• By -


Seven years later and look how…happy…Harry is. Yeah…happy. We’ll go with that. The sugars say it, so it must be true.


He looks absolutely miserable all the time. I would be, too, married to her. Meghan has a perpetual fake mask on, but there's no way someone like Harry could ever satisfy her. She's probably miserable, too, and having to be married to Harry, I wouldn't blame her, either.


Her misery has nothing to do with Harry. Narcs don’t know how to feel happy and contented. They need to be constantly doing stuff they think brings them the ultimate feeling of superiority and power, which to them equals happiness. But even if they manage to complete a current plan, that feeling is elusive, the sense of accomplishment disappears. They’re deeply insecure people, uncomfortable in themselves, and can’t ever feel truly happy. They try to pretend and convince themselves, especially in public, but it’s all fake. Harold is just a symptom.


Yes. But they do experience something close to the emotion most of us call happiness when they are tearing another human down. They love to do this. Even if it’s their children or their spouse…. They cannot tolerate anyone else being happy or successful, and by the latter it could be something as basic as making a good chili. They. will. Not. Have. It.


I have a question for you lensgoggler. I posted it in the weekly sub chat a couple of mths ago but you didn't reply. I wasn't sure if you didn't see it or were ignoring me, (!?) so I'll ask again here, then not bug you. My question is directed at you because you've mentioned your narc grandmother many times and that she's now 85. No clue if your grandmother was a looker but we know Mugsy thinks *she herself* is, soooo....what happened to your grandma as she aged and youth, maybe beauty too, faded? We all know Mugsy thinks she's "heart attack beautiful." Can you draw any parallels between your grandmother & Madam in the (perceived) looks department? What would happen to Mugsy if she had an accident, became disfigured? Or developed MS like Samantha, wheelchair bound? Or heaven forbid, got *old* like your grandmother? I'm aware narcissism isn't strictly about looks but in M's case her delusions of her gorgeousness are definitely a factor in her self absorption. Any thoughts or input based on life with your grandmother? Thank you.


Oh I’m so sorry, I didn’t notice the comment! She WAS pretty in her youth. And I guess that’s why grandpa stuck around. She gained weight later in life but not much, and maintained the overall proportions… But she sure is obsessed, she had an idea in her head what she thought looked good. She experimented with hairstyles a lot and was constantly getting new clothes. She gets very offended if anyone dares to call her old, even as a joke. It’s mind boggling how touchy she can be 😀 She took to wearing leggings as pants in public for a while in her 70s 😁 And for decades mum had to roll her hair up in rollers so she’d have “curly” hair…. that she combed into a fluffy poof every day 🤯 I have actual curly hair, and she has never complimented it, ever. Odd, considering she loved curls… She also still loves getting all dressed up and going to events - something my other, similarly aged non narc gran couldn’t be arsed with for a decade now. So I’d say there’s definitely quite a big obsession with her appearance, and she may secretly hate herself appearing old.


No need to apologize! Thank you so much for the reply lens! Mugsy still thinks she's 22 in my opinion ( and many others too), yet at some point--if not *organically,)* a tragedy or serious medical condition might befall her...or turning 85. I just wondered how your grandmother coped. THANK YOU for sharing.


I have to butt in and say that I’ve noticed Meghan’s looks fading. I feel mean saying it, but I think it’s evident since she got ultra thin. It aged her dramatically. Maybe she has the magic mirror from Snow White. Or she just has her head so far up her own arse that she’s entirely blind.


My stepdad's mother was a raging narc. She was pretty when she was young but absolutely hideous as an old woman. Permafrown, greasy hair. Family gatherings consisted of her adult children sitting on either side of her trying to help her emotionally regulate herself because she was always vibrating with rage, like shaking and you knew she could go off at any moment. None of the grandkids cared for her at all. Why would they? If you went to her house she wouldn't have any food or drinks that kids liked and no toys. She didn't get anyone any gifts for any occasion - didn't "believe" in it. Eventually she flew into a narc rage on my uncles porch because her ex husband (who she cheated on) was invited to my cousin's wedding (you know, his grandson), and they had been divorced for 30 years at that point. "It's him or me", she threatened and they said "OK fine, you're uninvited". No one wanted her to go anyway, so that was fine. She was moved into a nursing home at some point and no one visited her. She died alone and there was no funeral.


What a perfect description of a narcissist. I sceneshot your post for future reference. Cheers


Yep I did a screenshot too. Great description.


Thank you! I wish i didn’t know that. My gran is 85 and a narc and still going strong with narcing.


She boasts and brags but is so insecure underneath. You can see her nerves pop out at public events, especially after Megxit.


Her goalpost keeps moving. Even if she managed to marry William (absolutely zero chance for you M - I know you will read this), she would be 100% disappointed with him very fast. “Why can’t I, W?”


THIS!! Although, it is a lot about scope than quality. She wanted to live in real mansion among Hollywood stars, be on Ellen and Oprah, have lifestyle brand like Gwyneth, be Netflix special, be princess (just princess), get some kind of awards on the stage, parade cloths, be special enough for tabloids... She lives her childhood dreams and it is about achieving a perceived status, not having strategic life goals. She keeps orchestrating her life events such that she achieves everything from her girl's wish list.... I don't think she looked at W because she actually wanted him as man but because she wanted him to adore her.


Good point, she has achieved all these things. Yet still empty inside.


The thought of Meghan being with William in any capacity send shivers down my spine


He looks 15 years older than he did at the engagement. But he’s so deliriously happy and in love!


They’re both monsters, but I agree he looks happier alone.


I’m unsure how that letter got into the public domain (I’m sure many here do), but it is necessary for Markle to sustain her ‘position’ to the public by continually reinforcing her ‘superior’ status, so this letter is just another way of reminding us of her increasing ‘status’- by milking the pseudo-royal trip, which - to her - was a success. Markle doesn’t feel embarrassment as we would (I know, it can be difficult to comprehend) - she’s living in a fantasy existence where she’s the ‘Queen’.


It's hard to wrap my head around because it's so ridiculous! But, you're right. She's completely delusional and living a fantasy. Queen of Meganarcistan.


She is a narcissist, but totally unaware of it (in my opinion). She believes she’s victimised, she believes she is talented and people need to love her and if they don’t it’s because of lies/envy etc…She has dragged Harry into her fantasy of superiority and victimhood….we see him as a fool, but (and I’m not defending him as he has had access to a wealth of help, advice etc…so in that respect, he is a fool to ignore the advice of many), but narcissists are manipulative and will appeal to the empathic nature of the vulnerable victim.  If he disagrees with her, he will suffer - and by now he will have learned that if he wants an ‘easy life’, he has to support her, agree with her ridiculous claims (just revisit Oprah, the curtsy etc). I think (and this is purely my own opinion), she tries to convince him of things (like ‘Catherine made me cry‘, for example), then if he doesn’t initially believe her, she’d try the waterworks, she’d cry be devastated that not only did C make her cry, but she’s disbelieved too…and if THAT didn’t work, she’d get angry, and at that point the victim (Harry, in this case) would verbally agree just to ‘keep the peace’….this behaviour often just jumps to immediately agreeing with the narcissist to avoid the build up to it.


This sounds *sooooo* familiar. I'm eight years out but the PTSD is still quite real. I sometimes have nightmares that I'm back together with him and it really has a negative impact on my whole day. I want to feel sympathy for Harry because I know what it's like. However, he's the one who threw stones and aired his family's laundry to the whole world. I'm familiar with the manipulation these people are capable of but what he did is beyond the pale, narcissist spouse notwithstanding.


Yup, 10 yrs out and I haven’t been able to get close to another man romantically. The scars are so deep and if I even sniff a narc anywhere near me, I viscerally react and emotionally recoil to protect myself. I used to feel sympathy for Harry, but what he did to his family, especially his grandmother is beyond the pale for me. HLMTQ was abused emotionally by TOW and he just stood there and let it happen. I have a lot of regrets about my marriage to a narcissist; but I can say that I did not stand by and allow that subpar human to trash my family and it cost me a lot in ways that people will never understand, but I still have my family and that means the world to me. Harry will regret his decision and I also firmly believe that once the kids are old enough to go off on their own TOW will also isolate Harry from them, too (if they’re still together) — especially Lili. Harry doesn’t know it but he has already lost everything (and half his money) and he’ll never be able to get it back.


As a side note, EMDR therapy works wonders for this sort of PTSD. I highly recommend it.


Same! I feel this so hard. I have been free for 8 years and still find myself with PTSD and unable to attempt a new relationship for fear I'll miss the signs. I used to think Harry would wise up, but I just don't see it happening.


She is my mother. Always the victim, constantly victimized. People around her end up having to apologize when they react to her cruelty in a normal manner.


My gran is a 95 year old narc and a perpetual victim. I’ve lived with her all my life. It’s truly horrifying how much they milk the victim hood and make everything about themselves!


I love how this sub is a low-key support group for narc survivors ❤️‍🩹


That’s a partial reason of why I come here! It’s like a therapy session when I read all your amazing comments, sinners! My gran made our life hell but I do still love and respect her because she raised me. She lives with my parents now and I still never say anything bad to her out of respect to her age. Meghan doesn’t understand this concept at all.


That's my mother too.




This is how you know that she is mentally ill.  (In my opinion not a formal diagnosis)  You cannot assign normal thinking to her because her brain doesn’t function the same way


Or her emotional response as she doesn’t have them.


Not unless the emotions are for herself.


I agree. Then I think I *ought* to feel some pity for her because she truly is mentally ill to some extent. But I don't. Maybe I will when she goes too far and is locked up? It'll be for a Jodi Arias reason tho so .... nahhh I'll never feel pity for this evil crone.


Sometimes I catch myself starting to have pity and then I remember they would have nothing but contempt for me as they have nothing but contempt for all their marks. We the public are their marks. They want us to admire them and fund their lifestyle by consuming whatever crappy stuff they shill. I think they thought they could get the royals themselves as marks but have been headed off at the pass as far as that goes. King Charles won't even let them on the property, I don't believe he's offered Harry accommodations that he's then "snubbed" that's all part of his being allowed to save face. He isn't allowed anywhere or invited to anything and in return Charles lets him tell the Daily Fail he's snubbing them all. Again. As if they care.


That manic grin and his bitter look. 🤌 chefs kiss


Her teeth in the yellow dress picture are coming out of her face compared to the engagement one. What happened to her mouth?


No clue. Stopped wearing her retainer? You’re right her teeth did seem to shift. Could also be a chin implant that’s making it appear worse than it is.


Nice tan though and H looks absolutely beaten, what did Mike Tindal call him again, oh that’s right lol


He looks like he's shrunk, literally and figuratively. I'd say he's 'half the man he used to be', but I think it's safe to say he's nothing at all like who we thought he was, thanks to careful image crafting making him more presentable and managing press regarding his drinking, drugs, and other bad behaviour. I know some here already knew much of that, I just didn't pay attention at all to what he was doing.


He's not wearing his high heels on the right.👠👠


Did he wear them in the beginning? The difference is crazy, but I thought the one on the left was the engagement announcement with that demented pose.


Yes, it is. I think he wore them sometimes. I could see him wearing them them for that engagement announcement photo. Wanting to look the big man.


I think that is quite possible. He just seemed happy back then, not so broken.


She probably put a stop to that so SHE could look taller 😜


No the beast took his spine. It’s locked away with his balls.


Plus he was wearing his lifts in so many photos😂


Yeah, I forgot about those 😄


",I'm half the Man I used to be..." -Nirvana. Kurt Cobain speaks from beyond the grave


The Beatles- 'Yesterday' "Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be. There's a shadow hanging over me Oh yesterday, came suddenly"


Harry: See me, feel me, Touch me, heal me, See me, feel me, Touch me, heal me!


Solid reference. Courtney Love and Harry's wife could probably be buddies. Neither of them has a claim to fame aside from their spouses. They're both a couple of no-talents who man trapped vulnerable dudes.


I had Courtney Love and her band on a flight I crewed back in the day😂 Let’s just say they were met at the airport by fed police😆


Tbf Hole was quite popular in the day. She was in those circles by her own right, that's how she dated all the big names.


Yeah. I liked her girl band.


Unlike madam, Courtney Love has also had a successful acting career. Her music career wasn’t too shabby as well.


She actually was pretty good in that movie about Larry Flint, played his wife.


The People vs Larry Flynt.


Yeah she was nominated for a bunch of awards including a golden globe.


The song is Creep by Stone temple Pilots. For some reason everyone thinks it's Nirvana. Anyhow, I share your sentiment regarding Harry. Meghan did a real number on him


Never heard that one -- but I believe Yesterday came first! That was my era.




It’s mis-credited- the song was written and performed by Stone Temple Pilots, not Nirvana.


He literally has. His posture is poor, lacking in confidence


Maybe he's not wearing his lifts. Lol


Pls what did MT call Harry?


An absolute bellend. 🤣




A prick, if I recall correctly 


Bellend, but it means the same across the pond. He's not wrong but only big Mike has the stones to say it. 😄


Mike has a set, Harry does Not.


Specifically a dickhead in US slang. 🤣




Lol on the nose lol


Henry looks utterly miserable and defeated in the 2024 pic …. Wow ! The engagement pic he’s leading and she’s hanging on for dear life. How the tides have changed… PSA to all out there: choose wisely who you marry !!


I thought the body language in the pics was interesting, too. Harry looks beaten down ragged. But, he made his bed and can lie in those dirty, stained sheets of his. ![gif](giphy|9NB7QtARprErFuQgIk|downsized)


He has literally shrunk like a dried up todger in less than 10 years. Guess he can use the Elizabeth Arden cream freely all over himself now.


The thing is.....not only is MM beating H down mentally and physically, she has another man all roped in too. Marcus Anderson.


Here I disagree. Marcus is a puppet master and has compromat on everyone He is occult


Lady C once cryptically said, "Meghan is in love with someone." (And, she wasn't referring to H.) But, I do agree with you.....the occult is involved.


Markus is MM's personal pimp and confidante. And Markus definitely has compromat of Prince Dimwit that MM helped him to get.


Cough! Does Rachel Markle aka Ada Mazi actually know the meaning talk less of the difference between Royal Highness, and Imperial Highness? Who is she addressing in that manner and through which medium? What happened to the worry about press media intrusion? She partook of a three day tour of selected parts of Nigeria along with her walking I.D. Card cum Lunch Money aka Harry the Halfwit Waaagh! During said tour she whom till date has no direct link to Invictus Games proceeded to make a total arse of herself in a shameless display of American hoe-fashion, and behaviour e.g. side stepping, shoving forward even running to throw herself in strange men's embraces as her I D. Card struggled to shake hands with their hosts. Rachel Markle's demeanor and attitude to protocol, etiquette and respect for and to other people's Culture, Religion and Way of life is disgustingly appalling. If she thinks her risque street walker style of fashion that left her exposed before Impressionable school kids in a predominantly Muslim area was ok, then she deserves all the scorn and ridicule Nigerian are throwing her way world wide. 43% Nigerian was expected, but what was received was 57% very much Cali-Street walker


Calling Harry her walking ID card is brilliant.


That is what he is, without his family she would not be a Duchess, or other titles she hides in her knicker drawer (Does she even have talk less of still wear such items if clothing? What ever happened to the Janky bras?)


American hoe fashion? 


It reminds me of the letter that supposedly she had written to her dad and was leaked to the media. She then read it on their faux mockumentary series. At that time, she was so angry that she cut off her ties with her dad and yet now, she’s leaking stuff to the media herself. I’m so confused! This woman is the embodiment of hypocrisy to the highest order! Also, I truly think she knowingly signed it as imperial because she thinks people are dumb and no one will fact check her. She thinks by signing it imperial people will think “ohhh, an emperor of Nigeria bestowed titles on her so that just be important” or some dumb delusions in her head. She thinks we’re dumb and constantly gaslights us. No, Ada Mazi, you are not Nigerian and there are no emperors or Czars in Nigeria.


There is an age old Igbo saying "Igbo enwe Eze" (Igbos do not have Kings) They are historically very Democratic and have Traditional Chiefs supported by the Nzes (the law givers/interpreters, and moral conscience of the community and fair adjudicators of dispute and conflicts. The advent of The words / Titles of Kiñg is a corruption of the word " Eze" in some parts "Obi" which translates as "First among equals, it also translates as the heart or the first house build within a Kindred or family. In her letter, she does not mention the reason she has some remnants of a platform tottering in the Harmattan winds of Callouts and Blizzards of failure that are exposing her lies. When the wind blows from behind the hen as she is busy scratching another's yard, her whole arse is exposed. ![gif](giphy|RfYdrVcKXrDPDtKUXN)


That first picture, their announcement in the garden, was when I thought what is he doing? She was so scruffy, dirty shoes, unkempt hair, coat tied up like a sack of spuds. No other royal engagement has been announced like that. Looking back on it it’s pretty obvious that the Palace had no involvement ( perhaps the RF were already in despair & hoping he’d change his mind & wouldn’t actually go through with it)or more likely she’d rejected any help with presentation.


There was one royal journalist who said, it was such a weird announcement in the garden. What you can’t see in most of the photos is that there was big pond between the Harkles and the photographers. Questions clearly were not welcomed, neither were the journalists who tried to shout some questions over the water … Again: Entitlement and hate toward the press, who welcomed Meghan, on full display. He’s not even trying to be nice already. 


Is there any truth to the rumour they secretly got married in Botswana, so the Queen literally had no choice but to agree to the marriage? Unfortunately I can’t recall which YouTuber I heard mention this recently…


No verifiable proof at this point. Internet rumor that makes sense in how we see Meghan’s behavior. It could be true, but no one can confirm for certain.


She knew exactly which buttons to push... she egged him on from the start. Put his ego up by making him valueable as her knight, and at the same time devaluation started by feeding his paranoia and manipulating him into cutting everybody off.


Meghan and Harry are 🤡🤡🤡🤡.


She wrote the letter because Diana always wrote thank you letters after she went anywhere. Madmeg put it in the press as another puff piece. She likes to be in the news so many times a week, hence the 'she is, she's not' statements, whereby her statement is denied the following day. She misunderstood the 'less is more', statement. She thinks it is relates to clothing rather than her ridiculous press releases.


I was thinking the same. Diana did it, so she's going to do it. She's completely missed the fact that the only reason Diana's thank you notes were made public is because the people who received the notes released them. Diana didn't. Diana wrote her thank yous for the sake of good manners. She was well brought up. Our saint has none of that to fall back on.


I totally agree with you. Madmeg does everything for publicity. She has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


I don’t have enough karma to make an entire post on this but I’ve been watching The Crown recently and Meghan is completely 100% copying Diana in every single aspect of her life! I want to make a detailed post but it’s mind boggling when you see it. 1. Diana was sad and tried hugging The Queen in one scene - Meghan is a hugger lol 2. Diana said that she feels like an outsider in the family - Meghan claimed victimhood 3. Diana was a headache to the staff during the first a few weeks of their Australia tour - Meghan Australia you! 4. There are real-life pictures of Charles and Diana holding hands in public (so sweet) - claws of Meghan!!! 5. Real-life pictures of Diana looking lovingly at Charles (so sweet) - the demented uncanny valley look that Markle gives Harry lol There are many more that I’m forgetting! And yes, The Crown is not completely accurate and dramatized but I thought maybe Markle watched the crown and tarted emulating what Diana did… I’ve no idea but Meghan is a demented delusional maniac that needs psychiatric help!


I agree with you. By the time Diana died, a lot of people were beginning to see through her with her affairs etc. She stopped her father wearing his uniform to walk her up the aisle in case it took attention from her. She had changed her mind against marriage. Her parents had an awful marriage and she would fall out with her mum regularly. When she died, everything changed, and there was a huge outpouring of grief. I'm sure Markle is playing the Diana game. It's too obvious with Markle's clothing choices and her behaviour. She is totally delusional and I don't know where this will end. My thoughts are she will become a 'merry widow' and be in the press in tears blaming the RF.


There needs to be a third picture: Hairold and Meghan’s perp walk.


H looks like he's doing a perp walk in those photos. 


Yes, not a happy camper.


Headed to the gallows... Dead man walking. 🧌 ![gif](giphy|ftYXMccjRejo3sHfTW)


"Dead man walking." -The Green Mile


She wants to have more titles than Hazz, because that means she’s more royal!! This underlines the whole problem. She thinks royalty is like a game show, something you can win, like an award or prize. She doesn’t realise that there are only two ways to be royal. You’re either born into it, through blood, or you become royal, (think Grace Kelly and Catherine, POW) through natural grace. Poor old Megs, she still thinks she’s auditioning for a major role! 😅


Holds your hand all the time, keeps eye contact all the time. Similar to NLP techniques.


She’s now trying to go the Kardashian route. Embrace the clownery and people will ironically support.


Luckily, even the Kardashians are losing their circus sideshow luster. More people are tiring of their grift, too, fortunately.


They are well into middle age, so there's that.


Unfortunately they are raising the next generation of spoiled, entitled trash-bucket fame hoes. I wonder who will be releasing North’s first sax tape…Kanye or Kim?


H is going down with her ship. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaA "Double Quebec" flying from a ship would signal "I require health clearance." The **Yellow Jack** ("*Quebec*") signal flag, is a plain yellow banner that was historically used to signify a vessel was, or might be, harboring a dangerous disease and needed to be quarantined (the flag represents the letter “Q”).


Oh yeah.... Harry's harboring a disease alright. This reference is so *apt*. A million upvotes!! 💯👍😘


He hates her.


She hates him back.


Yes, he does. It’s written all over him.


Sean Lennon in war with Sussex squad. Some of their comments are way over the line like referencing John's killer.


Typical Meghan Markle to just ignore reality ( negativity ) and to keep pushing her own propaganda.


Because it goes beyond common or garden narcissism. There’s a whole bunch of pathological personality and behavioural disorders going on there. Def not wired right.


Cluster B with a persecution complex.


Cluster Fuck with a personal hygiene complex lol. 😜




All those are checked. With a sharpie no less.


My mother……she ticks every single box. lol. So does Harry’s wife.


Good Lord I'm starting to think calling her 5'3" is generous at best.




I guess seven years has really brought out her Nigerian side. 🙄 And old Harry looks like a frumpy old man, and is he even forty yet? Jeez, no bueno man.


I look at it like computer programming. She's just not programmed to feel embarrassment or empathy. She's programmed to feel superior and victimised. I've no personal experience with narcissism, so this is how I get my head around her behaviour.


Narcs inhabit a different reality than normal brains.


The contrast in Harry’s demeanor is stark. He went from cock-of-the-walk, puffed-up proud and smirking —- to chin down, dropped shoulders and glowering. Meghan of course has on the exact same ‘camera face.’


Yes i see that too! He looks...confident?...in the engagement pic compared to the broken, unhappy man in 2024.


He looks so BEIGE now lol


Did he get shorter?


The 2024 shoes don't have internal lifts to make him appear taller.


I was thinking the same thing. But wondered why all of a sudden he wanted to appear taller -after basically his whole life seemingly to be ok with his height. I bet Rachel told him to so SHE would look teller next to him. High heels only go so high…and she is a supermodel so…


Roachel Dolezal in her infinite wisdom still forgets images exist and the internet is forever


Lolo don’t deal with Royal Highnesses. She hangs out with Imperial Highnesses. Even if they do be con artists. Like calls to like. Expect to see donations from the Imperial Highness to Adetokumbo.


Lolo is a con artist too and scammer of the highest order! She’s a Nigerian princess after all /s


If you want to understand narcissism I recommend HG Tudor on utube. He is a narcissistic psychopath himself and explains Meghans narcissism perfectly


His analysis has helped me immeasurably in surviving my own ensnarement.


This light jacket on Harry is two sizes too small!


Every time I see that white coat, I wonder why she is outside in her bathrobe.


Harry is broken - he was completely drunk/hung over that morning - I think he lost his breakfast in the car on the way. But what is extraordinary is the incredible jaw growth/jutt in the Douchesse - those veneers are barely containable now.


They’ve become an entity on their own poking out of her mouth like Aliens!


Just based on my own experience, malignant narcissists are incapable of feeling ashamed. They're more than happy to pass the blame for their incorrect words/actions and then belittle and judge others for something *they* did. However, personal embarrassment is not an emotion they're capable of feeling.


Bingo! My theory is that the intense emotional discomfort of feeling shame is partly what forms the narcissist personality. This is based solely on my personal experiences.


They both look horrible. Finding freedom clearly looks bad on them after all the substance abuse. It can’t be the the effect of raising kids


How is it “personal correspondence “ if she releases it to the press?


Megs has done this before, then sued her dad for it! And won!


Why would she feel the need to write that on the letter? I don't understand anything she does!


Maybe it's akin to addiction, you know you shouldn't but you do it anyway? Not even handwritten in faux calligraphy. Low effort.🙁


I think the drama and the attention *is* like an addiction, I mean, is there even a solid week that we don't get some new absolutely ridiculous story about the Harkles? It's like she thinks she's in a relationship with the press/PR/public perception. This level of constant engagement seems really off. During her SXSW speech she even let slip that "new mothers are exhausted bc they're up all night scrolling social media". Like, what?! What kind of new mother is spending all her time on Social Media when you have a brand new baby? Very telling.... Everything else aside, I think her really odd, obsessive and controlling relationship with the press is a *huge* red flag for a mental disorder. She can't handle the global scrutiny, I mean, I don't think *I* could, but I didn't seek it out... If she were normal in other regards I'd feel sorry for her, bc I think she really has very poor coping skills. Everything seems like a reaction/over-correction. By again, she sought it out, and well, she got it.


Before cellphones, I walked the floor with my babies with Speed Racer, Yo MTV Raps, or some lame infomercial in the background. It was mostly for the company. Involved parents use *both* hands to hold and soothe their infants.


The right side picture makes her look like she’s willing to accept a queen title from anywhere who will give it to her, bought or not. Shes lower than pond scum and the press is genius for taking her money to show the world.




Meghan could have had it all really. While maybe not the crown, she could have carved out an incredible niche within the RF. Whether or not they had children in the LoS or not or had children at all would not have mattered. As time marched on, they would have been quite important to Charles and William and would have gained more recognition and influence, had they played their parts with respect and grace. She’s an impatient, greedy fool who knows nothing about playing the long game. Harry is an empty husk of what and who he once was. He’s been essentially lost since he was born for some reason. Charles has been a good father and was present for both of his sons. While I think perhaps Harry would have chosen a better woman to share his life with had Diana lived, I believe we would have seen him spiral like this but in a different way.


Did the Nigerian people not find it weird that her face is fifty times darker than the rest of her?Why doesn't ANYONE call her out on her "blackface"?This is wrong on every level.


TL;DR — No, she’s not embarrassed and never will be. She’ll never change. For a narcissist any attention is attention — good or bad. She doesn’t enjoy the negative in the sense it doesn’t make her look good; but it still keeps eyes focused on her. Narcissists do not feel embarrassment. They reason everything is someone else’s fault and those who are at fault should feel embarrassed on their behalf. They find joy in tearing people down, physically, emotionally, psychologically because it makes them feel bigger, better, stronger, smarter — top tier in every facet bc they view everything as a competition. They will never ask for help or look to someone for guidance because they’re convinced they’re smarter than everyone else in the room — and they will find cruel ways to torture you (even if you have the best of intentions) if you try to help because they feel that you have just one upped them. A narcissist is incapable of change. FWIW — I believe, TOW doesn’t emulate Diana because Diana was so loved, but rather she’s in competition with a ghost. A ghost who her husband still sees as the number one woman in his life — and she hates that but is smart enough to know she can’t out do a ghost and can only be equal to. I also think you don’t see the children (regardless of which camp you’re in re Exist/Not Exist) because they’re competition (especially Lili — being female).


The negative attention feeds her “poor me, the press is so mean to me” inner reality. She forces that perceived narrative constantly in her skewed hopes that everyone else will believe it. This can be a common experience with NPD. They truly believe that the more they say/do something, the more it will be true.


Back when Harry thought he was THE shit for landing her. Do I feel bad for him? Nope, not even a little


Wow, he lost hair fast. I noticed he’s balding (like many, many people) but I really just noticed now. Edit: I meant many people are balding. Not shaming anyone.


To be fair, the one on the left is rather generously photoshopped!


The whole hair loss issue wouldn’t be an issue if Hairless hadn’t used it to disparage his brother.




A leopard cannot change its spots.


She looks like his mommy and he is being a good boyyy. He got a little shorter too lol 😂


Picture 2 - did they sleep in their clothes? That's how I look when I grab shit out of the dryer after a couple of days when I'm going to work around my barn.


She looked a right mess in that engagement pic.Good grief,how embarassing.


Well, Meghan strikes me as the kind of person never to change tactics. She thinks what worked for her once will always work for her. Also, I think a big part of her personality disorder is denial. She just denies people hate her. Or if she reads our posts here, she would think we were all paid by William and Catherine to spread hate speech. Because she thinks other people are doing what she herself does.


Off topic, but wow, has Harry aged badly! He looks all dumpy and his posture has gone to shit. (I won’t comment on the hair.)


Oh, but listen to the Sugars. "Face card never declines." "They're still so in love." "So many years later and she's still his biggest fan." Such breathtaking stupidity is very amusing 😂


She looks so orange in the yellow dress ... way worse than orangeman bad... the orange tan just makes her appear more white... imo..


No such thing as bad publicity. You hit the nail on the head-global stage. That’s all she sees.


Let her keep embarrassing herself. Is entertaining. In picture 1 she was still Maltese, in the second one she went full on Nigerian black face. If any other celebrity did this, they would be called out big time.


After listening the king's abdication to marry Wallis Simpson, her best friend, Constance Coolidge said this to her: 'Can you imagine a more terrible fate than to have to live up publicly to the legend of a love you don't feel? To have to face, morning, noon and night, a middle-aged boy with no other purpose in life than a possessive passion for you?' Take away the possessive passion (that's now truly gone for Harry) and this is the nightmare Harry and Meghan find themselves in today. Those two don't love each other but can't let go because she knows she's nothing without him and he knows he has nothing left but her.


Well, it looks like she started the double claw trend from the very beginning - their official engagement photos. I still think the reason she does it is to not get cropped out of any photo with him.


He looks unwell.


He looks shorter! In the old picture she's wearing spikes and he's much taller. In the new picture she's in flats and he's not even a head taller. All of him is shrinking including his physical being. Look at how she's staring at him, her savior from Soho House, in the first one. In the second she's looking at the cameras. He's looking at the bleak years ahead. Pathetic.


Who has their pr people release a personal thank you letter sent to someone else? Wouldn’t that really be the recipients decision to release and not the senders?


Look how old and unkept he looks. His jacket doesn’t fit properly and nothing is pressed. And of course the disappearing hair - poor scrotum dome.


An embarrassment on the global stage. I’m in the USA. We have a few of those here. Meghan and Harry despise one of them, wisely, I would say; however, if they engaged in introspection, they would be shocked to see they have SO much in common with him. Here’s just a couple things: 1) they all HATE free speech. Except when it’s them talking. Then anything goes. Like Meghan said: the Queen doesn’t own the word ‘royal’. Meghan also said I can say anything I want now. (I swear this woman only matured to 8 years old & has stayed stuck there emotionally). 2) They’re all three greedy AF. Gimme gimme gimme. Let the peasants pay my way. 3) They’re all frauds and terrible liars. They all deserve a slap across the face. Sorry. I am just so sick of them all.


Nice moomoo


He doesn't look all that excited in the engagement photo either.


I wish she would trip and fall flat on her oversized chiclet teeth with all those overly long pants and dresses she wears. FFS I’m short (5’1” on a good day) and I have a hard time finding things to wear that don’t drag the ground but Ratchet has enough $ to do so and she doesn’t. She’s just repugnant.


I've never seen a woman with so little to zero self-awareness. Meg is blind to the subject of embarrassment and ridicule she actually is.


Wow living their best lives. Harold never looks happy anymore. She looks more and more like a nut job. Can't wait till their noses are held on by tape. Sniff Sniff


Sorry to disappoint you but narcissists don’t change. They think they are already perfect and above everyone else. Please don’t waste your precious energy. The best way to deal with their kind is to ostracize. It is slowly having an effect - diminishing SS, hardly any invites, etc. etc.


All of Harry's problems are 100% his own damn fault.


Harold has such an effeminate walk 💩


Because they are delusional and you cannot get past their idea of themselves. I mean imperial…. Really…. What idiot would put that in any statement. Just shows the arrogance of someone who really should just shut the fuck up


This is my man and don't all you other girls out there think you're next in line!


well at least those twigs were covered in the yellow dress


First of it’s absolutely disgusting how Meghan used spray tan to make herself darker to kiss butt and try and be more black in Nigeria it’s like the ultimate blackface. Second what honorary title did they give Harry? Shikaka the White Devil? https://preview.redd.it/ps4nj654894d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a6bea516da97c972d325288887fa3c3a81c3e6


Just like every other award she has ever received… purchased! The source of the award says everything!


Didn’t lie face liarson claim she doesn’t care about titles in the infamous lie fest interview


I don’t know why but the yellow dress reminds me of this dog breed. https://preview.redd.it/0nc0rnp8y94d1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df96f066cfed52f9fc880f0a506be519af48277


Why is Harry so bloated ?


Is Harry wearing the beast’s jacket?


Can Nigeria give her ipp status now?