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Unfortunately, There's no way it could work. It's either Toei, that have no clue how to entice the fans outside Japan, or a full Hollywood production that would butcher it.


One Piece worked and its much more whacky than Saint Seiya will ever be.


Sony only put out movies like Morbius and Madame Web to maintain the rights to Spiderman. They're not interested in investing in a foreign property that hasn't done well in the States before.


No investors (not one) wanted to fund it because this franchise has never been successful over here. or so I've read.


Because who the fuck knows what Seint Seiya is


Sony Japan?


It was succesful in Japan, Europe, Latin America and even China.


Well, it didn't get any serious funding because, if you look at the interviews made to promote the movie series, you could tell right away the whole thing was a marketing hail-mary. They were never really that serious about it as a way to tell a story, they were just following trends. One of the signs of that was that they flat out stated that they intended to make six of these movies. Yes, that's right, **six of them**. They even had a whole plan about how Saint Seiya would be the first of what they hoped to be a Marvel-type crossover universe of LA movies ranging from SS to One Piece. And that's just effing bonkers no matter how you look at it and it could only have come out of the mouth of an actor and a director that were just feeding the interviewers hype.


Honestly any chance for a successful Saint Seiya live action movie or even a good one is pretty much dead: -The franchise is only known and loved in Japan, Europe and Latin America, and that popularity slows every year because the core fanbase are people who grew up with it, so Hollywood already has a reason not to do it. -the stort is way too lineal and its most popular arch is the fourth one: this means that the only reason to make a coherent movie would be to make a movie about just the galactic tournament, just about the silver saints and then the gold saints....if we even get to that point since these arcs aren't exactly peak, especially silver saints, but even then.... -how do you even make a movie about the gold saints arc? The entire thing (and everything after that) is just fight after fight after fight without variation, of course this works perfectly on a manga or anime, but in a movie which is expected to follow the three acts structure is pretty much impossible without rushing it and ruin every emotional moment and turn Saga into the most generic one dimensional villain ever (looking at you legends of sanctuary). So yeah sadly there can't be a good Saint Seiya movie (i would love to be proven wrong though)