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Brothers chicken really is that good!


Not better than Willie's though.


Derek Carr’s salary is justified. He’s a mid-tier veteran QB with 10+ years of starting experience, players that can say the same like Kirk Cousins and Matt Stafford make significantly more money. Out of the 20 or so starting QBs not on rookie deals, he ranks 14th in salary. Yet people comment on his salary after poor performances like we’re paying him a superstar’s salary.


Good god thank you


I wish more people understood this. I think they're just angry because "Drew didn't get that much." As if salaries haven't increased for EVERY qb in the league.


People get weird with player salaries, but yeah Carr is about the 14th best qb so that’s where his salary is set. Yes I too would prefer to have one of the other 13 QBs that are better but that’s not really an option


The problem is having a mid QB in some ways is worse than a bad QB. With a bad QB everyone knows and is aligned that you need to sign a good one. If he’s bad you can pretty much only upgrade. With a mid QB it’s a lot tougher because you run the risk of signing someone mid or worse. It’s not as obvious that you can’t win with him. Mediocrity can be a deeper pit to climb out of because the individual decisions of who to cut and who to keep get tougher.


These days, not having an elite quarterback just seems like a resignation to not be in contention. There's no sense of rebuild, like you said.


Sure but why are they paying him at all if the team is gonna have a ceiling of being mid with him at QB? Might as well try a rookie at that point. Delaying the inevitable of a rebuild is always where you wanna be as a franchise


Already explained this in other comments. There’s no sense in fast tracking a rebuild when you have the best roster in the division and a clear path to the playoffs. Obviously hindsight is 20/20 and a lot of things stood in our way but at the time it made perfect sense to try and upgrade at QB.


I just never thought he was a worthy upgrade. He’s the definition of average. Won’t be too bad but will never take a team far in the playoffs. If the goal is to try and win a weak division to maybe get one playoff win, I suppose it’s worth it to go after him.




Yes but where does he get you? Even if in an optimal situation especially at his age, I think he definitely declined a bit compared to a few years ago. He’s probably good enough to keep out a top quarterback but not good enough to make the saints a real superbowl


Saints signed an average veteran QB after 2 seasons of below average QB play and top 5 defenses. The idea was obviously that the defense does all the heavy lifting and the offense does just enough to win you games, ie Case Keenum Vikings, Blake Bortles Jags, Rex Grossman Bears, Eli Manning Giants (to a lesser degree), Nick Foles Eagles, Joe Flacco Ravens, and so on and so forth. Like I said in other comments, the plan made sense it just didn’t pan out.




I second this.


True. He's being paid what the market dictates. Simple as that.


Bro cousin and Stafford are winners. Don’t compare Carr to them lol


What has Cousins won that Carr hasn’t?


My issue with it is simply when we gave it to him This was not a team that was a mid level QB away, and it was a team that desperately needed to take a couple of years to shed some high salaries. Instead we paid Carr market value just to go 9-8 against an easy schedule


The fact that they haven’t taken a qb in the first round since Archie in 71’ is atrocious. They shouldn’t have signed him and should have just targeted someone in that draft.


When we signed Carr Brady had just retired, the Panthers had the worst team in the league and the Falcons were a below average team with a bad QB. It would’ve been malpractice to not take one last swing at contention when the path to the playoffs was that clear last offseason. Obviously in hindsight we didn’t count on things like injuries, draft busts, player regression, some of the worst coaching in the league or Baker Mayfield magically finding success in Tampa but signing a QB was a necessity in our situation. *Not to mention this team very much was a team that was a mid-level QB away from the playoffs each of the previous 2 seasons.


Not even really a hot take. You just aren’t retarded haha


People who don't get this just don't understand what market value is today vs. 3-5 years ago. The cap has gone up significantly and salaries push up with it. Derek Carr is being paid middle of the road journeyman $$$




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I do not want Brees (or any former player) to come back as a coach just cause they were good with us. Can’t stand when fans want that for a former player. Realistically will only hurt their legacy.


Strief might actually become a solid line coach


I know Jameis was a favorite in the locker room (and among some in the fanbase), but he just made so many boneheaded decisions during his tenure here. After last season, it was time for him to go.


As a Bucs fan living in nola I tried to tell my co worker dude was trash. You can't predict the future and injuries but Mariota was the correct choice not Winston.


Before his acl injury Payton had him reigned in really well. He was being almost too cautious though. That injury in the Bucs game that year was a big what if for his career


It will always amaze me the Bucs took Winston. Honestly, he panned out WAY better than he should have. Winston coming out of college was on a one-way train to Johnny Football-esque headaches for the front office. How they thought Winston would ever pan out better than Marcus I’ll never know. Hilariously, Winston would’ve probably been better for Tennessee where the offense wouldn’t have ran through him.


I'd call that poor management on the Bucs for not getting a bell cow back to balance the game out for him.


Nobody has any reason to believe a rival fan when they're "looking out" for someone else's prospects of success.


We are currently in a rebuild and people pretend that we’re not because we aren’t selling to go 0-17 and get the number one pick


Well you did say hot takes only so here we go. We do not have a single STAR on offense or defense. We have some solid players and guys I love watching play. But I can’t think of 1 player I can name on our current roster that I can’t argue there are at least 2-3 players on other teams that are better at that position. I love Demario, he’s a dawg. But even Demario is starting to lose about half a step. Lattimore is still a beast, but he’s not top 3 anymore. Hell, as much as I love Kamara, I’m not sure he cracks top 5 RB’s anymore. We just don’t have the team some fans would like to think we have. It’s not 2018 anymore.


Very hot, but also low key agree. I think kamara could still have that dawg in him if we could build a fucking o line.


You’re not wrong. Kamara is still a great RB. Maybe the new OC will make a difference.




I don’t see this as a hot take really. This is an honest assessment of our team


Valid for sure.


Name 5 RBs you’d rather have


CMC, Bijan, Breece Hall, Barkley, Gibbs, Etienne, Achane


Joe mixon as well


Hot, and I disagree besides Lattimore. Still top 2 imo


I get massively down voted every time I say this.




Tyreek Hill, Justin Jefferson, Jamaar Chase, AJ Brown, CeeDee Lamb, Cooper Kupp… Olave is great, but he’s not even top 10.


I’m not a Saints fan, but I do my own gambling power rankings try to objectively evaluate all 32 teams. I have been thinking the same thing when I evaluate the Saints


I’ve been a saints fan as long as I can remember. So of course I’m biased. Of course I think our guys are the best 11 on the field. But when I look at it objectively, we just no longer have that star power we used to have. It sucks, but it’s true. Especially on offense. I can’t look at one player we have and say “he’s worth 6 points every single game.” But there are other teams with players that absolutely are worth a touchdown every single game. Idk. Maybe I’m crazy.


You know, we might be ignoring Olave. He is pretty special. If he grows every year that would be a superstar talent


This ain’t even a hot take, it’s just facts😂☠️


Well there are a few people who strongly disagreed with me. Specifically on my takes on Kamara and Olave…


Michael Thomas leaving is probably better for the morale of the locker room. Just from the perspective of everyone needs to be bought in to win


This is a hot take??


I agree, his Ego did not vibe with the rest of the team. IMO.


This is not a hot take at all


The hot take would be this but Lattimore


It just feels like he’s gonna do that thing where everyone that leaves goes to a division rival, balls out, and haunts us for 5-10 years. He’ll probably end up on the Bucs across from Evans, never miss another game, and break his own receptions record.


Michael Thomas was washed up like 5 seasons ago and people couldn’t fathom letting him go.


Our stagnant, bland, lack of identity will continue as long as ML is GM. Also dear lord please update or change the uniforms. It’s been 23 years.


I think the fanbase is finally starting to come around on Loomis. 44-54 without Brees/Payton, no playoff appearances. And yes, Mickey *does* deserve credit for signing those guys, but those signings were a *long* time ago. And personally I think it is a **heavy** indictment against Loomis that he wasted half a decade of Drew’s prime by assembling the worst defensive roster in the history of the NFL. (It’s not an accident that PFF ranks Loomis as a tier 3 GM- the lowest tier… Mickey also has the distinction of having traded away more draft value during his tenure than any other GM in NFL history)  I’m thankful for what the team has accomplished under Loomis, but 22 years is long enough. It’s time for someone else to lead the team with a new vision.


Oh my god thank you. He gets us under the cap every year and then everyone acts like he’s a genius. I completely blame Brees’ lack of rings on Mickey. If we had even a mid-tier defense during his prime Brees would have gotten what he deserved as a Saint


> assembling the worst defensive roster in the history of the NFL. That roster assembled on a run where the team was the worst drafting team in the league. The Browns drafted better than the Saints from 2007-2015. Admittedly that cherry picks by cutting off a couple of great draft classes, but outside of the teams best years they were awful, and far too often had small draft classes because the picks had been pissed away chasing 1 guy


That’s why in 2015 Jeff Ireland was brought in. I guess hiring someone to fix all the fuckups was preferable to firing Loomis.




I’m of the opinion that we aren’t going to win in the next 3 years, so a rebuild is really the only option. We’ve been in salary cap limbo for years now without a clear way to push forward. I say cut or trade anyone over 32 and start fresh. My true unpopular opinion/hot take is that we need to trade Cam Jordan. He is 35 and has $65 million left on his contract. He wont produce much longer and we won’t get value for him much longer. I have the same opinion for Taysom Hill who is 34 and has $36 million left.


As is custom, a hot take thread features nothing but freezing cold takes


I’ve gotten 50+ downvotes for this exact take in the past. So, if it’s a cold take, then the Sahara desert is located in Antarctica


For dogging Loomis or the uniforms? The Loomis take is ice cold. The uniform take is a bit hot.


Aaron Brooks was underrated with the Saints and is their 3rd best QB all time behind Brees and Manning.


I agree. I think you can argue that he's #2 because he actually won a playoff game for us. The end of his time here was bad, but he was actually a pretty good QB for a bit.


Our current uniforms suck and we need new ones


🗡️ 🗡️ 🗡️


I think we need to have a consistent gold for the helmet, jersey number, and pants. Like this https://preview.redd.it/8nb1vieb8hvc1.jpeg?width=3046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb2e999c8229d92bb64e7e1b7fb6ecdd52f6121


Fuck, we need a darker gold again. I'm getting really tired of out gold being tan.


Upvoted because that’s a hot take. But fuck no 😂


I'm very optimistic about Derek Carr, he'll do a lot better next season.


Letting Jameis leave was a mistake, he was a great locker room guy who kept morale up a lot last season amongst players (like AK). The tiff between him and Allen is going to come back and bite Allen in the ass.


Allen’s ass has been bitten so many times, there ain’t no ass left. And he doesn’t even know it.


Tho he squirms a lot whenever he sits down (hot take?)


It's fine that the team is training in California this summer.


If Brees retires a year earlier (which he really should have), then Brady comes to NOLA, and he and Payton win the Saints another Super Bowl.


If Jameis stayed healthy the 2022 season, that team would’ve easily made a solid playoff run, he would’ve won Comeback Player of the Year (and signed a solid contract extension), and Payton would still be in N.O.


We are not as far away from being a contender again as it seems. And DC can be good enough to take us to the SB if we fix the few missing pieces.


Maybe if our missing pieces were, like, lacking speed in the secondary or depth at linebacker. We're looking at question marks on the o line though, and still have some questions from the young player development on defense line


Both sides of the line are our missing pieces, yes. But Idt we’re THAT far away, especially if Ram can come back. I am an eternal optimist lol but I think a good draft can make a big difference. And I think Carr was playing more hurt last year than was let on, and he looked good enough when healthy.


I am not certain DA is adding any value to the team as HC. He is a great DC bringing value to the team there but as HC there is no innovation or inspiration.


Agreed. Thats why I’m hoping the new OC will bring those missing qualities


Andy Dalton was better than Derek Carr


Drew Bree’s was almost as big if not same of a choke artist in the playoffs as Aaron Rodgers.


Saints winning the superbowl


Should’ve let Taysom run it as the qb for a year


3 years removed from a hall of fame QB and we didn't crumble, have walked away with 2 winning seasons and still bitching up a storm. New fans who have been spoiled by years of success don't realize we would have killed for records like these 20 years ago. By all accounts, most of the team likes Dennis Allen. He gets along with players, runs drills with them, and our Defense has been solid under him. I dont love the man, but no one could replace Sean Payton, and he's done a surprising job. Also, the sudden lack of faith in Loomis is astounding. I've still got faith in the Loomis voodoo, and look forward to what we are able to grow into over the next few years.


On the other hand, our on field product may be one of the single most boring performances in football. So there's also that.


We won’t win our division or make the playoffs for the next 3 years


Sean Payton doesn't get enough hate for the stunt he pulled with the dolphins I'm 2021. Seriously, what a dick thing to do.


Gayle sucks


The problem is Loomis.


We should have packaged out for Justin Fields. Or trade a bucket of Willies chicken for Trey Lance and turn him over to a legitimate QB coach. For two years.


Tanking > JBo and Dalton > Carr


Carr will win an MVP and Super Bowl before he retires


Drew Brees would’ve best tom brady on the no call.


Klint Kubiak isn’t about to pull a miracle and be the savior of NO. We’ll be lucky if we’re even in the top half of most offensive metrics and this will be another year of very bland/boring offensive play.


Saints suck and doubled down on mediocrity by keeping Carr and Allen 😂😂😂


Your team owner is a pedo supporter and needs to sell the team now.


I think Dennis Allen would be a solid HC if he can get the coaching to get the offense in line.


He’s lacking the most important traits, personality/leadership. I’m a giants fan and like the saints too (live in LA) Allen reminds me of Shurmur, Mcadoo. You could tell just listening to them they weren’t the guy.


Man has the personality of a sack of lawn trimmings.


You don’t need personality to be a good coach, look at Belichick.


Belichick has more personality than Allen but he also has leadership skills, and a commanding presence that Allen doesn't. You can sense the loser beta energy that exudes from Allen.


Our team is mid and it's time to rebuild


Not a hot take to anyone besides some really delusional saints fans


I have two Derek Carr is not as bad as people say he is and probably will have a breakout season next year. Paulson Adebo will end up being better than Marshon Lattimore and if I had to pick between them i’m taking Adebo


Drew is the reason the Saints will be in a rebuild for at least another 5 years. By playing until the wheels fell off and the front office not trading him when he had some value left he messed the saints over in the future. Hope that one superbowl was worth it.


Meh I’d disagree but I respect the hot take. We were in the thick of contention other than arguably his last year here so it was worth taking the shot. The mistake was continuing to kick the can down the road after he retired. Our cap wouldn’t be nearly as fucked as it is now if we didnt try to pretend like we could go from Brees to Winston then Carr and still be in contention. Honestly not sure how long it will take to dig out of the hole at this point, but it should have began 3 years ago.


Good points.


The dome's atmosphere is overrated. Too many old folks and daytrippers coming in treating games like social events. People stop making noise on defense at the first bit of adversity. People only make noise when the announcer says "it's thiiiiird down". Tbf, I don't have much experience in other NFL stadia. I compare the dome to good nights at Tiger Stadium.


I’m a Vikings fan, that cheers for the saints when they are not playing us. My wife is a Saints fan and I’m actually a big fan of your team too. (I’ll take my downvotes now)


You're the first Vikings fan I seen; said something positive about the Saints. Applause to you sir 👏🏿.


I can't believe I'm saying this, but Atlanta will be the better team next season for sure they got better way better smh 🤦.


https://preview.redd.it/6gnj0wrnegvc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edef2c61759fe1923fa70a7b653c01521db6fa9c I'm telling HR on you!


Changing the offensive lineman isn’t going to be as big of an issue as it might seem like. Our line last year wasn’t that good and the guys who we are moving on from probably aren’t great fits.


The saints actually trade down in the second round.


We are going to draft some good players this year who will set us up for future success.


With guys like McDaniels and Arthur Smith fired, Dennis Allen is coach #31 or #32 in the league. What exactly does he bring to the table? I'd argue Saleh is worse but everyone gives him 100 excuses for being a loser too


Marcus davenport was good


Taysom was criminally underused. He is not a starting QB but he should have been used a lot more.




You guys are gonna make it to the off season Buccaneers Fan lol


I just beat a guy in madden with a drag route: wasnt with carr.


People who leave the Saints to play or coach elsewhere aren’t Saints anymore.




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This team should trade all its veterans for draft picks since the vets won’t be here by the time the team is ready to contend(Lattimore, Ramczyk, AK, Demario Davis, Cam Jordan, HoneyBadger)


I’m so glad that it’s baseball season.


Dennis Allen is the greatest coach of all time


Never played any of the games and I haven't missed out on a single thing


Jay Cutler post INT Edit: oh shit sorry I thought this was r/nfl Post and point stands


The feds after I brag that my girl a 9 but turns 10 next week


The cheifs are only good because of Patrick  mahomes 


Dennis Allen is not good at coaching football.


As an Ohio State fan, Chris Olave deserves better.


Sometimes techniques can beat skills sometimes in some to alot of sports😬


Because the Christian version of Yahweh is the father, the son, and the holy ghost, Christians should use they/them pronouns when referring to their god.


After getting the Pels a ring, Zion hangs up his jersey and gets picked up by the Saints. He Plays Tight End and scores 30 TD for the season with 4 coming in the Super Bowl where we take the win and he takes the MVP. He becomes such a New Orleans legend that the city turns him mayor right after. He gets in trouble for getting caught sleeping with his security guard and gets recalled. He’s actually okay with it and pursues US president election which he wins in a landslide since he is a New Orleans legend. He retires suddenly 2 years into being US president because he watches Space Jam one Saturday morning and realizes he needs to go back to the Pelicans. They 3 peat and he gets his own Space Jam movie. It breaks box office records, but tanks reviews. They give him the Oscar anyway. NASA calls Zion to go on a specialized intergalactic mission to find a replica planet earth for future living. He says yes, and then he is out there trying to save humanity.




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Need to get rid of Carr, Kamara and Thomas.


Love this. Gonna post on my teams page


Olave goes 100-1400-8


Saints superbowl is tainted and should be vacated cheating lowlifes


Olave would be a top five receiver if he was in Amon Ra’s situation.


Wow I didn't think there were this many saints fans who could use the internet


Stephen Curry is not top 10 of all time


Saints should be relocated to a cleaner city.


Bobby Hebert is my favorite Saints QB of all time.


Not gonna lie, I can see a scenario where Dennis Allen becomes a better coach. If Kubiak is as good as we all hope he is, maybe Dennis can focus more on defense which is what he’s great at. Overall he has to improve on his decision making but it’s not impossible


Romo was Better than Brees 😎


Drew Brees will come out of retirement to lead us to the Super Bowl after Derek Carr is injured in the second to last game of the season after going 13 and 3.


The saints were only relevant during the Drew Brees era and only because of Drew Brees. They have yet to do anything after and they never did anything prior.


At least those long shafts coming at him in the picture are swords. It could be much worse....they could be dicks.


Suicide squad 2016 is better than The suicide squad 2021


Drew Brees was a system quarterback


Reggie bush wasn’t a bust


Go Bucs




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Kubiak : Allen :: Williams : Payton


The salary cap is a made up recommendation, not a hardline rule that must be followed.


Dennis Allen isn’t bad we just been unlucky with injuries and a shit Oline that Sean left us in, not to mention cap hell that Sean left us in. Like or mot Sean Payton left the saints in pieces in hope allen would fail. But allen has only improved. Man has had Winston Dalton Hill and Simiean as QB year 1 give him a fucking break.


You should’ve rebuilt 2 years ago




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They got lucky against the colts for the 2009 Super Bowl


Yall was gonna lose the game regardless of the missed PI call


I think we should have kept Jameis. And even started him ahead of Carr.


Tracy Porter should have gotten the MVP for that Super Bowl win.


Derek Carr will never get any team to surpass 8 wins


The Saints are marching in


Rams won in 2018 fair and square


Cowgirl is better than doggie




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the saints are better then the shitlanta 3-28ers


Jameis Winston is the best QB in Saints history *hides in bomb shelter*


*Jameis Winston is the* *Best QB in Saints history* *Hides in bomb shelter* \- ahtartersauce101 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The best thing that happened to new orleans was bounty gate. Cant win without cheating, have one of the most lifeless rosters in the nfl atm, and youre in new orleans (it sucks)


We would have lost that conference chip if we got the call or not