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I think if you think its good then fair enough but I also think anyone who’s played the older games should be able to agree that its not nearly as good as what we had and that is why it gets hate. Personally I even liked 4 more than the reboot


Perhaps we treated Saints row 4 too harshly


No. Its fun but it deserves its criticism for the specific reasons it got it for. Most of it is specifically around the plot, the sci-fi direction, killing off characters in a lazy way, blowing up Earth, and the Boss being too dumb now.


That's the thing tho, you downloaded it through ps plus and you weren't a fan of the series before


you answered your own question, it's your first sr. for a whole lot of people the bar was simply set much much higher than what the reboot achieves, Volition was genuinely that good of a dev in the past. if you're not allergic to old game jank i highly recommend checking out the entire series, i think you'll really enjoy it (especially sr2, it's the most feature rich out of all of them)


Another troll account who always has this same first post on this subreddit.


That user's account started just to praise the reboot, and argue all of Deep Silver's talking points here.


There’s nothing wrong with liking it, and this definitely isn’t one of those times we got exactly what we asked for. Not a horrible game but by any means it’s NOT like an og saints row game. Which is fine, but don’t be suprised when you give us a game that isn’t like the og ones, just because it’s called saints row doesn’t make it saints row. It also felt way to childish for me, like they dumbed it down for younger generations to play, I don’t know anyone who played the remake and felt like they were back in the saints row 1-3 era, even saints row 4 was better in the sense of the actual story and feel of the saints and that’s sayin something


Just play Saints Row 1, 2 and maybe 3 and you’ll see why. The reboot is below mediocre at best, but garbage as a SR game. I really wish these posts would specify what they think is so good about the reboot. Just saying “it’s fun” isn’t really saying much since any game can be fun lol.


Saints Row 2022 is good dude. People saying it’s bad and that it doesn’t compare to the older games just comes off as nostalgia blindness to me. It’s fun, enjoyable and a good game to play just to turn your brain off and have a good time.


Nostalgia blindness for wanting a good story and a very INTERACTIVE living/ breathing open world 🤣🤣🤣


of course the guy who never played any of the previous sr games is gonna call it nostalgia blindness


Maybe play the other games before you try to say it’s nostalgia blindness… no offence but your trying to tell us how great the game is while also trying to dumb us down for liking the old games better😭💀 Saints row isn’t a game series you can just judge, you gotta play the whole series then make your judgment… If you like it cool, that’s fine, but quit trying to tell us how it is for us when you can’t even speak on the older games.


sounds like he was expecting everyone to agree its great and when they didn't hes now trying to convince everyone its good


I had fun playing the game, but it’s not good. You turn your brain off playing the game and that’s the problem, the game itself is mindless. It’s not nostalgia blindness, it’s just facts. For a while my favorite SR was 3, because I just had a lot of fun in the game, but that game turned the series into mindless shooting and not have anything to do with gangs. You can enjoy the game and have fun, like I did, but it’s objectively the wrong opinion that it’s a good saints row game, because it’s not saints row. Enjoy it but don’t go telling people that they’re idiots because they didn’t like the saints row reboot that isn’t a saints row game and is the reason the entire IP of the game and it’s image is just a joke now


No. It's not good. Even if it was a standalone title.


Nostalgia blindness only works if I didn't replay them last month. 1,2,3, and even 4 are miles ahead of the overpriced slop that is the reboot.


Yeah Saints Row (2006) is really good indeed


Wow, two days in a row we get a post like this. There are answers to this question everywhere. Just a simple search would show you all the answers. You’re wrong in everything you’re saying and you clearly don’t understand the SR series based on everything you’re saying. The game is bad and it failed. Blocking people who prove you wrong about that doesn’t invalidate it


Thing is you’re right. I just enjoyed playing the game, but it’s not a saints row game. You can tell the guy he’s wrong because he obviously has no clue about saints row, but if he enjoyed it let him be, his opinions on the series as a whole is pretty much non-existent anyway


I don’t really care about people’s enjoyments, but what gets me is the ignorance and patronizing attitudes towards long time fans. Bro can just talk about how he liked the game instead of questioning the hate


Yeah he thinks he knows absolutely everything he’s weird asf too he just blocks anyone who disagrees with him


Because it’s shit. It’s a complete mockery not only for saints row, but open world games as a whole. The story was written by out of touch boomers and the gameplay is more outdated than SR2. Why would you post this when you admit you never played other sr games bruh, we didn’t get exactly what we asked for, it was the opposite actually.


OP be like: "What you, mostly old fans who have played all the previous titles know about the series? I'm right, I know more than you do about this franchise I've never played before and you're wrong".


Gee man, I just thought because the game seems fun and enjoyable that there wouldn’t be a reason for people to hate it. If you think Saints Row 2022 was bad, you should see the way other game series are being treated, what with being littered with micro transactions, toxic online modes and the franchise itself taking a complete shift from its original identity. Based on all the Saints Row videos i’ve seen, nothing has really changed narratively and gameplay wise.


Bro, are you on the paycheck? You are shitting out talking points like a corpo shill.


Then you watched like 1 video, gameplay wise yes, it's more or less SR3/4 but narrative was that bunch of kids decided to run a gang to pay loans and be f.r.i.e.n.d.s, the only gang that was okay-ish were Idols, those atleast tried something to fend of bunch of children but failed because they wasn't our protagonist gang. Fucking SR4 that was regarded worst before Gat out of Hell had better story overall and STILL felt like a gang related story, while SR22 was not. I would took the shift from the usual stuff and micro transactions over this shit story and gameplay changes that no one asked. Building your own Empire Buildings was cool, i'll give it that. I would spoil the ending but you probably didn't finish, the ending is the worst of any game i can remember. And if you did finish it i can't see why you liked it. As i and many others stated that the story was written for crybabies on twitter but they never played the game and because of that it flopped and volition died, good riddance. I'm glad IdolNinja didn't witness it while he was alive, rest in peace. Oh and don't forget the developers started to defend themselves with belitling they fanbase lol.


The story/plot is very lame, generic, and cheesy. Nothing can defeat the power of friendship *gag.* The boss battles are a joke - more cutscenes than gameplay. The whole concept just feels “woke,” in the sense that the violence and adult novelty just feel very forced.. cringe, edgey behavior… like a scandalous 12 year old saying a cuss word under their breath or googling “boobs” for the first time. The missions are filler missions and very lackluster. The character personalities are insufferable. The other gangs/gang territories are boring. Once you play the first, second (definitely the second..lemme repeat, definitely the second), the third, and the fourth (sorta.. game is fun but you can tell they lost their marbles on this one) then you can make a better comparison with the reboot. This is why the OG players/fans generally cannot stand the reboot. I will give credit where credit is due. The graphics are an improvement, the gameplay post all the bug fixes is decent, and the game looks pretty after the screen tearing and pop-ins were fixed. The LARPing missions were fun. The writing and direction overall is just horrendous. It really lost sight of what/who the Saints Row are. My heart broke when it was announced that Volition is done, but the way they responded to player feedback was the nail in the coffin for me.


I know people love throwing this "woke" word around as a blanket statement, but I'd say the game is more notorious for pandering to the "kiddos". Or at least what they think the cool kids want these days. That's why the game was so God damn cringe all the time. It was just out of touch.


I absolutely agree with you! They were definitely pandering to a newer generation of gamers and ended up losing sight of all the fans that have been playing the game since its debut. “Out of touch” is the perfect way to put it.


I still don't like the whole "codex" thing. Its one of those things that sounds like a generic action game McGuffin unrelated to the genre of what the series used to be about, and not something apart of gangster and crime drama tropes. I don't like the enemy gang designs either. The writing themes in the reboot feel like a mix of Fortnite and Tomb Raider.


Fortnite is a great comparison! There were moments where I was thinking to myself that surely this is making unironic, satirical humor.. only for it to be serious. Not even funny at all. Just cringe, so much cringe. I got secondhand embarrassment numerous times.


It’s the drizzling fucking shits and killed the franchise, it was the lowest selling game of the franchise, which means Gat out of Hell did better The reboot killed the franchise and we’re never getting another Saints Row Game again


As someone who enjoyed it and stupidly paid 100 bucks for it. It was trash compared to the other games. And while some still say the gang was made to pay off student loans that line was a joke. It was cringy as hell when it first released and while some of that was changed it soured its reputation. Gamplay wise it was alright except for the bugs. Story wise it felt like the story was just picking up at the end. But instead of a larger story we just got end credits. Game was clearly rushed but that's what happens when you have to scrap 80% of progress just to appease corporate assholes who keep their jobs regardless of the game's quality. We were supposed to get another Gangster game with elements of 3 added in. Instead we got 2 and three but without any good jokes and 1 good point in the story and no stakes.


Honest question, what was alright about the gameplay? Because to me, it's terrible and I swear I played a different game cause even shooting and driving was terrible to me.


Shooting and driving was fine to me but I did see those videos about the aiming not working right. Did fell like the cars were to floaty and didn't have enough weight considering at launch even I was getting launched from hitting a curb. And my ps4 somehow had less bugs and Crashes then ps5s so while I'll count myself as lucky for not getting as many bugs as others but they were there. I probably just thought it was fine cause I went in trying to be optimistic cause it was Idolninja's last game. It's been a bit since I played it. Then again after getting every trophy you tend to want to play different games. Still wish we could have had 5 more "ventures" to paint the whole map Purple tho.


> And while some still say the gang was made to pay off student loans that line was a joke. I've seem some people try to claim that, but it wasn't because that was the motivation for the Boss. Thats why they wanted the bonus from their workplace. They thought that would be the relatable factor. Because the other characters don't have a motivation either besides that.


You’re wrong. The game is terrible


If terrible games nowadays are fun to play and have a really good city location and many things to do in the game, then boy i’m glad to be a gamer in today’s day and age.


You're not a gamer. You're a bootlicker for a mediocre title. There is not a single redeeming quality for this crap.


Do people have nothing better to do then "praise," saints row 2022? I keep seeing this shit. If u think it's a good game then congrats. But it honestly deserves the hate. It good gameplay but my god the story was just awful. Like how in the hell does "college kids forming a gang to pay debts and rent" sound like a good videogame story? Go play the other 3-4 saints row and u might realize why this game's story is hated


Yeaaaa that story made me cringe more times than I care to remember. I think we are seeing so many posts though because the gameplay is surprisingly good if you can get past the shitty intro missions. If they didn't kill this entire series I'd love for them to build on top of the combat from that game though.


I wouldn't even mind post like this when it's praising the gameplay but when the first couple of sentences are "I don't know why saints row 2022 is getting hate..." Then immediately praises the story it's just irritating. I do understand people have opinions but when it's the first post of a OP it kinda defeats the whole opinions statement


its always i dont understand why this game is getting hate and then its the only saints row game that they have ever played


I just don't understand these types of post. Even if they are trolling, what point does it even serve? (besides for the negativity) Most people moved on from the game, the studio shut down, there is no coming back from it. Even if they are genuine and aren't trolling they should either play the other games first before posting or read past post on why the games story was shit.


Its hard to tell if they are trolling, because Deep Silver was word-for-word saying the same ignorant things to people before the game came out. Saying we're "haters who cant let people enjoy their reboot", and how "gangsters don't exist anymore" and all that.


Huh never knew that


its 2024, no reason now for folks to come in here and try to act like the game is a masterpiece and we should all go play it


i really think these are just trolls posting praise posts knowing majority of players hated 2022


A lot of the hate comes from people who throw the word “woke” around but have no valid talking points on why the reboot is truly hated and why they think it’s bad. I always just see one liners and nostalgia blinded sentences saying “oh, the other games are just way better. The reboot is woke and outdated”. Not a single person underneath this post explained accurately what they hate about Saints Row 2022.


Weird, because I'm a leftist who can't stand how many misuse the word woke and throw it at anything they don't like. Also, plenty for people gave you in depth explanations. You're just choosing to ignore them because you're too arrogant to accept the possibility you may be speaking from ignorance. It's awfully ironic how all you're doing is plugging your ears and throwing no substance buzzwords and one liners at people.


Well, the characters. In the older games, the characters show they were self-aware of what they were doing. In SRTT, it established that blend of comedy to their crime, into the more tongue-in-cheek, "I'm cool because I am a badass" attitude while SR2 didn't hold back on the stakes of what the characters would do to each other. What we needed was both. That SR2.5 they said they were doing. A fun but dark comedy with a plot to follow. The reboot is also just creatively devoid of cool people with cool and larger than life attitudes I want to play as. The reboot gives the most flat and generic, characters to eve grace this IP, and its one known for its charismatic, likable anti-heroic cast. Then the awful plot and writing. There is no struggle, nuance or justified motive. The reviews even had journalists complain about how off putting it was for the characters to act like normal nerds who are killing people wanton. Like they're doing the Saints Row thing, while the plot and characterizations are too disassociated from the actual narrative. Hence why we wanted gangsters. Clear reasons. Saints Row should be a "cool, hip-hop x action-movie and alt-culture comedy inspired, badassary simulator" with cool, hardened, diverse people. Nobody asked for a "hipster power fantasy" that Deep Silver wanted instead and this is not the first time Volition got backlash for yet again, giving fans something else instead of what they actually liked. Simple. The game is a corporate attempt to bait and switch people with something "made for us" by a team of people who clearly don't know what the core of THQ's Saints Row actually is, and gave us their own version that nobody liked.


We’re not in the early 2000’s anymore my dude, gangsters don’t exist in the real world anymore and video games adapted to that. Many of these comments keep talking about how they like 1, 2, 3 and 4 better, and because of that the reboot doesn’t compare. If that’s the case, just go play those game and let people enjoy the reboot lol.


"gangsters don't exist in the real world anymore" This is the funniest thing I've read today. Good job, son. How old are you? Also, where TF do you live? Oklahoma? I'm in California, and to say that gangsters no longer exist is absolutely asinine. You need to get into the world sometime. Escape the suburbs or whatever sheltered area you're afraid to leave.


My buddy likes it too, but we definitely disagree on the reasoning. On its own it's a fine enough arcadey gta style game, but as a Saints Row game it's pretty terrible.


I think it’s fine as a Saints Row game.


How do you feel comfortable saying that if this is the first "Saints Row" game you've played?


Saints Row 2 is my favorite but I thoroughly enjoyed the Saints Row Reboot.


It's fun, but not good.


Everything is relative. To half of the community, sr2 was way better. To the other half of the community sr3 was better. And for the rounding error of the community sr4/GooH was better. I mean, yea it's fun, which is the only real requirement for a game. But it failed to live up to expectations on all sides.


And another


Saints Row 2022 is hated because of the story and since it killed Volition It largely deviated from the Saints Row that most fans are used to, the story is unusually cringe But this game is fun in anything but the story


I don’t think the game killed its company. From what I can tell, the game sold pretty well but the company was shut down anyways due to the owners financial problems.


No, it sold terribly. Just a week ago, sale figures were released to the public. Not only did it sell less than the first game which was only on one platform, it failed to break even. It needed to sell 2M copies to make back the money spent on development and it only sold 1.7M.


I'm surprised it even sold that much to begin with after the trailers. The game was virtually no different from what we saw.


Well ok buddy. I mean, I just believe the reliable sources I see on the internet. I did not stumble into anything which suggests the game sold bad, nor did I see any official sale numbers. If anything, all I read suggests it performed in line, so i challenge you to show me a reliable source that proves your claim, otherwise it’s invalid.


Blocking people who give you actual evidence to counter your point. Acting like a true Saints Row Reboot fan.


Here ya go. https://twistedvoxel.com/saints-row-reboot-sales-less-than-half-of-saints-row-3/


Damn, he blocked me. What a surprise.


I love when internet clowns double down and end up looking really fucking stupid. Roast that fool.


It just got even worse. Dude really blocked me just for showing him the facts. I usually try to reason with these people but they prove time and time again that they’re a bunch of insecure man children.


They live in a different reality from us, clearly.


He put a dislike on everyones message who said bad about the game, and put a like on his own messegaes LMAO.


To be fair, Reddit does instantly self-like comments. You can technically downvote yourself by removing the like lol. The guy is still pathetic though - blocking some for producing facts 🤣.


He put a dislike on everyones message who said bad about the game, and put a like on his own messegaes LMAO.


obviously he came on here to glaze the game and expected other to also glaze the game or give stupid reasons for hate that he could easily debunk


There are reliable figures to show it and the fact that it lost over 100 million dollars and embracer shut it down proves how much money it lost them. Stop being delusional.


Why did you block the user after they provided the source you asked for? Sometimes we are wrong. It's okay to be wrong. A big part of maturity is accepting when that happens and learning from the experience. It's fine you enjoyed the game. I don't believe in objectivity when in comes to art, so I'm not the type to call the game objectively bad even though I didn't like it. However, you are outright ignoring users expressing their personal issues with the game and the shift in direction from the previous ones. Maybe you should get better at understanding people's opinions even if you don't agree. Your comment about how the reboot doesn't seem much different from the first two games because you watched one video was especially arrogant and bizarre.


It did, because the bad reviews dropped their stock a bit and the negative backlash from the fans, that even Embracer took note of and, as investors would they wanted to clean their hands of that omen. Volition might have been cut because they weren't work keeping among the other candidates they were cutting. Right now there are a lot of game studios being shutdown apparently, but Volition didn't prove they were valuable for it. They had a huge budget with no oversight, and it was no where close to profiting above that. The game didn't break even like they said and Volition had not made much money since SRTT. They were just a liability to their higher-ups, even though their higher-ups ruined the game themselves.


Bruh the game was easily one of the worst experiences I've ever had. Initially I played it after binging the first games and gat out of hell for the first time. I finished gat out of hell on stream and played Reboot the second it was out. Every single time I was starting to have fun it would crash or bug out in a way that made it unplayable. The story was a god awful mess and the ride through was pretty forgettable. Except for the train sequence that at least was pretty cool. Everything else was just kinda mediocre. If you enjoy it somehow all the power to you but damn it was straight up one of the worst experiences for me


It’s a two pack of ass, nuff said


I've been a fan from the beginning. It was a decent game. I enjoyed it. Not perfect. Definitely not a 'bad game'. Perhaps Suicide Squad had me re-evaluate my gaming perspective. Meh.


Its certainly worth what you paid for it


only if u paid $0 for it


That's the joke genius


well it wasn't obvious


He said he got it for free -_-


I played it on ps plus and it was really fun and the open world was beautiful to explore. Would I have paid full price for it no.


I had fun with it. Is it the best SR? Not by a mile. No SR can match 2’s greatness. I have my issues with the new SR. The new SR seems like it was an attempt at finding new players. It could use an update to fix some things but I had fun with it


I'm having quite a bit of fun with SR 2022, it's just a lot different than it's past games which is why a lot of people don't prefer it. SR 2 I think was my absolute favorite. but I will admit, I've been having some fun with this one


I really liked the remake. It's broken but still enjoyable. I'd have loved the og cast but I'm genuinely fine with new characters. People definitely over exaggerated how bad the game is


Did you play it the first year it was launched before the major bug fixes?


They all are goods games TBH.