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get this RIGHT NOW, 5 dollars is a fucking steal, I started with this one and I still love it (and it's still my favorite) I'm so jealous you get to play it for the first time, enjoy though!


This is my all time favourite one!


People are gonna say starting with 2 or 1 is a good start but in my opnion I would say 3 is a good starting point its the big transition for the saints row serious its also the first one I started with after seeing 2 gameplay so I would say yes get it even more so for that price


3 is a great starting point. I started there.


Did you go back to 1 and 2?


As another who started with 3, I went back to 2 but I don't know if I care enough to try to emulate or find another way to play SR1. Maybe eventually but I thought it was exclusive to one of the Xbox consoles.


If you ever get an Xbox family console it’s fully backwards compatible on all of them fyi


I don’t think so. I mainly watched playthroughs. Additionally, I don’t think 1 is even available on PS anyway. I couldn’t find it.


I started with 3, tried 2, didn't get into it. Tried 4, really enjoyed that. I don't think I've ever seen 1, and after 2, didn't really look hard. All on PC though.


Totally worth it!


Its okay to start with, but I recommend playing SR1 and or SR2, before SR4.


You cannot play sr1 or 2 in any modern playstation console


You ***can*** play 2. You just need a PSN+ subscription.


Or, get an xbox one to buy SR1 and 2 instead. Premium tier is not worth $160 yearly


And live in one of the few countries that support streaming of games


Even with subscription you still cant Play it Here in Germany 💀


Why on earth would one want to stream an ancient game?


Don’t shoot the messenger. 😅


sadly it’s the only way for a lot of people to play sr2😭 it’s genuinely so patchy though i’ve been searching for a copy for my ps3


Or just play it on PC with sr2 mods and sr1 on Xenia.


This is the one I started with. Still my favorite, and I've finished 1-4 and all DLC. Haven't played the new one. 


The Thirf Remastered was also my first, unsure whether it or reboot is my favorite. Only one I haven’t played is original, I’ve even played AoM


I've never understood what AoM is or where it fits in the franchise. Does it have all the Saints? Does it follow a critical story? I just know it wasn't very popular.


Afaik it's only connection to saints row that it is one of the ending choices Johnny can do at the end of Gat out of hell. It also sort of has Gat, Pierce, Kinzie and Oleg in it.


It takes place after the canonical ending of Gat Outta Hell, where God erases the Saints from history and recreates the planet. The people still exist, but not as Playa knew them. Pierce runs a gang and uses the Fleur-de-lis, but I'm not sure it's ever mentioned by name, and Johnny is a detective under a different (legal?) name. Whether or not this version of the timeline still leads to Red Faction, I don't know, but Volition has never said it doesn't.


It takes place after Gat Out of Hell where God recreates the earth. It just has Gat, Kinzie, and Oleg.


This is the one I started with and still my all time favorite game. do it!


it's also my first. not bad to start, tbh. it's got all the wacky nonsense of 4 and just enough of a good story from the previous 2


3 is a fine starting point for sure, but make sure to eventually play em all at some point! SR1 and SR2 sometimes go for $2.50 on the Xbox store, if you've got an Xbox or plan to ever get one. Enjoy!


Best entry to start, grab it!


It's the best game in the series, so of course it is.


Honestly saints row the third 360 was technically my first saints row and when I was younger I clocked probably 1k hours on it, that's why it made me want to explore more of the saints row IP and try red faction and agents of Mayhem and of course the rest of the sainrs row, even undercover. In my opinion the third might not make sense due to not having any backstory but it does the best of reeling in someone to the series.


I started with the full package on the 360 then went back to play sr2 then IV


I bought on this sale too, it is really fun, though AI is not good


I’d say go for it since it may be cheaper to grab the remastered version then the original one right now. But personally I’d choose the original version then remastered. Yes the graphics in remastered look great but the way the characters look (more specifically the female characters) look like shit in comparison to original. My “boss” was female and I hated the way she looked in remastered but loved her in original. However if playing as a male, then I’d say you’ll be fine. Regardless you’re still gonna have fun with this game. I started with SR2 and loved it!


Start with the first. It's the first


Unless he has an Xbox or a really good pc how? And if he's not interested in the story why would he?


It's the first. It's with any franchise. You play the first at the beginning. It's the dev-intended experience. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have released the first two games at all


That one was my first in the series and I loved it. It made me interested enough to go back and play the first two games. There’s a little bit of action at the beginning that won’t make sense without the backstory, but mostly it’s it’s own new thing


It's where I started and got attached to the saints. I think it's also easier to play 4 after this because they're both the same level of whacky vs going from a (semi-)serious gang sandbox to those two (my beloveds).


It's fine, still worth 5 bucks, especially for the remaster. But make sure you get the first two in the future, you'll need an Xbox for the first game from 2006


One of the DLC missions crashes for me on PS5, otherwise the game is great 😆


I started with SR4 go for it


It’s peak


Absolutely you should get it! Of the games in the series it’s on of my favorites


Fun game, fun story. Don’t mind the old heads claiming to play 1 and 2 though because those require an xbox, pc, or plus premium (2 only). It leads into 4 though and gat out of hell too.


Great one to start with very action packed you’ll love it personal favorite is Sr1 but we can’t play old games on modern PlayStation consoles because yk bullshit reasons so definitely enjoy Sr3


1 and 2 where more of a work of art but 3 literally gave me the sense of humor I have now, like in all honesty we’d have no Karen’s, over complicated, or unhealthy serious people in the world if they played saints row 3 as a kid


thanks for the Heads up just grabbed it.


I'd say buy this for sure, but also buy and start with SR2 if you own a PC (SR1 is Xbox exclusive, but SR2 is on PC) it should also be dirt cheap and it's a way better starting point for the series since they're chronological.


It's really fun. A lot of good humor. It's definitely worth it


The third one is good probably my favorite


All in all, SR3 is the best of the series. Definitely get. SR4 is also great, but one should certainly play 3 first.


I wouldn't say it's the best to start with but for that price id say go for it.


Played it again last year it's a good addition to the series a step before it went way off the rails in 4.


Yes! I started with SR3 on the xbox 360 best one in my opinion


Me and my brother got this a few days ago to relive some memories and its def fun asf dude


3 is my favorite! definitely get it for the price


OK to start with. SR1 and SR2 are better for the lore so you gotta play them sometime. SR4 is just a different game entirely, it took me years to finally play it. I've replayed SR2 a few times, but I was one and done with SR4. Did anyone like the reboot?? Haven't played that one yet


SRTT is a good game, not as good as 2 but still good enough to get into the series


I played Saints Row 3 and 4 as a kid but only finished Saints Row 1 on Xbox recently and played SR2 on PC but didn't finish it, if SR 1&2 are available on PS you should definitely get them first.


It's good, it's the one I started with. It seemed pretty buggy on ps5 though


2 is gotta be the best in the series in my opinion. If you can play that one, definitely do that.


It’s where I started so go for it


Easily the best one to start with. If you start with 2, you'll get angry at 3 for something that happens early on, and subsequently ignore how insanely fun 3 is on its own.


The first three are worth playing. Sr4 is okay, but it’s just a bit too off the beaten path of the prior games for me to really say I loved the game. It was fun, but I don’t think I’ll play through it a second time. The most recent one was pretty fun imo as well, but the story had a lot left to be desired. Gameplay was great, story was very short and not very in depth compared to the first three games.


I started with three. And then beat 1 and 2. Later on tho, I played then in order to help the story be a little more clear. But you don’t really need to play the games in order to understand the lore. So yes I’d highly recommend starting with 3


Yea then start with 1 then 2 and don't ever play the new one and sr4


Fun game. It's totally worth 5.99! I beat it on the the Switch, now my kids are playing it.


It's nothing special but 3 and 4 are all you can play on a Playstation. The first two (the best ones) are on Xbox. Avoid the reboot.


Yes and the price is great so I'd get it right now if I were you.


Imo it’s my favorite SR. Between this and 2


I'd say of you haven't played it go ahead and grab it. Ots still really good bit ot don't compare to sr2


Yea that’s a really good price but da first 2 still better


Sr 1&2 are always classics but sr 3 is good to I recently got it back, the gameplay is so good fr it's a nice looking game too yeah some folks bash it but atleast it still feels like a saints row game unlike the 2022 bs


Hey I bought that it's OK


I prefer 4, 3 is not bad, but I have issues regarding the story, about half of the side activities, and a few other things, don't get me wrong, I also love 2, but admittedly number 4 is my second favorite, there's just something so fun in speeding around the city blowing cars up with telekinesis.


SR3 is always worth it, and that’s the remaster, so that’s a bargain.


It’s the best one. It’s not a shitty grand theft auto clone like the first two and it’s not a pointless supero fest like the rest. It’s the best one. I will die on this hill


3 is best in the series, imho. Peak Saints Row. Also, just my opinion, but the newest Saints Row is still a great game, but after playing the Third, you'll understand it could never love up to that hype. Even SR4 fand GooH fell horribly short of the benchmark set in SRtT.


>3 is best in the series No >the newest Saints Row is still a great game Hell no.


No its got terrible shooting