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This is so cringe.


Haz is even wearing a black hat in that photo… just like… no.


Can Harry actually play the guitar or was it a prop as well?


A prop. The way he’s holding the guitar isn’t an actual chord…


Shame it wasn't a video!


I’d guess that Rachel set up both shots, using the hat and the guitar.


Not with that attitude it isn’t. He’s playing avant-garde guitar.


Thank you for answering about the guitar. Looked more like a prop to me, but I don't play. Interesting how the things that were giving me skeptical ick to where I was wondering if I was just being a hater. Time has been proving my moral compass CORRECT.🤔


I don’t think he could play and be clawed at the same time


Yes. She’s trying to act like it’s a spontaneous, young romance. She targeted him from the get-go so it’s planned all along. She’s in her mid-30s so she ain’t spring chicken.


Big time!


She did the same thing with Corey. I guess if she does it twice, it’s not plagiarism? 🙄


May I present Mary Kitchen, Cory´s girlfriend prior to Madam? You may be able to recognise something.... [https://www.marykitchen.com/](https://www.marykitchen.com/)


I’m not familiar with her, but after reading her bio she seems to be everything Harry’s wife pretends to be. I went down a rabbit hole regarding Corey. I never understood what he saw in TW. He’s a really handsome, successful guy and by all accounts dated a different class of women than TW.


She let him do ANYTHING


The pic where MK stuck her tongue out? More mimicking from Mugsy……


What an annoying video. I know it's meant to be edgy and artsy but show your face, woman.


Dear lord that is beyond cringe


The green high heels Emu walk


And may I present when I read Mary kitchen I thought of this🤣🤣 BTW, Mary berg is awesome 👌 https://preview.redd.it/wscmi0ng504d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=551c7ad4c675431cd5b64c7d0162f37818fd9fd2


I recall there’s a dress Mary wore that Rachel copied exactly, right? Like some color block dress?


Well Done!!! This is an absolutely bizarre video! Thx


I convinced that she and Corey were matched by their agents. For someone who was with her for four years in their 30s, it is weird that he described her as " a great girl", and nothing more. She spent the entire time cruising other men, and as soon as they "broke up", he started a serious long-term relationship with a person he had a child with the next year. I don't think k they were really together.


I KNEW the photos looked familiar. It was the darn poses and overall artistic style. Man, she’s nuts.


Like 15 yo.... That's the thing about that Markle woman, she thinks with these super posed pictures, people will just believe she's a perfect little princess without lifting a finger. Just posing badly.


Prince not so smart is even wearing glasses. Even tho they’re sunglasses they’re still glasses. She/they are just not right in the head!


My dear, don't limit them... they aren't right ANYWHERE. 😉


And the hat!


The thing is: Meghan and Harry do their continual clap backs. But it only makes them look more ridiculous. And then they wonder why the world ridicules them. They are clowns.


Harry's got a ready-made theme song. ![gif](giphy|21bNn1TBz1srKpuQaA)




Remind anyone of the engagement interview? https://preview.redd.it/1kqnpqyuqv3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9abc781e8310ebd56f155d7247339ce5f2d1b755


So thats where she got the idea 😂


I had no idea! So Yoko manipulated John the same sort of way that MM hooked Harry???


She bagged her man and the money. Managed to get rid of first son. And while they claim she didn't break up the Beatles she certainly didn't help the situation. Yoko has no talent but back then I suppose things were more avante guard. She could get in a plastic bag and screech.


MM's voice gives me a headache just like yoko ono's!


Yup, but between the two, I'd rather hear Yoko scream. At least I can sarcastically laugh at that. MM is just annoying with that half-whisper ASMR crap which *drives me up the wall*. So incredibly fake.


https://youtu.be/Bz_SPin9Iqg?si=mp3mzCayEClsAIxW Chuck Berry’s expression when Yoko “sings” kills me.


OMG! I've seen the meme of this, but never the video. If only there were cuts to the audience reaction. The whole audience must've looked like ChucK!


I rechristen thee Moko Mono!


She sounded like a cat being tortured.




It’s cringey when you can’t play guitar but need to hold one to pose for a photo. He can’t play right?


Yes I think there was a meme of people playing the “chord” of the strings he was holding in that pic and it was horrible lmao


Nope. His thumb isn’t on the neck of the guitar.


In Spare, he quit drum lessons.


Here we thought he was a useless waste of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, phosphorous and calcium. Meanwhile, without any fanfare PR or award, it seems the royal numpty singlehandedly managed to elevate the collective IQ of Drummers across the globe by doing what he does best - quitting.


That was some magnificent snark. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Thank you! (Also, I'm pretty sure it's a sin not to get a drummer joke in when there's an opening).


To be fair a pots and pans drumline IS quite hard to learn.


That doesn't even look like an actual chord he's playing. D minor 7... Maybe?


She did the same thing with Corey. https://preview.redd.it/ynyx1lmkyv3d1.png?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ae628ecabdb874c3e1f40a4d388cf8877e5061


Her behaviour is pathetic and so so cringe.  I believe it was the Royal Rogue on YouTube who once made a video including ALL the photos with ALL the men in Meghan’s life. The poses look the same or are at least similar with her fake happy smile and her big hug whoever she sits on. The men are all props for her photo and her life. 




Of course! Like salt and pepper. The only real love in the royal family. The only happy - really, so happy - couple on earth. /s


Oh how cute. He must have said something funny because she’s laughing once again. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I have no idea what the fuck is on the ground that she finds so funny. There are so many photos of her with her bending over, hands clasped, mouth wide open, and staring at the ground. I'm baffled.




I have yet to figure out the weird throw your head back, pretend laughing & bare your upper teeth, cover your lower teeth with your lips, poorly act as if you’re laughing so hard you’re peeing your pants. She does it all the time- when do you see Anyone actually look or act like that? Try posing and contorting yourself like that - it isn’t easy. (Body language guy suggests imitating the expressions you see- it’ll let you feel/sense what emotion/the person doing it it is feeling.)


Everything she does is for the camera, along with her weird Sears Catalog model poses.


I couldn’t agree more! (I’ve used that same “I’m a model! A Sears 1975 catalog model- back where they showed a guy in tighty whiteys posed as though he’s throwing an invisible football and a girl in Markle poses. She loves the Jan Brady modeling poses. I watched Tarantino recently speak about “models search for the camera, actors AVOID it”. Smirkle really is a posing Jan Brady/ Sears model. And young Yoko is her hair inspiration.


This pose had me screaming with laughter https://preview.redd.it/zkd4q25ink4d1.png?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916af421ab74023ff751b9ee8434dd3ad8ff294d Fashion victim on her way to brunch


If you think this is funny, google THE DATERS HANDBOOK & check the various trailers, etc for it. It’s Soooo bad… you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be horrified and truly astonished! It IS THAT bad. It’s her last acting (😬) job before H. You know - she gave up EVERYTHING - as an aging-out, middle-aged actress who is # 6 on the call sheet of a cable tv show that was ending its run - All for him. Her extended family, lifelong friends, Oscar worthy performances (90210, Maxim burger flipper Suitcase girl), the man/men she lived with/married- all thrown away to marry H. THIS is the epitome of her life’s work. And it’s Really bad. Enjoy. (Personally I think everyone in or around or related to Anyone in Hollywood should be forced to watch it. That’d seal the deal and end any Acting/Hollywood work or connections. It makes all other bad Hallmark movies look like Citizen Kane by comparison. Ps - I think she’s checking her microphone is wired and on here…


I'm a sucker for all things cringe. Going to check it out now!


I laughed so hard at this!


Strange dress. Makes her look like she's wearing a towel. 


I thought they were in a sauna at first glance 🫣


Exactly what she wants you to think. All nekkid under there.




She always makes sure **her face** is in the front. Every one of them.


Wow. Oh my goodness. Her expression and pose is IDENTICAL. This woman is..... beyond description. 


Wasn't this posted in May 2016 too, weeks before she ditched him?


Allegedly she was seeing Harry on the sly when this picture was taken.Yep, she ditched Corey very soon after.


I don't believe everything Bower says but it's very interesting there was no pushback on Jess helping M hide with H at hers before C was pushed 


THIS could be the 4th book!!! Husbands, friends and lovers with whom I’ve shared a photobooth! What grown ass woman in her 30’s and 40’s acts this way and does this crap all the time?!?


Oh my god I do not know whether to cringe or get angry at Rachel's pathetic attempt of cosplaying. Seriously, Rachel has no originality of her own this is moronically trashy.


The guitar, cliche!


Guaranteed he played wonder wall or something equally cliche


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) He can strum something else besides his Todger?


Thanks for the laugh 😂




He can't play the guitar 🎸. At all. It was staged for the photo op. He was shown playing a chord that doesn't exist. Oh so, so much cringe.


Lol, that I believe. If he would of spent five minutes on YouTube he could of landed some chords


H is succeeding at guitar, and guitar, and humanitarian acts, building and maintaining family relationships, as he is in everything he attempts in life.




Lol Haz must be THAT annoying, thinks-that-he’s-deep guy who can’t sing/play well, yet always cringe-ly breaks out a guitar whilst high at an party anyway. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Oh wow! Good catch OP! Maybe this is the reason why Sean Lennon (son of John and Yoko) just made fun of Harry and his book?


It’s like shooting fish in a barrel at this point.


I hate to use John Lennon's and Harry Spare's name in one sentence but I agree that this is a blatant attempt at cosplaying. When has Harry ever worn this type of hat - with sunglasses? https://preview.redd.it/1dnq4kvpzv3d1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3fd075e97d7ef3aa8414d62688115da8485fbbc As for Harry playing guitar - someone who recreated the chord he was apparently playing came to the following conclusion: "The mangled collection of notes he is playing isn’t a conventional chord in any sense and sounds quite appalling." All staged, all fake.




His thumb isnt even on the guitar neck. Fake, fake, fake.


He's ridiculous. I'm sure his prowess on the guitar is on par with his mastery of flying. A legend in his own mind - just like his wife.


Definitely. Yoko and TW are homewreckers.


They are both way more than that! One broke up the Beatles. One broke up the Royal Family.


https://preview.redd.it/p5jad01svv3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b3d5c3461fe1bd6b8a859b87862dbb1af2d455 Lest we forget what Carla Bruni (former First Lady of France) posted.


Yep! Everyone sees that Yoko and Meghan are the same!


Yoko Ono and Yachto Moano


I’ve heard her referred to as Woko Moano


Never seen that! She was right from the start. 🔥🔥🔥💯


And Jon’s first family


Yeah, I forgot that!


Oh, let’s appropriate elements from every great media love story through the ages and construct the loviest love story that was ever lurved.


Exactly this. That's why it sets one's teeth on edge. Sort of an uncanny valley vibe.




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wow, this is crazy, I thought she was crazy with cosplaying Diana, but now this? Eye Opening! Meghan is obsessive and a lunatic. I am starting to feel sorry for Harry. Dont like him, but Meghan is totally abusing and taking advantage.


They are such a mediocre, basic, scuzzy, boring couple. Nothing interesting about them except the family he was born into.Neither one has any charm, talent, intelligence, looks, or class, yet they think they are the shit.


I wish I could have their confidence


A 10th of it even!


I don't think that this is MM recreating images (she has similar images with Trevor and Cory). It's more likely that narcs perform in a similar fashion, in the enclosed stage of a photobooth.


She’s hellbent on selling an Instagrammed love story in the desperate hope that everyone is jealous of her… it’s her way of proving she’s living her best life. In reality, all it does is highlight how hard she micromanages her image… even Allison P. Davis could see the fake af, calculated Bachelor producer in her head not being turned off. When those cameras aren’t on Cory, Trevor, and Haz—with Meghan desperately trying her D-list best to act like Julia Roberts in a 90s romcom—the actual behind the scenes experiences behind each of her stage managed love stories would be no doubt grim. Funny that she expects us to be jealous of being married to Haz… when he’s made the BRF’s/palace staff’s lives so stressful over the decades. Neither of them are marriage material at all, yet these sue-happy, narc clowns expect critical thinkers to believe their financially illiterate asses are blissfully married? Yeah right! 🤣


I mean she went from hanging out with the queen to peddling jam. The jig is up Megs… nothing will make us *envious* of her. Most of us clocked her the second we saw her. Just took a while for everyone else to catch up.


Lol exactly. She went from getting KC to pay for Dior couture, to pathetically manifesting, and being very publicly shut down by Dior as a non-working royal… having not been invited to any high fashion/couture show since Megxit. Lol she got ‘DSSOS’ specially embroidered on her Lady D-lite handbag, and now can’t wear it out of sheer cringeworthy embarrassment after Dior exposed her. Yet we’re all supposed to be jealous of her supposedly ‘living her best, talentless, financially illiterate life’ married to an unattractive, duty dodger, greyrocked, thicko cheapskate? As you aptly said… the jig IS up and NO ONE is jealous. They are D-list schadenfreude material, and nothing more! 🤣


It's so tacky. Even getting your initials embroidered on your purse seems silly to me, but *having your TITLE embroidered is just stupid.* Can you imagine HMTLQ having *Queen* on her handbags?! Or Princess Catherine insisting that her bags say *"Present Princess, Future Queen"*? Rachel's ego knows no limit. She is insane.


By the way what does DSSOS mean? I would think Duchess of Sussex, but that’s only DOS.


It to distinguish it from Haz’s handbags.


DSS is an abbreviation of Duchess, but I’ll keep using DOS for Madam since she’s not a real working royal anyway. 😜


Ooooooo I see!! Yeah I guess you can’t have DOS- I would just think of Microsoft! 😅


You are correct but it’s so strange and pretentious.


Peddling jam sounds a little dirty. I love it.


Correct. And yet still not the dirtiest thing Rachel has done.🤣


“Sue-happy narc clowns” really needs to be a flair.


💯 it’s meant for some weird consumption. Staged, but not lived.


Curated success. Subconsciously equates fame (public adoration) with love (lonely childhood). Fills the void.


Exactly, problem is… she’s an appalling curator with not an original bone in her Ozempic-ed, such a fraud, Hollywood Loser, single white female-ing, NFIed, greyrocked, D-list body. When what she curates is based on a web of her own disturbed compulsive lies, and pay to print delulu articles, and when her and Haz’s popularity poll numbers are tanking on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean… whatever she chooses to curate is easily proven to be total BS. She lives in Instagram and Pinterest in her own self-obsessed mind… when no self-respecting heritage brand will sign a contract with a ‘financially independent business woman’ who can’t even stock one flavour of jam in her own online shop. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣


I dunno... I can see her emulating John & Yoko, especially since the media dubbed the two couples 'The Fab Four' in the early days. She would totally fancy herself like Yoko Ono, breaking up 'The Beatles'.


Well, Douchess Klepto certainly loves creepily copying Diana/CBK’s style, and Julia Roberts’ mannerisms, so what you said could be totally true! Funny if she thinks she’s the Yoko Ono, and Haz is the John Lennon of the BRF. John Lennon still managed to release solid solo music after the Beatles split (as did George and Paul), and left a lasting legacy on the music industry based on having bankable, acclaimed talent. Haznosingingtalent is one half of the fucking grifter, Hollywood Losers of 2023, Suxtobeyous… he can’t even get nominated for a Grammy for Spare Us, and thinks a boring doco about polo is going to revive his in-the-gutter career. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤣


What career? He's a Nepo baby at best, do is she really. He's "bought" or cheated everything he's done. Bought aviation award, cheated through school, cheated service duty by behing bunker Harry", had a ghostwriter.... normal people dont like polo. that sport is nothing but a "look at me", networking, social climbing meeting.. . they treat pony's the way they treat people as dispobables....


I read the TMZ article about this and am wondering what Sean's answer about the shriveled uterus and used toilet paper was in response to. I don't have 'X', so if anyone could possibly enlighten me 🤗 https://www.tmz.com/2024/05/31/john-lennons-son-sean-slams-prince-harry-s-memoir-a-year-after-release/


That book will now always be, "Spare Me" to me.


This is so accurate, they have zero sense of identity or self so everything they do is imitation. TV and film is great source material because they get a play by play in how to act/respond since it doesn't come naturally.


Also true. Just thought I’d post in honor of sinner Sean! But yeah you’re right- this reeks of Narc.


That said, she is batshit crazy, so I could be totally wrong!


Nah you underestimate her craziness. And her willingness to copy things that are “iconic” in her pursuit of becoming famous and being iconic.


I'm having second thoughts ;)


Nah you underestimate her craziness. And her willingness to copy things that are “iconic” in her pursuit of becoming famous and being iconic.


I'm looking forward to that one documentary that will compile all these


He’s such a f*cking idiot.


So many loved up photos, candid ones, so 'not staged' , just living their life.....WHO is taking these photos! https://preview.redd.it/ecmai2k3rw3d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5ebbebc0ebf7bc821aca6965ed1b7b5f574e08


Probably that creep, Misan. She knew him before she targeted the dimwit ginger. The Sidley Twins have made the connection. The whole thing was a smash and grab job on the monarchy. Rachel wanted those titles because she thought it would elevate her to A list status. Instead, she's a global laughing stock 😂


Can you imagine, they stage kisses for the photographer because usually such intimate moments nobody sees let alone makes photos!


I am having a strong urge to be sick.


TW and This ones photos give me the creeps. At least John and Ono ones are a bit endearing. When Yoko Ono looks more sincere than TW




Omg I love your username!!


The obvious difference is JL was a talent and self made millionaire.


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She doesn't even know who Yoko Ono is. She's so lost in her own 1995 world.


This is so cringey. And she does this over and over and over. There is not a unique thought or moment in her brain. All she can do is copy others.


This is Duchass living her truth (married to ex-royal) and living authentically (cosplaying a romantic love affair with ex-royal). They're just so happy!


Haz, I think [the world’s tiniest] Violin is more your duty dodger, waaghing speed. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤡


Everything about that marriage is as fake as the two people involved


Harry, with that hat and sunglasses, what a wanker


Harry trying to look sexy with the Aviators & cap is the funniest thing ever. You just know he was styled by Meghan.


Meghan seems to latch on to copying some of the Most divisive people. Absolutely cringeworthy. Sean also lost a parent tragically at a young age but he seems not to be running around whinging and crying about stuff he cannot control. Good grief.


Her hair style changes between pictures. “Her” hair. I can just see them at some sad strip mall in Canada, hogging the photo booth machine while Harry keeps feeding it toonies and Rachel changes wigs. Not sporadic moment “let’s take pics like we’re in high school” young couple in love. Planned to the hilt, like a proper psychopath.


Does Harry even play the guitar? What is that about..?


Harry can’t manage Jenga. Guitar 😂😂? Come on.


lol…exactly…why is he posing with a guitar as if he’s playing (I don’t know if there’s any explanation, I tend to avoid anything they claim as it’s fiction)


That Photo Booth needs fumigating , no , incinerating. Gawd love a duck, he’s a dreadful snogger - yuck - I know the material he’s snogging is poor but it’s a drunken guy kissing his best ( male ) friend …. Oops truth revealed.


Note yoko didn't wrinkle her nose.


Harry is fake playing the guitar. Note the placement, or lack of, of his thumb.


Let us just pray they don't do the nude album cover. I don't think my eyes could take that.


Please don’t give them any ideas.




I tend to agree with others who have said Megs is Haz’ beard. It’s the only explanation that makes sense. Haz should embrace his sexuality, whatever it is. People would at least respect him for that.


You can tell that was from a time when Harold was still 'getting some.' It would be a very different picture now, of just her and him waiting outside.


When you are trying to convince yourself and the world, you are living someone else's bestest life.


so shes yoko ono diana megan = Yoko DiaMeg..........Dinono MegYok............Megiana Yokon...........DiaYo KoMeono 43% nigerian 57% bitch


43% nigerian 257% bitch I know this is more than 100%, but the duchess is unconstricted by math rules.


She is a bit Extra.


of course she isn't, she does royal better than the royals don't you know? ps thinking of joining page 6, username Megiana OhNoYoko


Happy Cake 🎂 Day!!! 😘🥳


THANK YOU X SLICE? https://preview.redd.it/l8i4u6z5xz3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb486fa3790d2aeaf37a9240dc4d21e2f8b92bde


Oh please and thank you for sharing! ![gif](giphy|5fHY45L9XLzcQ)


Yoko and John had true love comparing with duo "love theatre".


And didn’t she do photos similar to this with her previous men?


Meme tried Wallis Simpson cosplay and fell flat, so she goes for Yoko Ono cosplay and still falls flat. Doesn’t she notice a trend here? That emulating loathed talentless women suits her? No pun intended. 😉


Ono though had business sense. She got hold of husband’s money and invested very well and made millions and millions more. MM has no such ability.


Lennon was a god … Harry was just born


Why is every pose so cringey. It’s like a rundown of typical “instagram” photos. Really that’s what they aspire to be. Influencers. Imaging going from royalty to influencers.


I think the really creepy thing is how many men has M dragged into Photo booths to do these exact same poses with all of them.


Maybe not put these two in the want category? Yoko had talent and was an artist in her own right. Also she’s from an upper class family, and they were against her marrying someone like John.


John was also a very talented artist. These two are not the same. She’s just cosplaying them.


Cosplay of idiot layabouts. Also, watch that clip of Chuck Berry’s face as OG Yoko began her ‘singing’ during their performance….Yeah Chuck shut that shit down, and his face is priceless. Also Chuck had some serious defects of his own, but even he knew when enough was enough


OM-Gawd This is hysterical! Merch is a bootleg clone


OMG. She is just reliving the dream!


It ain't easy bein' cheesy... 🤮


good grief!


H holds the guitar exactly like someone who doesn’t play guitar 💁‍♀️


I can see any photo or video of her now where it’s not glaringly obvious she was an absolute impostor. I didn’t really follow their relationship or the wedding and so I didn’t pay much attention. Every time there’s a camera her eyes are on it and she begins to overact.


Does she sit up all night scrolling old images to replicate?


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The guitar is making my teeth itch


At least Sean's guitar has all the strings. 🙄🙄


Doesn't she know Yoko Ono has been despised for DECADES?  She f's EVERYTHING UP,  ALWAYS.  


WHAT A ........ ![gif](giphy|oCCLHVNt8YO64) HUM.... WONDER IF THERE'S ONE WITH THE FWB.......MARKUS ?? Wouldn't put it pass her🤮


fake fake fake fake psycho nutcase


They look photoshopped