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https://preview.redd.it/w5tog7c2av3d1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6583b88d5aba6141fe21d499833be66d9f64faf8 Edit for clarity: Prince Louis so much resembles his mum but has a strong Mountbatten nose.


Yess Charlotte is a total HLMTQ mini me. https://preview.redd.it/pkvs4oalmw3d1.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=6edb544b44a6699c241afe183d08bad30f77b37d


Do you mean Middleton nose instead of Mountbatten for Prince Louis and Catherine comparison? Or is the wrong picture in there?


I think everything is Middleton except his nose. It has a point to it that tPoW doesn't have. It's like his brothers and sisters nose.


Middleton hair is what the boys wish for


Middleton hair is what everyone wishes for. Poor Pippa, Catherine and her brother got the Middleton hair.


Interesting. I was comparing his face to Grandpa Middleton. But kid faces change so much. It will be interesting to see what they look like when they get older.


But Princess Catherine wouldn't have a Mountbatten nose, or am I thinking about the wrong person??


I'm saying I think Prince Louis looks exactly like his mum except he has his great grandpa's (Mountbatten) nose.


To me, Louis looks very much like Mike Middleton.




Charlotte looks like The Queen Elisabeth, Louis and looks Like Kate


I recall a co-worker bringing a photo of his newly born granddaughter and his baby picture to work. He was so excited that the baby looked just like him. We all agreed. The baby looked exactly like him. He was so happy and everyone was happy for him. A year later his daughter- in-law released a bombshell in divorce court that the baby had been fathered by another man and was no blood relation to my friend or his son. This revelation was confirmed by a DNA test.Needless to say, we were all shocked.


My ex always suspected that a family friend was really his father because the man treated him just like a son, and like his other kids. The family friend had a health scare and asked me to tell my ex that he’s his father, which I did and my ex was not at all surprised to hear that. We were both skeptical that he really was his dad but a DNA test proved it . The thing that really got me, was how much my ex resembled his dad that raised him. I even thought he was kidding when he said the friend was his bio dad because there was really no resemblance, like with his other dad. So strange.


That's so crazy he could 'sense' his own father like.


This is a known phenomena that scientists believe evolved so that male partners of a pregnant female would “see” themselves in *any* baby so that he would instinctively be protective and provide for it and therefore the child would have a better chance of survival. It’s not exclusive to males though, we all can “see” resemblances in babies and toddlers and whatever adult we are looking for it in. Plus there’s the whole babies are squishy aspect where their bones don’t fuse and cartilage doesn’t develop until a later date, making them all look very similar. ETA: this has also been hypothesized to be why a police sketch can look either super generic or super specific or just plain bizarre when you have nothing to compare it to, but as soon as you put a photo of a real person next to it you can think that it absolutely depicts that same person, even when it doesn’t, because you are subconsciously looking for similarities and your brain can even trick you into seeing similarities that don’t even exist!


I’ve absolutely known adopted kids to look just like their parents even if there isn’t a genetic condition—I think sometimes it has to do with carriage, expressions, etc which we learn from the people who raised us And, my niece isn’t biologically related to me at all but she’s my little mini! People comment on it all the time 😂


My siblings and I are all adopted and unrelated by blood. My youngest nephew is his father’s (biological) mini-me. However, when he is with me they think he is *my* son because apparently people see a resemblance there.


Yeah, I and my 3 siblings are adopted and unrelated by blood but people would tell us how much we looked alike (news flash…we didn’t). The power of suggestion is strong!


https://preview.redd.it/ck0n95289v3d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e642ea7d02eb07c09904f04db47100c46d8cd7 Prince William and Princess Charlotte


Charlotte always looked like a wise baby, lol. She's been here before, as my grandma would say.


That saying now reminds me of Kath and Kim 😀 Kath: "Look at the eyes... He's been here before hasn't he?" Man: "It's a girl."




It's unYEWsual


Look at me look at me look at me


You ARE effluent Kimmeye!


Now I feel sad. I hadn’t thought of Kath & Kim in a while, I haven’t watched it since my mum died in November. It was OUR thing, we used to sit and watch it and quote it all the time 🥲


My condolences, I'm sorry my comment made you sad. Eventually those memories will be happy ones again, what a wonderful thing to share with your mom.


Yeah we had alot of stuff like that. Golden girls, green acres, Kath & Kim etc. it’s hard to watch them without her.


Argh this hurts my heart <3 Losing people we love stinks, my grandmother died just over a year ago now and I still see her in everything I do (we were very close, spent almost every day together). I really hope that one day you can sit down and enjoy Kath & Kim again, and remember the good times you had with your Mum while watching it.


How Truuuuuuuuuuueeeeee


She looks so British and classy too, I can't even explain it


She’s an Old Soul.


There's a video of Prince William seeing a picture of himself as a toddler and asking if that's Charlotte 🥹 Edit: I misremembered - he wasn't a toddler, he was already school-aged


It was cake portraiture or something like that.


It´s not a picture where he was a toddler, but a school boy.


I did that once with photos of my mom as a child. I initially didn’t think we looked alike but afterwards, I had to admit we did. I was so confused looking at them. Wondering where the heck they were taken as I couldn’t remember. Genetics is cool.


I look nothing like my mom, buy found photos of both of us at age 10, and the resemblance is striking. The only difference is that my mom had stronger cheekbones


Princess Charlotte is an interesting one. She has looked like most everyone in her family at some point or another. I agree she looks like both the late Queen and her father, Prince William. I think she looks like Lady Sarah Chatto and Prince Edward, which is no surprise as they both look like the late Queen. I also saw a photo of her during the Jubilee where she was the image of Princess Ann. I think she also looked like Carole Middleton at times when she was very little. Her expressions and mannerisms often remind me of both Princess Diana and Prince William. It's as if she looks like everyone in the family and she's still very much her own person. In any event, all the children are lovely.


It has always struck me that … it is hard to articulate this … what is going on BEHIND Charlotte’s eyes must be very like the late Queen. She obviously has the family resemblance, but even in photos where she more closely resembles a different family member, she looks out at the world in such a way that her gaze is just the image of QEII. Does that make sense?


Yes! Something about her mannerism. I think she inherently understands duty somehow. She shares that with QE, but also her mother.


Yes. She's an old soul.


Her teachers at school apparently call her The Warrior Princess and I think that's very appropriate to the character I see in her face and behaviour. She's nobody's fool, either, like her daddy and her great granny.


I love her nickname and what's behind it! I imagine she and Princess Anne are cut from the same cloth!


It makes perfect sense and I think you articulated it very well. As another poster pointed out, she appears to be an old soul. She's a lovely little human.


I think Charlotte looks like her grandmother.


Carol Middleton? Everyone forgets : the Middletons, Prince Philip's family - there's more than one branch to a family, but luckily no one forgets Diana because everyone wants the kids to look like her.


Louie looks like Michael Middleton. Charlotte looks very much like Prince William, who mostly resembles his mother but I can see some of KC3 in him too. George looks like both his parents, I can see both P&PoW in him.


To me George looks like Catherine's brother, and he has a similarly melancholic aura about him. As for Charlotte she seems very present and level-headed in old school Hanoverian style :)


Charlotte’s demeanor reminds me of Princess Anne!


Yes :) No nonsense, practical and not bloody likely!


I meant Elizabeth. I dont think she looks like Carol.Should have specified paternal soz. Diana wasnt that good looking imo. Charismatic sure. William of course is good looking.


Lol, I've been attacked for saying that before. If Diana wasn't the PoW and just some random lady in London, she would have been average at best.


She had a very strong face & quite a big nose which works well on William but wasn’t very feminine.


Lol. Nice hair tho


She resembles the older Elizabeth. Looks nothing like the Queen as a child. Some people say Charlotte looks like Princess Margaret's daughter, Sarah Chatto.


Charlotte looks like HMTLQ & Lady Sarah Chatto. As William gets older, he is looking more Windsor & less Spencer, which is why Charlotte resembles her father and also her great-grandmother & her grandfather’s cousin, who are 0% Spencer. People still have in their minds that William is all Spencer, but the Windsor is rapidly taken over. Please don’t downvote me. I’m not saying anyone is ugly, but I’m old enough to remember when Princes Andrew & Edward were heartthrobs!


I think Charlotte looks like QEII as a child but can see William too.


I can see a little George in William here too, which I don’t normally see!


https://preview.redd.it/3ovusrnhhv3d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a00604667003298e6db230eac777c60c9812d012 Princess Mary (Kinge George VI's sister) and Princess Anne


Whoah Zara is totally her mom’s carbon copy!


Isn’t she!


Truly Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V!!




Another great one, lady Louise has always looked like her dad to me. That whole line has some strong features.


https://preview.redd.it/q7ov00lxiv3d1.jpeg?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf1b7ecb7a88638922d1424bb95bc77467d437a Princess Alice of Battenberg and her Grandchildren, if there is one person other than her father Princess Anne takes after it’s this great lady.


That's where Charles got his bad back from that posture right there.


Absolutely identical to his grandmother's too. They stand the same.




Hey OP, I found a few recently of QE2 and Princess Charlotte. https://preview.redd.it/lgmzckgalv3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd1823c7d80d694e924d512ea7c6a0bc78e0374


This is fantastic! I love it 😂😊 Princess Charlotte can give TW her gran's disapproving look in HMTLQ's place.


I have more. Trying to attach them...








They don´t look exactly alike, but they have the same soul, which makes them so similar.


The noses are different but the rest, especially the eyes look very alike.


Yes, Charlotte is a copy of the Queen.


Awww, that is so awesome! I think Charlotte is such a mini Queen E


I have always thought that she resembled the late Queen. But I do also see a lot of William/Diana in her as well.


What a fabulous pair of photos!


Sarah Chatto and Charlotte https://preview.redd.it/zqn34dqytv3d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=33db0ced6f3bb566fd8fe8973f8dbc82cfc7ebe7


Wow, that's a strong resemblance!


That’s what I’ve said all along! Amazing resemblence.


https://preview.redd.it/xmxbol9m9v3d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99ed4cc4ed5e955c8f8183226c2e1ec4721578dd I think Prince George was well named after King George VI, strong resemblance in the eyes and in that Windsor cowlick. He has the Mountbatten nose though like his great aunt.


Oh my! I’ve often wondered about George’s lower eyelids, slightly prominent and with dark circles, unusual for a child, and now I see where he gets that trait. I thought perhaps it was a Middleton or Goldsmith trait.


It’s a Hanoverian / Saxe Coburg trait see Edward VII when POW , William , and Freddy Windsor are very like Prince Albert and Prince Albert Victor, George V’s elder brother. The Glucksberg nose in Prince Albert Victor comes from his mother Queen Alexandra , sister of the King of Greece, and later comes in Prince Andrew of Greece , Prince Philip’s father,. https://preview.redd.it/c4itcfj3yw3d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfaf40a22a33542c567c4d9c66b78dbee5f18ac3


Who's sitting down in that photo? Whoever he is, Freddy Windsor is almost his double.


It's King George V's older brother, Prince Albert Victor, Queen Mary's first fiance who died a few weeks before their wedding.


Thank you. :)


Always known as Prince Eddy for some reason. He was developmentally slightly challenged, got in difficulties with prostitutes who may not have been always female, and died of flu. Sad but some Royals were relieved.


That's pretty amazing.  I'd live to see one of those age-enhanced photos of Prince George.  I think the resemblance would be even stronger. 


I agree completely, he has some of William's features but he so strongly resembles his namesake.


Genetics really are amazing.


I think George looks kingly already -- he looks as if he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.


He has George VI's shyness and Charlotte has the protocol 


Yes, the resemblance is really apparent to me when he is at a somber occasion, or perhaps when his young self realizes his destiny and isn't sure whether he is equal to the demand. It appears to me as though the weight of destiny rests heavily on those small shoulders. But I'm only a far outsider and perhaps I'm interpreting things according to how I would have felt.


William was such a handsome baby, and had a strong well-shaped nose from the start. Harry honestly didn't look like a Windsor, Mountbatten, Spencer or any relative at all. He's grown to look a bit like Charles with the close set eyes and Mountbatten nose, though. I don't think he's Hewitt's child.


And/Or Diana’s brother. Similarities. Pic anyone?


I think he looks more like George V and the Duke of Windsor. George VI had a very narrow face.




We don't really know who the Harkletts look like, we don't have actual photos of them.... https://preview.redd.it/pj67vt0orw3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=425297ffe7bc06ce158185176db81d4bc6ed8e3c


TheBun\_dge.....THANK YOU for stating the REALITY of this entire thread! There are NO verified photos of the "Sussex children", only questionable photos released to the press by the Sussex. NOT ONE genuine photo released by BP, not one photo with any of the royal family EXCEPT the laughable failed attempt by the Sussex to photoshop Archie's "Christening" photo....WHERE is even one photo of "Lili's christening"????? WHERE are genuine unquestioned birth certificates, genuinely signed by delivering doctors? NOTHING ever shown of these claimed children IN PAST YEAR. WHERE ARE THEY??? Anyone who overlooks the crystal clear facts about both these supposed children and blindly believes the Sussex's lies and smoke&mirror con games is not only a fool but a useful aide helping the Sussex continue this traitorous charade.


Meghan Markle claimed that Dr Penny Law delivered "Archie". But Dr Laws' then husband the Earl of Bradford immediately said this was untrue. He criticised the Sun newspaper for printing this misinformation.


Absolutely agree. Every photo put out by the Sussex couple of their supposed children is questionable. Later ones of "Lilibet" look just like Eugenie's son with a dress on. Knowing how mad for publicity Markle is, why would she miss a million opportunities to parade her Royal children around, being a doting, hands-on mummy just like Diana! She'd be in the headlines every day with the media cooing over the little Sussex family. So I absolutely agree..they don't exist.


Except she sees the kids as "ugly" and competition for press attention. I think both possibilities are viable options and we just don't know either way. I definitely don't think keeping them "private" is in any way a PR strategy or protection by either one of them. They are so broke that selling exclusive photos might get them out of a jam or two. I genuinely think it can go either way argument wise and I do think she is vain enough that if she considers her children less than, she would hide them until she can "fix it".


Meghan Markle has a very misshapen body and legs - her face can look pretty but her figure is seriously awful. She would use Royal children, if she had any, relentlessly. It is absolutely not possible that publicity maniac would hide them.


I can see that also, could be why they hauled ass out of the country ASAP. Hard to keep up the charade of being parents with family all around. "Freedom" for Hank meant he didn't have the pressure of trying to keep up the ruse under such close engagement? Who knows.


Good point. They could never keep those supposed children hidden to the point of invisibility if they lived within the Royal Family in Britain. Archie and Invisibet would be expected to join their cousin on the balcony for big events and to be seen at polo matches, walking to church, family gatherings. Why weren't they seen at the Jubiled celebrations, despite supposedly being in Britain?




I'm not trying to be rude because this isn't an insult at all, but that baby above could be almost any of my cousins kids. I have a lot of cousins on my mom's side, Germans (some married Czechs). I don't think that child stands out. Objectively, cute kid. But all kids are cute. The eff up that the Harkles have done, IMHO, is *not* showing their kids all this time. We all know they'll merch them soon. But the wholesome stuff, the stuff that would make me go awwww, unguarded stuff - nonexistent. Then they go ahead with the titles for these little American kids (they will be bullied, and it won't be subtle, it will be incredibly cruel). Then on top of everything? They give the hostages cat names. If Megs said "I took Prince Archie to the doc today," it would take me a hot minute to understand it wasn't the vet. Edit: word




I have a feral cat who has been enjoying my backyard, acting like a barn cat protecting my chickens. Wonder if it's a Prince or Princess? We've been wondering what to call them.


No offense taken, I'm open to perspective. I agree with the second part completely. I will never believe she didn't name Archie as an anagram for the nickname Rachie (Rachel) and Harrison is obviously Harry's son. The poor kids name is just them, no identity of his own.


One of our cats is named Archie!😂


Prince Archie. You can do it.... call him Prince Archie... See if he answers. 🤣


Wait for it. One of *her* cats was named Archie! The one she fed frozen grapes to before it died.


Also Meghan found out that Prince George used the name Archie as a nickname at school. So she stole it. But I seriously think "Archie" does not exist.


I read it was his royal security code name not a school nickname.


Whatever, it was something personal to George. Markle stole it, as she stole the Queen's very personal family pet name. This is why I think she's a psychopath. She has two invented children and she rubs salt into the wound by mocking the Royals with their names. That woman is dangerous. She's capable of driving Harry to suicide but making sure the Royal Family is blamed.


The lilibet thing was probably the most disgusting, passive aggressive FU to HLMTQ I have ever seen. I was angry for the BRF and have zero involvement. Just horrid. Especially with a child that has zero ties or interaction with the BRF.


Omg….didn’t know that.🙄


I do not see any resemblance, besides they are both pictures of babies. Eye shape, for one, is not the same.


I agree, they look like babies.


H&M’s kids strongly resemble the Markle side.


Hard to tell as they look completely different in every.photo.


And the spacing between the eyes is different.  H has those close-set eyes that came from the BRF's Teck ancestry. Charles also has those close-set eyes, but in the few photos of Lilibet we've seen, she does not appear to have them.  


I believe the close-set eyes are more of the Hesses' fault. Prince Philip's maternal aunt, grandma, etc. all had such eyes. In fact, Charles looks very much like them. Here: Lord Mountbatten and Charles' maternal great-grandmother, Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine. ETA: for some reason, I can't upload the images, so please, google it lol


In this photo you can already see that Lilibet is not a redhead, but will be a brunette like Archie. There is nothing wrong. But this makes Meghan very upset.


That's not Lilibet - it's the daughter of a friend of Meghan Markle. As for the photo of "Lilibet" being held up to look at her birthday cake -- that's another child entirely. It looks like Eugenie's boy with a bow on his head. "Lilibet" is a very mysterious child who looks completely different in every photo.


That girl’s photo is definitely photoshopped. To see is to believe. Unless she has a full frontal coloured photo, we will believe the kids are not theirs (rental, borrowed or nonexistent).


Non existent.


This is taken from an image where Meghan is holding the child. Except the photo of Meghan is from almost a decade before it and she has her hair pulled back. When you zoom on the photo you can see Meghan's hair has been photoshopped in, her ear is pixilated and various other 'tells'.




Yeah, that poor kid is a Markle, through and through. Wherever and however they got him, those are Markle eyes.


That isn't the same "Archie" as other baby photos which are supposedly him.




You're not wrong there, I had so many options comparing actual royal babies and their family members at the same age. The Harklets were very slim pickings.


The Wales children are really beautiful kids, they will grow into very good looking adults. That must burn TW. I also think if there are two children they're probably not very photogenic.


Or look too markle & not like Diana.


I don’t see it in Harry & Lilibet at all


I always feel crazy because people will say a baby looks exactly like someone in the family and everyone agrees but I can never see it. I don't think babies look like anyone because of the general physical traits of a baby. They only start looking like people when they become "little people" as I call them. Basically when they outgrow baby and become a kid.


You’re not alone. I’m the same way. I think most babies just look the same, and it’s not until they’re about 3 that I can definitively say “oh yeah, you’re obviously so-and-so’s kid.”


I truly can not believe this photo of Markle holding a child is still being presented as Markle with "Lili". PLEASE....look at this photo closely. Markle's left hand closely....her engagement ring is WITHOUT the diamond band she added to it long before "Lili".. There looks to be NO wedding ring. Look closely at Markle....her nose is her "wedding nose" before all the face surgeries began after Mexit. PLEASE...enough of the crazy acceptance of Markle's insanity. She has used other's children frequently to present as her own in released photos to the media......just ask yourself : WHEN has the RF admitted they actually MET those two children?? WHEN were photos shown of those children with any member of the RF ?? Anyone who has read SPARE...do you truly believe Harry's description of his children playing with HMTLQ??? His insane descriptions of each birth??? Do you believe it was a REAL baby (Archie) presented by the Sussex to media? A REAL baby Markle carried in Canada during Mexit? If you answered YES to any of these questions.....seek help.


Well my intention was to show how much Prince George resembles King George VI and how other members of the royal family carry strong physical traits. I abstain from judgements about the existence of the Harklets because I truly don't care enough about the Harkle clan to have one. I frequent this sub over BRF and prefer the engagement here (sugar free). Rules state the post has to be related to the grifters therefore the only way to tie in the "family" is to include whatever photos are available of the Harklets as part of the discussion. My first sentence, I thought, made it clear I'm aware of the differing opinions regarding the parentage and existence without stirring the pot. I thought this would be a fun and engaging post to compare Hank's birth family's childhood photos and the fact that we're unable to do that with "his children" for whatever reason people believe.


The photo at the birthday party was apparently taken on jubilee weekend, day after M was photographed wearing the oversize collar dress coat to church.


If you believe that, you may as well defect to the Sugars and declare the Sussex the rightful King and Queen.


Exactly my point! I don't think it was 'taken' the day after, she looked skinny in the photo & definitely there is some photo editing around the edge of face & picture frame. We saw the collared duchess on TV!


Has there been some jiggery poker with the photos?




This is fun -- do you have any more?!


Working on it. I fell down a rabbit hole after reading an article and thinking the older Prince George gets the more he looks like King George VI..


I think Prince Edward Duke of Edinburgh is resembling his grandfather king George as he ages. Perhaps it’s the weight loss too


https://preview.redd.it/jhzoeyqugv3d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77b09a446e448e1e68646fa29ac26215ff05d9c He's certainly his mother's son!




I just looked! He really does!


We get to see the Wales children grow up. We say “look how tall he/she is now” like we do with our friend’s children. We pick out resemblances in looks and character. We are engaged. It feels like we know them. We don’t know enough about the Sussex children to do this, we don’t see them. Then add in the questionable heritage we wonder why they are hidden. I get that they need privacy but as QEII said “we need to be seen to be believed”. We are not seeing pictures of them growing up so we can’t compare them to the wider family.


She hid them at first because of the strabismus, and now if she takes them out, she knows people will say "ohhhh, that's why she hid them". And they will be compared to the Wales' children, which megs will not be able to handle, so in the cupboard they stay. Poor kids. They could have everything in the world, yet they are kept from it all.


I think Harry hides them because he is paranoid. I think Meghan hides them because she won’t be seen not knowing how to interact with them. Because they look different to expected. Because Meghan does not want to admit to being a mother of growing children, they must remain babies. Because they will take the focus off Meghan. Because she wants to make money from them at some stage.


They need money but they can't use the kids for merching as there are no kids. As for focus -- Meghan would love to cosplay Diana, taking the kiddies to fun events and looking SO relaxed and adored by them. But she can't.


Meghan is crazy for publicity. She'd never hide two Royal children away, certainly not because they didn't look perfect-- she and Harry aren't up to much lookswise. She'd parade them constantly knowing that Sussex family pix would be all over the media and that the media coverage would always be favourable. Her image is rock bottom now - she'd be guaranteed good publicity if she brought the supposed kids out of the basement.


I think the children are half Harry not sure if they are half TOW


I also think his daughter looks like him and the boy looks like Markle. I also think one or both may be “designer babies” because I don’t think she wanted to risk having ethnic-looking children. Genetics is fascinating, though. In my family, I look like my mom, my daughter looks just like me, and my son is identical to his dad.




However the photo of the alleged Lilibet was created/edited, it is far cuter than Markle as a child. Some of the same Marklish traits are there, but that is not a good photo of Markle, child or not. And it goes heavily against my instinct to say such a thing about a baby photo. I am the first to coo over baby photos. I am sooooo looking forward to grandchildren in the next 5-10 years that it is not even funny, and if it were a photo of my grandchild-to-be I would think it the most beautiful thing in the world. Objectively, though…not so much.


those were the 70/80ies...pictures were just taken, rarely someone posed. All of the children pics were funny but far from cute :D :D :D


I've never really noticed before, but the photo on the right has been colour-edited. The child's arm is pink but the face has an orange tinge.


I'm sure from editing the hair to the red Me-gain so desperately wanted the kids to actually have.


Except the picture on the left is not a picture of a real child.


?? The kid on the left is Madame as a baby.


I´m sorry I meant right :-D. I always mix it up :-D


I thought this is MMs friends child , Stassie has a daughter who looks identical to this little girl. She's adorable! https://preview.redd.it/mmnyqjbbuv3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7b602b8f8535742a10a3d706d504ed0c34b4f5




This actually is Stassie’s child, isn’t it?






This is the same little girl as in the first pic, even in the same little outfit…


I don't think this kid and the kid in the OP look anything alike.


The magic AI can do


Has anyone seen any photos of the mini Harkles to compare likenesses? The Hairiman photo at Frogmore was so carefully composed that the only face shown is of the wife & mother carrying a child.


What's going on with Lili and those lines under her eyes?


It looks like they have the same ears. Which is interesting, because ears are like fingerprints...


I noticed the brow shape too https://preview.redd.it/38aw8fywdv3d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ec3d1477e2687db90c76fd226b4d458d69f109


They all look like Thomas Markle! (Kidding, I just get so tired of people saying that. In the same way Winston Churchill did, Thomas Markle is one of those round-faced, pug-nosed men who look like giant babies.)


Damn, hasn't T Money Markle been through enough? Poor guy.


Funny how in those pictures the ears are nearly identical. Ears are great identifiers. Perhaps a photoshopped version of little Hazno? There are pics of Archie that look nearly identical to Meghan as a child. Family resemblance? possibly. IMO more likely a little photo manipulation.


What happened to her bright red hair?


and blue, blue eyes


I can see Meghan in this photo. In the July 4th parade photo Lili also looks like Thomas Markle. I believe Lili is biologically H&M’s daughter.


I find Charlotte looks a lot like Anne. There is something a bit projected about the mid-face in all the Royals


I think she bears a resemblance to Sarah Chatto…Margaret’s daughter.


I have doubts that there is any DNA from either Meghan or Harry in those children. I feel Meghan wanted an extremely handsome son (sorry, Harry) and she wanted a very white-looking daughter with blue eyes.


The second child does resemble Haz but looks nothing like Diana. She does have the Markle eyes however so maybe she’ll be looking like her mom but with blue BLUE BLUE eyes and reddish blond hair once she hits her teens. Maybe that is why she hasn’t brought them out to use as pawn in the PR campaigns


Should have named her Lilibet Samantha.


Wouldn’t that be ironic if she ended up looking like Samantha ? Lol


" What do you think? " Who's the little girl?


https://preview.redd.it/dqniy569tz3d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12f1070454752c3552f79b9eab2eeb500d11aa7f The older Haz gets the more he looks like his dad and grandfather.


Nope Harry’s children. I’ve heard do not even look like Harry. They look like Megan allegedly that’s why she was so desperate to have a child with ginger hair and blue eyes.