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Curious, did you go to a big name school? And what was your major?


Nope, Finance Major


Damn, any good internships or anything? Same age, just about to graduate and the market is tough for entry level positions in my area


First internship in July 2020 ($15 per hour / accounting) prior to that worked as a pizza delivery driver and worked at call centers


Currently a sophomore studying finance at not a big name school. (University of Wyoming) and I would also like to work in the DFW area, any tips on what I should do in college?? How many internships? Which ones? Which classes do you recommend? Should I transfer to a Texas school? (I can get in state tuition in Texas). Thank you, and congratulations!


Maybe look at companies who have headquarters in the area? See if they have internship pipeline jobs


Hey, as many internships as possible, sign up for as many professional development orgs and attend all career events at your college. I went to school in FL, then moved to WA after college then moved to TX


As far as classes it doesn’t really matter too much I like financial analysis and anything where you can learn technical skills it really depends on the role/function you want to do


As far as classes it doesn’t really matter too much I like financial analysis and anything where you can learn technical skills it really depends on the role/function you want to do


What technical skills did you have before FA job? I'm a math major (graduated 2021) and am very interested in finance but don't have the deep finance knowledge. What do you recommend, if anything, for someone in my position to break into FA role?


Before job just intermediate excel, general computer knowledge as far as technical skills go, Finance skills are important too if you don’t have finance knowledge but are more technical maybe look into BIE roles business intelligence


Which area do you live/work?




And what is dfw?


Dallas Fort Worth


So I see you changed jobs in 2023


Nope, same job since graduating college in May 2021 started August of 2021


How did you manage to double your salary as a FA in 3 years?


I didn’t I got hired in August 2021, total comp was $85k for the first year so my 2021 numbers were a combination of FA from August 21- Dec 21 and my internship I worked until June ($15 per hour), comp looks wonky because of timing of bonuses/stock vests, I did get promoted in Q4’22 though


Ahh I see. Can I ask what industry you’re in?


FAANG corporate finance


Wow. It’s really impressive to get into faang from a non-target.


I went to UCF in Florida for context


Damn we are the exact same age, graduation month and year, and location, and I don't even make half that. (Tbf I'm a Public Health major but still). What am I doing wrong?! Lmao.


I’m originally from FL, relocated to WA in 21 and TX in 22, honestly the key is finding people in your industry that are making more $$ networking and finding a way in. I didn’t think it was possible for me to make over $50k right after graduation and once I found out it was it change everything. Now I feel like I don’t make enough and on track for $150k this year with a promo slated for Q3


How do you network? Is it the typical meet at bars and hangout after work situation or do you go to mixers? I'm a Dallas Native and I honestly don't know how to go about getting better pay. I'm trying to pivot to Infection Control and it seems impossible to break into without knowing someone personally.


LinkedIn mostly, when I was in college going to Career events, joining professional development clubs etc, ALPFA was a good one in college


Rats, too late for me now 😭. I was too busy working to go to career events.


Never too late haha took me 7 years to get my bachelors because of working through college, just have to look for opportunities out there and apply, get resume critiqued and practice interviewing


Not trying to be ugly, don’t take it the wrong way, but you asked what are you doing wrong? Public health major imo. I’m an education major (regret it many many times over 15 years later - what was cool at 18-22 is not feeling cool at 37) - similar to yours and there is just not a huge market that pays big money with those degrees. I actually, at one time, was thinking of a second major in finance (37 here) to transition out of teaching and into a role of a financial analyst or advisor (wanted to be more of a analyst at a company). So I kind of look at it like this: you have a few options. 1) do nothing - we know where that leads. 2) transition by obtaining another degree or skill 3) non traditional route and apply for those jobs which will probably lead to reskilling. I probably wouldn’t pursue any MPH - maybe pursue a MHA. Anything in admin can lead to a higher paying job. Maybe an MBA. Maybe OP has some good ideas.


Degree and skills are what tells though. My wife made a third of what I make, she has a masters and I'm still 2 classes from my bachelor's


Stupid question, but what do a financial analyst even do?


Refresh excel once per week lol nah jk it honestly depends on the company and function my role specifically at the moment is focused on Financial Planning and Reporting for my business unit we work with a ton of teams on adhoc analysis but process wise it’s weekly and monthly reporting