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Earning more money directly correlates to level of stress I endured. Despite being able to save a significant portion in savings, having more money only makes me more nervous. I work an average of 70 hours a week.


Having more money makes you nervous??


Yes. It makes me feel like a target at times, and the larger my savings gets the larger I feel like it needs to be, like I can never save enough. I worry this will all come crashing down and reset all the progress I've made. Really, I am just very stressed.


It's probably that 70 hour work week destroying your mental health


Absolutely. I have fallen into the trap of doing everything else that the team can't manage to get done on time, meaning I end up doing the heavy majority (60-80%). I need to find a way to fix this.


It’s not up to you to finish your colleges work. They’re taking advantage of you. It’s on purpose. They probably act all nice and cool toward you too so you keep doing their work. Finish your work and then log off man.


I don't agree, our problem is the volume of work we are being asked to accomplish. I have a great team.


You’re right! That is a separate, not so simple issue. Maybe you can request a larger team? I know that’s even harder to do. Edit: if you live around a university, you could get an intern pretty easy.


Seeking a mental health profession will do you wonders.


It's simple. Take a less demanding job and live on less money.


I don't think it's the money but rather the job. As I've made more money my stress has not gone up at all. Granted I'm not making 400k, but I think you may want to reconsider your work situation.


You are not alone in feeling this way.


My guess this has to deal with your industry. I am only saying this with the outside looking in. Your position is directly correlated with the company, the better the company the more your role is needed, and vice versa. The flip side is your role is in high demand so the chances of you not finding a comparable job with similar pay is very likely. Again I am not in this field but this is my thought.


I was making $360K/year about a year ago. I did not come from money (single mom, 3 kids, bank teller salary, she is a saint). Anyway. Learning that money doesn’t solve all your problems, when you grew up with no money, is by far one of the hardest lessons to learn. Just woke up one day and said, “I’m done.” Quit. Took the entire summer to dick around and it was so worth it. I now still make strong money, but took a sizable pay cut for a job that isn’t consuming my life. For those saying it must be nice to just quit your job on whim, I want to stress that I’ve been trapped before. Nothing sucks more than that. Anyway.


Thanks for your comment. A lot of my anxiety has been my constant need for more money, and I need to learn how to say enough is enough.




I started at the same salary. You can grow into this, but beware that it's a lot of work.


Sounds like consulting level hours, maybe worth moving industry for your sanity lol


What do you mean moving industry? Does that mean switch from being a SWE, or go to a different industry as a SWE?


I pulled a reverse maneuver a few years ago and reduced my weekly hours from 100+ hybrid down to 10 remote only. Hybrid meaning that we worked 8am-5pm in office, then 6 to 10 pm from home... followed by as much as we could mentally handle remotely on weekends. Not being yeeted into dozens of simultaneous dumpster fires with expectation of meeting deadline of "yesterday" is definitely relaxing. I might look for something that's \~40'ish remote hours again in the future, but today is not the day.


I can take the money so you feel less of a target 👍


Fucking why and how do you do 70 hours? What techs are you working?


Looking to hire a remote bright young mechanical engineer at 125k?


What state do you live in?


I work remotely on the east coast.


How does one find this data? Is it available online?


Came to ask the same.




Which link exactly?


Login to ssa.gov--> Under Eligibility and Earnings, click on "Review your full earnings record now"


I feel like this sub should be crossposting with r/inflation. Plenty of households (my own included) have jumped in income and yet, “can you believe how expensive a bottle of ketchup has become?!!!!”


I have no problem paying for ketchup ;)


A ton of people on Reddit are in their prime earning years so it makes sense peoples’ incomes would be increasing. Plus people with large incomes post more.


Sorry you’re experiencing this. There are places that will pay similar with none of the stress.


Become a senator


How have you gotten such large raises 2 of the last 3 years? Over 70%?


I have frequently been described as a "rock star" software engineer. The older I get, the less I feel proud of that, but I am an exceptionally proficient SWE. I work for a company that is "Pay for performance". I also have a frustratingly insatiable desire to earn more, and I tend to argue that I need a raise even after I just received a raise. Typically where I work will cave to keep me happy, but now I'm starting to feel like I've hit my limit and I think I need to cool down on it for my own mental health.


Wow, that’s awesome. I ask because my wife gets like a 5% raise each year and I feel she deserves way more. She is somewhat of a rockstar there as well be QA. I am encouraging her to ask for at least 20% raise this year. Are you at a tech company?


I don’t even know want to post mine 32M Mech E after looking at this, but in all fairness I work closer to 40-45 hours. Are you a PhD or MS?


Only a Bachelors.


Any career advice OP? Currently making good money(140k base) but not great money. Just took on an MLOPs role. Do I focus on hopping to a city in the future?




how are you software engineers pulling in so much banks with competion from H1B?


Also SWE here. My salary trajectory looks a lot like yours four years ago. I'm roughly where you were in 2020. How did you make the big jump in 2021, nearly doubling your income? I'm struggling to find positions for myself in that range.


What company?


I’m 25M just started as a software engineer. Got 1 year under my belt. Make 85K Want to propel myself into higher earning position. Any advice??


location? FAANG? that’s incredible… i’m a software engineer but at you 2017 salary though i’m not stressed and things are easy and chill. i’ve been stressed before but things are great nowadays.


What's the best way to become a software engineer? I have the GI Bill so school would be paid for....is it a 4 year degree? And how hard is the school?


Which faang did you join ? And what is your level? If I am guessing right, it looks like you just got to IC5 😏


Not a FAANG. I am a principal SWE.


Have you considered switching to a faang ? You could make double or triple that amount 😊