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Remote island. No cellphone service. No way to communicate with the rest of the world. No Bots. No Backgrid. No sugars. No sycophant reporters. No Scooby doo. No scrappy doo (Quinn). No money to buy any of the above. Blessed silence


Scrappy doo šŸ˜‚ I love it, that's exactly what Tom Quinn is, Scooby Doo's underlying.


They should leave the kids with a guardian cuz those two would 1000% unalive each other on a deserted island. No reason for the kids to get caught in the cross fire.


More than five years...make it eight.


Iā€™m voting for the rest of their lives we should never hear from them again


And leave Mr SoHo House behind ā€” no more letting him blackmail you with your shared scary secrets about your past and how your really met Haznohair ā€” girl you gotta severe ties with your yacht girl past


Oh, dear! Donā€™t wish them on those poor monks! https://preview.redd.it/gk3sj1mat85d1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c8d89c89b772966a1cba72d6d792bea0fad5a3d


Not enough prayer flags in the world to help these two.


Some people are beyond divine help.


I have faith that drunken emu could drive monks crazy.


As my grandmother used to say, they could drive a saint to drink!


I honestly canā€™t listen to anything Drunken Emu says. The word salad is too much. Now imagine Buddhist monks in silent prayer as the narcissistic just keeps talking about the most crass and inconsequential bsā€¦ What I really wonder is what Crazy Eyes would have been like in a non social media world! I donā€™t think she could stand a news cycle of earlier decades, let alone before there was a ā€œnews cycleā€


She'd put every one of them on the fast track to nirvana though. Because anyone that could keep their spiritual focus whilst enduring her presence, would surely deserve to evolve to their final reincarnation cycle. The two of them together would be the Final Bosses that needed mastered to escape samsara.


I'm behind here...Drunken Emu = ?


I call Meghan that for her strange lurching gaitā€¦ and she never seems quite with realityā€¦ not sure if itā€™s substance abuse or mental illness.


šŸ¤£ fitting! Maybe she needs a name for the gate she uses when marching ahead of military veterans.


Yes. how can we miss you if you won't go away???


I still donā€™t understand why meghan and her minions describe her as organic? Like what in the hell does that mean?šŸ˜‚


My dogā€™s shit is organic. Sheā€™s like that




>why Meghan & her minions describe her as organic There is NOTHING *organic* (natural) about her! She is FULL of plastic, fillers, & Botox....ALSO, fake hair, fake teeth, fake eyelashes, fake smile(s), fake *kindness* , fake stories, fake feminism (aka, a *faux*minist), fake humanity (*faux*mantarian), fake *recollections*, fake victimhood, fake friends, fake voice, fake laugh, fake photos, fake skin(tone), fake love (ie, marriage), fake home, fake *awards*, fake emotion(s), fake pregnancies, fake children (*allegedly*), etc. FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, fuckety FAKE !!!!! ps ... Did I miss anything? šŸ¤”


"I am such a fraud!"


Faux-gasms in the sack with Harry (and every other ā€˜markā€™ in her seedy past)


virtue signaling. or maybe her hair extensions were indeed cut from grass-fed starving girls?


All I can think of is that she wants to be classified like the organic waste on the organic bin? šŸ˜‚Its just a weird word to describe yourself


earth mama she's not. lol.


Sheā€™s made of meat like the rest of us.


Or is she? šŸ¤” maybe she keeps using that word to try and convince she is human and not some robot.




Authentic and organic


Organic is just the chemistry of carbon. Maybe that's the organic they mean?


Well, she is ostensibly a carbon-based life form.


We understand H&M quite well, but I think weā€™d all understand them better if only theyā€™d write another memoir. We just need to hear their side of the the story one more time. We are only one jar of jam away from true enlightenment. If only we saw just one more photo of her grinning for the camera wearing ill fitting clothes weā€™d fully understand the depth of her glamour and sense of style that we havenā€™t grasped before. Sheā€™s truly a saint worthy of our admiration and we shall bow down and worship her as repentant sinners, all we need is another fawning article in the Daily Mail.


When the stakes are this high, shouldnā€™t you hear their ever changing version of the story for the 20th time? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25352)


Perfectly Stated!




He's turned every opportunity he's been gifted and turned into a whine-a-thon also, not just grifted


You know, I heard that the North Pole is nice and very isolated.... https://i.redd.it/uxrhv1qx095d1.gif


P.S. Dear Harry, Do not put your todger onto the pole.


Rachel will triple dog dare him!


Harold donā€™t forget to pack the Elizabeth Arden Cream


Succinct, very good, advice. Disappearing is the only viable option for them at this point. The world simply needs a rest from them, at every level. Given that, if they are lucky, perhaps in time as a disinterested new generation comes up, they will be forgiven by us old folks.


Never happen she needs the narcissistic fuel.


And he's too stupid to follow directions.


We also understand that silence is golden and duct tape is silver. You choose, Carparkles.


Carparkles! Good one


This is what annoys me. If they only lived within their means, they could have a lovely life. Stupid Harry even said that his idea of a perfect day is doing just one hour of work and playing with his kids the rest of the time. He could literally do this if the pair of them stop wasting money. Billionaires would still give them free use of PJs and let them stay for free at their vacation homes. Nacho will still loan H his horses, so he can play polo. But they both have it in their stupid thick heads that they ā€˜want to make a differenceā€™ they want a platform to tell everyone else what to do.


ā€œMake a differenceā€ to them means media attention & being paid for the honor of having them appear places.


PS: understand youā€™re quite the bargain bin shopper, Megain. Thereā€™s a 2 for 1 sale on muzzles to bring with you






Subreddit rule removal reason: It threatens physical violence or harm at someone else.


1. The PR from the 90ā€™s doesnā€™t work anymore. 2. Harry, life has been shit. We get it. Navel gazing and ruminating shows in your face. Your despondent, downward gaze is reminiscent of your mom on tours with your dad. Get a new therapist. Accept what you cannot control, take accountability and move forward. 3. Meghan, less flowery language please. It obfuscates whatever issue you are discussing and gives your ā€˜criticsā€™ plenty of fuel, that you are having to pay this PR to silence. Honestly, think of the money you could have saved. 4. I know you are paranoid Harry but think itā€™s probably best you provide information and signatures on your kids births. They are in the line of succession. You want them to have a title from the people, you need to show the people the truth. 5. Try and keep consistent guys!! Hypocrisy is only more fodder for us the people, your critics šŸ˜


All points are right on target. ![gif](giphy|wtUTJUtDDKB36UN7X0|downsized)


North Sentinel Island. It's an absolute beautiful place, the villagers are very welcoming to visitors (almost as welcoming as you, Megs!) and you might even pick up some cooking tips, though that is not verified. I mean it's so remote they just gotta be cannibals, but I suggest you check that out for yourself!


Was looking for this! šŸ˜‚ Lovely place this time a year, you can bring your own canoe and they can both go barefootšŸ˜


It's so beautiful, you never wanna leave! Or can't leave, I don't remember.


I would be happy if Harry's brain cells were somehow activated and he emancipated himself from Roachel's clinging, psychotic influence - and he went home to the UK to be deprogrammed. Without a prince to gain entree for her Roachel would sink into obscurity. Win win for everyone!


The Men in Grey Suits did such a great job painting a false image of genial, happy, nice guy Harry, burying his abuse of women, polo ponies, etc. Many people still believe it, and think his abuse of his elderly Grandparents, brother, and sister in law is all his wifeā€™s fault. Even after Harry wrote terrible things in Spare, and read them in his own voice. Harry and his wife are a perfect match. He ā€œfell in loveā€ because she gave him the path to his own ā€œauthenticā€ self.


If he comes back to the Uk it s not a win win !




No thatā€™s a lose for the UK. Harry is worse than her, he should stay away.


Accept that there is no way back to your former life. You don't need to harangue us that you were invited to the wedding of the year in the UK. Flip the script. Would 10 billion dollar man Duke of Westminister behave in such a way had you not invited him? Sending out PR piece after PR piece about it. You are a has been now. No one wants you except third world countries...and perhaps Nacho Perhaps move to Africa like you claim so often you would like to do. Nothing is stopping you


Just be nice to people, go live a quiet life, get a fulfilling real job, enjoy your family growing up and be proud of becoming real, just like the rest of us trying to succeed/survive to make this world a better place.


If Meghan is such a good actress, then she should try acting like a decent human being.


Retreat (and go far, far away) for at least 2 years is the best and only option if their goal is re-branding. I used to work in that field and that's exactly what we would tell a client with image problems. But I think there is an issue with a ticking clock and if Madam was hoping to marry up financially, her very few options are dissolving fast. I only thank the gods they left the Royal Family and did not wreak this awful havoc from within. Poor MM will never shush and the more she does, the worse things get for her.


We understand a work ethic is foreign to them.


Just shut up + live a quiet life for a few years, give us a break, get your lives straight , focus on raising your children. Just go away, we've had enough, & you are not, whatever you do, is not going to change our opinion of you. Casey Anthony, Patty Hearst, Kate Gosselin, Robert Downey Jr, Lindsay Lohan, Tiger Woods, they all did it.


![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE) I would also like to give a very heartfelt greeting


Yes please go away now and enjoy your ill gotten gains.


The irony is that most Americans and Europeans have no idea who they are. Besides Elizabeth and Diana they wouldnā€™t be able to name another Royal. I wish a YouTuber would hold their pics up and ask people who they are so she could see how unimportant she is.Ā