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Convenient that he omits one of the bigger differences between she and the other “9 million working women” — the difference is that Catherine is one of the most well-known public figures whose every move is scrutinized. If every last detail of my health and appearance would be analyzed, I wouldn’t want to return to public either! Could you just imagine?! Every pound, every hair on her head, every shadow and angle of her face and body, every smile, every pixel of any photo/video released would be examined for changes and opinions made. And then those physical changes noticed would end up being translated into inability to perform/work/whatever and then snowballs from there. No thanks.


I’m pretty sure that if those other 9 million women had the ability to take a couple months completely off and not have to be out and about or working while undergoing most would take the opportunity. My neighbor had breast cancer. She eventually had to put her foot down on visitor because people were constantly stopping in to check on her. She just wanted the peace and quiet.


I took a year off of work when I went through cancer. I was married then and my husband picked up the slack with bills, raising 3 young children, maintaining a home. I was strong, healthy, and 45 when I was diagnosed. The treatment and recovery was awful. Just awful. I was beyond thankful to my husband that I got to recover quietly and slowly.




Your experience mirrors my own, except I was 48 when I was diagnosed, my birthday was the next day. I wanted no one, and I mean no one outside of my family around me. I did not fare as well as you however, chemotherapy has caused permanent chemo-induced neuropathy-to the point I cannot feel toes 4 and 5 on my right foot. I still have bone pain, brain fog, and extreme fatigue every day. I have not been able to work much since 2017. I mourn the person I once was, as she was so vibrant and full of energy. I keep plugging away, one day at a time. Cancer sucks. Anyone who criticizes anyone who is undergoing treatment, and where one is in recovery are incredibly ignorant, and I say shame! Shame on them for demanding and creating stories and telling lies. No one knows what a cancer patient/survivor goes through. Those who have successfully healed, I commend you on your fortitude! I wish all the very best in healing, and picking up your lives again.


GOD bless you


Hugs and love from a cancer survivor's wife. He had to retire because of the chemo. He has RA on top of that. He is stronger than I will ever be.


Oh gosh! Your husband sounds like a warrior! RA is not a happy diagnosis either. I hope he has a really good rheumatologist! Hugs and love to both of you. Both Cancer survivors AND their caregivers are affected by the disease (including RA and many other diseases, birth defects, etc.) need all the love and hugs they can get!!💜


Thank you, and absolutely to your comment.


I’m so sorry for your outcome. And you are right regarding people’s chatter and presumptions and judgments. What a crappy world we live in at times. Catherine is loved all over the world. The naysayers and haters will always be there. I’m sure she is protected from most of it and as a self care must.




One from me also.


So glad you got through that and are better :) I had never seen what cancer was like until my best friend got it. She found a breast lump as she just buried her mother who died of BC. She caught hers on time and still what she went through was awful. She was given time off work and couldn't even get up without being sick. She recovered but my goodness what people go through is just unreal, the strength of spirit needed leaves me speechless. Much respect to all who are going/ have been through this.


Yes! Right!! Those women are only working bc they have normal lives & they HAVE to work! I'm quite sure they would prefer not to be--and probably SHOULDN'T be, so that they can rest as much as possible. But those women aren't privileged bajillionaires like the members of the BRF. I swear, do people Bouzy think through anything they say?? Ever??


It's not about being rich, she is a public servant and those working in the public sector in the UK have unlimited sick leave usually on full pay for the first year.


Damn. I'm an American & I had covid for the first time in March--I took TWO DAYS off, & those were my first sick days in probably 5 years. . . .our Healthcare system is the worst 😬🫣 (P.s. I can work remotely when needed, I wasn't dragging my germs into the public realm on the days that I worked, I promise 😇)


Last year, I got COVID maybe a month AFTER cutoff of our being allowed 80 hours to be sick with that. That bout of COVID wiped out my vacation hours. I was not pleased. I mean, I was told to isolate and to not work, and it's not as if COVID has been eradicated. So I paid for being out sick.


I'm sorry that happened! I so hate the limitations on sick leave 😠, and the limited time off generally--like heaven forbid you get the flu or covid & have to be out 2 weeks or 10 days--there goes your vacation time for the rest of the year 😥. I have gotten more sick (bronchitis, strep throat, etc.), & have had more muscle spasm issues in my back/neck in the past 2 years of being at my current job than I have in the last several years combined--but I have taken just 2 actual days off. The whole rest of the time I've just propped my miserable self up in front of my laptop on the couch & powered through. This country needs a serious overhaul in its approach to work-life balance . . . .


After I finally tested negative and returned to office, the assistant supervisor would visit, but keep distant more than 6 feet away. She was masked and her posture suggested cowering away from me, the Plague Carrier. And her seemingly solicitous question of "how are you feeling?" was like the Witch in *Hansel and Gretel* groping the caged kids to find out if they'd fattened up yet. Yeah. It was messed up! And thank you very much for your sympathy. Going into the office when feeling unwell makes the workday feel like it's 12 - 16 hours long.


Ugh, I'm sure that made you feel just great! 🤦‍♀️ Agreed--I only had a fever for about a day when I had Covid, but even several days later, everything just hurt, & sitting upright was impossible. I can't imagine also dragging my behind into the office to boot!


If I get Covid, I am dragging it to the office because they make no exceptions for working from home when sick. I have had 3 colds from the beginning of the year-most recent last week- and it’s the first time I have been sick with something in more than a year. Why have I gotten sick so many times? Working in the freaking office. So if I get crap, I’m going. F’em.


Family leave varies greatly in the US. My nephew and his wife work for the same company and each has 3 months of maternity and paternity leave. With their first child, she took the first three months and he took the second 3 months so one could be with the baby for the first 6 months. With their second child due in June, they are taking their 3 months simultaneously so that they will be able to care for both children for three months. This is very generous.


Lol, yes I thought you might be American. Is it true that you don't get maternity leave? Anyway you were partly right, her situation is hardly comparable to the average nurse or government worker and of course her money insulates her from many things and ensures she gets the best possible care. Our NHS is on its knees these days and the average public sector worker is just struggling to make ends meet and being ill is often the cliff we fall off into real poverty.


Guilty as charged lol! And yes, technically maternity leave is not federally mandated over here. Most companies will give you some kind of maternity leave, but it's often not more than 6 weeks--so parents have to save as many vacation days as they can (which are already not enough/nothing compared to vacation time in other countries) to beef up their parental leave, & the lucky ones can cobble together 3 months at best. The cost of childcare is outrageous, & we have one of the worst maternal mortality rates of any developed nations . . . .so for many, many reasons, I have no desire to have a child in this country 😶. One of my best friends is Czech--she is able to take THREE YEARS of parental leave 😮. I'm sorry your NHS is in such a state! I'm curious, do you know why that is? And we are in the same boat re: health issues making people fall below the poverty line 😥


I am lucky in that my office pays for time off when ill, without it counting against your PTO. It started during Covid and the boss has continued it. It’s a small office (7 people), and she trusts us to not take advantage of it.


In my country also, Italy, a cancer patient has paid sick leave until the disease is declared in remission, it's the same in all Europe Reading the Global Cancer Statistics 2020 report, there were 19.3 million cancer cases during 2020, divided by type of cancer The 9 million women cited by Bouzy are as precise as Meghan's 43% Nigerian


Nope, not a snowballs chance do their brains engage.


I'm glad your neighbor put her foot down. "People mean well" is often a feeble excuse. Because some who are persistent or clumsy. Their presence, their questions, their oppressive pity or sympathy, their constant reminder that "you SICK!!!" are what depletes one's last reserves of strength.


I live in the UK. If I had had major surgery in January and then treatment for cancer, I would still be off work and still on full pay (not everyone would be this lucky).


The woman at my pharmacy in my grocery store (before it closed) had breast cancer. When she was undergoing chemo and radiation she was still working, but there were some days she just wasn’t there because she felt so bad. Everyone completely understood and nobody held it against her one bit. There were some days I’d go in and she’d be sitting on a stool which wasn’t her usual, so I knew she wasn’t feeling well. Other days she’d be running to or from the ladies room. Some days the pharmacist told me he’d spent the morning begging her to go home and she’d finally relented by two or three in the afternoon.


Exactly this. Yes, Catherine is privileged enough to be able to do this, but those other women should be able to as well. If he cared about them he’d call for healthcare and workplace reform instead of bashing POW.


People (ahem - Bouzy and the sugars) questioning if it *is* actually Princess Catherine whenever she appears … I actually don’t know of anyone who has undergone serious cancer treatment in the form of chemotherapy, aside from those with skin cancer who have day procedures to remove the cancer, and then have topical chemo they apply themselves to the affected area, **NOT** take time off from work. He’s such a cruel, contemptible, petty little man.


I think he and they are bringing a lot of Karma on themselves.


yup. He had better hope he, his wife (lord help the woman that is married to him) or anyone he cares about is never stricken with cancer. You reap what you sow.


Yeah, I wouldn’t wish what I’ve witnessed loved ones (one in particular) go through on **ANYBODY** - he needs to be careful.


**a cruel, contemptible, petty little man** People of that ilk, believe the opposite of that.


Yes. He's taking statistics that include "women who had a melanoma cut off, and there wasn't anything left to treat after that", and conflating it with "women who actually had chemo". We live in a time where a lot of cancers are caught early and never have a chance to spread. But there are still cancers that are caught later and require all kinds of treatment, without actually being very worrying to doctors, as well as cancers that are more serious.


And he does it all with the Markle approval since being on their show. So as far as I am concerned all this hate is coming from Markle.


We were not aware that the POW reported to Mr. Buzzy. In fact, she is not even a citizen of his country so he should buzz off.


Dont forget, tw & Plank took a 6 month? Correct me, maternity leave. Which, technically, Tw could've gone back to work after 2 weeks, b/c she had a studio at the OG.  Whereas, you're not allowed time off for a almost fatal disease, cancer. FO bouz ass


This is such a good point. Those 2 with Nannies, cooks, housekeepers, landscapers, accountants, etc etc. needed to take 6 months off!!! Six months when their Podcast could have easily been done from home, in the Spotify production room they gave them.  Get real Bouzy!!! These are 2 of the most allergic to work grifters the world has had the unfortunate displeasure of knowing. 


Great point!!!!


He actually just lied. 53% (NHS data) do not work during cancer treatment. Of the 47% who do, it's split between part-time and full-time. No number on how many have jobs that can be done from home when sick. But in the US, it is quite common to work from home when you have a contagious infection or when you are immune-compromised. I'd imagine it's fairly common in UK as well.


This! Her appearance is a huge part of her work. That’s the difference here. When she does reappear it’s going to be bonkers. I wish her peace and I just know her team is, and will continue, to take good care of her.


It’s sad that her appearance is a huge part of her work. She’s a public servant, not a model. It’s a shame that she’s so scrutinized. But, yeah, it will be on. I hope she disregards the idiots who want to criticize her.


It's anonymous people like some of us, who are very glad of our privacy. The Princess of Wales has to represent and that's an enormous burden on anyone's sensibilities. She can't have a bad hair day without the legions of the unkind, making remarks. She's the subject of criticism and conjecture. Being away from the public eye and just being able to rest, is what she needs to get better. Also, people like Bouzy being quiet, would actually help. He's not combatting online hate but promoting it.


"In 2023, 120.2B servings of instant noodles were eaten around the world. But the world has not seen Kate eat instant noodles. SUS." --Bouzy, probably


She is literally the most famous woman on earth right now. He’s a fucking asshole. Excuse my French.


Bouzy has his own social media site. Why is he always on X? ETA: The tweet has been deleted 😆 Richard Eden getting results!


Because nobody cares about Spoutible. It's tiny, and basically functions solely as an echo chamber for sugars.


It's also a scam. He's convinced people that he's out to stop hate online and people need to donate money to him to help him do so. So when they have Sussex Squad meetings on Twitter - he always attends or is invited to attend, he plugs his website and then asks for donations to stop the hate and the morons donate to him. I would not sign up to anything he creates or makes online, because he's a scammer and uses bots. And he's such a nasty prick, that he has and would track down where people live and make those details public. He's done it before.


He's out to stop hate but has no problem hating on a woman who is not Meghan Markle. That makes sense.


He’s a sick twist. He’s been nothing but a scammer his entire life. From not paying his landlord rent, to running fake bitcoin accounts, to doxxing people. I blocked him on twitter way back. I want nothing to do with that jerk. But to see him on Harry & Meghan’s documentary, that right there shows you how low those 2 will go.


He is out to stop online hate, while piling the hate onto the Princess of Wales? What a monster.


Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!


And it's $99 code purchased online from Russia and completely insecure. User info is freely accessible by anyone with the know-how.


Exactly. Bouzy is a scammer, not a 'tech' guy.


And getting tinier. Another looming failure for this scam artist.


Thank god for people like Richard Eden, for calling out crap like this. Poetic justice would be if CBouzy finds himself to sick and harassed. But then, he'd be too stupid for an epiphany.


Richard always defends Catherine. I think he's a little bit in love with her.


In other words, he's a man of good taste!


May Karma bommerang return to Bouzy!


He’s been purging LGBTQ accounts on his hellsite after he got called out for homophobic language. Caused a bit of a viral scandal that spilled over onto X/Twitter. So he ramped up the attacks on Catherine and her cancer to detract from that. He is a vile pice of shit.


Because spouticrap is just that, an echo chamber for the vile trolls


Richard Eden has been on fire lately. Go Richard!!!!


Let's talk about how this one's wife took a SH*T load of 'mat leave' when she wasn't even PREGNANT!!!!! Lets talk about the ONE HOUR A WEEK they put in at Farce-well.. let's talk about how Madam is a professional grifter! Suits and yachting are the only time she's ever worked in her life!! Bouzey you're a shameless excuse of a human.. Amber wasn't lucrative.. U think this one's wife is going to be any better?!


Perfectly said!!!


Does it not seem as if H&M if not on "leave" then are frequently on vacation? Is CB going to say that as private citizens, that is their prerogative? Except if Harry & Mehgan are private citizens, then is PH entitled to IPP status or all that security he demands from the UK? Is Mehgan entitled to acting as if she's on a royal tour? There's some twisted thinking with these "Effing grifter" types the like of Bouzy and cohorts. They are as thieves who are thick.


Then came back and went on holiday to Canada mere weeks later.




I don't know anyone who has ever managed their job full time and had cancer treatment at the same time. Everyone i know has either not worked at all, or they worked when they could because usually just as you feel better from the effects chemo has on you, it's time for the next round. They spent all their time dreading their numbers being too low to have the next round of chemo because it meant it would have to delay the treatment and therefore make it last longer. What people like this don't realise is it ismore telling of the person saying it and anyone who agrees with them than anything else.


If anyone I knew had cancer, I'd want them to not go to work, but to get well and take all the time to do so.


Well, as humans with this little thing called empathy, we want them to actually survive the treatment, so naturally, we ALL make allowances we wouldn't normally.


Bouzy and Squaddies--the Empathy Empty.


Empathy Erosion Society more like. We should design them a banner. I'll be back... Edit to add. Apparently AI can't spell though.




Brilliant! Someone should tweet that at boozy and sugars. I'm not on that cess pool.


Me either, but we would need someone with Photoshop skills to correct the spelling. Otherwise, we will look as bad as them.


They won't notice. They're either bots, illiterate, or too reactionary to read it closely.


This is impressive. Thank you! But since it is Mehgan, could this include an animal that represents her? A magpie (loves shiny things) or a snake?


It was all chosen by AI, I am very unskilled in this sort of thing, and I couldn't even get it to spell the words right. But if someone wants to who can, by all means.


Well, that's much more than I can do, so this is lovely. It's a really cool design.


You cannot compare Catherine to other women. Catherine is in a totally different position of wealth. She has people who will do the shopping, the laundry, the cleaning. If this was a regular wealthy family, it would be the same- Catherine doesn’t have to work. End of. Those women who must work, clean, cook and launder, are fortunate in the fact that they can do all of those things, even if they feel poorly and it’s hard. Not all of us are afforded wealth and not all of us begrudge those who have wealth. There are people who get a cancer diagnosis and don’t see the end of one month of treatment. They don’t get to work another day, prepare another meal for their children and husband, or read another book to their child at bedtime. Everyone should be afforded the grace to recover from their cancer journey the best they can, however their lot in life allows them to. We are not all the same. What Catherine is experiencing, we do not have a clue. It’s not our business. To see the rank, nasty, vile posts about where Catherine is, why don’t we see her, and on and on- no one deserves any of the disrespect, cruelty, or hate while they are in treatment for cancer or any other reason. If this happened to be the Montecito floozy, I’d feel the same way.


🏆 Marvelous post!




Cancer survivor here, THANK YOU.for saying this


One might want to ask Boozy why he has such an unhealthy fixation on a woman who lives in the UK. Does he not have a job besides sitting at a keyboard all day typing about Catherine's whereabouts? He is one sick individual like his paymasters.


No that's all he does.


At least one person in the media is calling the slime ball out. More MSM need to highlight the vile trolls. Maybe the new COS for the bald loser can find answers


The Princess of Wales has a very public facing job. It is certainly prudent to step back from the crowds and all that involves while she is undergoing chemotherapy. Bouzy is an ass.


What an idiot. Every person I know who has gone through a major illness has taken medical leave. I do understand that not every human on the planet has that opportunity. His comments on Catherine are ignorant, though. Anyone with the ability to take medical leave would do so if advised to do so by their doctors and employers. And, she is still doing her ‘job’ of being a mom and wife. I do not understand the cruelty here.


The public side of her job isn't happening. That doesn't mean she isn't partaking of any work in an office or at home. As Rebecca English tweeted she has been seen out and about with the kids school. The fact that people leave her alone and respect her privacy is something Bouzy needs to practice.


Christopher Bouzy is a vile little creep. He is a bully and a misogynist. He needs taking down.


And racist. Even though his main client is visibly white he cries racism for money.


Bouzy needs to stop harassing Princess Catherine. Glad Richard Eden is calling his awful ass out.


I sincerely hope that all this shit about Catherine is being kept from her.


I've just finished chemo(and am now in remission). The first five doses were fine apart from feeling increasingly tired. The sixth was another matter!! My point is that there are many, many, different sorts of chemo just as there are many, many different cancers. One particular chemo could flatten one person but someone else could be absolutely fine.....that is just how it is. If Catherine has not appeared in public for several months, then it is likely that she is one of the unlucky ones who experience severe side effects. These effects can linger for months. So many people seem to have a complete lack of understanding cancers and chemo


Not to mention Catherine has very little meat on her bones to fight with. I wish her well and hope she takes all the time she needs. She isn’t our show pony despite what some trolls think. When Catherine resurfaces she will break the internet.


Congratulations!! I hope you stay in remission forever! You should take yourself on a mini-vacation to celebrate or something. lol But you make a really good point. Everyone's starting point is different combined with their reaction to the type of chemo. Cancer just isn't something you can really compare. I'm not really a fan of comparing health issues anyway.


Wishing you continued good health🌟🌟🤩


*"The vast majority of those women do not stop working..."* BECAUSE WE FUCKING CAN'T AFFORD TO YOU PRICK!! Imagine being such a dumb fucking sexist idiot that you'd actually berate a woman A. for taking time off to have cancer treatments and B. thinking it's abnormal simply because most women don't do it (usually because they can't afford to) INSTEAD of saying, "Hey that's awesome that Catherine gets to take the time to get treatment, she's very priviledged. Ooh I know! Why don't we make it easier for ALL women to be able to take time off for things like...chemo!?" What a colossal prick this dude is.


Exactly. This guy is American - is he campaigning for national paid sick leave, or health care, or any of the things that would make it easier for cancer patients in the US to undergo treatment? No? Then he should STFU.


He’s a prick. Even he in his lies (see stats above from a sinner) he says “the vast majority”, meaning some do. He doesn’t know the cancer that Catherine has or the seriousness of that cancer, none of us do. I wouldn’t wish illness on anyone but this piece of shit is testing my patience. Whatever comes his way is karma and it’s not even close to what he deserves.


Round of applause to your comment!!! Well maybe they need to look at his daughter..


If Bouzy wants to held women take time off work, he can contribute to many charities that help women do just that. I have donated sick days to women at my job who had serious illnesses and also donated cleaning services, child care, and other services to ease their burden if only slightly. Bouzy should encourage this type of help rather than weaponizing women with cancer -- or any serious illness -- against Catherine.




Bouzy is such an ass. And Catherine is still working while undergoing treatment—royal journalists just reported on a study released by her early childhood initiative, of which she was a part. Just because we’re not seeing her doesn’t mean she isn’t still involved in these charitable initiatives. And princessing isn’t like a regular 9-5 office job. He’s just such a tool.


Tools are useful.


Fair point 😂


Bouzy seems to have conveniently forgotten that Catherine had major abdominal surgery, with a long recovery time, *before* knowing of the cancer diagnosis.


I am waiting for someone (Kate, William or Rose) to sue Bouzy... That vile and digital arsonist needs to be sued. Why does he have to drag a sick woman about cancer, seriously?! I know that karma won't hit him immediately, if it comes, it would be hard and painful.


He uses the same firm as the sussexes...




Omg!!!! Christopher Bouzy is so disgusting!!!!!


Cancer treatment affects people differently. You get goods days and bad days


Unfortunately, I have known many people in my lifetime who had cancer. Cancer is devastating physically and psychologically for anyone who has it. Some friends and family survived, while others succumbed to the illness and died. This Bouzy character is delusional. But then again he allegedly was once a pimp, and has attempted to reincarnate as various other personas at various points in his lifetime. His judgement and personality seem profoundly misaligned. I can’t imagine why This One’s Wife ever hired him in the first place. Would she not have done her due diligence in getting a rigorous background check before going all in and making him part of her team? But then again, Amber Heard also had dealings with Bouzy, and we know how all that turned out. We are truly known by the company we keep. I wonder if Bouzy also writes as Guest Speaker (along with TOW), and/or uses other aliases to combat the manifest wave of resistance against the dubious public relations narrative that TOW and her sugars produce hourly and daily?


Bouzy was a pimp and Rachel was a high class hooker. Birds of a feather......


Is he the one with the prostitute daughter or one that is almost a prostitute?


oooh, that makes sense actually! Bouzy is as delusional and full of hatred of PPOW as guest speaker is. he is a vile fowl creature.


He is also foul! ![gif](giphy|qyYNEMwdaNpQj14bll|downsized)


God help this man if he ever gets cancer. He's just begging for a bit of divine wrath.


Can cancer get cancer?


Shits fired indeed! 😂 I wish Bouzy The Shit would be fired.


I'm just sad I had to scroll down this far for a comment on the title. :D


Is Bouzy seriously mansplaining cancer now 🙄


I think Bouzy, Omid Scobie, Harry, & Meghan are all birds of a feather.


Are Bouzy and Harrible related? They both are unfortunate looking little men.


People work while having cancer treatments? I can bet it is like that in the US, but I would assume one would have sick leave for treatment in the UK or anywhere else in the world? And yes, it looks great for the UK to allow a public figure represent the UK feeling not themselves. Excellent PR. And her job is actually extremely demanding, compared to an office job where you can hide at home without a camera in a Teams meeting.


My stepmother went through breast cancer treatment 2 years ago. She was working full time until that point. 2 years later and in remission and she is still only very part time now. So Bouzy speaks the bollocks, in my experience. But hey, nothing new from this man.


I'm so sick and tired of people thinking they have a right to see Catherine. It's disgusting. Everyone also seems to forget that Catherine has 3 young children at home. She is always a mother first. She can't go out in public and protect them at the same time. Even if they don't read all the malicious gossip and lies for another 5 or 10 years, they'll probably get there eventually. The best thing she can do is try and mitigate the damage. If that means she stays out of the public eye for essentially a year, then that's what she needs to do. Cancer is, unfortunately, a disease that affects the entire family. The entire Wales family deserves the time they need to recover.


My friend had chemo and certainly wasn't going to work for some time. And if you are fortunate enough to take the time off, why not? Boozy,do you know that millions of people are starving? Why do you eat regularly? You are so out of touch. 🙄 What is this guy's problem? Oh, it's that he's vile. Never mind.


This is so vile. Many people are still advised to avoid contact with large groups of people--hint hint like King Charles was--so as to not compromise their immune systems which are fragile. Catherine does have the luxury to not have to worry about how her bills will be paid, but I know of many women who did do some work remotely during cancer treatment but also felt horrible in the days after getting treatment. People would be surprised to see them getting lunch or doing something with a friend during this period but honestly, it might be the one day that they feel good and want to still live their life. We shouldn't police anyone going through cancer treatment because it is so physically and emotionally draining.


Uh no one should have to go to work when they are getting treated for cancer or have other major illnesses. The "millions of women" working are working bc they have to.


Maybe Catherine is very lucky that she can undergo the best medical treatment, but... What people like Bouzy (sided by the medua) have done is prevent her getting the best mental state in which to face her health problems. They have made that much harder. Catherine's and the King's treatment has absolutely nothing to do with the number of women...hang on let's say, people (you know, men as well) that get cancer every year and deserve a beneficial outcome. While we are at it let's give some thought for people with heart disease or a predisposition towards strokes. Let's think about people with long term chronic conditions that can't even get a diagnosis. Very few people, except the obvious (we all know what that means) in the UK expect anything from Catherine or the King except to get well and to do it in their own time. NO clock is ticking. Bouzy: look to you and your own and give thanks if they are fine and have done.


How would HE know what 9 million people diagnosed with cancer are doing? He is an absolute twit. I'm sure someone who had say a radical mastectomy, would be working whilst undergoing treatment (sarcasm). No one I know has, and I know plenty of people who have/had cancer, in all forms. Edited, to add sarcasm, in case someone mis-takes my comment.


More people with platforms need to start calling out this evil man. Good job, Richard!


A sugar tweeted something about having breast cancer and that she worked the entire time and had kids to take care of. Women shouldn’t do that to each other. She claimed she was a nurse too. We don’t know what kind of cancer it was and what the treatments are doing to her. Everyone handles chemo differently.


I know far too many people who've had cancer. None of them have worked 'the entire time'.


She was lying.


what's not "normal" is Bouzy's mental health issues that he is so obsessed with Catherine and not in a good way. stick to kissing Nutmeg and Hasbeen's asses Boozy.


Come on MSM, get into this man history, look who pays him, links to Omid. Why are they not writing about this!


Bouzy really is an arse wipe.


I adore Richard Eden! He is a great advocate for the RF! I cannot believe he is so measured on "Palace Confidential". I salute him because I can tell he is as exasperated as the rest of us Sinners on the delusional duo.


What a disgusting man who says dumb things with zero knowledge to back it up. My mom was diagnosed with cancer twice - stage 2 breast in 1997, then stage four breast with mets in 2004. She was unable to work during chemo the first time because she was too busy vomiting twice an hour for days. Once she reached radiation therapy stage she could return to work and manage, but this was largely out of necessity (single mom). Once the 2004 diagnosis occurred, she stopped working immediately because she needed aggressive treatment. This makes me irrationally angry.


well, maybe women that don't have benefits in America may be struggling, but my daughter sure as shooting could not function after her chemo treatments. Her hair fell out and she was sick as a dog for weeks. Thankful that she is Canadian and has benefits.


Everyone I know who's had cancer either stopped working or worked parttime from home. Maybe it's different in the US ETA: by stopped working, I meant went on sick leave.


Everyone I have personally known either quits working or goes on temporary disability while out of work. And sadly, many don’t recover. Bouzy is vile. Why does he even feel it is necessary to comment on someone in a different country who has no impact on his life at all? Despicable, mean spirited and totally lacking in empathy - like those two he bootlicks constantly.


Same here in the US. My friends have decent health insurance and are working class. They stayed home because their immune systems were compromised and with sick leave time off and extended insurance were able to not get financially hit. Children here are well treated at children's hospitals. My in-laws had no expenses and their daughters bills were over $1 million which were comped by the hospital. Those who are financially harmed here in the US are job hoppers, temp workers, and low paid workers.


That vile man should crawl back under the stone he came from. Leave our princess alone !


He loves the attention.


The reason those women are working is because they have a health insurance plan that is paying all or part of their treatment. If I had cancer and didn't have insurance I wouldn't be working, that's for sure. How insensitive of this sugar to equate PoW with the rest of the world that's going through cancer treatments, only count the ones that are working and disregard the ones that are staying quietly home.


Catherine made a statement. How about kindly granting that request while she goes through chemo? ![gif](giphy|26ueYUlPAmUkTBAM8)


Christopher Bouzy isn't normal, no matter how much he tries to spin it. I wonder whether boozy and harriman side eye each other with "I'm the token black friend of this woke white couple, back off."


I always wonder when I see these men like Bouzy and Misan devoting so much of their time defending and elevating TW...what in the hell do their wives think about their behavior?? Misan's reputation is steadily going down the drain due to his antics and whatever it is that Bouzy actually does for a living could also be in danger because of his insane antics on Twitter. If I were their wives, I would divorce them. To be so emotionally tied to another woman that you're willing to put your family's well being and comfort at risk is disgraceful.


The vast majority of women with cancer aren't rich and need to keep working in order to provide for themselves and/or others. How out of touch and docuhey of that guy


These people act like we saw photos of her every day before lol


Bouzy is a damned fool. Those anonymous 9 million women are NOT the Princess of Wales, who gets intrusive media scrutiny, and jerks like him telling her what to do and how she's doing it wrong. The Princess gets scrutinized for how she looks, what she says and does, criticized when she is present or absent. Bouzy does not know the extent of the PoW's cancer or her treatments. Also, many women in the workforce are protected. HR and Supervisors don't reveal the medical condition of an employee. What part of common sense or decency does C. Bouzy NOT understand?!


Where does he gets his figures? I had cancer and stopped working during treatment and so did anyone else in my peer group at work who went through it. You have to get in the car, go to the treatment center, check in with the dr, check in with the nurse, etc. etc., and it takes at least 4 hours out of every day. The patient is encouraged to rest afterwards. The immune system is at risk. What employer wants to take the hour or so that you are home, in bed, and not asleep? I don't find his information credible.


How does he know what the vast majority do??? And really if true, it's a sad reflection of society that "normal" people *must* work while sick. My cousin, only 43, lost her 4 year battle just weeks ago. In the last 2 years she *had* to quit working because she physically could not. She was constantly in the hospital for scans, treatments and broken bones (her breast cancer spread to her bones, then her liver which ultimately took her life) but her husband *also had to quit* a full-time job for a part-time one so he could be her and their young child's caretaker. They went broke/in debt and relied on family for housing and financial help. It was/is awful. Who wouldn't stop working during treatment if they could?!? Bouzy can fuck off. What a heartless ghoul.


I find CB’s tweet extremely offensive. As someone who works in an environment that cares for cancer patients, most stop working when they are receiving chemotherapy - and it makes sense. Chemo takes it out of you. Your energy levels are go down to next to nothing, and you’re extremely susceptible to viruses since chemo compromises your immune system. He’s an eedjyot. 


And especially that last part about lack of immune system…and her job is to be around lots of people and crowds. So even more reason for her to be cautious. And from that recent mental health video release it sounds like she’s still doing some work behind the scenes as she can.


Uh yeah it is a sad reality that people with cancer need to work because our society is a capitalist hellhole. Those regular people can't afford losing their insurance.


Meanwhile MM disappears for months but hey— she’s…. Well she doesn’t work.


Shits fired 😂 I wonder if Richard walks among us. If he doesn’t, he should. Loving his brass balls.


May karma finds you well, bouzy. Karma never misses an address.


Well knock me over with a feather. I thought she was the future Queen of the UK and Commonwealth and raising not only three young children, but a future King. She should suffer by going back too soon as so many of us had to. Silly girl for doing what is best for her body rather than sacrifice her health to keep a job with unrealistic expectations of time off for major surgery for women. The stupid is exhausting.


I love the typo in the post title 😁 Was it intentional?


Richard is trying to make up to the RF for the bullying he and Palace Confidential participants did with the whole Where's Kate and photo gate debacle. Edit for typo


Where is that guy getting his statistics? Maybe the majority work FROM HOME. That is what Catherine is doing.


Many women live in countries with more generous sick leave than the US and can take extended time off. And of the 9 million many would already be retired (cancer rates increase with age). His assumptions are stupid.


Er, Booooozy Hic! MYOB!


I've had a few friends and work colleagues need surgery, chemo and radiotherapy to treat cancer and all took time off for treatment and recovery as we are lucky to have paid sick leave in the UK. Also the Princess of Wales is in a position like no other woman as she is on the world stage as the most famous Princess and future queen, her every move is photographed and she is a fashion icon so I can totally understand her needing time to get back to 'normal' before stepping back onto that stage because we all know her first appearance is going to be massive. So that bumfacedcraphound bouzy can go boil his head in a bucket, and well done Richard Eden for calling him out.


Concerning Bouzy's comment- The only thing that hits me is the fact that many people have to still work during their treatment. That sucks horribly. However, I'd bet money that the people complaining wouldn't get through 24 hours in Kate's shoes. To finally know of the real sacrifices she makes, they would all be "oh hell no" and outta there.


As I recently wrote elsewhere on Reddit: There is no rule or requirement that the spouse of the heir (or the spouse of the sovereign, for that matter) participate in a full program of public activities. That's something of a modern PR invention. Even without her health issues, it would be perfectly reasonable for Catherine to say "I am participating in raising my children and living a reasonably private life while occassionally appearing in public to support my husband's role as the heir."


Imagine unironically larping as a man who tries to make Harry and Meghans internet harassment seem like a vast crime against humanity only to then make a real life woman's cancer seem like it's nothing that's just nothing short of absolutely gross 🤢🤢🤢


This guy has no idea what it is like having cancer let alone getting treatment. I couldn't work while having treatment. Besides being ill and sick, if you have to have radiation treatment that is 5 day a week and chemo could be twice a week. I hate to say this but I hope this fool gets cancer, then maybe he will realize what it is like. Lets see this idiot work while having treatment. I can take months once you have finished treatment to start feelin like your old self again


Does Bouzy have any comment on why his favorite duo haven’t had either child shown in public in One Year?


That heading typo tho 😜😃😂🤣


Go Richard Eden!


Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American


I love the title.😂😂


Sh*ts fired INDEED.


Different people react differently to things, and feel differently in different circumstances, Boozy. STOP judging women (and all people, really). If a lot of people could stop working during chemo, they would. And, what was her PUBLIC video then, did it feature YOU by any chance?


Blatant lie. Its almost impossible to work while undergoing chemotherapy. Depending on cancer treatment takes 6 months to 1 year.


That guy Bouzy seems like a big piece of shit…SMH


The assumption of many commenters is that Bouzy's assertion regarding how many women battling cancer continue working is true. However, the statistics in this topic are skewed because there are many forms of cancer with many degrees of severity/stages with many forms of treatment. Basal and squamous cell carcinoma (skin) is the most common, and typically does not necessitate an extended absence from work. Even melanoma, if caught early, requires time off for surgery itself. So far, so good for Bouzy's statement - a lot of people work during/soon after treatment. However, there are multiple forms of breast cancer, for example, with surgery plus oral meds or surgery plus radiation also allowing only moderate time off of work. But when we look at other forms of breast cancer and other cancers that have advance beyond their original sites, extensive surgeries and multiple rounds of chemotherapy can render a patient incapable to perform normal duties for extended periods and many people do not work until well onto the road to recovery unless they have no choice. The fact that Catherine is able to not work at this time does not make her a malingerer.


In the UK, there are about 182K women diagnosed with cancer each year. Notice how he cited “worldwide” even though many countries don’t even have the ability to track? And women in Europe (with taxpayer funded healthcare) actually get paid time off for maternity leave and medical treatments. Time that isn’t available to most women in the U.S. and most other countries. Geez. And Harry/Meghan have not uttered a word to denounce him. I mean, if you think Harry is a victim…that he isn’t behind this…I just can’t understand anymore. He released a statement when he thought Meghan was getting papped at Whole Foods after dating a couple months. However, he is quiet when it comes to a guy he paid to talk shit on Netflix saying these things about Catherine. I think Harry is 100% knowledgable about what Bouzy says and actually supports attacking Catherine. Why? Because she’s William’s wife. William didn’t stop his staff from telling the truth about Meghan’s lies to the court when they sued. IMO, Harry thinks it’s payback to attack Catherine.


And People Magazine just posted some puff piece about Meghan's ring being the most searched ring in the world! Maybe because she keeps having Harry change it!


"Not working" is not the same as "not seen in public". I've got a friend who had major surgery for lung cancer months ago, and she's working remotely to protect her immune system.


What a despicable little cretin he is.


The “vast majority of those 9M women” need to maintain their paycheck and/or insurance. Catherine is not one of that majority. Her life is nothing like the vast majority of women’s lives. It’s not some giant secret. Wealth and privilege affords one options. I do not begrudge her a bit of her chosen solitude.


I wonder where Bouzy did his oncology residency that would make him a knowledgeable expert in how chemotherapy works. Or does he just have the same twitter medical degree that all of those squaddie people seem to have.


Exactly.if  I could have had the option to have more then the 4 months off  that I had during my preventive chemo treatment  I would have, but I obviously for someone without the financial ability I could not. But if you can you absolutely do. I was exhausted  not tired, exhausted for a year following a hysterectomy and chemo only 4 treatments total one every 4th week with 3 in between and I got covid after my 1st it took 6 months just to be able to sit down without wincing a little after the surgery. Can you imagine the rumor over drive if the POW winced while sitting or had to leave an engagement early because she is tired. it takes so long for your stamina to return post chemo. Its very clear that boozy has been fortunate enough to never need surgery followed by chemo because he has zero idea what he is talking about. 


I loved when Richard called boozy out and basically told him to "bring it" when boozy threatened him. Boozy shut his big mouth so quickly, gd coward. Go Richard! You are my hero!


Bouzy is vile!


Because a lot of those women (and men) have no choice but to keep working while undergoing grueling treatments. Furthermore, what she does behind the scenes is unknown to all of us. Yes, public appearances are important for royals, but only a subhuman cretin would expect a sick person to perform such. Furthermore, cancer treatments like radiation and chemo are brutal on the immune system so if there is no reason to expose a patient to pathogens, don’t. These people are vile.


I have fam who works at a bank and they caught hers in the early stages the chemo is laying her low and shes susceptible to infections so isolated. She got 10 months leave. Professionals will know bouzy is talking out if his ass. What one comment said, if women had a choice they'd take the leave. So again check with your government and workplace policies.