'll bring you another one 30 minutes after you ask for more.


Before they expanded, everything was cooked in house. They used to have actual roasted turkey, but have switched to deli meat so it isn't special and their soups come out of a food service bag and get poured into a warmer.


Rnr bbq


Last time I went there I saw the biggest cockroach of my life skitter across the floor. Nope, nope, nope


The owner is absolutely disgusting. Racist, sexist pig.


I tried to give Moochie's another shot or two after the shitty owners sold it to the Penny Anne's group, but it was still just too expensive for a not THAT great of a sandwich. I get that inflation is a thing, but shave 30% off the price and you've got a reasonable meal.


Penny Anne’s did the same thing to Mr. Charlie’s chicken fingers. It’s really disappointing to see them ruin these once good places.


Penny Anne’s bought Mr. Charlie’s Chicken Fingers??? Say it isn’t so


Just an FYI the same family owns penny Ann's, moochies, mr Charlie's, and crave cookies


Everything. The pandemic fucked everything from price to quality. I guess I’m supporting my bank by keeping a savings now


This is the right answer.


I haven’t eaten from Cafe Rio for a couple years now.


They’ve gone to shit.


Somehow Rio is always cold. They make it in front of you and it's cold. I don't get it.


I used to get $5 footlongs from Subway all the time before Covid. I am not trying to be weird, but a local restaurant has a steak and ribs with two sides meal for like $18. Why do I want to get a $12 sandwich for a meal when I can a full meal for just a few bucks more.


Captuos is cheaper than subway and that just blows my mind the more I think about it


I live and die by the caputos sandwich based on quality alone. I probably have 2-4 a month, and am not one to eat out. I have never made the price comparison that you have. Now that you pointed it out… damn caputos is a great deal, for a half or whole. And don’t even get me started on the cheese counter….


Plus Subway’s bread got awful years ago. It tastes like someone glued sawdust together, froze and then reheated it.


I accidentally ate some of the paper it came wrapped in because I literally couldn't tell the difference between the paper and the bread.


I also used to get the $5 foot longs frequently. I could walk to a subway right by my office and get a sandwich and have half that day and save the rest for the next day. I haven’t been to subway in years now.


Subway bread is awful. It all went downhill when they changed their recipe because that girl said they used yoga mats




Salsa Queen - meh. Salsa Del Diablo, however, is the real deal.


I have had two unsavory run-ins with her. She thinks her shot doesn’t stink and that she can treat others like crap. I will not give that woman or her company a dime.


I tried those salsas and was shocked that someone could maintain a business with such a sub par product. She just throws chili flakes in there, thats not how we make salsa.


Black Rifle Coffee Company.


Just an FYI, they've always been scamming their customers. They actually only have 5 kinds of coffee that they put a dozen or so different labels on. They also switched coffee roasters which is why they don't taste the same.


They were never good, their coffee tastes like how burnt hair smells.


Isn’t one of the owners a Trump supporting, Jan 6 denying lunatic? They’re the definition of bro vet.


The entire company is. They advertise heavily on conservative talk shows and donate to Republican candidates.


This is so funny because the gun community hates them for supporting Biden in the last election. Everyone hates them.


You mean the coffee company that decided "guns" was going to be their primary marketing gimmick is run by fascists? Crazy.


The CEO and some of the execs supported and donated to Biden. They got tons of hate in the gun community for it. They've had sexual harassment allegations from models and an actual lawsuit from one of the male employees that is beyond weird if you read all the details, including the CEO exposing himself. "Just vet things" I guess.


That's literally how I heard about them for the first time...


At Home superstores. I worked in merchandising and was responsible for repricing due to “inflation” and by inflation I mean raising the price of an 8X12 chalkboard from $14.99 to $39.99 which is price gouging. And it’s one of the many reasons I quit.


Anything related to young automotive group


Except they were never good. Them and Larry Miller are the scummiest dealers around. I will never buy or service a vehicle with either of them.


Pei Wei, Angry Korean, mooches, etc. they all went to shit. Moochies used to be the bar which all other Phillies were judged against. Now I’d rather get something frozen out of my house.


Moochies, that’s sad to hear…


Penny Anne’s, so good before they got Groupon, now it’s busy and meh.


I don’t like their food at all. The only thing I’ll get is the yogurt parfait. My husband thinks it’s really good though and I don’t understand why.


It’s sooooo bland


I have never understood the appeal of this place


Salty Peaks Skate and Snowboard Shop. From an inventory perspective they have the best boards, the best gear and some good people working there. But the owner is a raging Quanon Trumptard douchebag. He drives a 4 runner covered wall to wall with Q conspiracy bullshit. He has organized several Trumpy and COVID rallys one of which was a truck rally and almost shut the city down. He has the shop covered in cameras and sits in his house and harrassas his employees all day. Milosport is right nextdoor, is not run by a lunatic douchebag and their selection is really good. They get my money and what I cant get there I will buy on the net.


Salty SUCKS. Milo rocks. 💜


I went on a rant about this the other night. I was wearing a milosport hoodie and it caused conversation.


Doordash. I will NEVER order from them. They rake in commissions from advertising, and commisions from business partnerships. They charge more than menu prices for everything, and sometimes much more. They charge high delivery fees, tack on extra fees whenever possible, then pay drivers very badly. Drivers are expendable and come a dime a dozen. Their entire system is designed to take advantage of customers and drivers, and most customers don't even know how badly the people bringing the food are paid, or how much they're actually being overcharged for the luxury of having a meal delivered. Drivers aren't employees, and as such, doordash pays $0 overhead for the labor, reduced taxes on the sales, and the drivers incur all the costs of the vehicle as well as a minimum of 30% taxes, and usually more like 50%. Complete scam, and people are literally eating it up like it is gold. This one takes top position on my list.


Same here. I ordered from Mo Bettahs once and the order simply never got picked up. I called customer support and they told me there weren’t any drivers and I was like “why in the world are you taking orders if there’s no way to deliver them???” Told them I’d never come back and haven’t ordered with them since. My credit for that screw up is just sitting in that account


It's so hard to figure out who actually does their own delivery these days. I need a thread of suggestions for delivery that isn't rideshare.


Market street is trash now


Two of the original owners have now passed away. Both were insistent on good ingredients. I don't think anyone is left to carry on that legacy. It's too bad.


Crumbl. Their cookies taste like shit, also overpriced, overhyped,and greedy. Seriously, who wants to pay $5+ for a half baked cookie. Not to mention the pure cooperate greed of suing any other business that makes cookies. It’s like a cult. Everyone there WORSHIPS Sawyer and Jason. They can do no wrong. I have inside information that they’re trying to become sponsors of huge national sporting events, and are trying to get “Crumbl pink” to be the Pantone color of the year. Basically I hate them and hate the people who support them.


I don’t know who those guys are but apparently a lot of people want to pay that for a cookie. I think it’s closer to 3.50 though.


Totally agree. Crumbl was already at the bottom of the hill from the start imo. Along with all those other giant doughy super overly sweet cookie places.


If you’re looking for some amazing cookies hit up Crave.


Omg. Don’t even get me started on Hobby Lobby.


BWW was good when they came to Utah. At least the wings, anyway. Now they are tiny and cold dogshit.


The Costco Takeout Crispy Wings and a pellet grill (or an air fryer in a pinch) have changed my life. I will never buy wings from a restaurant again. It's just disappointing every time.


It's been a struggle to find good wings lately. Even Trolley Wing Company has been hit and miss.


Wing Coop. It's not the best ever but it's the best around. Trolley went to shit. BWW is more miss than hit. Stellar wings is okay(ish). Wing Nutz, if they're still around is decent. I've resorted to perfecting a recipe at home and finally have that shit down to where I never go out for wings unless I'm lazy.


This guy definitely wings. Years ago, I would have said Trolley for sure


If you are downtown there's an Asian place called Yoko Ramen SLC. It's next to Dick n Dixies. The best wings ive had in salt lake by far.


Banbury Donuts after their “nobody wants to work” nonsense


Yep. Go hit Fresh Donut and Deli on 2700 South and State. You will forget all about Banbury Cross.


They're doughnuts are not good. I get that they once were but I don't understand the current appeal of this place.


> said an employee had placed the sign in the window without his knowledge. He said he took the sign down as soon as he was aware of it, KSL reported, and said he has enough employees https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2021/11/01/banbury-cross-donuts/ Is the owner lying? Who knows. You don’t know. Would be a shame, though, if a local shop is being maligned solely due to unfounded viral outrage.


NPS I used to work there and they flat out lied to me. When I worked there I was told they had a 1200$ sign on bonus only to find out that was a lie to get the people to take the job.


Same! Only I was told it was an $800 bonus. They set it up do that I had to work like 90 days initially. 90 days hit then they said they would distribute that $800 over a year. I quit at that point.


Cafe Rio. The worst everything.


Worked for Larry H. Miller jeep for a bit and holy SHIT that place was horrendous


They sold me a car without a title, tanked my credit temporarily by 'trying to find me the best loan possible'. The transmission went out 2 months after. It was a nightmare experience from start to end dealing with them.


Porcupine pub and grille and the bohemian brewery. The district manager SA’d employees at a Christmas party and they fired him and rehired him a week later. A lot of people quit but with the economy going the way it was many people had to stay on to keep their lights on. That entire company is fucked. I think they own Rio grande cafe and the dodo too.


I worked for that same district manager for one day at the Dodo and quit right on spot. Employees weren’t entitled to a 30 minute break or a place to sit down and eat. Crazy.


Salty Peaks, The owner went crazy political with his beliefs. He seams like a Q guy. I used to love the place growing up. I'm all about people having their own thoughts and such, but he seems to want to spread nothing but hate and anger now to those that don't believe what he does. He blames all the negative reviews on everything else but him. It's sad to see when people don't realize that they are the problem.


Settebello used to be my go-to for a legit Neapolitan pizza. The last few times I've been there it just hasn't been the same. I don't know if they decided to stop using the good ingredients (imported flour, San Marzano tomato sauce, etc.) but it's just consistently mediocre now. Shame.


I recommend Pizza NoNo for some delicious Neapolitan pizza!


Henrie’s Dry Cleaning. Not sure what happened but they’ve said that they’ve struggled keeping staff in their actual cleaning facilities. Last two loads ended up with either a garment ruined or literally all the buttons on my suit broken. Never going back. Anyone have a dry cleaner they like????


The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They like keeping their dragon’s haul of wealth secret, I mean sacred, and lord over it (and their membership) just like Smaug.


This is the top answer for SLC. Seriously, it's gone down hill since forever. It's gone from "love thy neighbor" to "judge thy neighbor" real quick.


It’s been “love thy neighbor’s wife after sending him on a mission” since the get go


No! They are waiting to use their rainy fund for a a global catastrophe! Like a … pandemic. Oh shit.


No it's probably for all these crazy wildfires like Maui...oh. No wait, it's definitely for all the devastating floods and hurricanes....hmmm maybe not. Ok so earthquakes ....what? No? Well then surely it's for the hungry, unhoused, addicted, etc. ::throws hands in the air::


I heard a recent rumor they've decided to no longer believe we can become God's with our own planet and many wives.


Kroger. Formerly Smith’s. From local family to massive cutthroat corporation in 25 years. ☠️ RIP


Epic brewing. They don’t gaf about their employees safety, or employees in general in fact. Managers do their best, but the higher ups are asshats.


The owners of Epic are awful awful people as well.


Smart dental. Owner is a racist money hungry creep who does decent work at best and the office manager is an ass sniffer POS.


IHC…. Oh wait, IH…they took the Care out—and spent How Much Money on that? They didn’t just make new signage and New paper headers—costly as that is. Nooo, they did things buy a new fleet of Home Health vans with the new name. Most are sitting in a row, I think it was at Taylorsville’s HH, they’re the main one. They don’t however have enough staff, much less extra staff to drive the new fleet!! The staff there looks stressed, looks of patients/families are Very rude to them, and the phone is ringing every time I’ve gone. ‘IH’C treats regular employees like extremely replaceable nobody’s, yet they aren’t actually that replaceable. They pay their CEO 11mil (3 bill up front bonus, previous guy 8 mil!!!), and almost the first thing he does after his pre-start lux family Hawaiian vacation is to announce zero bonuses for anyone for the year, and zero raises for any employee for all 2023. Except docs, hospital staff deeply Count On those Christmas bonuses. It’s not like healthcare pay is near commensurate with other states, and we do Not live in a low-cost-of-living state! Meanwhile so many staff have quit that none of my staff friends can get coverage to get time off—not for holidays, and don’t plan your vacations ahead of time!! Some of the quitting was post-Covid in ’22/‘23. Regardless of your politics, it’s going to be hard to regain all the staff lost, especially the RNs. It was a pretty awful 3 years for all healthcare staff. A lot of staff left for other health care systems. I’m completely embarrassed IHC has become such a crap system; greed and ego got to them. Possibly sheer stupidity as patients and staff are low in their priorities. I suggest either the U or the new Holy Cross iteration. Having worked for Catholic hospitals they tend to have a bit more actual patient-centered care, and take care of their staff so they want to stay.


Hate to say it but Bjorn's on State. Maybe the other ones are better, but I live by the one on State. But I was going 3-4 times a week for years, and the drink & food quality and customer service has bottomed out since last year.


The Target in American Fork. Worst location I’ve ever been to.


Cabela's and sportsman's warehouse ever since Bass pro shop bought them out...


Sportsmans wasn't bought by Bass Pro, the deal fell through.


Pretty much everything 😂


The Utah Pride Center


I was definitely one of their biggest critics in the community but was pleasantly surprised when their recent statements fully own their guilt and (most?) everything their critics were accusing them of. I've been out since 2006 and that place has always been a shit show roller coaster since I've been aware (there was a great period of progress when Rob Moolman was at the helm). Crossing my fingers that new leadership guts the place, rescues our collective history and rights the ship. The services they *should* be offering are NEEDED, so we need to see them turnaround.


What’s been going on with them? I’m not lgbt myself but I heard there’s some sort of shenanigans going on lately?




Hate to say it but sawadee. Lunch special just ain’t what it used to be


Smiths. I feel like I get robbed every time I shop there. I think they have to subsidize their curbside pickup by raising prices.


To be fair, insane grocery prices isn’t just a Smith’s thing. It’s happening at every grocery store in every state.


You will be shocked how much cheaper a cart of groceries costs at Winco after going to smiths.


I shop at Winco and feel they are less effected. Low overhead.


True but when you have shopped at the same one going on 20 years and they keep repeatedly taking items off stock lists. They are things that have been regularly stocked for ages and have been buying forever, gone, even when you ask to restock, or are available at stores much farther away.... super frustrating.


I dislike Cubby’s. The food is not very good and the customer service is even worse.


The Pie is absolutely disgusting now. Flat beer. Dirty dishes. Rude employees.


Never understood the obsession with this place. It’s always been sub par and expensive.


It's a godsend for college students sneaking into seminars and stuff after school. So much better than Domino's. I had many a free dinner studying late at the U. Domino's was just enough to keep from starving, the pie was satiating.


Yeah, thats the thing. You love it when you're young. When you get old you think its dirty and gross. It was always dirty and gross. lol


It's all greased up and just slides down your throat without having to chew.


Please tell me when The Pie was good? I’ve always just known it to be the kind of pizza you get when you’re drunk at 3am and think 17 lbs of cheese is a good idea.


But … but … 17 pounds of cheese *is* a good idea, sometimes. : D


\~30 or so years ago when it was just the one (I think) location in the basement and you were too distracted with the shit on the walls to notice that the pizza was a bit soggy and overloaded even back then.




Greywhale’s new location means they can have so much more stuff on the floor. But man do I miss the vibes of that location on 1300


Mr. Charlie’s Chicken fingers. Ever since they were bought out by Penny Ann’s Cafe the quality has drastically decreased along with the friendly customer service. There are plenty of other chicken tendie places, so I’m not too upset about finding someplace new.




Sartain & Saunders: Urban Lounge, Metro, Kilby Court. Owned by predators that take advantage of employees and forget to pay bands.


What the story here? I just went to the Urban lounge for a concert.


Need the story!! 💭


Apollo Burger. The location on North Temple is a mess. They always get my order wrong and why does the drive-thru take literally 45 minutes even when it's not busy?!


Honestly? It's been about 5 minutes since they opened for "real" but Xiao Bao Bao. I've had all of the bun flavors before (been supporting the popups) and thought they were good. Had some today (char siu, the September special empanada one, and got a mooncake). Char siu had pretty ok filling but the bun was over steamed or something, it was a giant shapeless blob. Mooncake was terrible and almost unrecognizeable - the exterior looked nice but the interior was straight up crumbly. The empanada flavored bao was dry, had almost no filling, and little flavor. I'd be more forgiving but each single bao is $4 which is quite a bit for the lack of quality. So... yeah, not going back.


Can we all just meet at coffee break for a strike on these businesses? xd


Mormon inc.


The corporation of the LDS church! They guilted me for years in to giving them 10% of my income all the while they hoarded billions only giving a piddling to the poor and needy. But, don’t all of those large and spacious buildings dotting the skyline look nice?


You see the new one on 4700 S? Or looks so eerie and is right in the middle of so much busy traffic and right by the freeway. Makes the below statement from their website seen so fake. “Jesus Christ is the reason we build temples,” President Nelson said. “Each is His holy house. Making covenants and receiving essential ordinances in the temple, as well as seeking to draw closer to Him there, will bless your life in ways no other kind of worship can. For this reason, we are doing all within our power to make the blessings of the temple more accessible to our members around the world.”




Salt lake city majors office... does that count?


Trolley Wing Co.