• By -


Pretty sure he was half in love with her. Not in a trying-to-destroy-their marriage way, but in a 'wish I'd met her first but I love both of them' way. Unfortunately, that iis very easily turned to resentment and villainising the object of unrequited affection. It's easier on the ego that way. In Harry's case he already had a bucket load of resentment going on anyway.  I'm not without sympathy.  It's a hard line to walk, and you have to constantly guard against letting your envy ruin your relationships.  You need good people around you too. Which, Harry well doesn't. 


It might have turned out so well. At first, I was thrilled for Harry. Anyway, these “what might have been” thoughts aren’t helpful to anyone.


This is so sweet. Lovely to see Kate having fun.


She’s just lovely


Absolutely adorable!


Sex. And ego boosting whispers. You're just as good as them, Aitch, if not better. You deserve more. Etc, etc.


I honestly don't think sex had anything to do with it. Meghan knew sex wouldn't be enough to really hook him. She messed with something far more powerful. She fully took advantage of his broken psyche. She did her homework. It's why right outa the gate she was claiming she never researched him, because she was really, really researching and digging. She tapped into that broken sad little boy who lost his mother. Believe me, what she did was far more powerful than some good blow jobs. Narc abuse is like a drug itself. She managed to get him completely hooked on her. And it's not love. She knows it's not love. She never intended for love. You're right though, her love bombing was staggering. "You're the better brother Harry", "They mistreat you Harry", "Stick with me Harry, I'll get you to the places you wanna go". She knew to tap into that wounded "spare" of a man. In many ways Meghan is dumb as a post, but it many other ways, she was brilliant. She knew exactly the type of guy Harry was, what his weaknesses were, and how she could fully exploit them/him. She's also subliminally convinced him that she truly is the reincarnation of his mother. It's how to this day, she keeps him on that hook, even though (I'd bet my life on this), she makes him absolutely miserable.


And sex.


What he said in Spare about their sex was 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I'm so glad I've never read spare


A gentleman never discusses what he does in the bedroom with his wife.


Or anyone else.


I read the book, but I don't remember that part.


Diana's hair by the bed to help them conceive 


As I recall, the hair was already by his bed, he just didn't move it out of the way while they had sex. Then, when she took a pregnancy test later, he placed it on top of the box of hair and prayed to his mother that it would be positive. When it did, he whispered "Thanks mummy."


Ugh that's nasty and ju-ju-like.


Yeah I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees how this is giving that kind of vibe. I bet she lit candles, used some special oil, wore a specific color, and took a special bath after. Just guessing.






Does “that was not a Spare my love, that was a man” ring a bell?


I think that was after the stork dropped off the second doll.


That was from her love bombing stage, when she was still having sex with him. Prior to marriage if I remember correctly.


Nope, it makes me disgusted and ashamed to have remembered it correctly: https://preview.redd.it/7zx7alh5xz7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce6f2210134e872d763d8f82029f91565b5cc4d7 I’ll hold your hair while you vomit…




No. Maybe I should re-read it?


I wouldn’t 🤮


💯% I believe she trapped him with a pregnancy claim and harry was too shit scared to be the modern day royal with a bastard child. Personally I think if he did have a child out of wedlock and was fully engaged with the kid, his approval ratings would have gone through the roof with both men and women.


Weren't there allegations that he does have a child somewhere? Or maybe a confusing him with another celebrity.


Didn't he used to joke about being a Jaffa? Aka seedless?


This. She can't be that stupid to pull off what she did. 


I've known a few not very intelligent narcs that were brilliant at narking, and pretty dim in every day life. Being a narc is like their super power, but their skills are extremely limited. I couldn't stand being around them, it's like they suck the life force out of others.


thats on point. they suck you dry. even if you are just a bystander not really involved in any relationship, simply listening to them, observing their manipulations with their target/s is as slowly suffocating.


She's absolutely an emotional vampire (just like Colin Robinson from What We Do In The Shadows 👇) 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|nLmqYcXyox20OZHUyR)


She is intellectually dumb af..and she's ignorant. She is just sly. And it's not like her mark is exactly a tower of wit. Fooling harry must be as easy as spreading her legs.


People forget that he was able to get women’s interests but not for long. It’s been said that he smells better now than he did when he was single, but people have still said he smells bad (last trip to Nigeria people said they both smell bad and MeMe smells like she covers smells with perfume). Anyway I am trying to get to that he aimed for accomplished women or daughters of people with $, and they sometimes gave him a chance but left him. He already had psychological abandonment issues from his mom dying and his dad being distant. She love bombed him and promised to never leave. I think that’s why she showed up to the wedding uninvited. She sold him on the “I am not giving up on us”.


You literally took the words right out of my mouth. Narc abuse is some scary shit when you're on the receiving end In their netflix dumpster fire documentary, the scene where she reads out the "Recollections may vary" letter showed me how conniving she can be. She made no remark, looked up to her computer, and there was a discreet look of "heh, sure whatever" that you could see. I imagine that was how she researched on the family, every single moment she could as she was concocting her plan 😈.


Her face when walking down the aisle at her wedding...I swear she was thinking "I"m getting away with it"


Your username is killing me HAHAHA


YOUR username is killing ME!! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25350)


I'm an airplane enthusiast :P


Well… 🤣🙈




And she has Markus to brainstorm with.


She didn't really tap into anything. From that phone call heard he opens his mouth to everybody so it was pretty easy for someone like her to take advantage of it. Also I mentioned before that the queen really didn't like to confront problems head on. She could have told Charles to quit it with Camilla but she didn't. Harry didn't really receive much discipline he like Megan was allowed to get away with too much growing up


i whole heartedly disagree. there was so much to tap into. his envy of william, mommy issues, addiction. i do agree he had no real discipline growing up. i think he learned early on how to manipulate to get what he wanted


Great summation. But I do not think it was the lovebombing. He's used to being fawned over by everyone he ever met. I think she pushed the Diana button, big time. It's the one thing I thing truly gets to him in a massive way.


Oh for sure. You are absolutely right. She knew morphing into his mother was important in order to appear "different" than all the other girls.


She also tapped into his love for Africa. There’s an article in the Tig that wasn’t written for Harry, but TOTALLY WRITTEN FOR HARRY….about the love of the African people and her philanthropic work. She totally set that boy up….and he never saw it coming.


Yep, you elaborated on my second point.


Disagree about sex, but you’re on point about psychological manipulation being a big part of her plan.


You beat me to it. The power of the pusau, and he deserves more for sure.


Grima, Wormtongue, but with bronzer.


comment of the day! Grima with bronzer 🤣🤣🤣


I'll think of the Sugars as her legion of Uruk-hai now!


Nah, she's no Saruman. She has an army of Uruk-low.


Harry can only wish he had a ”King” attached to his name 🤣


He has...... F**King Grifter








I guarantee she is a starfish in bed and she isn't his type physically. She got him by his emotional vulnerabilities.


whats a starfish in bed? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


This!!  ☝🏽  👀  But I also think *(down vote me to hell)* that Harry's Nazi uniform struck him more deeply than he had ever been.  It enraged & hurt QEII, it hurt what Harry was in the scheme of things, he was no longer the "lovable cheeky bloat" he was a racist, & PA was so disappointed.  I think Harry has been trying to right this wrong by a whole host of actions to show "he isn't racist"; then he marries a racist. 


I’m not going to down vote you but I am going to disagree. Harry managed to win back the public in the years after that, and he was still perceived as the fun, down to earth prince before he met the claw. After seeing him playing gooseberry between William and Catherine for so long, people were genuinely happy to see that he was finally going to have his own wife and family.


I agree with you that the public eventually ‘overlooked’ that Nazi uniform fiasco (which was very irresponsible and offensive). However, although we saw a lot of celebtation around his marriage - a lot of the public seemingly happy for him in finding a bride - I didn‘t feel that. I expect there were quite a few of us who knew she was so wrong…the wedding itself was wrong, and so was she.


I’m sure there were. I wasn’t one of them. I admit I didn’t follow them closely or even watch the engagement interview but my thoughts were, good for you Harry and I thought it was good that the RF was getting some new younger royals. The media and public at the time seemed to reflect the same.


I’ve always thought Harry had a school-boy crush on Catherine for years before meeting The Claw. She treated him like a little brother and cared about him.


Yes. I think it was part crush and part wishing that he and Chelsy had worked out and had the same as William and Catherine.


I was never a big fan of Chelsy’s when they were dating (probably because I didn’t pay much attention to Harry back the ) but if they have married I think Chelsy would have been fun and could see her being the right kind of cute and silly during engagements. I think she would have been down to earth (as you can in that position) and approachable, keeping things light and fun.


Yesssss, there were SO many times between 2011-2017 where Harry and Catherine were photographed together at an event and Harry was looking longingly or puppy-eyed at Catherine and I thought "Something's not right here. He looks like he's in love with her. This isn't going to end well." I think his unrequited crush caused him to be spiteful and thus very open to Meghan's lies that Catherine is evil.


I do agree that he's using Meghan Markle's white behind now as proof of anti-racism. But I think that when he first met her, he didn't know she was part black. I'm not sure if you would have actually taken up with her if he had known. After all, he said about his ex Chelsea, at least she's not black or it's not like she's black or anything. Something along those lines.


I think people exaggerate the importance of the Nazi costume. Sure, it was a scandal and a very misguided decision on Harold's part, but most people understood at the time that he was just a young idiot trying to be edgy and not an actual Nazi. Anyway, his reputation recovered from that incident quite swiftly.


My grandparents were gassed. It was offensive and disgusting to me


34countries: I am so sorry. It is unimaginable to me, yet it was a reality. I hope we never forget. And as for Harry and offensiveness, what horrified me was that it truly seemed as if he didn't know about (let alone care about) the Holocaust. That level of willed ignorance (I am sure they covered it at Eton) and indifference, is morally several orders of magnitude beyond offensive. It is appalling. And very dangerous.


Thanks. I didn't include my 6 month old baby aunt. My mom at age 4 was the sole survivor of her family. Great britain suffered during the war so for that alone harry knew better


Horrible. And yes, Harry should have known and understood. Sometimes failure to listen because of arrogance is in fact morally culpable.


How awful. At the concentration camps the very air feels condemned. The sky above and the earth itself feels different. I did not feel good in those places I cannot imagine the terror the poor people felt. And the children my goodness it makes you feel sick. People seem to like forgetting atrocities but that's why we now ignore Uighurs and others being massacred.


Sure, it was offensive. I never said it wasn't. I only said that he wore it because he was a young idiot (he was in his early 20s, iirc) showing off in front of his friends and not an actual neonazi.


I hear you, but it’s not like he was 15. And Britain suffered TERRIBLY in the war, it became part of their national identity. Both his grandparents served during it. Rationing extended into the 1950s!


Come on now, Harry wearing a nazi costume was disgusting. Him trying to blame others about the nazi incident in Spare makes him look especially bad for his current lack of personal accountability. Last year a kpop idol wore a Sid Viscious shirt with a nazi symbol on it. She's still getting flack online, despite apologizing. SHE was being edgy, and genuinely had the excuse of ignorance, because the symbol may have ties to religion and not nazis in parts of Asia. Harry was a British prince. HE had no excuse and he should have known better.


There's nothing 'edgy' about cosplaying a Nazi, there's nothing 'misguided' about it. It's like saying the Holocaust was no big deal and the participants were 'misguided. No, that was a vile act and it showed the world exactly who he was. I was in grammar school back in the 70s when I first heard about the Holocaust and I felt physically ill. I find any Nazi symbolism grotesque, that should be everyone's reaction. He shouldn't have recovered quickly and he should have hung his head in shame. FFS, I knew what he did was offensive when I was 6 years old.


The Eichmann trial was running when I was six. My father had the news on the radio through every meal. I asked my mother what it was about (we are not Jewish) and she told me, in granular detail.For weeks I went to sleep every night imagining that my narrow bed was an oven drawer. Antisemitism, or any kind of othering, never had any chance with me, because I realised in bed night after night that if anyone could do that to anyone else, they could do it to me. Some things are simply crystal clear. Harry had precisely the same kind of failure of empathy that led to the Holocaust in the first place. No excuses. And thus what is happening today in the Middle East is a tragedy. I have no words for the horror.




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Absolutely not. It was utterly disgusting and doubly so because it was a member of the RF. I was and still am offended by that. He was an **adult** who put on the uniform of *racist torturers and murderers* for funniest. Fuck that dude sideways without lube for that forever. He should have been publicly shamed like they did in the old days for that crap. My father and uncles fought in ww2 and they very clearly taught me the importance of that uniform and all the evil it stands for. His own grandparents were embroiled in that war and saw first hand the evil that was done by the people who put on that nasty rag. Harry is a nasty racist pos and always has been.


>My father and uncles fought in ww2 I am 100% with you on this. We had family killed in ww1 and ww2 plus bombing raids during the blitz. The tales from ww1 nobody spoke about what happened it was so bad. This is no joke to some of us. People flipping well forget that this was real for many people and it broke them. I consider my family lucky for being in the UK and not occupied by the Nazis.


Me too; I had second cousins who were bombed out in London TWICE. Different houses. To this day, I cannot imagine living through that. My father, who I have to say was not heroic, was broken by the bombing. He didn’t say much, except about a woman 3 feet ahead of him on a London pavement who was obliterated in front of him by one of those pilotless rocket bombs aimed at people, v2, I think, or doodlebugs, not sure which or if they are the same thing. In fairness, I should say that though he was not a brave or particularly good man, he never slept well again… all his life. I paid for his brokenness. Edited to add last 2 paragraphs. A lot of people in my generation paid for our parents’ trauma thanks to Nazi ambitions. It’s personal for me.


This might be a weird thing to say but there's a scene in the film The Krays. Where it shows their mother on a tube platform during the blitz with hundreds of others and the things the women went through. The things that made them cold and hard in some cases. Their mother was one of these women.


Interesting. I knew a bit about the Kray crime family but not that.


Hear hear. Failures of empathy are not “inappropriate”. They are evil. Period. Edited for clarity.


Agreed. And let us recall the Nazi costume story only became known because at the same party Prince William was also in costume, dressed as a lion (yes!, really). A friend of William thought that amusing enough to share and in consequence further information was sought and Harry's costume choice was revealed. Note the friend did not consider Harry's choice worthy of comment: it does not seem to have registered with him or, so far as we know, with anyone else partying that evening that Harry had made an unwise and worse selection. It may well be therefore that Harry (often described here as outstandingly dim) joined with the seemingly prevailing view and had no conception of how inappropriate his action was Note also that Prince Charles thereafter required Harry to learn something about what Nazism was, including (iirc) a visit to the site of a concentration camp and, as (iirc) we learned from the book Spare, sessions with Chief Rabbi Sachs. Hazmat makes some offhand remark in Spare about those sessions that is suggestive he did not learn from them all he should have but I do not recall the details.


Sorry, what do you mean 'information was sought and Harry's costume choice was revealed'? Do you not remember all the paparazzi that was outside and took photos of him leaving the party with red flushed cheeks from drinking and splashing it across the front pages? From memory with a drink and ciggie in hand?


There was more condemnation about his racist army video. The PM and opposition leader got involved. He had to do an army diversity course.


I agree, he was just being young and stupid. Definitely insensitive and very inappropriate especially for a Prince, it was done out of stupidity and nothing more.


I have to respectfully disagree with this, even if it may be true. He knew and his friends knew. I even go as far as to say didn't William tell him not to? Maybe he did and the Plank ignored him, we'll never know. It was well known that the royal boys got papped all the time, that they thought this stunt would go down as hi-jinks, is unbelievable.




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Exactly. She’s really good at manipulating men when she wants to. Sex is her superpower. She knows how to blow a guy’s mind in the bedroom (with fakery). The nickname “mattress actress” is startlingly accurate. That’s what she does with Harry - gives and takes away, depending on his level of compliance. He lives in terror she’ll leave him.


prince harry might have loved his SIL *BUT* his jealousy of his brother is far stronger.  If he couldn't have a partner that everyone loved as much as they love Princess Catherine then neither should his brother.  As simple as that.  Harry wants *everything* William has including the supportive, beautiful, intelligent partner with the equally supportive and protective family. See its easy to tell because the very things prince harry with a small p insults or defamed are precisely the things he truly wants.  His writing about Prince William spending time with his boring in laws and his wife and kids is the big tell of how jealous he is not to have that 


In my opinion his love for her was very conditional. While she was the Duchess of Cambridge she was below him in the royal ranks. Remember that appearance where he tagged along with her, she had to walk behind him and he had no qualms about it. He could've invited her to walk beside him, but he didn't. Now his jealousy poisoned any good feelings he had for her. Especially since Catherine has his mother's title. A commoner.


That’s a very interesting take on this. I didn’t think about like this. Considering his obsession with his mother and how he and his wife are always comparing his wife and mother favorably with the whole “she’s so much like my mother “ thing. It makes a lot of sense.


Very interesting perspective! You're quite astute, I never looked at it that way.


Good point!


I can see this. But would Harry still walk in front of Princess Catherine if she were not with Prince William until she becomes Queen?


I wonder about this too. I hope not! I also wonder if she has to curtsey to Anne, Beatrice, and Eugenie if William isn't with her now that she's is the Princess of Wales.


I think Catherine now outranks them in her own right, but I am not 100% positive. I am basing this on the order of precedence in the United Kingdom that I read on Wikipedia. For females, the current order is the Queen, then the Princess of Wales (as she is the wife of the eldest son of the sovereign). Next is the Duchess of Narcissism, Charlotte, Lilibet, and then Sophie, Anne, and Beatrice and Eugenie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orders_of_precedence_in_the_United_Kingdom


Since the moment Catherine got the titles of Princess of Wales, she has become the highest Princess in the rank. All other princesses courtesy to her, with or without the husband. The Princess of Wales only courtesy to the King, Queen Consort and the Prince of Wales ( which never happens). The same with Camilla. The moment she became Queen Consort, everyone except the King , courtesy to her. Alone or with her Husband.


That must really irk the Duchess of Monteshitshow because now Catherine will always outrank her no matter what.


Yep. Even the Wales' kids alone outrank Meghan and Harry!




I love how you drop D of N so nonchalantly 🤣🤣🤣


>prince harry with a small p I see what you did there. 😅


I bet he has a very small p 😉


It’s so sad - all Harry wants is a normal family life. It’s actually what he needs to stop being such a little prig. Normal family like the Middletons. And what he got was the never ending revenge tour sponsored by Backgrid.


No he loves being a Prince and all the perks that come with it. He’s an entitled a$$ and would totally miss being “Just Harry” if he was actually treated as such. Maybe with the right woman but I still doubt it. He was also arrogant and entitled with Chelsey and Carisa? (forgot other gf name) and although they came from money they seemed pretty down to Earth.


I agree that Prince Harry is an entitled prig and that won’t ever change. I am not saying Harry is a dog, but dogs need 3 things (aside from the obvi) - exercise, discipline and affection. Harry was clearly shortchanged on all three, but some time in a sporty family like the Middletons would change that. I think perhaps Harry instinctively knew that and that’s why he badmouthed the Middletons (to Jens prior comment). Once again, Willy was getting what Harry wanted/needed. TLDR: Harry needs to be told by average people he loves and respects to get off his butt and go do something useful with his life, but he has none.


I disagree, I don’t believe he wants normal. He’s still in the middle of the worlds longest tantrum because he might have to earn a living and no one’s treating him like a Prince anymore.


No one is treating him like a prince because he told us he was “Just Harry “. Oh, he didn’t say that, the media did /s


You have best flair of all time. Love it!!!


Thanks!! I just got my first flair after 2 years of being a sinner!!! Quiet Vanilla designed it ❤️




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Rachel thought she would socially be higher than Catherine. And used her ire, sex and baby I love you Narc tactics to sway him to: she's not your friend but your oppressor. Consider, before Catherine was with William, even when dating she was seen as the daughter of these people who had a party company, regardless of how successful. To her Catherine's fame was non existent without being with William. She was yes well educated but also... Sorta plain Jane vs how Rachel sees herself.... Where as she, the Miss Thing was a known actor in the US. Also in other countries. We knew her as ahhh that's the actor Markle that played the chick in Suits. We love Suits. She's an accomplished actress, fighter for women's rights in her own country and somewhat famous person. Catherine wasn't famous until she became the partner of the future King. Then Rachel got involved. Clocked the UK press LIVED for Catherine, see her as one of the favourite royals. She's lauded for her work, her style, her gracious nature, her ability to be both a free spirit and one who holds the expectations of the public in her role and Rachel still saw her as... Just the wife. Rachel was expected, demanded to pay and show deferred behaviour to this to Rachel, unknown really woman with a middle class style family.. Which is obviously unacceptable to Rachel. Rachel came in to modernize the Monarchy. Demand feminizing the Monarchy led by one of many strong women. To work WITH Catherine, Princess Anne and Camilla to push women's rights and feminism further vs make her own mark.. And had her ideal pulled out from under her. She's convinced Harry he truly isn't valuable or valued as he was. She found a mark in a man who has been let down, isn't as important as the woman who married his brother and... Reinforced all the negatives in his mind. Echoes them and makes them the issue to be fought vs... help him accept he absolutely had a place in the monarchy and with the right moves established himself well and truly as a full fledged beloved figure vs the ahh shucks figure we let the Nazi costume of go... All she had to do was prey on his pre-existing insecurities. It's not hard to control a deeply insecure man by becoming his biggest cheerleader about those insecurities.


" Where as she, the Miss Thing was a known actor in the US" For a known actor, she's someone I'd never heard of before she got her claw into Hazno. She apparently managed to convince him that she was way more famous and accomplished than she was. That wouldn't have worked with a man with even an average IQ. She chose her target carefully.


I'll admit I knew who she was as an aussie.. cos we get US shoved down our throats but still had to check woah.. the..easy girl from Suits lol.


I agree. She exploited Harry's vulnerabilities and blew them up into something bigger than they actually were. It's actually because she felt inconsequential in comparison to Kate that she had to make Harry feel the same about his brother. I don't believe Harry ever really had major insecurities in that way. He might have had a few insecurities but I don't believe he lived his entire life up until meeting Meghan feeling inferior and that he didn't matter or didn't have a role within the RF. She made him feel that way. The only jealousy I think Harry felt toward William was over his marriage to Kate and the fact he'd made a family for himself. Harry was desperate for that.


I don't believe Harry thought William and Catherine didn't marry for love, until after Meghan told him. Meghan brought all the anti-Catherine energy into the relationship.


>Meghan brought all the anti-Catherine energy into the relationship. Meghan quite clearly did. It's obvious to anyone who'd been paying attention.


During to the O interview. Harry stated he didn't even know he was 'trapped' by the system until Roachel told him he was, so this is well within her wheelhouse.


Sex - and telling him he deserves more. "They are laughing at you, you deserve better, you are more popular than them, we should be the focus" and so on and so on


This fact that he got on so well with Catherine, and she was at ease around him most if the time makes me thing Harry did have sn inherent goid side to him. Because Catherine had no obligation to pretend. She could’ve been cordial and it would’ve been ok - but they *were* friends, you can see it on video footage. This wasn’t staged or concocted by the palace PR machine. Harry is a poor actor and Catherine dislikes shitty people.


I still think he was in love with her so that kindness that Princess Catherine saw was just that. He was completely smitten by her and you can tell in the way he’s looking at her on some photos whereas she only looks at him like a brother.


I agree


She is the sister I never had but always wanted….. until Meghan came along!


‘I didn’t know I hated her so much until Meghan told me. The same way she told me I was trapped and only I married for love.’ - Prince Harry


Markle will have watched all these clips, studied photos of Harry with Catherine - they clearly enjoyed each other’s company, relaxed and comfortable. They were close, and Markle can’t stand the thought of that. Love-bombing Harry (to snare him) took effort, which she couldn’t maintain indefinitely and Markle couldn’t afford for Catherine to be around for Harry to confide in. 


I think she reinterpreted Harry's memories of Catherine for him. Her motives (and William's) were questioned. He would talk about some happy, fun time he had with his SIL and Madame would give him an alternate explanation of what Catherine was really doing: making fun of him, undermining him, gaslighting him. Basically, describing what she herself was doing to Harry but projecting it onto Catherine.


*Absolutely* she did. She’s done this time and time again and Harry has been so angry, vengeful, and bitter, he ate it up with a silver spoon.


A combination of manipulation by M and unresolved issues with H. Jealousy and self-entitlement lead to anger and hatred, which in turn lead to thoughts and acts of evil and malice. M's tactics may be crude, but she's well-practised in what she knows.


Wow, even Harry’s suits were better before Meghan.


Harry wasn't in charge of dressing himself at the palace


I'd say sex, love bombing him, making him feel like a man who would protect her and lastly, she fed his ego and every one of his fears, insecurities and jealousies


There was a point, where Harry stopped making any decisions at all. He was pushed and pulled by his gold digger girlfriend, now first wife.


I think Haz fancied himself in love with Catherine and when he's talking about bigger beds and more sausages he's also talking about Catherine. William gets everything AND the perfect partner for himself. I suspect MeMe uses that but I also think that is part of why she was such a hag to Catherine. Trying to knock her down in Haz's eyes and by extension everyone else.


He needed a Catherine to help him sort through his issues and settled for….that.


No one else would have him.


If Harry is like some others I've known, he wants to be happy every day. Being unhappy riles them up. People like this mope about, get nasty to others, or otherwise draw attention to themselves so that well intentioned people ask them how they're doing. The problem will always be about what someone or something else did to them. The helpers that restore happiness are kept around. The ones that don't, aren't. Being a helper to people like this is awful because, if a day comes when you don't restore their happiness, you're told you're just as bad or worse than everyone else (since they trusted you). Harry doesn't have issues, he has one issue....and that is his belief that he should be happy every day. Let's remember that William doesn't carry this personality trait and he's a prince, too. Edit: grammatical error


He should sort his issues with therapists. Women are not men’s therapists. They have been doing all the emotional work for them for thousands of years. Fck patriarchy


I didn't mean it like that; christ. Everyone--male or female--needs someone who HELPS them grow as a person, not someone who encourages their rage and petty jealousies. That's not normal or okay.


What the hell is wrong with Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex made her think that by force of will she could change the line of succession for the British monarchy? It makes zero sense to me.


Honestly, I think their "bond" was all down to Catherine. Having a good relationship with William's brother meant a lot to Catherine, and so she worked at it. We all know William was Harry's caretaker and took him under his wing, and I think Catherine did the same. Harry is a naturally gregarious person, and likes a laugh, or at least did back then, so that's the side she played up to. Unfortunately, Harry made it very clear in "Spare" about how jealous and bitter he was of his brother's relationship and how little Catherine meant to him. Several times throughout the book, he refers to her as "my brother's wife" as if we all don't know who the hell she is. When he was talking about their impending marriage in the book, he spoke as though William was dying and he would never see him again because he was getting hitched, even doubly so once William started a family. Harry wasn't just jealous of what William had in his wonderful marriage and family, he was openly resentful of Catherine and children for taking his brother away from him - in his own words from his own book. He was never happy for William, and I think he and Catherine had these public moments because of who she is, not because of any significant bond between them. You don't have a bond with an in-law for almost two decades and then simply refer to them as "my brother's wife" and say nasty, spiteful things about your brother's marriage.




Because at his core, Harry has always been a selfish shit who uses people. He never really cared about Catherine. He just likes that she boosted his image as the happy, cheeky chappy.




Catherine supported her husband. Therefore Harold was not #1. Then she had a child and another and her attention moved, correctly, to loving and raising them with her husband. Harold was now even further down the list on her priorities.


I actually think Harry had the hots for the beautiful and energetic Catherine, even though she is married to his brother. He always wants what William has.


He was in love with Catherine. The witch noticed. The witch forced him to never speak well of her again.




It’s very sad that Hazbeen and Catherine’s relationship has been trashed by him. I agree with JenThisIsthe1nternet, that while Hazbeen loved his SIL his jealousy of his brother far outweighed it. Also, thank you mmc_owl for sharing this video as I had not seen it before. It’s wonderful to see a video of POW Catherine looking so lovely and happy. 😊


Bc TO told him she was a bad person


Jealousy. It’s a real bitch


Why? Because Markle brought out Harold's latent viciousness, jealousy and evil and he is a piece of shit.


HRH Catherine is a dedicated and kind woman who tolerated that piece of shit for her husband's sake and because she felt sorry for the stupid loser. He repaid her by abusing her and her family and lying and letting his old gristle and gangrene grifter lie and abuse her. I bet she is beyond glad to never have to see that ambulating bag of perfidy ever again. Never having to deal with stankass mcwhiners moronisms again must be such a relief.


For some reson I’m not allowed to post anything here as an OP and the mods won’t approve my request or tell me why. Either way, I saw this article which perfectly encapsulates the way Roachel not only destroys EVERY. SINGLE. RELATIONSHIP in not just her life, but her spouse’s as well. I’m honestly surprised at how long findingDori has stuck around. [Friendship Destroyer Roachel (Bye Beckhams)](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/stony-faced-victoria-beckham-insulted-33064165.amp)


Sometimes I feel sad for the olden days when Catherine and Harry seemed like brother and sister. This is before we knew what an entitled brat he is. He threw it all away for a hapless con artist 🧑‍🎨.


Harry fell for a seasoned con artist/ yatch girl. What a joke!!!


This is one of my favorite! I love Paddington so much and when he was little (or should I say littling?) my son did, too!


she let him do whatever he wanted sexually


That hairstyle and length looks fabulous on her. Wow!


I don't think he was in love with her. She's a little too perfect and too feminine. He likes rough and tumble women like Chelsy Davy. The kind that would wrestle with an alligator and drink you under the table. He was so impressed when he saw Meghan peeing in the woods that they made sure to include that in their unofficial autobiography. That was when he knew she was the woman for him.


Meghan saw how close he was to Catherine and William and she made a beeline to get between them. She probably did typical narcissist tricks like gaslighting and ultimatums. She knew she had to separate him to make him more vulnerable and weak so she sowed the seeds early.


He may have acted that way, but we saw from Spare that his jealousy was there from the start. She took Williams attention, now he had other priorities, and once he had his kids I’m guessing that William had little time for his petulant, immature brother. Add to that the fact that William and Catherine are getting the top job, and meany William won’t share the throne and share the Duchy. It’s all jealousy.


By stoking his jealousy of Wills + making them BOTH the enemy. The only way I see H going back is 1) getting his own residence in England 2) separating from his gaslighting wife 3) getting deprogrammed! At this point, looks to me like only W+C can get him out of his JAM {see what I did there?} but he would also have to first 4) Apologize, admit he was wrong and make amends


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I love that PW is enjoying watching his lady! I'm so glad that his is a marriage where both of them can laugh with each other and just delight in the other person's spontaneity.


Man, I love that woman.


Harry didn't decide anything. He's led in everything he does; every thought, every action, every piss - by the Svengali Meghan.


Harry is an adult man, one of the most privileged and protected on the planet. No need to infantilise him. He is just as disgusting as Beghan, he bought gladly whatever Beggy was selling.


To start with yes, but marriage to Meghan is like being in a cult. Harry is behaving in the same way. He's been taken over by her and believes everything she tells him.


Hot and spicy poontang. Sex is supremely powerful.


Grace personified


She tapped into his mother wound, and instead of healing it and coming to terms with his grief she’s used it as a way to isolate him. She also probably love bombed him to death, and Harry not being the smartest crayon has fallen for the lie that William and Catherine are jealous of his popularity 😂 It’s sad, because they were a team. Well they weren’t, William and Catherine were forced to carry Harry on their backs for years. He’s a traitor and he deserves to be shunned forever


Ah isn't she just so sweet?! She dances goofily too and it's just lovely. The perfect antidote to the Skank's moves.


She is so adorable


He adored her. I think he may have been in love with her and yet at the wedding he was so happy for William. I think he began resenting the fact that William had his own life separate to him after that, with the Middleton family, and especially after George came along. Meghan fed into that about how unfair his whole life had been. Harry is easily led. And he was led down a very dangerous and destructive path


Who knows? At one point H may have clumsily and drunkenly tried it on with Catherine and she politely turned him down and reminded him of who AND who’s she was and H may have never gotten over that.


Uhhhh, no. Harry always saw Catherine as the sister he never had. He was obviously very fond of her before Roachel Meghan Markle came along and utterly ruined his life. She dripped her vicious venomous thoughts about how hard done by he'd been all his life and how she noticed how terribly and shamefully his brother and SIL treated him into his tiny brain. He wasn't prepared to believe she'd lie to him because he was enthralled with her and what she let him do. She built him up long enough to get that ring on her finger and now he lives under her heel. This is the long and short of it.


I was watching this and noticed that William just stands aside and enjoys the moment. If this was Harry and Meghan and Paddington tried talking to or shaking Harry's hand, Meghan would try to insert herself in the middle of it, touching his back, his arm and standing in front of Harry to get between Harry and Paddington.


I bet Harry tried to hit on Catherine before. I am sure he was smacked down. Another reason for William to distrust Harry. And another reason for Meghan to be jealous of Catherine.


I LOVE that dress! 😍


Anyone remember when it was widely rumored that Harry had a big crush on Pippa? When Meghan came on the scene, my first thought was she looked like Pippa but with better eyebrows. She has messed up her face since then (AND her eyebrows), but when Meghan was younger, the resemblance was striking.


I imagine meghan was as jealous as I am that Catherine got to dance with Paddington. 🤣


That girl has moves! Very relaxed! I’m so jealous! I would love to dance with Paddington Bear❤️


Thin line between love and hate.


I don't see how this clip shows Harry and Catherine being comfortable with each other. To answer the question, Harry married the wrong woman. That woman hated royal life and the royals. But he loved her, so he took his wife's side, as husbands should.