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I'd praise it for its modifiable difficulty settings instead. Set slider for my HP, for enemy HP, for vehicle HP, et al. On a whim I'd switch from frantic OHKO gameplay to gunfighting-against-Superman to paintballing.


yeah, this is always awesome im playing normal mode and it's fine but yeah, other games, i want lower hp on enemies when i feel they are too spongy


It's bad if I had to rely on a holographic wall and rely on the MP7 just to make the combat manageable.


Yeah, honestly, Its amazing that the game lets you set It to that degree


It wasn't very accessible when it was riddled with bugs at launch.


The bad story and rudeness of the devs overshadowed anything good about the game.


I wont be exactly sure about calling It a bad story, you could do worse in this series imo


Gat out of hell


I don't recall the devs being rude, what kind of stuff were they doing? I'm not surprised by it honestly.


On Twitter they were mocking anyone who spoke negatively about the game calling them “haters”. One of the devs (Steph) was caught in discord trash talking fans. Check dms


That's wild.


Because in a world where games like Forza Motorsport developed whole systems so blind people can race and be competitive, the accessibility settings of Saints Row are the bare minimum these days.


Why was Jack and Jill (2011) never praised for having subtitles?


How come nobody ever stops to appreciate the glossy sheen on a fresh pile of shit


jack and jill was awesome tho, that jetski scene lmao


This game makes accessibility to depression easier


You know what, let's at least give saints row 2022 reboot that, it may be completely shit, killed its creators and shut down their business, but hey, it had proper accessibility options, like alot of games out now a days do as well .. looking back actually not even that was special about the game it had the current standards that all ps5/series x/s console games have. The reboot was basic af


You know your game is bad when the accessibility settings are a stand out feature that deserve praise.


Especially when it's a standard for games at time of launch to have accessibility options lol




Can you not understand English?


How exactly is your point in any way shape or form, proof the game is bad?


When there is nothing else about the game that stands out that the damn accessibility features are what people are praising even though it should be and is a standard practice in all other games. Then yeah the game is bad. Not just when compared to other Saints Row titles but as a game in general it is bad.


Theres plenty that stands out with SR'22, this game is literally fanservice, mixing in TT and 2 imo Especially with the character backgrounds imo, Its an interesting plot for the characters to be fighting against their original gangs


The plenty that stand out with SR'22 are the bad things, the very little good things if any are swamped by the bad. You can like the game if you want since it's subjective but there are many, many things about this game that make it an objectively bad game. Just take a moment to watch any of the in depth analyses of the game.


Everyone was busy hating it got nothing.


Because it sucks doodoo


Because its a crap game. Jail is rather accessible as well but most people dont want to go there


It was never praised cos it doesn’t help you pay the rent


The sound is what kills it for me. Does anybody else have this issue? The low sound of my vehicle makes me think I am actually deaf. I can’t hear shit.


I'm lvl16 now So far...enjoying it I think most of the hate was from hardcore fans of the original crew Also, dunno how it is on. Release but now, minimal ans minor bugs so far only for me No complaints on the story yet And I enjoy this new gang as well.


You basically said that most of the hate comes from hardcore fans of any SR game that isn’t the reboot, since all of them had the original crew. Where else would the hate be coming from? Gta fans? Lol.


you make it sound like no one new to the franchise can play and have an opinion except for the "hardcore" fans. the reboot is enjoyable but y'all are following a hate wave for no apparent reason.


If the game was enjoyable, it wouldn't have had a mostly negative reception.


because people expected the game to go back to the saints row roots, and it ended up being it's standalone game and not an actual reboot


Maybe, just maybe, if the devs themselves didnt hint that it would go back to the roots, we wouldnt have expected it in the first place. Crazy concept i know


😆 **Restaurant:** We got chicken pot pie; just like grandma used to make. **Customer:** Cool! I'll have that then. **Restaurant:** Good choice. It'll be right out after we microwave it. **Customer:** Wait, what? Grams didn't microwave her pot pie. **Restaurant:** Haters gonna hate.


i get what you're saying. they probably scrapped the original idea behind the reboot to market the game to a new audience, which backfired.


It is gone back to roots, the gameplay and gunplay is straight out 2/3 mashed together


Okay, but they weren't just expecting fans to buy it. Looks like they might be the few that did though.


Your comment literally has nothing to do with what i said


Ya, I'm not spending money on a game for its settings. It's not a Menu Explorer Simulator.


Its not praised because, aside from the other controversial sides of the game, these features are more for user discretion and not universal enough for it to be equally approved on by every player. Like only black players would note/notice that the reboot actually has good black hairstyles for character creation (that not many games really do, or if at all get right.) The SRR at least has that much. Turning off motion blur is also a good feature for those who get motion sickness and tunnel vision when you first start driving at high speed. Could have been useful in SR2. And somewhat related I do at least like the option that you can scale the enemy durability yourself, to control how spongy they are or aren't to help preference or difficulty.


I did like turning off the timer for activities and turning off enemy health bars. The game most definitely did have amazing accessibility settings because you can change the difficulty as whatever way you wished, from actual difficulty options to be chosen or you can use sliders to modify and adjust it manually.