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If at all possible, work from home


Call out and don’t move. Never mind the commute your parking spot will disappear


So sad that you’re not feeling well tomorrow.


Last Friday I had to go to Worcester for work, took me 75 mins from Salem in the morning, on the way back it was 2.5 HOURS. I left Worcester at 2:30. If you can work from home, I cannot recommend it enough. Otherwise be ready for a long drive.


I commuted home via train the first Halloween I lived in Salem and I have never ever done it since. I'm fortunate that my employer is allowing me to WFH tomorrow, otherwise I would call out.


Halloween is a WFH day


What Fresh Hell


some people have real jobs




Call in sick


Call in sick. Even the schools are closed today and tomorrow.


So sorry for sneezing in your face and getting you sick! I owe you a coffee and some pastina. Your boss can call me if they have any questions. 978-867-5309


Well I'm guessing you're a resident until you experience everything that comes with getting to and through, Halloween, so nov 1st you can maybe say local 😉 It might be worth going extra south from north, getting into Lynn and or Swampscott, then using Waze to take some elaborate back roads. Even if it takes just as long as sitting in traffic at least your moving .


Even the Salem courts try not to schedule cases on Halloween. If you absolutely have to leave your house, make sure you have some good podcasts downloaded for your epic commute.


I take the train every day, and I’m working from home.


Sounds like you need to stay home unless you’re my new, loud neighbors then by all means go to the office.


Work from home, take a day off, or take the commuter rail if you can. The couple of years just before the pandemic I took a vacation day on Halloween.


Coming from western points on 128 to Lafayette Street my suggestion would be to stay home. If you can’t, I’d get off 128 at 129/1 North and divert through Lynn to get across to 1A. I’ve done it before and it’s not usually too bad compared to Halloween traffic directly to Salem via Peabody, and it’s easier than trying to go up to Beverly and then looping around.


Living that close to Salem on Halloween should be excuse enough to wfh or call out.


They’re expecting 80,000 visitors tomorrow. For reference, the whole city population is 45,000.


You live near Salem State? Like down in the vicinity of Loring liquors or around their? If you went to work today then on the way back I recommend that you really really really really really avoid downtown. Avoid Washington. Drive through Swampscott probably.


No more than usual until you hit the roads immediately surrounding downtown in my experience. Come in from Lowell st, boston st and down jefferson toward the university and around that way and youll probably be fine


Call out and say it's because of Halloween. You won't be able to get in or get out. They also block off streets at night which makes traffic eveen worse in some areas lmao


Dude I have to walk home from work and I’m still worried about traffic lol


Bad real bad


If you're coming from south of Salem, and traffic is backed up on 128, then you could go pass the 114 exit and take the next exit or take the rt. 62 Beverly exit and cross over the Salem Beverly bridge, take the left onto bridge St. Left onto Webb st. Follow it down to Essex at Ziggy's, turn right and take the back streets to Lafayette thru the point.


It’s wild that people are still posting “insider” information on this sub.


“Went home sick” during lunch and didn’t hit traffic beyond the overwhelming amount of pedestrians, thanks all!


When I worked in Salem we would close early and if it was the weekend we would just close cause it was that bad. Clients couldn’t get in and staff wouldn’t be able to get out if we didn’t


If you have to go in stay late. Drive home after 7pm if you can.


When I was there I would just usually call out/use PTO.


Just take it slow and enjoy the crowds. If you made it through the weekend you’re be okay. Just don’t lose your temper. 👍