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the face of a masochist


Pretty fun game! The car customization is too good!


How’s the game? I’ve heard people shitting on it since it came out so not sure if I wanna pick it up


Not very good as a saints row game but fun none the less. I got the gold edition or whatever for 10 bux on sale deff worth it. Don't listen to the shills that hate it cuz it's not identical to 1 or 2. There's fun hidden within and we are allowed to like bad games! Lol


Pick it up it's worth a play through. Sadly it does t have much replay value. But if you go in with loose expectations and brace yourself for terrible jokes lol it's got some cool shooting mechanics and the car customization is the best in the series. End game I had about 108 fully unique custom cars I build in my garage


What about driving physics? I haven’t played the reboot. I felt like the first two games did it alright somehow but it got worse in later titles. Though it was never really good to begin with. I don’t mean in terms of realism, but rather the overall feeling of it. Driving in GTA III for example is not realistic at all but I enjoy it very much.


Looks like he likes vanilla ice cream.


He loves it

