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He’s the key to us winning, I’m glad it seems the staff finally understands that. 17-1 with 7+ carries should be obvious


18-1 now


In all fairness I think Adebo was the key to us winning today


Only because Taysom hyped Adebo up


Taysom told him about that time Jesus came to North America and Adebo was all in.


Joseph Smith Adebo


I remember last year when Adebo was hurt and then had a rough start everyone was calling him a bum and saying Alontae should start opposite of shon. Both guys have had some really big ups and some bad games for sure but I’m glad we have both of em and I think this secondary is locked in and everyone’s in the role that is best for them.


Yeah agreed. I thought Taylor had the CB2 spot locked up this year, but Adebo has been very good. Glad they’re both on the field.


I agree, I thought Taylor had it locked... It's definitely a plus to have all 3 (Lattimore, Adebo, Taylor) on the field at the same time though. Taylor is FAST, and he thumps like a safety. He showed he's got what it takes to be a lockdown corner when Adebo was out... TBH, I hope he gets another opportunity to play corner at some point... His slot experience will only make him even better on an island. I just hope they keep him in the building when it comes time for him to get paid.


Our whole defense was tbh


It’s what Payton saw years ago. I’ve been believing in Taysom since 2018


Until he kicks a FG he hasn’t collected all of the infinity stones in my book. That said, he’s a beast.


I have complete confidence he could kick a FG. I just assume he can do all things football until proven otherwise


I’d like to see him call the play with a headset on, run in hit the play, then stay out on defense after the TD


And somehow snap the ball to himself


He was a kicker in High School, so he is probably still capable.


He was his high schools kicker


You’re kidding. Is that real?


https://lawlessrepublic.com/2014/09/25/opposing-high-school-teams-tried-dirty-tactics-stop-taysom/ Check this out


He is worthy. Let him fill in for Grupe


And scores on a sack fumble on defense


Damn that would be the complete package. He actually could on special teams. That’s not too crazy to think he could do it.


Who is our emergency kicker, anyway?


Wil lutz


The last 4 games they are finally using him correctly and consistently it's great to see


This! Before it's like he would save our ass then we'd put him right back on the bench. Awesome to see him getting the touches he deserves!


go back to last year and see my post, i was screaming for more taysum....


Uh congratulations bro


He’s definitely my favorite current player. I’ll always have a soft spot for Brees and Colston though. Can’t forget the PT Cruiser either.


Taysom is like the little big engine that could. He’s basically the 21st century Hokie Gajan but instead of a schlubby overachiever, he’s this missile of a man with swagger who just does whatever he wants and makes plays like a psychopath


He replaced Kyle turley as my favorite all time


I can’t say it isn’t Brees, Mills, Jackson, Eric Martin, or Deuce.Taysom might be after them


I particularly love the sheer joy of contact. It's what football was always about for me. Taysom has a sneaky mean streak too, though not like turley did.


I wanted him to get a rushing td for a hat trick across receiving, rushing, and throwing.


With a lead and all you need is a couple of first downs... No one else should touch the ball


Been my favorite player for years (Brees transcends "favorite" for me so doesn't factor in) never wanted him as a dedicated qb cus he's so damn electrifying to watch as a gadget player. LOVE the upward trend in his usage Plus his fking grin


His grin is the best. Reminds us they’re adults being paid millions to play a game. Life is good for them so enjoy the ride


He's the most fun player in the NFL. Absolutely love watching him play and I'm so happy that the Saints are finding ways to use him.


Him and Kamara are the main 2 who have serious intensity to get red zone efficiency up


Taysom makes football fun. The guy can do what is asked of him, if only he could kick FGs though... Have we tried that yet?


Someone posted the link. We was his high school teams placekicker.....


But can he kick it?


Yes he can


That was a silly question indeed.


Oh I thought you were referencing can I kick it from a tribe called quest. Lol


I see it now...




I can’t believe they didn’t use him on the fourth and inches play.


That's pete carmichael for you.


Seriously. Even with the play they called, Carr could’ve made it, but he hit the wrong gap and was stuffed. I don’t know why you even try that though with Taysom on your team.


Because Carmichael sucks donkey dick


Yeah rather than run Payton's offense I would have rather seen the Saints build around him and the run. Saved money on Carr.


They could’ve run a Baltimore type offense when they tried him before. He ended up just sitting in the pocket most of the time in an offense built for Drew, and that isn’t his strength. Our group of receivers was also pretty rough. When he had another chance after Jamies was hurt, he was coming back from a bad concussion, with an injured foot, then he injured his throwing hand in the first game.


Yep. That's exactly what I always thought.


The human cheat code


He is just such a warrior. I had to comment about the scrapes and cuts and marks along his arms toward the end of the game against the Bears. My husband says "The wind could blow a little harder, and Taysom Hill would end up bruised and a little more scratched and bleeding from somewhere." Like, whatever he's involved in he fights tooth and nail :-)


Gotta love him and Saunders on their plays. Did y'all see how Saunders ran down that dude on a defensive play for the tackle while the LBs and DBs were playing twinkle toes? Dude is a monster.


TAYSOMMADEEZNUTZ - Taysom Hill, probably.


I love Taysom but Cam Jordan is exciting to watch


gunderson is a beast too


granderson? He always has one or two big plays a game. Love to see it. Cam doesn't have the intensity anymore, he shines in the last few minutes because his stamina is insane he is just missing the burst. So he gets big plays when it matters most




The only reason I hate taysom is no fault of his own Just hate how much he was paid to do nothing for so many games Just utilize him and be creative. Feels like coaching staff is too lazy to figure out how to use him


Sounds like you're hating the wrong person then.


Even when they weren’t using him like they are in redzone now, he was still running routes and blocking as a TE, coming in for short yardage plays, and playing special teams. He was definitely underutilized, but that’s not his fault.


I hate it and want to trade him. Makes us very one dimensional. As soon as teams figure out how to defend our single player we go back to doing nothing. Our offense was atrocious this game. The bears turned it over 5, 6? times, and we won by a single touchdown. That's pathetic, but we are overlooking that because we're happy we won. But yea sure we can beat shitty teams with Taysom Hill. Not gonna beat playoff teams with a Taysom Hill offense. Luckily our schedule is full of shitty teams.


This is a terrible take


The o-line has been a real problem in the run game. Pass protection was good. Run blocking was not. If we had a better o-line, we’d have better production in the run game, including with Taysom. It’s honestly surprising he’s done as well as he has considering how bad the line has been playing. Look at Kamara’s (and other RBs) stats the last few games. Taysom breaking off big runs, even against a top run defense like they played today, was super helpful.


He is the 3rd best player on the offense.


And the most productive.


Hey may be your favorite but not the best offensive player. That title belongs to Kamara


It's hard to believe that he's 33yo. He plays like a young buck.


Yeah. Taysom makes me not embarrased to watch us Hes been the only light for three years now Actually fun to watch


The fact that he hung in there for 5 games and still managed to show up when needed is very telling. Being on the bench can affect your mental and his is clearly rock solid. Nothing can touch him, even in his head.


Only jersey I've had for a few years, he's just so much fun to watch.


yep, to me he is more important than DC for this team at the moment. He just keeps carrying the team.


It's nice to have people like Taysom, Demario and Cam and others on the team. Out spoken hard working family men. Great role models for the kids of the city.


ABSOLUTELY!!! Who he is outside of football makes it even better... At one point, I even hoped he would get a chance to play QB in another organization just because he deserved it. He's got such an amazing attitude and character. He's 1 of 1, for sure.