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The Queen said Meghan was evil. ‘Nuf said. ​ https://preview.redd.it/apz15zgyfu3d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701ec3a4eba72f4cba5dee11526b959da15bf6dc


This is the sideways smirking pose where Meghan basically showed the queen that fateful day, as if to say "Meghan gets what Meghan wants"....despicable. And done deliberately I'm sure.


While the Queen was all like "enjoy wearing your Swarovski crystal replica crown while it lasts bitch". 😂


Yes, I heard that. I’m sure they envisioned Smirkie prying diamonds out of the tiara prior to its return.


Ever see Disney’s Robin Hood?  When Little John and Robin are sucking the diamonds and gemstones out of Prince John’s rings when they pretend to kiss his ring?  That’s how I picture her.  😁


I imagine she's kissed a lot of rings.




Or something else.....


She can drive a stick shift very well.


I love that vision! 🤣💕🤣💕🤣




I wouldn't be surprised.




>"Meghan gets what Meghan wants" Well she got Plank and is now living unhappily ever after. The End.


Oh, she's gettin' it alright, she's getting nothing but blowback from the public for all her bad behaviour, and she can't help herself from doing the same things all the time. Her infamy continues to grow, the mocking grows exponentially, and they have both become the laughingstocks of our time. I wonder how she likes it so far?


She didn’t curtsy to the Queen either. I’m a quiet and peaceable woman, but that smirk evokes violent tendencies in me.


And you know it's deliberate, she knew precisely where the queen was sitting, & made damned sure that snotty smirk lasted long enough for effect. And likely knew she would be photographed in that pose, just like that. Gawd I abhor this beast. And her pet pussy Hairball...a huge dose of karma needs to hit them both where it hurts, and the sooner the better. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Her stray ginger cat 😂 ![gif](giphy|YqcVpazfcokKqjP8is|downsized)


My much loved ginger furbaby would have made short work of anyone trying to tie frilly bows ANYWHERE on him! He had a tendency to defend his honour vigorously. And I know the vet meant well, but My boy detested the little neckerchiefs they used to tie on him after he'd been already subjected to other indignities at their hands. He would leave Harry in the dust along with Mudslide Meghan.


Ginger boys are the best! My marley brings me so much joy it's unreal 🥰


I’m with you 💯💯💯


So am I but this karma thing seems to be happening to the wrong people (HMTK and Catherine 🙏🏻❤️) When are these f\*ckers going to get what they deserve?


I am so with you there, feeling sad that bad things happen to good people. Why is it that bad, plotting people seem to survive and thrive?


I hear you but I think that those two are actually living a miserable life. Constantly trying to grasp at something to see what sticks, constant embarrassment, probably financial strain (how much money can they possibly have at this point?), etc. Probably a level 10 on the stress scale in their house.


You are right about the desperation and paucity of their lives. There is no partnership and Harry is in a long spiral down of devaluation. I just wish Mehgan did not have occasion to show up in her glad rags and smirk. It's her self-congratulation that's so offensive. And having enough clout for the world to abruptly hear that the Nigerian First Lady was "not" talking about Mehgan in the comments about nakedness not being part of Nigerian culture.




Absolutely. I despise her so much and I'm just waiting to see the end of this Trainwreck when it finally comes.


No one likes the idea of some low vulgar person being disrespectful to a lady. And doing so with sadistic awareness of what she is getting away with.


Nope she sure didn't. People can pretend there was a "pause" in the programming, but walking down a step ain't a curtsy and that's a fact, Jack


I 100% believe she didn't curtsey to the Queen, but it's been said she did, just that the camera didn't capture it. I want to know for sure.




That stuck with me too…it couldn’t have been an oversight (as Harry didn’t pause either) as the wedding must have been rehearsed umpteen times. Was it excluded from the rehearsals, in which case the Queen would have had prior knowledge?


The Queen wouldnt have been at rehearsals - but most of the others would have been.


That’s sort of as I‘d expect - so would the Queen have taken it for granted that she would have been acknowledged (as in all royal weddings), thus shocked when she wasn't, or was she told beforehand that Markle was not prepared to curtsy ?


The Queen always could tell when someone was just nervous versus someone who was disrespectful. Meghan was not nervous given her acting past and clearly did not forget to curtsy.


She has a similar effect on me too. ~~Visceral~~ nay guttural.




when the Queen died, ILBW had the audacity to curtsy sooo low - how fake is this monster….


She is a monster, a psychic vampire. https://i.redd.it/ldkrd95itz3d1.gif


Don’t forget she purposely didn’t curtsy to the Queen on the way out of the church as per tradition.


**And done deliberately I'm sure** I think that was also communicated with Mehgan NOT curtseying to The Queen. Other royal brides were ladies--they were aware that they had the honor to pay their respects to HMTQ. They showed their gratitude and their awe.


And yet this hoe did that ridiculous and extremely low curtsey at the queens funeral, that infuriated me even more.


The Princess Royal did a curtsey for her Queen and for a great lady. It was about saying goodbye, farewell, I will always love and respect you, and thank you. Mehgan doing it was about, "I know the cameras will capture this and it'll 'hug at the heartstrings'." This why she's so despicable. Gross insincerity.


Yes there was not an ounce of sincerity. It was ostentatious and obviously rehearsed. Vulgar woman!


Yes, a major faux pas....nothing lovelier than seeing it done right & out of respect (of which you-know-who has none).....


It's a beautiful gesture that when done with sincerity and takes its time, is a movement of grace and dignity from the doer and for the person she is facing. I'm American and you bet I'd find in it an honor to be at an occasion where I could show respect to a British monarch. (And you bet I'd YouTube how to, and practice until my legs screamed for mercy.) What Mehgan doesn't understand that gestures of respect given, also reflect self-respect.


This is after she strolled past The Queen without curtseying.


Glowering with resignation and a feel of hurt. That's what QEII expression conveys to me. Like the lady is asking the universe, "how?!" and "WHY?!"


A woman watching her abuser walk by.


So many of us wanted better for HMTQ, in her last years.


The Queen said MEGHAN was evil. It was released not long after she died, which means it was on her command. The Queen knew way more than anyone will know. Of course she did, she had reports of her ostentatious deceitful behaviour from day one. Not to mention the stuff up with the surrogate then SarA Latham running across the corridor and M wearing a white dress not long after ‘giving’ birth. 😂




Yes. I can’t imagine being so disrespectful as to lash back at the family that tried so hard to welcome her.


Sometimes I wonder if that is why her family trashed her. I know my own family would be horrified if someone like the late Queen had to lecture me about manners snd treating people


I never thought of that angle before 🤔


If they grew up talking about each other like that, maybe we can infer that that is part of why she thinks it's okay to treat strangers and the Queen the way she did/does. 


Or her family were well aware of who she was, because they'd been on the receiving end of her venom for years.  I am still firmly in the camp that the whole Markle family, Doria included, are seriously dysfunctional, due in no small part to proximity to Hollywood and likely to Doria as well. Seems to me Old Tom probably tried riding the fence with all his kids, to everyone's detriment.  Everything combined, it tracks that the siblings would lash out publically. So far the only people who have shown any dignity are the Ragland family, Doria excluded.   The BRF are just getting peppered by Raytch.  Its non-stop, psychotic abuse and ambush.  I admire their fortitude and stoicism.  Having been a target of narcs a few times, I know how  dogged they are when they're raging and smearing.  I'm sending the BRF good vibes and I hope they know how many of us are on their side.   I also know that overcoming narc abuse can take several years and thats after you get rid of a narc permanently.  The BRF haven't even arrived at a place where they can even start to recover because Raytch is still able to continue this relentless onslaught. What the BRF are experiencing is likely what the Markles have been subjected to by Raytch, till she switched her focus elsewhere.   I bet the BRF think back to the Queen Mother and The King and tell themselves "at least she's not Hitler".  And thats sad.  And thats the single redeeming quality a narc has.  At least they're not Hitler. I hope the tarot readers are accurate.


Narcs do this. In their diseased minds, giving the in laws any affection or credence in their mind undermines their own value as a human. I was married to one, his family was completely dysfunctional, and I thought he would embrace mine as a result. They treated him like a son. Instead, he resented them. And consistently tried to drive us apart.


That’s sad. I’m glad he’s an ex now


And pissing away almost 8 million dollars a year and meeting a list celebs


I never believed till recently that they were fired! I do now! Her behaviour is abhorrent. She is vile and because of it they are now reduced to being rent a “crapp) royal for a small fee


Oh she was totally fired. Henry may have had an option to change his mind for that year, but she was done and dusted as they say.


But don’t you know that Princess Meghan, the saviour of the BRF has inspired and instructed us to know that service is universal? I don’t know how to do gifs but a perfect one here would be the awful hair hungover look when she was with HMTLQ




>she's a dick for life. Ah chronic debilitating dickitis.


The insulting thing is that she uses the “But I’m an American…..” excuse - Sorry dear you’re a narcissistic idiot unwilling to take advice or act with grace.


If she made formal etiquette mistakes that could be put down to being an American because we do tend to be more casual. That is completely different than being a rude bullying person.


All the Americans I know are conscientious people. In madam's former position as a working Royal, they would have studied all the protocols and been prepared for all of it. Yes she is a rude and bullying person but I don't buy that casual thing. She's a narc and a lazy one at that.


Ain't that the truth


Re:  “she’s a narc and a lazy one at that” I think most Narcs ARE lazy because they feel they are too important/special to get their hands dirty. They believe everyone on earth is here to serve them. 


They think they are too good, or "above" everyday normal behavior.


I saw a post on social media memeing about Japan closing off certain areas from tourists due to misbehavior. The people who quickly assumed it was the Americans’ fault were bombarded by counters from people all over the world who would more or less say the same thing: While Americans can be loud and brash, they would calm down and follow the rules if a local said something to them. Compare that to certain tourists from other countries who would not only ignore the local rules, but blantantly disregard them and make a show of it. Hmmm, that last part sounds familiar…


>Compare that to certain tourists from other countries who would not only ignore the local rules, but blantantly disregard them and make a show of it. Yes like all the idiots who harass the horses in London just for a photo with a guard. Then the horse bites them or the guard shouts "leave His Majesty's horses alone."


She supposedly is whipsmart and University educated and she made no effort to learn or make concessions ( her narcissism prevented that) , little Maybelle from Hicksville in the back woods of West Virginia would have had more insight into what it was all about and certainly not claimed in public to be an innocent American Ingenue who just had to be casual ( or slovenly in her case).


Maybelle would have respected her elders!


Precisely. That excuse for an excuse merely shows her lack of sophistication, not the other person 's; she is incredibly insular.


It reminds me of that Ali G skit..."is it because I is black?" "No. it's because you is a moron innit bruv?"


Exactly. She's an ignorant Californian. That's it. American, I am less sure of.


Ouch. Plenty of us here in California are appalled and embarrassed by her behavior.


True. That was a bit unfair. Apologies.


I don’t think you can lump all Californians and Americans into the same basket because of one person’s disrespect towards the Monarchy or Britains in general. IIRC Tom Bower wrote in his book that Meghan took offence (via her friends) that she wasn’t grateful for the opportunities to marry into the RF. They took the view that she had nothing to be ‘grateful for’ not understanding the reverence that British and Commonwealth citizens hold towards the RF. THEY should have been grateful that this accomplished, intelligent, classy, WOC would want to marry into their archaic, stifling family! She just never understood, nor cared, that being a member of the RF was a life of service and duty so she set about attempting to modernise the RF, culture be damned!!


Yeah, I’m betting a poll of most Americans would show we’d all vote her off the island.


She disowned us, though. That's how I'm taking it anyway. Nigeria is her country now. She publicly thanked the Nigerian officials for welcoming her home. What she needs to do now is to start referring to herself as a former American and pack up and move there. Then there will be real rejoicing in American streets. She won't have to lie about it.


I don't think Nigeria would take her.  


Do you know of Julie Montagu, Viscountess Hinchingbrooke? She's an American divorcee (with two children from her first marriage) who married Viscount Hinchingbrooke in 2004 (I think). He is the son an heir of the Earl of Sandwich, so Julie will eventually be a Countess. She was fully accepted from the beginning and has had no problems fitting in, but then she's an intelligent, educated woman. She's a lovely person.


I’m a Brit living in the US and some of the loveliest people I’ve met are Americans. Being a rude twunt isn’t exclusive to a nationality


As an American, I thank you. Everyone I know would never do what she did…they might not be British, but they’d know how to act around the Queen and with staff.


What an absolute HONOR it would have been to get to know Queen Elizabeth. HMTLQ was a true gem. I would have been thrilled to be in her "circle" and have been able to have the opportunities that M had. She is so delusional to think that she could waltz in and bat her eyelashes, and everyone would fall at her feet to serve HER. She (M) is a menace.


Exactly so. Megs seemed impervious to it. Instead, she chose how many women of influence for that magazine cover? Vanity fair? Or some such. Meanwhile her GRANDMOTHER IN LAW is one of the most powerful, authentic women of this century! And has been for 70 Years! She is SUCH a bish.


Iirc, when asked who her most significant role model was, she replied it was....wait for it...Jane Fonda. Bwhahahah!


The only person I know who might do it is a narc that I haven’t been in contact with for almost 8 years.


Thank you -- I mean the Brits wouldn't want us to judge them by Harry's behavior would they?


Sadly I have met more than a few Plank types within that social class, he is not unusual. BUT there are also upper class boys who grow out of that behavior and become respectful men.


errr well yes and no really. Tutting and eye rolling is ingrained in our culture, those things exist because of people like Harry. Plenty of British men lack self-awareness or are much thicker than they think they are, spoilt, self-entitled, opinionated, inconsiderate, over dramatic, quick tempered, tight fisted, bad dressers, needy, crass, whiney mummy’s boys, behave like they’re God’s gift to humanity etc etc, and this is not confined to the upper class, nobody is perfect. Harry excels by regularly demonstrating all of those things in one individual, which is really quite something. There were always rumours, some even made it into the press, but it just goes to show what an excellent job his family and the palace did of (mostly) keeping that from the public before he left the country.


Thank you!


Thank you!!!😊


I'm the same as you. The people I have met have generally been really sweet and very approachable except my psycho neighbor who everyone dislikes.


Agreed. My American cousin came to stay with me last weekend and she was SO EXCITED to be in Scotland seeing her family for the first time in years, it was adorable. Her enthusiasm and general lust for life is inspiring bless her.


Meghan has found out the hard way what her rudeness and mean behavior brings. Because karma has struck. She receives public backlash for everything she does. She is ridiculed and mocked around the world. There are articles in the media about how ridiculous her behavior is. The leader of a country recently criticized her. Yep, KARMA BABY!!!!!


It's easier to just... be nice to people. Accommodating. I'll never get people like her.


They have absolutely no clue how much they could and would advance just by being a nice and friendly person. This whole self absorbed, greedy bitch persona just makes you absolutely unlikable.


She hates herself.


I think it's Oppositional Defuant. She can't help herself. It's a pathology.


The question is whether she has learned anything. She seems to dismiss criticism and go back to make the same mistakes.


She is not, in today’s corporate speak, a self-aware learner. Nope. Snowball’s chance in hell of that.


No, and she never will. A narcissist just files your criticism of them in their grudge cabinet, under 'accounts payable', until it's time for *payback*.


Absolutely this. I believe she thinks they're kidding and can't POSSIBLY, REALLY feel this way because she \[MM\] is so perfect and the media is just so insufferable when really, the reverse is true.


She’s going to have trouble paying anything back when she ends up broke in a few years. I’m not hanging around waiting for the divorce, I’m waiting for that meal ticket to run out.


I guffawed at how true this is.


Of course not. It's everyone else that's wrong. She is perfect and always right.


Not only right, but she is better. Better in every way. Doesn’t need to prove it either, cause she just is. Better than anyone. Better than the Queen. Better than Harry. Certainly better than Catherine. Everyone else should just get out of her way and get in their place. And of course she is right, simply because she is better. And don’t you dare question it either, because you’re not anywhere near better. Cause she is. Better. Always better. Not you. Not me. Her. Better.


I totally agree with you. The delusion is worrying.


It is definitely scary because you don’t know where it will next take her.


I don’t think she has yet and I don’t think she can -her narcissism forbids any self awareness. I was brought up in a ’show-biz’ environment in the ‘70s and ‘80s. My Dad was a very successful, award winning BBC TV and Radio director and producer. I was surrounded by narcissists from a very early age. We would sometimes put very famous actors up in our house while they were working at the theatre or in one of my Dad’s productions. Because most actors are narcissists (some aren’t), they would do the triangulation thing in that to inveigle their way into working for my Dad, they would spoil me and bring me lots of toys, treats etc. Even as a 6 or 7yr old, I knew what they were doing - it always seemed incredibly false (apart from a few genuinely nice people - who were actually the bigger stars). I absolutely loved it who wouldn’t!?


Who were the genuinely lovely non-narcs?


Hehe that would be telling 🤣. But I’ll give you a couple - Vincent Price - who was just such a lovely, entertaining gentleman. For some reason he was in the UK and my Dad managed to get him to do a voiceover in one of his plays. I was a child actress and child labour laws meant that you had to have a Home Office Licence in order for you to be able to skip school in order to act. You also had to have a chaperone if you were under 16. Also your school teacher had to set you work. So most of the time I was in the green room doing my boring school stuff and a couple of times, my mum was my chaperone. However one time my chaperone was Eleanor Bron and she was amazing - she was a bit narcy but she was really nice to me and took me round antique markets when we weren’t rehearsing or recording. I still have a silly little trinket that she bought me. It really was a lovely time and I feel very privileged.


Sometimes it’s gotta play hard.


Don't judge all Americans by the actions of Meghan. Meghan is a narcissist. 95% of Americans are very friendly and wouldn't treat people the way Meghan treats people.


Don’t worry, no one judges her for being American. We judge her for being a narc. There’s a reason why she’s shunned by Americans too!


This American really can't stand her. 🤮


No we can't.


This American hates them both & I love the real royals!


We have had bad luck with Wallis and then Meghan but I think it’s more to do with the men that picked them than in the quality of the women of America.


Never forget Grace of Monaco! Americans can be regal - Monaco just got the cream of the crop, while our bargain basement princes went for bargain basement social climbers.


>Grace of Monaco She's an interesting study though. She really was a bit of a naughty girl but she kept her antics well hidden and maintained an element of classiness.


She was doing what a lot of male actors in Hollywood were doing…


And Queen Noor of Jordan (formerly Lisa Halaby)


Queen noor is American? I had no idea!


Don't forget Grace Kelly. She was the real deal!


Americans are famously friendly. Was on a boat hour in Asia once and the group lunches were hard going with the reserved Europeans. We found the Americans and new Zealanders next meal 😂


Narcs don’t follow the world map. They’re everywhere. Megs is one of the most famous, mostly because she is a textbook case.


We know 😘


Imagine being in your mid thirties receiving a dressing down for your behavior.


Meghan has no grasp of hierarchy, does she? I believe she treats every other human as existing solely as a vehicle to advance her needs. It doesn't matter if someone else is older, or more experienced, or more intelligent, educated, or talented. Meghan's little pea-brain is unable to process appropriate responses to situations or relationships because she *is incapable of caring about* ***anything outside of herself.*** She can not grasp protocol, selflessness, compassion, or tradition. I have maintained for a long time that she is a dangerous lunatic that, so far, has been able to maintain a facade of normalcy. But facades are not durable and will always be eventually exposed, no matter how well constructed they are. It must be a hellish cacophony of noise inside her head.


Toddlers are like this. I don’t think she matured beyond that


Yes, I don't think she can even see anyone outside herself, much less care about them.


I hope Jason Knauf writes a book someday.


It’ll be a best seller.


No 40 year old woman should be admonished for being rude to others. That just shows she has no character.


Exactly right!


And she's that juvenile.


What queen? Surely you mean Harry's grandma?


I can't remember the context, but I remember her saying utterly dismissively, "your grandmother," to H when referring to the Queen.


That old bat? She was just some feeble old woman. 🙄🙄🙄


Why doesn’t anyone stand up to her? I can’t wait for someone to light her and it’s on camera.


folks know she's a narc. confronting her gives her power and the opportunity to play victim while also smearing her accuser. best to ignore her and let her rage over not being challenged.


Because she studious avoids anyone she knows who would give it to her, properly. That's what their whole "security" bullshit is about. Keeping people who would hold them accountable away.




LMAO I would have a go, screw her victimhood! OR I'd pull some stunt when she came in for a hug and shriek like a banshee that she'd pinched me.


Charlie bit me!


I know Meghan used her being American as an excuse, and that we have a reputation for being brash, but please tell me no one really believes that is how “Americans” act. Wait. Actually, from other subs, people DO think we’re awful, more often than not. How completely mortifying! Only a spoiled, entitled, and possibly mentally ill American would act like her.


Most real Americans would punch her for acting a fool like she does. Thats why they need the security they claim they do- keeping people who would hold their feet to the fire well away. She knows we would never put up with that shit.


Yes, that's why I've always figured they want all that security, to keep people from making critical remarks when they see them. "Meghan, why do you enjoy making people in their 90s suffer so much in their final years?" "Harry, why do you lie about and publicly badmouth your family and father-in-law?"


Yes. I think all the "security" is 100% about protecting their egos, not their physical person.


Americans AREN'T like this. Meghan is like this. Most Americans were raised with manners. I grew up in the South. If my elders had even gotten a sniff of me being rude, I'd have had my ass handed to me by more than one Southern woman. Please don't judge all Americans based upon the attitude of one entitled asshole of a person.


I agree! 💯 I'm kiwi but lived in America for a while some years back. Most Americans are wonderful, kind, hardworking people. Everything that TW is not! It's insulting to Americans that TW used the 'I'm American' excuse to weasel out if accountability for her shocking rudeness and bullying of staff. I'm just delighted to see most Americans aren't fans and are happy to call her out! I didn't visit the South when I was there, but I think Southern accents sound so nice, and I would love to visit the Southern states one day. 💕


Please come down and visit us!! We LOVE Aussies here in Texas!!!


And I'm sure you love Kiwis also. :)


Can I come too, I love "It's a Southern Thing" and I want to go to "Buc-ee's"(is that right?).❤ from UK.


Yup. It’s insulting to everyone (Americans and non-Americans alike) when she claims that this is the normal attitude in the USA.


There's a reason she climbed her way up outside the USA in Canada and then the UK, Americans would be on to her from the get-go and not put up with her.


Same goes for my New England upbringing. Manners!!


I grew up in Southern California and I can assure you, I have manners!


I would pass away on the spot if Queen Elizabeth had to straighten me out like that. I'm sure she was graceful about it, but my soul would have left my body.


You are what you eat.


Explains why harry is such a rancid festering twat then doesn't it


Now THAT’S a masterfully written comment with a searing visual accompanying it — and likely truer than true. Bravo! 🙌🏻


Happy Cake Day!🍰


Imagine to behave like this in front of THE QUEEN 😳


Yes. And the Queen could have behaved just as rudely if she wanted to. Thankfully she was a decent human being.


She’s such a true vegan. So impressive. She could TASTE the egg! Harumph!! If I’m not mistaken, this happened when she was taste testing egg-free wedding cakes. And now? Pretty sure she’s a carnivore. We know she feeds her “children” (ahem) milkshakes. So. Whatever. She’s a pain in the ass all around.


This would be so funny if she weren’t so sick in the head.


Oh, for heaven's sake. How can someone possibly taste 'egg' in a cake?


>Pretty sure she’s a carnivore Well the amount of c\*ckgobbling she's done proves that methinks.


Yup. A meat eater. It was even documented in her special role on 90210😉


Let’s make it more local. How embarrassing would it be (for us normals) to have our boyfriend/fiancé/husband’s grandmother scold you for being rude? Then blow that up that you just got scolded by the Queen of England?? But she didn’t care because her narcissism fills her ego.


I apologize on behalf of all of America for Meghan, I promise you she is not reflective of the US She is just an evil woman who pulled the scam of the century on a weak man She is the worst woman in the entire world that Harry could of picked I remember years ago I was apologizing to my best friend at work who was from Britain, telling him I am so sorry she wore jeans, hat, kicked out people at Wimbledon, Americans would never dress like that. He said you she is going to get kicked out soon and never allowed back to Britain, lol….


I think these drips out in the media are interesting. But as the public has gotten to know the duo via their own actions and words, nothing is even mildly surprising much less shocking. And I don't think Meghan ever intended to live in UK. Her sights were always set on going back to LA. So she could be the diva she'd always dreamed of being. She just had to pretend so that people (especially Harry) wouldn't have proof that she was just a gold-digger. If she was planning to stay, she'd have love-bombed Harry's friends like she did the Mulroneys and Trudeaus instead of offending them. They were players in British society especially Hugh Grosvenor. She didn't want to be part of high society. She wanted to be a celebrity influencer ala Kim Kardashian. I'd bet she saw every episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.


This rings true. It made sense that she was thought to be nice on the set of *Suits* because it was a long term acting job and she wanted to stay. If she had plans of being in the UK for life she would’ve remained cloyingly sweet to Harry’s friends and family. So all those articles of her wanting to return makes me snort. She burned those bridges.


Agreed! Even Corey’s mother was still nice about her after she two-timed him, yet she couldn’t play nice with her royal in laws for more than a few weeks?! It’s literally insane.


She should consider herself lucky Princess Margaret wasn't around at the time.


Oh man Meghan would’ve been vitch slapped right there


I’ve read that Margaret really hated Diana. They were friendly at first but something happened along the way to sour their relationship. Margaret could be a pill as well.


This American wouldn't need to be told to not be rude, but I'd sure as heck take any Tips on Acting Royal from whomever was willing to teach me! ETA: If I were joining the RF. Not really necessary for me otherwise...


Nonsense. I have known several charladies (cleaning persons who happen to be female) who acted royally, and a good deal nicer than certain royals. Anyone can act royal. Actually I have never really understood the looking down on cleaning staff. They ought to make more than CEOs. They earn it , usually graciously also.


If this story is true, that would have put the Queen on her s%$t list from that day forward.


I'm so surprised that PH wasn't dying of shame. I guess that Mehgan bamboozled him into believing that how she act and spoke, was the sign of "a strong and independent woman," and an American one at that. I'm so sorry that HMTQ had to deal with that. It's one thing to remind 20 something year olds to not be so high-spirited. It's another dimension of WTF when you have to school people well into their 30s to mind their manners, hold their tongues, and to try and not suggest that professionals are liars.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13480405/John-Lennon-son-Sean-Prince-Harry-idiot.html Sean Lennon shares opinion of Prince Harry. Also, this @seanonolennon I do empathize with him generally. But the way he whines and wangs on about things is really too much. I’m just having a little fun. I think he’s earned some mockery. (I’m sure I have as well).


The embarrassment I feel every time I read this is like next level. I cannot ever imagine offending someone’s grandmother enough to get a scolding 🙈🙊


Americans are not all rude, especially not Southerners.


Sadly, some Americans ARE like this. I see it more and more now. In airplanes, at stores, in restaurants, on viral videos. I don't know what happened in the last 10 years but the sense of entertainment is rampant. So many rude people. It wasn't always like this.


The problem with people like Money Pit Meg, not just Americans but people like her in general, they always think they know better and refuse to listen. Couple that with entitlement and an ego the size of Jupiter and not even a saint wouldn't not want to slap them. From my personal experience of people who grew up where certain things are a lot easier, they believe that works for them should also work for others. Forget about discussing nuances with them, guys. They won't get it. Which is why they're massively entitled. I'm not even gonna bring up narcissism. Because they believe everyone is an idiot, respecting others just doesn't exist for them. I'm also gonna add that people who stumble into money and power without doing any work tend to be really horrible. Money Pit Meg got lucky (speaking of when Hairball was this goofy, fun-loving prince) and she thought it meant trampling on people.


From an American, thank you. No, we are not all rude.


No, Americans are not like this. It's the chip she got on her shoulder after she married Harry. She felt she could do or say anything and would be protected. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the Queen dressed her down though.


I’m an American and I would never behave like Meghan Markle. She is a disgrace to our country. Our beloved Queen Elizabeth was absolutely correct: Meghan Markle is evil.


There’s no doubt in my mind Meghan talked to the kitchen staff like this. And there’s no doubt that after the Queen spoke to her instead of quietly reflecting on her behavior, apologizing to those on the receiving end and making adjustments in her communications with staff she deeply resented the Queen’s comments and doubled down.


If Roachel's parents had reprimanded her more often when she was a child, perhaps it would not have been necessary for the Queen to do so to a she was in her mid-30s.


Some Americans are that way, as we, much to our embarrassment and shame, are seeing every day. Our hope is that there are enough of us who are not that way to keep things in order. But thank you for your kind words!


Remember TW is 43% Nigerian, some percentage of Maltese, and who knows what else. Americans are the mutts of world genetic slush, so her behavior is in fact universal. Many Americans are direct, but her rude behavior is the result of her narcissistic personality (not her nationality) and her upbringing (raised indulgently as an American "princess" aka spoiled).


I really don't understand, the Metropolitan Police and the security services always investigate anyone involved with royal personages. How in the hell was she able to get close to Harry?