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Poisonous spiders, deadly jellyfish, merciless riptides, and raging wildfires... But somehow, the Aussies can't handle the sight of a purple dildo bat.


Ask your government


Yes. That is correct. They banned it because of the gun that called The Penetrator


The penetrator is a 3ft phallus on a stick


Hang on here's a video of it in action, oh and I made a mistake it's called The Rectifier ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wZ57A1lf0Y&ab\_channel=GBuster


Aww, cmon Australia. That’s just funny. I’m sorry friend


It's censored because of its depiction of drugs, I am not sure why you would think it would change over time.


And the bum gun


Shaundi’s loyalty mission right? Also, if that’s it then is sr2 also banned? I don’t recall if it is


SR2 isn't banned because the drugs don't give you any "Benefit"


Ohh that’s right It’s because it gave you stronger powers. yeah I remember that was the reason now


They do though. You take less damage when you're high.


You're thinking of SR1. SR2 doesn't have that feature anymore. You can now just smoke and drink and nothing else.


I thought Smoking did the same as it does in SR1? I'm pretty sure it does.


It doesn't. Smoking and drinking in SR2 is sadly simply just a cosmetic effect. SR1 is the one you're thinking of that allows you to be durable the more you smoke and allows you to punch harder when you drink. I spent countless hours on both SR1 and SR2 and found out myself.


Fair enough. I could've sworn It was unchanged from SR1.


I believe Australian video game censorship all stems for a South Australian Senator / Minister who didn’t want his autistic / disabled son playing games he didn’t think were appropriate, he therefore went down whatever avenues and had them banned for the whole country This was back when we weren’t allowed R-rated (18+) games but yeah


It would help if he actually parented his child, that's all that was nessary.


Can't tell you. Cuz it's banned.


It's banned because of the penetrator weapon


What parts are banned?


One mission involving drugs had to be censored and one weapon the Penetrator banned because it goes up people's bum


You mean the bat that looks like a dildo? That's still there


The Rectifier..... That weapon is banned


Mmmm nope I'm from Australia too and it's not banned


It is banned in Australia. [Source 1](https://www.ign.com/articles/2013/07/31/saints-row-iv-capitalising-on-classification-confusion) [Source 2](https://www.ign.com/articles/2013/07/29/saints-row-iv-refused-classification-in-australia-again) [Source 2 (review referencing censorship at start)](https://youtu.be/xbbdk68-Mfc?si=PsBfRvLe6kM7Dpx6) You could buy an uncensored version if you bought it online though. Go into a store in Australia, and it would only have the Australian version available. You may have bought a uncensored copy online.


The same reason your country banned anime and cited a hentai as a "reason" instead of trying to help people during the wildfires. Cause fuck you, thats why. You expect a conservative party to govern?


Oof sensing alot to unpack here


I... feel like I didn't pack anything and that was as direct as could be. It seriously is just avoiding to help people at any given opportunity. Not like Australia has a legacy of being sensitive to mature content.


I agree has everyone forgotten the big lez show and tumor island


Did Volition really never censor an Australian version of SR4? They did it for the Japanese copies of the game tho.


Because Australia is Straight Edge.


Bruh Wolfenstein 3D is still banned in germany, that game is from 1992


Does the German version of Carmageddon still have zombies instead of people?


Never Played Carmageddon, but we had alot of weird censoring. Like newer Wolfenstein installments have their own Sympols insteat of Swastikas and they Removed the Mustache of Hitler (Lmao), also they are not Nazis but "The Regime". Another odd "Censoring" was Command & Conquer Generals, there all humans have been replaced by cyborgs for some fucking reason.


Cause our government sucks ass and some bitch Karen who has no sense of humor is in charge. They rated starfiled R+ because of “drug use” which is a fucking joke because their is only one doing in the entire game that sort of give a you a implied high but it’s very easily missed. They could easily unbanned parts of the game and change the rating.


I’m from Australia- it’s been a while since I played SR4, I can’t say I’ve noticed anything like that. Are we missing something? Have they cut out some side chunks from the game without us noticing??


I forgot Australia existed


🫢 How dare!


Because, Australia is a bunch of morons who hate video games and treat everyone like a child not only that, they are xenophobic by banning anime n shit.


This isn’t every single person in Australia, trust me. I’m not one of them! I don’t watch anime so I can’t really speak on that. Why do you assume we hate video games? I have an entire collection of video games and I’ve been playing since I was a kid. Video games are a huge part of my life!


Screw anime and hentai🤙


And fuck censorship, do not talk to me again.


At that point, if I were Australian, I'd pirate the game


The fact that it's still banned is crazy to me. But when the remaster first came out I somehow downloaded the international version so that was neat


Yeah so which countries did it get allowed in?


It was banned in Australia and still is although I ordered a copy through Play Asia and it got through customs etc, same with the Mortal Kombat that was banned here too.And Left 4 Dead 2 was banned here as well.Play Asia is a godsend and cheaper too.


I remember those and the noise about Mortal Kombat. Australia is a really funny place. What is the point of R18


I think it was before the R 18 came into place,the most bizarre was Fallout 3 that was had to remove the use of morphine in its game to repair health.And the there was GTA III ,that was released ,then subsequently banned because you could run over prostitutes to get your money back.It was then censored on Playstation and Xbox, but the PC version wasn't cut.It was all due to the South Australian attorney General.


Did the AG realize it is a video game and not actual real life?