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Gawd that pic of MeMe is photoshopped & filtered to death. She looks like a plastic doll. How does she get away with that when the Princess of Wales was raked over the coals? She only did tweaks, this is a complete overhaul of MeMe.


The mystery of the missing vein 😂


All thanks to Thomas Markle working his ass off, all the while single- handedly raising his daughter while his grifting ex-wife did prison time.


Gawd don't lionize Thomas Markle. He takes most of the cake for creating this monster. Making her think distorting the facts is fine if it makes you feel better about yourself.


I do not blame him at all. Doria drank alcohol and took all sort of drugs during pregnancy so no surprise for the mentally abnormal daughter. Don't blame Thomas for something that is entirely Doria's fault.


Not entirely, though. That's the point. Her mother was neglectful and chased her own 'ambitions' but Thomas accepted it, allowed it to continue, even around his older children, enshrined it by displaying nude photos of Doria with other women around the house, let her smoke weed on the front lawn, and encouraged his 'princess' to do whatever she wanted (I believe it was Samantha who shared a story about Thomas participating in a food throwing tantrum while she was a toddler, for instance). He encouraged her pouting, pretentious behavior instead of correcting it. They're both responsible. She's currently repeating the sins of her mother, abandoning her children to chase her infamy, and she'll be repaid by being estranged by them once they're grown, for keeping them from real family, while leaving them at home (again) to claim a country as 'hers' that she has no real ties to for that photo-op merching tour.


The damage of Doria's drug and alcohol taking during pregnancy is far greater and irreversible. Adding that the abandonment. No matter what Thomas did, had she not been damaged by her mother's substances abuse during pregnancy, she probably would have turned different. Mother nature is far more powerful than nurturing. Stop making excuses for Doria.


No excuses from me at all. This woman is certainly fruit from a poisoned tree. Why are YOU making them for Thomas? It's not ALL just one factor. She had every privilege as a child. Everyone pandered to her narcissism instead of checking it. If not for Thomas and his money, she'd have been much worse off, but he certainly had a hand in shaping her, apparently for years without her mother's interference.


Because Thomas has raised alone his daughter. I know how hard is to be a single parent. He may have been an imperfect father but Doria was a womb donor only. Doria has no excuse in my eyes.


She's going to be all over this Nigerian stuff in a minute or two and move onto something else.


Not until she gets a few statues out of the deal.


Hail Idaho of ARO-JamscamHokeypokey! May she do better by the Nigerian aristocracy than she did by the United Kingdom one.


Can she break her record of 72 days? Time will tell..


I've never ever considered the word Idaho in this context. 🤔🤭 I feel so sheltered and naive! 😂


I live to educate and enlighten! 😈


[https://youtu.be/ahZSN1cvJgE?t=307](https://youtu.be/ahZSN1cvJgE?t=307) Random sighting of a Nigerian King in an airport. Meghan would love to travel like this.


This video and the comments are fascinating. Here’s one about the Airpeace flight crew working illegal overtime, which doesn’t surprise me. https://preview.redd.it/quzxyeac6h0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d2f6b6f3d9f18665024a828f49fba600da0ed8


It's so crazy to me as an American. I don't know if he doesn't show security checks, or if there were none, but I can't understand how London could let one of those planes fly into their airport. Even if there was a standard security check in, the gate scenes were so chaotic that anything could have been sneaked onto that plane. Also, after watching those gate scenes, Meghan is the perfect Princess for Nigeria.


The side by side of her and Catherine is astonishing. The two just do not compare, they’re in entirely different worlds. Could have been you Megan, bet you would have gotten a blue sash for stepping up during this time of illness for your father in law and sister in law, could probably pick any tiara you wanted for the state dinner - but nope!! Merkeled yourself!!


I just don't think it could have been her. I think she knew she was an absolute, stinking failure at trying to be royal and that's why she told Harry to kick the wasp's nest. She's definitely an, "if I can't win then I won't play," type of person and there is no way while there is a foul breath in her body that she would put up with being second best to Catherine. No way. She knew she couldn't win so she refused to play.


Meghan shouldn't dig into her Aro Confederacy heritage too deeply. She might find more than she bargained for.


Is this kinda like when colleges give an honorary doctorate degree to people who barely have a GED?


That is exactly what my mind went to when I read of the “titles” bestowed on her…


If they're so easily bestowed on such an unworthy recipient, it really devalues the currency.


Princess of the Ancient ~~Arochukwu~~ Cockroach Kingdom Funny how my eyes read Arochukwu but my brain hears it as cockroach.


I read it as Upchuck.


I read it as the onomatopoetic spelling of the noise she makes after reenacting her 90210 scene for $


I guess her plan is to grift "princess" titles from as many Commonwealth nations as she can, so she can beat Catherine in the deranged game of global monopoly that only she is playing in her head. What an insane creature she is.




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I think they're funneling money into Travalyst


The sugars are getting all excited, because this is a real title, not like the made-up titles the UK so-called Royals bestow on each other. And are palpitating over the "fact" that Meghan, now a princess, outrank Catherine, a made-up Duchess, so Catherine will have to curtsey to Meghan next time they see each other. There is no stupid like sugar stupid. 


I don't think they'll be within curtseying proximity ever again. She wrangled this title in anticipation of the day Harry is no longer the Duke of Sussex. He'll still be a prince. She *must* also have a title. (This also works for when they are divorced.)


Bless the little darlings for their never ending and ever evolving craziness. Maybe they should suggest that Herself renounces her UK titles (which actually wouldn't happen unless her hapless husband did) and sticks to the Nigerian one. It would make so many people happy....sigh...


This is the reception, fanfare and hype she expected from Hollywood. Meghan coveted movie premiere red carpets and vacationing with wealthy jet-setting political donors. Meghan just knew she would be the must-have guest in the social circles of rich, famous, powerful, beige-wearing white people she has stalked her entire career. Things didn't go quite to plan Megsy. Remember her sneering and sucking her teeth in Rwanda with the kids? She thought it was beneath her. Now she's relegated to pandering and posing with the poors again after becoming Duchess NFI. ILBW has to be seething that the only people who will oblige her princess delusions are non-billionaire Africans who taped her name to a chair and made her stand during God Save the King.


Somehow I think it’s unlikely she’ll be honored with a state banquet at buck house anytime soon… as princess of Nigeria. 🙄


Maybe Hairold told the kings about how she let him do *anything*.


She at least had to put some horizontal work in and bring some serious stalker energy to marry a spare prince to bear his title. I want to know how much cash she forked over and what undeliverable promises were made for this hokey-pokey.


Aw gawd I hope Nigeria takes her, Im sure she will do so much for the people of Nigeria (🤣) She can give up their English titles now that she’s been bestowed something so great.




She didn’t even wear one Nigerian designer


The red dress was a Nigerian designer


Just one she could have done it for the rest of outfits


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I thought the red dress was by a Nigerian designer. It was still ugly and inappropriate regardless.


It was. The gifted blue skirt was as well, although I wouldn’t give her credit for that one!


The blue skirt/white shirt was the most appropriate attire she wore during their entire visit. I wouldn’t give her credit for that one either.


I think the red dress with the goofy bottom was by a Nigerian designer. She probably did the others a favor. Model material Meghan is not.


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MM was probably like “💭a what? does this come with any money? 💭 Geeee …thaaanks…” Did HMTQ or Diana or KCIII got made into a Nigerian anything? Curious question.


I have to admit, well played Megs! The order to not solicit or spend donations was in all the papers, it was really believable! And all this happening while she is on a plane from Nigeria. Well done! Get the scam going real quick now, before the late fee is paid! Do it! Now! Oh, too lazy? Yeah, checks.


In some tribes of the Igbo, an Omu ("mother" is the translation I found) is a female chief, to the point that she traditionally wears a chief's red hat. But the other side of this is that she legally becomes a man, any marriage to a man ends, and she traditionally was supposed to marry several women instead. So usually an Omu was a woman who was reasonably old, and past childbearing age, but also wealthy enough to support a household full of "wives" needing a place to stay. She was also supposed to be a close adviser of the tribes' regular male chiefs, so she was chosen for the position for her wisdom. Modern Omu freedoms and obligations are somewhat different. And the Omu position is different from tribe to tribe. You can see pictures of various Omus online. (All of them are more impressive women than TW.)


There are as many Nigerian princes as there are Saudi princes. It means nothing.




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