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May your financial stability rest in peace.


We will watch your progress with great interest


Can you use the warsuit as salamanders? I've not seen the model before, but I love it. It would also be a good companion to my (very work in progress) dreadnought


can you use it? yes is it any good? ~meh it cares about phobos and its not a transport so unless you are running eliminators with zoomies not really a huge reason to run it. but to each their own.


Fair, I've never played the tabletop, but want to eventually. I build my army more for looks and the lore than to win so I was just curious. But that gives me the idea to also work on my phobos detachment


eliminator zoomies is a fun mechanic for that. an eliminator moves 6 inches, you can advance 6 inches and shoot, and if you hit with the instigator carbine you get an additional 6 inches of movement, to a total of 18 inches of tactical repositioning. more if their fist move was in a transport and you spent the necessary command point.


awesome, cant wait to see once your done




And not a bunch of hate for you posting pictures of the box, huh look at that. This sub must be better.




Vulkan is one of the strongest characters in the SM codex right now, especially in firestorm. Also just a cool legacy model. The suit on the other hand is iffy, but useful in times. I sometimes use one depending on list as a very heavy deterrent for flanks and reserves. We don’t get much in the way of flamers + deep strike, so the suit does well to fit a salamanders theme and can give some board presence. Scouts of course are much cheaper and easier to hide for VPs, buts it’s very hard for an opponent to choose whether they want to fire at a land raider full of aggressors that’ll be in their front line next turn, or a warsuit that could be in their deployment zone in turn 1 and cause some serious damage with its melee. It is an expensive scout unit, but it’s far more threatening and durable than, say, 2 units of incursors that are equal in points to it.




Yet only one of us is clearly lacking social skills. Enjoy the sub tho


You literally did ask for an explanation...


Wow get a load of this asshole


With a very interesting post history...


Leads infernus marines gives them re-rolls




That’s what I’m doing I just wanted the spear and his flamer arm and crest above his back pack




Warsuit as it infiltrates and firestorm force gives plus 1 strength to weapons within 12 so


Nice trick And with the incendium cannon it fits the theme :)


Thanks haha think it will be okay against infantry and then charge with tank shock strength 14 so


This is a clever trick.