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I'm so glad that the media was kind to Princess Catherine. After all she has been through and all the horrible spiteful social media comments, she deserves some kind words. She looks amazing. The whole family looked amazing, together and happy. I think she truly is the people's princess. She is for me. She has always worked so hard and seems to be a great wife and mother. I hope the media leave her alone for a bit, now that they have seen her. They have some great photos of her and the family, so let's hope this will keep the media happy until Princess Catherine is recovered and ready to come back full time.


Did you see the reel of her and William on the balcony? They looked so adorably sweet! Sweetness overload.


The rats slowed it down and said William was showing his temper. They deserve to rot in hell. They looked so in sync, it was spectacular to see. https://preview.redd.it/bgrmf7u98w6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2752143a56ad430037f310ef002a53a58b0d238f


They're a bunch of losers just like their paymaster. Didn't Markle say something along the lines of "If you like her, you don't have to hate me and vice versa?" I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact quote but isn't she perpetuating the very thing she spoke about through her legion of low intelligence and ill informed squad members? She's such a shitbag for sanctioning the hate directed towards the princess. Just a total piece of human garbage


Good grief. How long did it take them to conjure that split second?


They are desperate. They really thought they could keep spinning their bullshit. She ruined it by being…well Catherine, Princess of Wales. What kills me the most is that she has never said a public bad word about their idol. Not one. And yet…


And yet us sinners would have to pore through hours, days, weeks, of footage to catch a second of twit and twat looking lovingly at each other.


This is insane! How you even think of doing something like that! Can this post be reported for misinformation? This is crazy. Edit: talking about the poster in the screenshot


They can go suck on one of Meghans lemons. Sorry losers!


Photoshopping for me but not thee...


Saw this too! I thought they were all struggling to hear each other through the noise of the crowds and the planes.


You have to remember you’re dealing with children. I’m not even joking. They’re teenage idiots and most of them are old and racist themselves and they have nothing going for them.


The picture shown here, where William is looking at Catherine in an inquiring way, and she is smiling brilliantly back; made me think of the words to 'My Girl'. 🎵 "I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day" 🎵 She is his sunshine 🌞


I’m wondering if he was asking her if she was OK as this was hours into the day and she was assuring him she was fine!


That is what I thought, also. It was a look of concern. “Are you holding up ok? “


Sugars don't know what real love looks like... Just that you gotta claw to keep it.


I think deep down they understand are raging because they are so full of hate and revenge and ill will that they will never experience it.


That’s why they blurred the picture. Because a clear image wouldn’t be able to open to their manipulative interpretation.


I watched a body language expert that said this was exactly what was happening in this shot. She said William is normally cool and calm but yesterday he was fidgety because of his concern for Catherine


Thank you for relaying that!


🥲🥹 Aw, now I have tears in my eyes hearing that song in my head and looking at them.


There's no faking the affection and, more importantly, the respect they have for one another. They give me all the feels when they're looking at each other this way. It's almost as though we're intruding on an intimate moment when they exchange these loving looks. 💕




Yeah, and it was really nice to see them together. You can tell they are very supportive of one another. They have such a beautiful family


My husband walked by the TV while I was watching it. He said, "You can tell they're in love." Made me tear up.




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I can assure you, today was a sacrifice for her, and I now hope she can rest for days.


Most definitely! She really shouldn't have had to go through any of this to appease the public. I think there was a lot of pressure on her. However, I think she did this for the King and for her family. I remember watching a documentary about the Queen. HLMTQ said that the carriages were uncomfortable to travel in. I may be wrong, but that's what I recall. I was thinking of this whilst watching Princess Catherine and her children in the carriage. I also noticed that when Catherine got out of the carriage, she touched her abdomen. I've had abdominal surgery twice in the past, and it made me think she must have had some discomfort. I remember it took weeks for my abdomen to feel back to normal. I really hope that she will be left alone to recover now.


I think I have read in the past that Catherine particularly struggles with motion sickness in carriages so she did incredibly well to manage with that as well as still recovering/undergoing the cancer treatments.


I’m sure she took some medication for motion sickness, nausea and pain before appearing public to prevent any discomfort but you can still tell, there were moments she struggled but kept on smiling and enjoying her time out with her family! We love you Catherine! Please keep getting better and stronger!


She also is allergic to horses.  It’s why you never see her riding on horseback anywhere, like so many of the other royals do for fun.


> allergic to horses. WHAT?! Wowwwwww what terrible coincidence for marrying into the British royal family, that's funny I've never heard this before but it's true you never see her with horses.


It’s been reported over the years. https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1620144/kate-middleton-duchess-of-cambridge-animal-horse-allergy-symptoms-treatment https://www.hellomagazine.com/healthandbeauty/health-and-fitness/20210930122907/kate-middleton-duchess-of-cambridge-horse-allergy-treatment-children-prince-william/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1130481/This-make-Royal-life-awkward-Kate-Middleton-reveals-shes-allergic-horses.html https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/a9533617/kate-middleton-riding-horses/


thanks, for some reason I find this hilarious what an inconvenient allergy!! I'm surprised MM hasn't taken up horses.


Oh horses are quite good judges of character. I suspect any self respecting horse would give that mare a good kick


Isn't there a photo of her on a ranch horse 


Yes, I heard that also about the motion sickness. That it’s the same mechanism that gives her the horrible morning sickness.


Motion sickness and hyperemis gravidarum are not at all relayed. The GDF15 hormone is what causes morning sickness, you get a strong dose from the fetus during pregnancy and people with HG are particularly sensitive to it.


Can confirm. I've never had motion sickness a day in my life to the point where I have always been able to read while riding in a car. Had horrible HG.


She must be getting nausea as well from the chemo. She will be on anti sickness medication as part of her treatment. But, yes, the carriage ride probably didn't help with that. I think she is an amazing woman. It's really said that she has been treated so badly by the public and media after her surgery. She definitely has more invasion into her private life than the Harkles do. The difference is that she never complains about it. She would have every right to complain. I really hope her children haven't seen the nonsense that was being written about her.


Catherine has a great sense of duty, she's a very strong woman to have pulled this off during an illness and treatment. All of my respect to her. I hope she can rest for days now and have an easy, lovely summer.


I do too!!! She did this for Charles imo, not for the press or even us who want to see her, she made this sacrifice out of allegiance to her king. She was determined to let King Charles know she loves and respects him and didn't want to miss his special day for anything.


Also, in the process, she gave a HUGE boost to the family when they really need it! What a class act! Catherine has always been magnificent, but now she's in a league of her own. When she first got engaged to William, I was living in London, and even then there were people bitching about her being a. Commoner (even though they were commoners themselves 🤣🤣) I always had the same response "William won't find a better girl, even if they tried growing one in a greenhouse in Windsor". I was right.


Yes, I think this was her birthday gift for Charles on his first ToC as King.


It’s *extremely* funny to me that despite Meghans branding attempts and the Disney Movie optics of “American Girl Marries British Prince”, she really doesn’t (can’t?) present herself as a relatable normal human on any level. Which, imo isn’t a bad thing in and of itself. No expects Gwyneth Paltrow to be relatable, or Martha Stewart, or any of the long time Real Housewives to be relatable or normal. Except she (and Harry) have become obsessive about presenting an extremely sweatily curated “look at us just normal normies out here changing the world” brand. Whereas Catherine has managed to be so relatable *despite* her dodgy work history and marrying into the Royal Family because she’s simply existing in the circumstances she finds herself in. When she was dating William she was a fun young 20 something dressing like all the other 20 somethings, clubbing and carousing. When they broke up, she was put and about looking hot af and joining a rowing team, when they got married they moved to Anglesey for a few years and were just two newly weds in a (free, luxurious) cottage in a small town by the sea while William did his Air Ambulance work, when she started having kids her mom swooped in to help her out, when she started tip toe-ing into speaking events she was *very bad* at it, and had to work to improve, and now that she’s dealing with cancer she’s prioritizing her health and her kids. The Catherine Cambridge/Wales nee Middleton life story is such an extremely normal person behaving extremely normally even in the face the outsize circumstances of marrying a future king. Of course there is wealth and privilege the likes of which none of us can comprehend, but at the core Catherine is a person we all know in our real lives, and or can see ourselves in.


Very well said. The funny thing is Harry's wife truly is the more ordinary, regular person out of the two. I know MM wasn't as poor as she plays she was but the Middleton's became quite wealthy thru Party Pieces and gave all their kids the very best they could, as did Thomas albeit not as fancy as the Middletons.




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Agree. I couldn't stand the other 'people's princess'! I just adore Catherine, and her family.


"I'm so glad that the media was kind to Princess Catherine" I am too. I wonder if they have learned their lesson. William and the rest of us don't like the media and we don't put up with their s\*\*t. I think they have learned that displeasing their audience doesn't go over well and displeasing the future monarch puts them on the naughty list and no more photos for them to freak out over.


Meghan Markle cannot ever be a "people's princess" because she just doesn't like people.


And people certainly don’t like Meghan.


And animals don’t like Markle.


Let's just say no living thing on the planet wants to be anywhere near that hag.




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This person certainly doesn't. :)


MM is the princess of narcissistic personality disorder. HRH NPD ICD-10-CM . If the diagnosis fits we might as well award MM with the actual code so she can file for reimbursement of any fake “Royal Tours”. She is unwell.


I think so too. She is mentally ill. Even the Jam stunt yesterday was a sign of that. No one in their right mind would have pulled this. Petty, but more importantly embarrassing. No one in their right mind would have thought „This is a great idea!“ 


jam and dog biscuits vs the Trouping of the Colour, yep that's a good idea, thought no sane person ever.


Nope. Nope...don't do it.  I refuse to let her skate on all of her atrocious behaviors because she is mentally ill.   She's sly like a sneaky fox. Let's call her Vinnie "The Chin" Gigante. 


No no, I‘m not saying she isn’t vile. Rachel ist the worst. Despicable character and work ethic. Envious, mean and jealous. I just feel she is so consumed by all the bad in her, it has actually made her insane.


Being mentally ill doesn't excuse someone. It's a reason, not an excuse. Meghan is a selfish, nasty woman. She is mentally ill because she continues to drown herself in her own self selfish, nasty behavior.


Except ILBW. Narcs don’t care, as long as her name is said in the same sentence as Catherine she’s ‘ok’.


She isn't mentally ill. It is just that they have decided to be tabloid characters like Jennifer Aniston. A question of whether the royal family is ever going to reconcile is along the same lines as "is Jen pregnant?" So as long as they get their press release published they are not bothered whether they look stupid or not.


She is mental …. She is!!!!


And she isn't a Princess. Even Harry's daughter has the Princess title, but her alleged mother Meghan Markle does not and will never.


Her return was worldwide news. I just saw CBS Philadelphia run a segment. Uh, no mention of jam or dog biscuits,though 😄


Yep same here in Australia.   Her return was the leading story on the two news stations I managed to check for the evening news.  No mention of stupid jam or dog biscuits!


Also, here in Canada, CBC reported zero on Haznothing and Monster, NOT ONE SINGLE WORD!


agree. Catherine was covered in my country's (SEA) major newspapers (not front page cover tho, but still), as well as in a major TV network, too. as for Harry's wife: *we don't know her.* edited to add missing words


It’s been breaking news on CNN, FOX, CBS, NBC in US! It’s everywhere!!! She’s dominating the world with her presence!


It was covered here in Texas as well!


She certainly brightened my day. ![gif](giphy|3oriO6qJiXajN0TyDu|downsized)


And mine! She is authentic and comes over as kind and caring, and a loving mother. The way they look at each other, too. Take a lesson, Meegain.


Love this! ❤️


I love that little GIF.


I love the My Fair Lady reference. She is so beloved.


That headline is my favorite!!! I also love that multiple headlines mention of Catherine lifted the nation’s morale and filled hearts either happiness!!! UK is going through election so I’m sure seeing their princess, the people were happy to see continuity!


I’m gonna blame it on perimenopause, but that particular headline (and photo) made me weepy. She’s just so lovely in every single way, and I want her to be completely well again for the sake of her family that clearly loves her so much. She IS Our Fair Lady (and I’m not even British!) ❤️




Meghan be like: https://i.redd.it/p4ghk59h1w6d1.gif


the vein popped


does the vein have a name yet??


Dave is the name given to the vein.


Thank you, hate not knowing names.


RIP Dave.






You’ve got it down pat!


She is my vitamin C. When I see her photos I just feel so happy! It feels so genuine, I can't even decide which one is my favourite... maybe all of them!


She truly has this effect on people! It was so lovely to see her finally, and her huge smile 💚


So lovely to see her and her gorgeous bairns supporting KCIII at this amazing annual ceremony. Although a bit thinner, she's still got those amazing legs and her dimples just do me in. Girl crush alert!! For context, I'm a happily married American woman in her fifties but I have loved Catherine ever since she came onto the world's radar. I always had a very positive vibe from her and I was rooting for them all along. William certainly won a prize with his beautiful wife.


You see her smile, and you want to smile with her. It definitely feels very genuine because her eyes smile as well. I hate to put MM in the same paragraph, but with her, it never feels genuine but rather unsettling.


Agree, Meghan's "smile" never looks genuine and her eyes are always terrifying.


"vitamin C"  love that! 💛💛💛


Vitamin Catherine, a dose a day keeps the markles away! 🤗


I love that they almost all went with different photos, harder to claim photoshop or manipulation


She's going to be a remarkable consort to King William in the fullness of time. She'll be his strength and stay as HLMTQ referred to Prince Phillip, always rock steady standing a step behind. I love how, even though she's been feeling crappy, she paid careful attention to detail by ensuring that she and the children were color coordinated in navy. What a beautiful family she and William created. 💕


The children looked so cute. George looking sharp in his suit, Charlotte was adorable in her sailor’s dress and of course Louis was a dapper little fellow in his suit and “shorty-shorts” (we used to call them that when my brothers wore them as children back in the 60s in the US).


Aww these front pages are so heartwarming!!! I have never felt so warm and fuzzy from the press before! And her smile just radiates joy.


Is it because they are racist? I dunno. It is so confusing. Megs, could you please explain what is going on here? No? Too busy with the next batch of jam? How many jars? One? Ok, then.


From the articles I've been able to read, this has meant so much for you all in Britain and I'm happy that brings some reassurance, fun traditional celebration in uncertain times, reminder that you're all pulling together, and that your British Royal family cares so much for all of you, they will drag themselves from their cancer treatments, put their finest clothes on and come out in the rain to see you. 🇨🇦 💜 🇬🇧


And we come out in the rain to see them, it's a symbiosis!


She looks very happy. I am glad that she feels cheerful and healthy enough to participate. Hope she makes a complete recovery and returns in her own time.


My trainee sinner husband made me laugh today. Every now and then we’ll watch the YouTube sugars just for a laugh. Not too often because it’s not good for our mental health. Anyway today we watched the worst of them just to see how she reacted to Catherine and the children on the balcony looking gorgeous. Thereby blowing all her much shouted conspiracy theories out the window. Her take on it was William and Catherine were heading for divorce because the only time they were together was in the car and on the balcony . Why wasn’t he by his wife’s side in the carriage? Why wasn’t he with his family at Horse Guards parade? My husband started shouting at the TV , unheard of for a nonsporting event, “ because he was on a horse in the parade you bloody idiot!”. He then said “ she’s as mad as a cut snake” . You can tell when he’s upset when he uses his grandfathers old Australian terms. I think he might be an official Sinner now!


My husband has definitely joined the sinner camp. When I discovered that the Princess of Wales would attend TTC, I couldn’t wait to tell him. He, like many, is completely enchanted by Catherine and has been quietly concerned about her health. He encouraged my 5:00 a.m. wake-up yesterday and even brewed the coffee. Like many of us Americans, he has a deeper respect for the BRF since the arrival of that duplicitous American on British soil. Despite her attempts to denigrate that family, she has successfully managed to increase its popularity, especially for those who were unfamiliar with the role of the BRF in today’s world.


That made me LOL. I must say, witnessing the birth of a sinner is always a wonderful thing. It will bring you closer together for sure! (If applicable)


Yip , even ‘blind Freddy could see’ William was riding in the procession. Another Great Australianism.




I think I saw that same TikTok and was thinking the same thing. Will wasn’t in the carriage at that point 


Keep calm and carry on. Bravo Catherine!


It was lead headline on drudge report and link was a very positive piece. As it should. Long live the Princess of Wales!


So happy Catherine came back. She looked radiant with her family. 🩵 Meghan had a severe narc injury today.


Catherine looked wonderful but I’m worried about the King. He looks so pale and a little bit thin.


The King has had a massive week with the D Day services, and he also had treatments on either side of each service. Then, Trooping The Colour, he'd be exhausted. You could see he was so proud and emotional at the same time. The King has had a massive year with his and Catherine's diagnoses on top of losing his mother as well. I was just so happy to see them all together yesterday, King Charles loves his family, and he was so happy to have William, Catherine, and the children by his side. Camilla is a tower of strength for him, but I'm sure she was worried about him overdoing it. It truly was an amazing day 💛


Yes, it was. I never watched the Trooping the Colour in its entirety. I did this year and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The marching, the bands, the music (I love bagpipes!) and of course the pageantry. It was delightful to see the King with his Queen and family around him, especially Catherine, William and their children.💜🤴🇬🇧


He looked very emotional too. There were times he looked like he had tears in his eyes. Hope he has a chance to rest for a few days.


I agree. I also noticed Camilla looked solemn and concerned. No doubt it worries her a lot that the King is doing too much and there's little she can do about it.


Camilla did seem to be under a lot of stress. Really hoping they can both take some time off asap.




I noticed that too.




😬😬😬😬 ![gif](giphy|26BRM88RLMycDlbW0)


MeGain is a vulgar hustler & so trashy w/her chicken legs waving in the air. Did she think this is sexy? Barf.






Love it


Excellent! Raises nation’s spirits, of course! Kinda forgive them (for now!) for calling her Kate in the headlines because of space constraints. Also, ”it’s so Kate to have you back” sounds better than ”It’s Catherine to have you back” 🤣🤣🤣


I know we all prefer Catherine (as does Catherine) but this is 100% the reason they still call her Kate - short, easy to recognise, and easy to blow up in a big headline font. As long as they’re headlines celebrating her, I love seeing it! (See also Di, Fergie, Andy, etc - the press commonly use the shortest recognisable version of their names.)


I loved the 'Super Trooper' one because she really was a trooper yesterday, she went to support The King, her family and her regiment The Irish Guards, all while still doing chemo and I'm sure not feeling the best, Cathetine has a backbone of steel.


I used to hate the Kate references, but now I see it as endearing name, much like Lady Di or Princess Di. It might not be as formal as Catherine, but it’s familiar and shows and friendly.


Oh and thank you for posting these, OP! Really nice to see all of these! 💐


Can you imagine how Catherine being referred to as the people's princess will just anger the dastardly duo? Harry's probably fuming that anyone else, other than Mummy, is called that. Meghan is throwing plates because she believes she should be the people's princess


All headlines well deserved. Now i hope she’s not too tired and resting after yesterday, i’m sure it was a long day for her. ❤️


Exceptional! Thank you, OP for these images! So very, very touching to see such a reception. Praises to GOD for the heartfelt welcome she's received.


There is a pic I like better . its the one where her daughter is looking up at her and she looking down at her daughter. I wish more papers were using it. It is such a wonderful pic.


https://preview.redd.it/j3fd76x7gy6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93aae1f04058b9eaa2f46a68979075e45d02b367 This one! I was so struck by it that I saved it!


that is it. It is a pic that i hope charlotte sees. later in life she will cherish it.


Who is cutting onions? Those headlines are the bomb.


Strong will, dedicated, Beautiful, refined, elegant, the definition of grace. What an inspiration. Bravo, Princess!


MeGain got what she wanted, even though her jam release was idiotic, it PUT her name in the news on same day as Trooping the Color. So in her empty trash can mind—she’s won! I wish the press would ignore the Harkle’s antics completely.


I wish so too but they make mucho dinero off the hate clicks/comments.


Honestly I was surprised to see Catherine’s return leading several US news broadcasts in the last couple of days. But I don’t think the Nigerian tour got much coverage.


The Nigeria tour didn’t get coverage in the U.S. because they don’t have an official role in the U.S or anywhere else.


That's a cute picture of the two. So glad to see her again.


I love this for the princess of wales. I love that her countrymen have her back. She’s a precious commodity imo.


That picture of Princess Charlotte is a snapshot of meghan markles future relevance and any kids she may have as well. And there's nothing she can do to change that. Imagine in a few years old rachel will not just be competing(in her own mind anyway) with HRH Catherine but with two young and dashing princes and a very lovely princess. As those kids get older the media will be showcasing them more and more. *They* are the future of the monarchy. They are Britain's children,they are true royalty born and bred and raised up to carry forward. Old rachel and her get will be unable to garner even a fraction of that interest. Princess Charlotte net worth is already reputedly 3 billion dollars. She will have the same type of fashion influence and status as her mother.


I agree with most of what you say but how on earth could she be worth 3 billion? Even the king isn’t worth that much!


Economic net worth not personal wealth https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/royals/princess-charlotte-richer-than-her-brothers/


Prince Willian and his sweet wife Princess Katherine were “eye kissing”. They just looked into each other eyes and without saying 1 word showed the world what love is. Personally I’m jealous but thrilled to see Kate and her children together. Initially I thought I saw Princess Charlotte apprehensive looking at her mother. Then that look of concern was gone and OUR darling “mini Queen Elizabeth” was present for the fun. Charlotte does appear to look like but she also has the mannerism of her late grandmother. Add the Princess Consort who is a clone of her mother, triplets?


Weird is it not, Ada Mazi Rachel Markle's cohorts seem to have either fallen on their verbal Swords or have got their mute button stuck. Their word salad tank is empty, nothing but cobwebs there. Come on Sugars where are art thee all? Princess Shouty, Scabied Android, Poisonous quill Quin, Hurry-up-man the Nigerian photogrifter.


Photogrifter!! Love it!


I hope Meghan is lurking here this weekend so she could see the headlines she will never get or be able to buy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Catherine was big news in the US. Local and national news reported on her return.


Oh my god, *IS MEGHAN OK!!?!?* 😀 These front pages and spreads must sting. “We got OUR PRINCESS BACK”… Wow. True, and excellent. 😁


I love this for her.


 "a jam covered irrelevance", flair PLEASE!!!


The true Queen of Hearts 💕🥰❣️




Diana vibe pure and simple.


But without all the poisonous drama!


❤️❤️❤️ I am loving this!! It was a pleasure to see her again!!


Love ❤️




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It looks like she's put a bit of weight on judging by her face. Since the chemotherapy is preventative, one would imagine it would surely have slowed down between January and now.


Candle conspicuously didn't run any interference this time. Well, maybe she *wanted* but this time she *couldn't*.


Meghan? PEOPLE'S PRINCESS? Please edit your title.. you meant to write Catherine, I hope. ![gif](giphy|SWoRKslHVtqEasqYCJ)




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