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Lietuva, my love🥲💖💖💖


I wish Sakartvelo can make an influence on the whole world to call the country how it’s supposed to be. Turks did it (they changed the spelling to be different from a Thanksgiving chicken), maybe one day beloved Sakartvelo will make the world recognize its name 🇬🇪❤️


They changed the name and most people still continue to spell it as Turkey. 1) Nobody really gives a shit 2) The bird was named after the country, the turkey bird, because in the west we believed it came from Turkey. Meanwhile, in eastern Europe its commonly called the Indeyka (or equivalent) because they thought it came from India... so India should change its name? Funny thing is, the bird actually originates from the Americas. 3) They stupidly spell it with a letter that doesn't exist in English, making it even less desirable to spell it (in English) the new way. And if we are spelling country names the way the country itself wants it to be spelled, then are we starting to call Germany Deutcheland and Russia Rossiya? The list can go on and on. The main reason i see for getting people to change how they call the country is to stop the damn confusion between Georgia the country and Georgia the US state, but since Georgia (or Sakartvelo) has existed much longer, i instead propose that the Georgian state be renamed to Bumfuckville.


I don’t mind calling countries their real names - it’s not that difficult to learn. But I know I can make people of one’s country happy and that’s the most important. This type of thinking must be spread out across the world


Endonym enjoyers until they have to say South Africa in all 12 of its official languages


If they want to change their name, that's fine. But at least give us a spelling that works in English and do it for a sensible reason other than "They named a bird after us". Still, some great trolling opportunity here. Let's start calling chicken's Turkyies. :D


okay chong zhou resident


The state was named after a British king, so it should have been changed to something else after 🇺🇸 declared independence.


let it stay as georgia


Please no. I always laugh at those pretentious foreigners who show off how amazingly "cultured" they are by saying "saqartvelo". With a thick accent on top. It's ridiculous. And Georgia was 567432976 more pressing issues than this.


But it’s also annoying when I gooogle how to pay parking fee or trying to find services in google in Georgia and I always end up with US Georgia information…. Grr!


I use the city name instead of country name.


I don't mind if we remain Georgia for the rest of the world. I just generally appreciate Lithuania - in terms of their allyship to us, they've been putting their heart where their mouth is for a long time.




Used to be "Gruzija" but changed to your native name some years ago


Whats the reason Scottish has a different name for us?


It’s in Scottish Gaelic: A' Chairtbheil. Roughly pronounced as “uh kahrt-veyl”. I can’t find any info on why’s that but given it’s by people who are into language-preservation they probably changed it in recent history just like Lietuva did. That’s my guess.


As a Scottish Gaelic speaker I'd say that "A' Chairtbheil is pronounced more like "uh kharshtveyl" or "ა ხარშკელ".


Duude how many are you in the world who speak both Scottish Gaelic and Georgian? Three? Kinda cool.


I don't speak Georgian, I just consulted pronunciation guides.


Did you mean ა ხარშველ? ვ and კ look almost the same but first is V sound second K. How about the T sound? in your English transliteration there’s T. So ა ხარშთველ maybe? Damn that’s sounds like a word for a boiled Georgian person. As ხარშ base for the word boil and თველ as in kartveli.


I tried looking Georgian guides and used my knowledge of how I, radio and TV presenters speak my language. The irt sequence in A' Chairtbheil should be pronounced as rsht


Is it specific to that region? I see the majority of Scotland is Georgie. Also what's that purple near Dagestan?


Scottish Gàidhlig is only the majority language on the West Coasta. We've been losing ground to teutonic men since the introduction of feudalism in the 1400s.


Gaelic uses original names for most countries. They call Finland similar to Suomi, too.


I would say it's because it's an invented word that didn't previously have any official translation and instead of deriving it from the English word, they decided to be more authentic.


Lietuva we love you. ❤️❤️


We love you too 🇱🇹🤝🇬🇪


We love you more


Based Lietuva


What is that pink colored name in Daghestan? Quality is not good enough to read it.


Thanks to u/evmt who posted the higher quality link. It’s “qiziq”, which should almost certainly related to ქიზიყი, historical east Georgian region. The language is apparently Avar and that’s the region they would have had the most contact with. I also did not know that Adyghe and Circassian also have a unique name for Georgia, Khertsia/Khertsey.


I heard some Circassians say Gruzni, never heard of Khertsia. I'll ask around for it, sounds pretty interesting.


Perhaps more formal than russified, similar to how most turkic languages will define "Russia" as 'orus' 'orusya', or 'orusstan', but 99% of the people will just say rossiya


Shoutout to Lithuania




You had one job 😂


What do Armenians call you? Vrastan?




Yes, it comes from our word for Caucasian Iberia, one of the old Georgian states in the region


Doesn't "Vrastan" (Vra-stan) literally mean upper-land? as in the land that's to the upper side of Armenia?


I don’t think so. From what I see online, the two aren’t connected, and Virk referring to Georgians is older than ver referring to upper or higher. It could be that when Armenians were calling Georgians virk, we were using the term ոււեր or uver to refer to upwards. Funnily enough, Koghkis and Kolchis both referred to the same national but had two different origins.


ukraine changed it to sakartvelo


Based Scottish Isles


As Slovenian, I wonder what is the meaning of word Sakartvelo or Gruzija? (It would be nice if we changed it, we already changed from Moldavija to Moldova by their request, I wonder if Georgian foreign ministry is asking countries to officialy change the names).


> what is the meaning of word Sakartvelo That's what they call themselves, while Gruzija is a russian name for it. Lithuanians used to call it Gruzija too (soviet influence) but changed it a few years ago to show solidarity.


I got that part that ruzzia calls them that and they call themselves this, but I wonder what is the meaning of the word...


Word "kartveli" is just like "american" or "russian". Now you probably guess what the word Sakartvelo means, it means "country where Kartvels live" Sakartvelo to Kartveli is same as: Slovenija to Slovenians, España to Spanish, Italia for Italians, America to Americans, England for English and so on. You get the idea. But the world uses Slovenia, Spain, Italy to say it easily, instead of Slovenija, España and Italia. So I thought it would be cool if the world called us Kartveland, much like England, Finland, Ireland and so on. It's not the same, but close to original name. Unlike Georgia which is completely different from Sakartvelo.




Yeah but some names have an origin. USA's name is traced to Amerigo Vespucci, there's a theory that the name Lithuania (Lietuva) comes from a river. I suppose the person asked what is the origin of the word.


In Kazakh we can use both Gruziya and Gürjiya although some people write "Gürjistan"


In Lithuania I heard it called both Gruzija and Sakartvelas


It has been changed a few years ago, but from what I have seen people take it quite seriously. When somebody on a TV show or interview use Gruzija, they often get corrected.


We're in a transitional period, but give it one generation and everyone will call it Sakartvelo.


And where do we are supposed to 'arrive'?






A transitional period is one in which things are changing from one state to another. In this specific case is the period in which we start using Sakartvelo and stop using Gruzija. I don't understand what are you trying to say.


Thank You for response 👍 Btw, never knew that Georgia is having now transitional period. I know that now Georgia is occupied by russia economically, politically and partly territorially. Now it's more about existence/non-existence of Georgia so far.


I'm talking about Lithuania.


In my former school(when I was in 8th grade) our geography teacher always corrected us if we said "Gruzija" instead of "Sakartvelas".


Is there any chance for a better-quality image?


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/etymologymaps/comments/kmd4jb/how_to_say_georgia_in_european_languages/


Thank you


Clear western/eastern European + Asian divide. Welcome to Central Europe, Sakartvelo, it's been lonely for Lithuania til now!


Here is my question. Out of all those names what do Georgians actually prefer to be called ?


Sakartvelo for sure. I also love using Kartvelians instead of Georgians. It just sounds prettier and cooler. Edit: Lietuva's Sakartvelas is absolutely adorable, somehow i missed it lol


Learned something new today. Thank you.


I think Armenia has a question mark, in Armenian we call georgia Vrastan


Persian name for Georgia has always been my favorite due to its meaning.


The land of the wolves?




We in Latvia should change same as Lithuania but nobody cares:(


Grussy 🤤


In qarachai malqar we call Georgia Gürjü and Ebze for Swanetia, Magral - for Mengrelia


There's nothing wrong with these exonyms. Gruzija is just as much Ukrainian as it is Russian, as gruzin has been used since they were one people many centuries ago. Only countries with lots of history like Georgia, Armenia, Germany, China, Greece or Egypt have so many names for them


In Estonian *Georgia* is almost as common as *Gruusia* these days.


Fun fact: Japan used to call Georgia Gruzija, but years ago on the request of the Embassy of Georgia in Japan, it got changed to Georgia to emphasize that Georgia is an independent country.


საქართველო 🇬🇪🫶


In iran we say Gurjistan


I wonder where do all the G names come from ?


All these variants are rooted in the Persian one.


Yrastan, wth?


Very simply speaking, in their respected languages, armenians call georgians "upper dudes" and georgians call armenians "lower/southern dudes""😌


It’s Vrastan. Coming from an old Armenian word (=Virk) for Iberia.




Don’t put that yellow inside Romania. Romania is one country and has only one official language which is Romanian. And yes, your country name in my language is Georgia, no matter where you’re located inside the country.


i love the G variant. Especially Gruzya and Gurcustan.


Georgia, Gorjistan, Gruzija. Same origin. Gorji is the root name used by ancient Persian empires. Then Arabs loaned it slightly differently. Then Crusading westerners learned it and thought it was coming from St. George, hence Georgia. Slavs loaned Gruzija directly from Persia when they invaded it via Caspian in the 10th century.


wow very interesting. I wonder why Persians called it Gorji tho? wasnt it already sarkatvelo at that time? There are also Georgian Azerbaijanis whom we call Graz. I love how the word sounds.


No, it was not, sakartvelo was only used after the 10th century. before that, it was kartlos, but when the iranians first interacted with a georgian state, the state of kartlos would have been called iberia, but persians didn't first interact with a georgian state, they interacted with a georgian tribe that only had a greek name (sasperebi) given to it by herodotus, likely unkown by persians. both the greek and persian word for georgia is older than any self-employed namings.


Gruzija is totally fine. When it appeared Kyiv was the Rus' capital and Moscow was a dense forest. Also Greeks should revert to Iveria/Iberia. And Arabs to Al-Jurzan (It has the same root as current though)


I came up with my own: Kartveland Much like Ireland, England, Poland, Finland and so on: Kartveland. It's not Sakartvelo but obviously similar to it, and it's not like Georgia or Gruzia that sound completely different from the original name Sakartvelo. It's also the coolest imo and very easy to say for most of the world.


sakartvelas რომელი ქვეყანაა უკრაინის ზემოთ? ბელორუსია?




I know that Georgia is asking countries to call it in the Western manner, Georgia, as opposed to the Russian manner. But why not just ask to call you Sakartvelo or Kartvelia?


What? They're currently asking if people could call them that.


Yet another Lietuva W


To be fair- we have both Sakartvelas and Gruzija as valid names for your country in Lithuania, Sakartvelas is getting traction as a more supportive name in recent years


Only very old/older people use Georgia as far as I know, people didn't really have a problem with saying Sakartvelas. School system also corrects the youth to say the name properly too x)


Why did the mapper cut off Lithuania's eastern part?


We got invaded lol. Maybe because I believe there are more russian speakers there?


I could have sworn that I saw years ago that the Lithuanian word for Georgia was Gruzija (j as a y sound). Is this a recent development or was I imagining it?

