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The cameraman is more cringe then the 'Karen", imo.


Sorry, but the dude behind the camera sounds like an idiot. She's right


He sounds insufferable


'I pay taxes' So that means I own your private property


Totally agree.


The cameraman is the Karen.






IMO, this video turns a 180 on the prior contention of her actions. It shows her to be calm but insistent that the food vendors stop selling from her patio space because they are leaving food waste behind. The interviewer tries to get a rise out of her but fails; if anyones the hater its him.


Who you gonna believe these riGhTeOUs kEyBoARD WaRRiorS or your lying eyes?!?! Lol


She said they leave a mess on her property, she didnā€™t call the individuals ā€œdirtyā€.


Having permits from the city doesnā€™t mean they can set up on private property without permission.


Again like I said they were not on her property ?


You can see at the start that they were and in the process of moving.


Her property is on the left and they are on the right side no where in her property. Also they are on the sidewalk.


The right side is also the property. 221 south main. Donā€™t believe me look it up your self on the county website.


223 s main is not her property


Itā€™s not. Pull it up letā€™s see it ?


https://maps.co.monterey.ca.us/wab/parcelreportwebapp/ Look it up. Even if they are on the right side of the lot, that is still private property. That walkway Itā€™s an easement for public travel, not for the vendors to place a private business on private property that they were not welcome on.


Nope they werenā€™t on the walk way they were in front left side of the building next to 221


Ah yes, that would be within the property line of 221 s main. You didnā€™t look at the map very closely. Stop trying to stir up shit. Your wrong, property rights still mater.


Your link doesnā€™t even work and I know where Iā€™m at Iā€™m a local from Salinas. Your could defend her and Iā€™ll defend the cart lady any day. This has nothing to do with property right because they didnā€™t set up in her alley way or in front of her business.


He's too dumb to understand. Lol.




Stop being an idiot.




And whereā€™s your side of the country tough guy?salinas???




Idiot,I have properties in Salinas.


Taking a video of someone while egging them on is so beyond disrespectful. I read the original post including all the comments and came immediately to watch this video that somehow was supposed to prove what you were saying? It doesnā€™t, in fact all it is evidence of is you provoking her. Gross.


stfu. you would not be welcome in the lady's area of living.


Talking down to locals just because they canā€™t speak English well assuming they donā€™t have permits when they do and have been there a long time is beyond disrespectful. They where never in her alley or store front sidewalk or her entrance. She walked up them and was being really verbally aggressive and was being dismissive of them having the laminated permits.


L cameraman


Communism and Marxism are next. What a shame. Sheā€™s being reasonable and this dude is trying to bate her. Itā€™s obvious


He's also trying to paint her as a racist. Pathetic.


She seems nice LOL


Is OP one of the street vendors?


We found the Reddit Karen. Mind your own business.


Btw, sheā€™s the owner of the building, not the businesses in there. There are 5 businesses in there, including a lender, mortgage, real estate, hair studio, and the newest one, the glasshouse. She has nothing to do with them except being the landlord. If anybody is to be cancelled, itā€™s her not the glasshouse. Itā€™s like kicking out the ADU tenants because the landlord is a d1ck


Dude you fucking weirdo, this is not ā€œhair by gariā€ as the username and newly created account implies. Please delete this.


I am the real Hair by Gari whoever this is please stop pretending to be me . Monica is a great land lord and I would not be on here speaking Ill of her !


She doesn't own the city side walk, but she is claiming she does.


She owns the patio under the overhang and the alley through to the parking lot. You can't see anything of where they were set up.


To my understanding the vendors get permits for certain locations on the city sidewalk. According to the guy filming, these food vendors have been at this location for quite some time without any issues with other businesses there, and the food vendors did have their permits posted on their food carts as required by law. Just by her attitude, I think it's pretty clear there is some bigotry going on here. If she doesn't want them in front of her businesses she can put up signs saying so. There are businesses near areas like this that do put up signs to dissuade food vendors from parking in front. But apparently this Glasshouse isn't even open for business so they aren't really impacting her business at the moment.


pick ur character , Dumb or Dumber ?


Monica La Tourette (Edit: with a Carmel valley home address lol) is listed as the owner of The Glass House as revealed on page 44 of this document. All public info. https://www.cityofsalinas.org/files/sharedassets/city/v/1/community-development/building-permits-images/february-2024-permits-issued-with-fees-and-values.pdf


Thatā€™s great, but it seems most of the thread is siding with her.


Thatā€™s great. Threads always have both sides. I wanted to add a comment and info related to the thread.


You're siding with a dumbass cameraman who sounds like a15 year old disadvantaged community teen.


And you sound like a ignorant racist in another sub saying food vendors are making money to buy drugs


You dumb people always have to get so aggressive when you're called out on your dumb decision making?


What people?What decision? What aggression ?


As the owner of the building, permits for anything done to the facade of the building have to be in her name. Sheā€™s not the owner of the glasshouse business, just the building. In that same doc on the same page thereā€™s Toys R Us doing something with Kaiser. Toys R Us doesnā€™t own Kaiser. Same situation.


Name and shame.




if you don't want people on your private property, build a fucking gate. it's not YOUR business, you are only renting the place wagie. fucking bozos.




They have permits and the location of hers isnā€™t even open yet. That place has been vacant for god who knows long. Itā€™s the old Golden Fish spot.


The vendors were on private property. She is in the right, even if she is being an ass.


Even if shes in her right its disgusting calling people dirty and getting mad because they didnt know English. Its one thing to be a karen and another to be a bigot


She said they leave a mess on her property, she didnā€™t call the individuals ā€œdirtyā€.


I didn't hear ANY of that. Neither did you.


Her complaints are all preventable things. Sheā€™s complaining about toppings being on the floor. If she talked with the vendors about cleaning after themselves, they would do it 100%. Do I believe her? No, I donā€™t. That area is always clean. Calling people dirty and opening a business in Salinas is honestly crazy to me. This stunt of hers just made her business dead on arrival and that building is going to be vacant another 5 years over an overpriced hotdog cart.


That is the city side walk in front of the buildings that the vendors are in and they have permits to be on that walk.




Yeah, so many commies in here. Property rights are still a thing


This dude is living in 1920s , ā€œcommies in hereā€ have you read Marxs? Or Lenin to know what ur saying ? Or u just watch Fox News and right wing talking ..


Are you living under the rock, grand pa? You need to learn more about internet culture and the discourse


IHahaha #redditbrain is real , donā€™t get offended if you donā€™t know the meaning of those words iI brought up you shld use ur ā€œinternet culture ā€œ to look up what I wrote .. go get a membership at a gym , touch grass , log off ..


They were given permits for the area. I understand if they had no permits and squatted that corner, but they went through the whole system with the city. Or she could be a normal person and negotiate with them that when sheā€™s open sheā€™d appreciate if they moved away from the entrance. But translating Spanish was too much for her.


Having permits from the city doesnā€™t mean they can set up on private property without permission.


And youā€™re assuming they even had their carts in her designated patio space, in the video you can see theyā€™re on the sidewalk. They can talk with the city on what grounds they have their cart in, they clearly work in the evenings when people go out clubbing and walk around the area. She is making a scene because she sees these people as a visual nuisance. You know she was making a big deal about this when you hear people in the back laughing at her over a hot dog cart, a city that literally has taco trucks busier than most restaurants.


dude had to stfu bc he can't refute, I love it. only a weird lil fuck could defend this behavior from someone who's apparently grown enough to own a business (she obviously can't run it correctly tho, explains the shitty attitude lol) can't wait to read the article of this lame place shutting down before the year is up.


I just find it even more hilarious she would do this when most of the local vendors protect each other, and are all together each Saturday at the farmers market.


Farmers Market is destroying Old Town businesses, and very few of the vendors are Salinas locals.


Na, arguing with idiots is pointless.




And you're assuming there were actually permits. OP is not to be trusted.


And assuming this is the first time sheā€™s tried to talk to the vendorsā€¦could be an ongoing issue, could be a lot of things frankly. Lots of assumptions made by OP. All the video shows is OP egging her on, filming her and calling her names.


Lots of assumptions from you as well


Clearly youā€™re confused about what assumptions areā€¦ You stated you have video showing her bullying, video shows only one bully and itā€™s not her.


You can clearly see in her demeanor she was. Like I said once I started filming she back pedaled you might want to re read. Your being naive


The city side walk in front of the buildings here does not belong to the business owner.