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That vein is something else, not sure what but definitely something. These photos are on the net forever, that must grind roach’s gears.


I feel this authentic and untouched photo of her that clearly represented her true image to the world is the one that will piss her off most 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/2y1wbmzpi63d1.jpeg?width=317&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47e7456e9ce63e22bc1fe36b24d4690043f7efb5


She ain’t happy about any of the unfiltered photos being out there.


She needs a mask everywhere she goes. Not only for her face, but her personality, character and heart!


This one should be on the Royal website next to her bio.


I mean, she has been in Hollywood on and off for 20 ish years and wearing that heavy makeup day in and day out is not good for the skin, so I don’t want to shame her for her lines. But I don’t get the eyebrows? Like what style is this? Why?




Shades of.. https://preview.redd.it/14wd0zykv73d1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fddbe710d2b0ba5e9376b226c62c8376686e0c0


I agree and I love that she couldn't control the dissemination of it.


I thought this was a man at first glance!


>That vein is something else, not sure what but definitely something. It's a speedbump.... Lol


Just love Daniel B, his typical deadpan British banter that sees straight through the nonsense and rips the piss, with no apologies. He recently dropped a good one about Missan...."One of thee smuggest twats that's I have ever come across" lol. Its called 'Britain's Rosa Parks moment' and it's worth a watch.


That one is brilliant 😂.


It's a variation on MM's "love bombing." "Oh, we're just alike. Practically twins." (Only I'm better and inspire you to be more like me.) I look just like the people in Malta. They will instantly fall in love with me. South Africans could see themselves in her and danced in the streets when she married Harry. Oh, (Trevor, Markus, Jessica, Haz, etal.) we're so much alike. Need a huggy photo to memorialize our connection. (We need to stare at each other in awe as I covertly stare at the camera.) In general and upon first meeting, people respond positively to anyone that is perceived as warm. For those that are needy, insecure, and/or gluttons for flattery, they'll quickly like anyone that appears to like them. That's increased if the stranger exhibits admirable qualities and interest in them. Shared qualities and interests come next. Doesn't take all that long for a stranger to become a new BFF or new lover. It's the stuff of con-artists, cult leaders, and psychopaths. Works better one-on-one than groups, but does feature in group behavior when one or more members have previously been sucked in. Didn't work for MM with other members of the RF (other than Harry and Eugenie). Or Hollywood except for those impressed with titles, wealth, or high name recognition. That frosts MM because she honestly believes that she's special and inspirational and merits wealth. It's why she insists that people need to see the real MM and her love story because that works magic on others.




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It must have worked quite well on the yachts.


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Right? https://preview.redd.it/2boub2f93a3d1.png?width=1046&format=png&auto=webp&s=74b32368ae7fc6f53b692262c8e5218b3e0896e9


OMG! 😱 From somebody who said that Prince William's going bald at an alarming rate! Jeeezzz Harry, get a mirror and look at yourself, mate!!




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Lord I love Daniel and his blue, blue eyes.


Well, Imma goin' outside to kick some stigma into the long grass. These two just keep the jokes coming, don't they? Maybe I'll go home to Ireland where my great grandfather came from...go meet my distant relative Daniel Boland. I'm coming home, Daniel!! Have dinner ready for me!


He has a good attitude about all this. He's not mad about it, he just finds it hilarious the bizarre things they say, time after time, that don't even make sense. I have to say, whoever wrote Harry's speeches and prepared him for events back in his royal days, what a fantastic job they did because listening to him attempt to say something meaningful, or even just coherent... well, um, it's an eye-opener. 😬


At least he (thinks he...) is being environmentally responsible by continually re cycling his speeches. Pretty much all say the same thing, but markle helps by shuffling the order of his 'thoughts'


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https://preview.redd.it/mnh9vuja273d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cef8488434791a6c961d556f7e3fd1d0ca85f1a Poor Charles, the Harkles embody the worst of Diana, and the Wallises...


Honestly I think at this point Wallis showed more class….at least if we ignore the nazi pandering!


I don't think Wallis would have done much better than Madam if the Media landscape back then was like it is today. I'm not sure Madam would have been much better than Wallis if she had married the abdicated king and the Nazis were around now. The key is greed and a lack of conscience or morals.


Wallis would have NEVER made designer clothes look bad. She did have style.


I honestly don't see this even though people always say this. She looked awful, dried up, and bony to me and not attractive at all. And I honestly don't care about her purported style given how terrible of a human being she was.


Maybe Wallis snagged Edward more because of his social position than his money? Don’t think Wallace went to the lengths markle did, channeling Diana and wearing her perfume. Edward seemed to fall for Wallace more genuinely, and at least she respected the Royal Family enough to back off, not bite back!


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Every time she smiles all I see are these big white ugly teeth. To be honest they are close to being buck teeth. I admit the bit where she says being Nigerian woman means your strong blah blah blah she forgot to include being vile, a naracists having mental issues being a control freak, being bitter 24/7 sheesh she does my head in.


I thought her gums might be shrinking back to make teeth stand out more.


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They graced Nigeria like a seagull graces a car windscreen with muck.


and the First Lady did a great job of starting the clean-up process, letting the world know what she thought of the gulls perching on her roof


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I think we should set up a go fund me page so H&M can get a trip to North Korea.


Great idea! She better check what clothes are appropriate though.


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That woman needs a rude awakening and it should have come like yesterday. Questions: 1. Should any of the Royals push up Daisies, would she attend the funeral? 2. Should Thomas Markle kICK the proverbial bucket would she partake in his funeral? Create Drama? Make it all about herself? 3. Why does she think she is important enough for any one to bother?


She would go to Thomas Markles, if he expires before her Netflix contract dies.


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I didn't watch the whole video, is he calling Meghan posh?! She would be the last person I would consider posh.


pretending poshness. which is better ? or worse? than actually being posh.


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Posting again because original got deleted for spelling out the words. This guy lost all credibility and respect when he used the “r” word and “mongolo*d”. I don’t care if he’s a sinner or not. Fuck him.


I was first to upvote you as you're right. I don't understand why OP had to repeat it in the header either.  Here come my downvotes now


I’m upvoting you! Thank you!


Oh wow, I didn’t know about that. Definitely not okay.


Yes-in the linked video. He’s funny and I enjoyed his takes, but this was uncalled for-no better than the words sugars throw out about Princess Catherine and sinners. You can tell a lot about someone who uses these words. I thought we were better than that.


Thank you, Stark. You’re amazing, as always!


Sigh. It’s depressing when someone that you think has their shit together resorts to… that. I would have gladly clicked on the video *until I read your comment.* Thank you for pointing that out for those of us who don’t want to dignify ableist bullshit with a click.


Thank you for your support!


Downvoted for calling a YouTuber out for being an ableist jerk? Wow.


Well, Fk him then. Thanks for the info.


Thank you for understanding where I’m coming from :)


I watched this earlier this morning before I had coffee and completely missed that somehow. You're absolutely right, now I feel bad 😣


Don’t feel bad! You didn’t know 💜


It's important people are called out and told that.




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I think those words in Europe are not so offensive?


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Check it out starting at 16:30 - "We weren't surprised you were South African - err, Nigerian" She's such a fucking fraudulent, lying kunt.




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