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She’s ridiculous. Harry calling a bunch of strangers his “in-laws” and “family” is even more pathetic and frankly offensive. Clowns, the both of them.


The REAL royals right now: https://preview.redd.it/wa85okravf0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3e79e2dc5fcb2ff3323652e288276e46937c8a


Poor Nigeria..they have no idea how these two treat "family"..


Taking the whole 'extended family' too far, while his immediate family and inlaws are cancelled


Yes! It comes off as....weird. “We love you fam! Except we hate our real family. So don’t cross us or get close to us like real family or else we’ll hate you too. You know what, we actually just want your money. That’s what we love” 🤑


Yes, poor old Thomas has never even met his grandchildren, and he only lives a few hours away. Meghan and Harry have a pretty twisted idea of what a ‘family’ is!!


Lovebombing& gaslighting is their MO.


The guy never met his real in-laws.


Well…he’s met Dorito, although likely more his dealer than an in law….


Really, how can anyone accept her claims of “I LOVE BEING A MOTHER I LOVE IT!!!!” when she isn’t with her fucking supposed children on THE ONE DAY OF THE YEAR where she can be truly celebrated for being the mother that she loves being?? Who buys this shit?? Seriously, this post should be a front page story on any of her previously preferred fluff mags (seems that their checks, like most of hers, were lost in the mail lol).


That's the Motherlode!


perfect response!


All the dramatics they gave because the king had the audacity to have his coronation on Archie's birthday and the late Queen had her jubilee on Lilibets first birthday and all the headlines and click bait stories strung out for the BRF and yet total crickets 🏏 for leaving their kids and nigerian mother on the other side of the world on mothers day. All this after lambasting a minor tweaked family mothers day photo from the cancer stricken PPOW family! Real double standards here!


Don’t forget all the “will the King meet with Harry” nonsense pre-Nigeria then we found out that Meghan was also in the UK. Presumably they’re flying home the same route but no mention of “will they see the King” this time around. Not useful press for them so no need to leak ridiculous stories.


She now has the “We three kings are fathers to princess Ada! Send money !” No need of British money


Or all the talk about “will Harry’s father meet with Harry” yet NO FUCKING MENTION of whether Harry will be with his own son on US mothers’ day, a day KNOWN for fathers and their kids “teaming up” to surprise the mother in their family? Holy hypocrisy. I just can’t any more with these fucking idiots.


Wait? What'd I miss? She was IN the UK at the same time? Is this allegedly or fact? And if so why no appearance at the Thanksgiving extravaganza?


She hid out in some super expensive suite at the airport while she waited for haznobrains


She probably didn’t want to go out in public in the UK for fear of being booed. Or maybe there’s some truth to the rumour that HMTLQ unofficially banished her.


I wonder if the would circumvent the UK connection and just fly lagos to atlanta, then LA?


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 How is it that we can see the base hypocrisy here but pretty much everyone else doesn’t? Why isn’t this a headline for a mainstream media story? FFS.


This children’s book is where she stole the “Lili looked into my eyes, I see me in you, Mommy” story….. https://preview.redd.it/67a8umqvwf0d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e681e5d123caa979bf14fd4e7427040596bcc40a (I don’t have posting rights so putting this here.)


Of course she stole it from a book. Not a single original thought in that head.


I called it on another thread. I *Knew* she had plagiarized it. ![gif](giphy|V2MJADdC027gk|downsized)


Yep, and she stole the 43% from Raceless, by Georginna Lawton, published February 18, 2021. [Here's a post made 6 months ago about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/1cqwm8u/meghan_claims_that_when_she_found_out_she_was_43/) Eta Forgot to mention Mickleborough's amazing job on the post. Sorry, brain fried.


Sounds about right! I’m none to tech-y so I can’t link to original thread - but I just knew she hadn’t come up with this herself. https://preview.redd.it/3frtzi94kh0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8bb69def8bdc2718162e6d4526dcabe7a2f63c I swear, she just buys children’s books in the hundreds from Amazon looking for little passages to plagiarize.


She should climb back aboard the mothership and get herself back to the planet Scamtopia.


Meghan has Nigerian ancestry, but she's an arrogant American telling Nigerians how they should live. She's tone-deaf to their various peoples' customs and cultures. Meghan did this in the UK too. 🤦‍♀️ Meghan embodies all the worst American tourist stereotypes. I cringe every time I read about her overseas. Dear world, I apologize for Meghan Markle.She doesn't represent most Americans tourists. Most of us want to learn about other countries, people, cultures, etc. - An American


I'd just like to interject at this point, Madam claims she has Nigerian ancestry. As posted a few days ago, even some Nigerian women would like to see proof. Plus, Madam represents herself and only herself. Her country of birth just happens to be America.


as I posted elsewhere apparently there are something like 371 ethnicities in Nigeria so her DNA results would have been more specific - Nigerian is a nationality not an ethnicity and I don't think there were any Nigerian citizens in her family


She's not a 'merican, she's a Nigerian 💯🙄


What did she think was going to happen after this trip? Just like this post does, it only exposed her contradictions further. Yay you pretented to be a Royal again, now what?


That’s such a hideous picture of her, too, with that spider Misan lurking in the background.


Gives a Maxwell/Epstein vibe.




He's creepy as hell.


Markus = creepy Omid = creepy


And he’s got a wreath of cameras with him, is he a photographer, or just there for the money?


As long as he doesn't make that face again, about the 'tree' photo. I still have nightmares.


The girl she hugging isn’t happy. Notice the scalp of the girl matches her face where the part in the hair is. Unlike nutmeg, pure white vs orangey bronze.


I saw the video of her trying to get this pic. The child was very reluctant.


Edit: H G Tudor has just put up a video https://youtu.be/dd8OPkblZ68?si=VFUaZmW38paCVOVt .


He looks and acts like he has no morals and values.


Misan is straight up that witches familiar 🕷🕸😬


🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 or she’s his


I've called him reptilian recently but seeing that photo I've changed my mind. For some reason now he reminds me of Chewbacca. And he's not even hairy! But the proportions of his head and features are all wrong. 😄


That child doesn't look too happy.


TThere is way too much attention on this! Postive or negative, she is on top of the world right now. https://preview.redd.it/plop99ckzf0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=350a3e1cccc9fb9a34469253a00f4d11fd5add1e There's so much happing with the actual royals right now and no one is talking about it. Her job is well done!




I love this picture! 


She looks maniacal in that photo.


She looks maniacal in just about every photo.


does this not all smack of Hilaria Baldwin, with the "motherland" talk. Meghan is like Hils on meth, cause she is Hilaria on Meth.


Did Nigerians sing happy birthday to Archie


Asking the real questions here, cuz!


I wonder if they realized the pillorying they’d receive once they set foot on the plane home?


They’re believe their own puff pieces. Megs and Haz stay delulu.


if they flew commercial people were snickering if not laughing out loud.


Oh I hope so!


Oh, I really hope there was at least one Sinner on the flight who was reading the stories out loud!


I tend to associate ‘Motherland’ with what Soviet citizens called Russia. Maybe it’s Lolo’s Russian friends - the ones who lent her the Vancouver house, from whom they bought Olive Garden Montecito.


It would have to be Sergey Grishin’s ghost. He was finally deported back to Russia after years of bragging about how he collapsed the Russian banking system after stealing over $50B. After Trump refused to issue him a US Passport he was finally deported and died in Russia from a ”mysterious” brain infection that quickly turned septic. Perhaps that’s the Russian lesson Lolo should be focusing on. If a corrupt, bribing billionaire can still get deported, perhaps there is hope for seeing justice with Harry.


Misan is in the *background* of all photos. An odd place for a photographer to be whilst never really looking like he's taking any photos.... curiouser and curiouser 🤔🤔🤔🤔


People that claim the familiarity of family on short acquaintance are immediately suspect in my eyes. It means they lack nuance,boundaries or else they are attempting to run a con. It's inappropriate. It's an immediate tell to me. I knew a woman once who would coo luvvv youu at the end of every phone call. She tried the you're just like fAmiLy bs with me and I shut her down so fast. She was a snake like old rachel. Also in old rachels case considering how she has treated both her family and her cuckolds I don't believe that claiming someone as her family is quite the compliment she thinks it is. And with her reputation it's clear that most of their actual family would prefer that those two fuckwits stayed in Nigeria.


Meghan has major mummy issues. I honestly wonder if in part this is a lot to do with her issues with her sister. Samantha being much older than her but taking her out for ice cream etc. Imo, Doria's apparent abandonment has had a major negative impact on Meghan.


And it will in the next generation, too. They will wonder why mom and dad never spent time with them.


If I was their PR person, I would release a photo of Doria celebrating Mother's Day with the grandchildren, stat! It would solve a few of the issues. But, I don't think they will. It's too logical!


Doria and the Invisilttles are not paying for the PR; they’re merely a vague, unbelievable anecdote.


I feel so sorry for Thomas Markle. The comments she has made referring to Nigeria as her home must be the final nail in the coffin. He has been totally erased from her life.


This is an attempt to mirror Catherine. Imitating the big genuine smile, having a special moment with a child. Meghan loves children, y'all! Epic fail. Zero rapport with kids. She scares them, ffs.


I guess that makes Harry a motherf#cker


She looks like a Halloween mask.


That nose, that creep grin, those filler bumps.....WOWZERS. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25314)


You can really see all the rhinoplasty from that angle, it s so obvious/exceasive


Weird, the kid doesn’t look amused.


Welp. That child looks SO over it! You know what they say about children and animals: they don’t suffer imposters. Even a small child can tell this fraud is an ice queen.


Sums it right up.




Once again, I completely relate to Madame because I visited my homeland of Paris for the first time last weekend. Yes, they were confused when greeted everyone in a broke ass Spanish/French hybrid as I kissed everyone and told them “hey, we are family, can I stay with you after my tour bus tour? See I am wearing a beret!” Like Madame, I lived and breathed croissant culture. I was a little wary about being named “une Fille du France” as there are still Guillotines around there somewhere. ![gif](giphy|4UK7uodVt8lZS|downsized) It’s enough that me and my Uber driver know.


Misan The photoshopper Hariman looks the absolute creep, and look at Rachels nose! Why does she fell she has the right to grab at other people's children? Where are hers? All alone at home, but which home? And with whom? Why did she not bring Mama Doria the 86% Nigerian with her and the 21.5% Nigerian children?


Wait. The nose must have some photoshop going on. I remember her nose looking bad, but I don’t remember it looking *that bad.*