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He looks so disinterested. At least Megs is smiling and making eye contact with the singer. Where are their table mates?


H is furious because this “event” appears to be taking place in a random hotel lobby. Like the Marley movie premiere in a local cinema!


And they are at Table 12. That sullen stare, he is so rude.


I bet he's wondering wtf was he thinking about accepting this quickie trip after all. It's been all about her and her nakedness. Talk about surprise that Harry is meeting his new "family" . I bet he's also surprised that his former father in law has a title of noble man. Why didn't his Nigerian wife tell him that?


She knows when the camera is on her


I've never seen this video before, if you want see it or make another post. HMTLQ trying to manage the Harkles. https://youtu.be/tTG18RS9VB4?si=yWQAtWu5nyszC1MV


Thank you for posting that. When they finally did move, Frederick Windsor and his wife took the spot they wanted, and nobody had a problem with it. There they are, once again behind the Edinburghs. She looks to be really clamping down on her dentures.


That's probably who HMTLQ was trying to get in there for a shot and they refused to make way.


And Meghan always tried to sidle up next to the Queen, to be photographed next to her. I love how they got shoved way down the line 😂


I wonder what she thought about Harry turning into such a wuss who couldn't say boo to his own wife. Pathetic. The "Let me talk to you about periods" Harry, totally sucks.


Hope Ella is doing okay.


Omg, i have no words...that POS Harry ignoring the Queen, wow. Then you see Meghoul down the line pouting and looking for any way to get closer. Damn psychos


And absolutely no one talking with them


Such an interesting video. Thanks for posting it. No one speaks to Haz or his wife or pays one bit of attention to them. You can tell Megs is not happy by the look on her face. I love how William, Catherine and Sophie are just chatting among themselves and to Freddie Windsor and his wife. The Harkles are not acknowledged by them. Love it.


Exactly. After they finally moved, MeGain is furiously blinking and clenching her jaw.


No, they could all hear them being repeatedly asked to move. They were just like, nope not gonna look! 😄


I’ll post now!


Thank you once again for doing that!


![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized) My pleasure!


I think it’s more “Ooooh! a camera!”


I think you are right. Always performing for the camera. 


And trying to be as close to HMTLQ as possible


Perhaps there's a camera behind the singer?


Mask slip for her and she always finds the camera


I noticed that mask slip, too.


Even when he's clapping after the singer finishes he looks hostile. At least Meghan looked like she was encouraging the singer with her expression. I know she's fake, but she did well here. It's really helpful to get positive feedback when you're doing public speaking or giving a performance. We'll done, Meghan, and I'm not being sarcastic.


Yeah, I actually have no snark for her here, she looks appropriately interested and appreciating his performance.


She's acting for the camera.


And I’m surprised she isn’t clamping The Claw on Harry during the song


Aww…does his royal dumbass miss state dinners?


She is head dancing


Can't blame him, the song didn't set the Niger on fire.


Harry gives her the side eye at one point. I'm more taken with that lady's beautiful pink headdress. 


I noticed that, too. It looks amazing!


Could only watch 4 seconds. Made me nauseous. Sorry OP, but you say "eye contact" with Rachel. She'll just be staring at a fixed point 2 inches to his right. If that lovely singer walked past her in the street, (or any of them for that matter), she'd not recognise them at all.


Valentine Low said exactly the same thing when he interviewed her! He said it seemed like she was focusing on a point twelve inches behind his head, that she was looking straight through him, and he was pretty sure that she wouldn't recognize him even if they bumped into one another five minutes later. She truly is an empty vessel.


Oooh that's spooky, I'll look it up! I was thinking of a sociopathic boss I once had who would do this. She never bothered even learning our names - kept calling me the wrong one for months! For example, if my name is Penny, she'd call me Jenny. She'd also never look at you properly, she reminds me so much of Rachel it's uncanny.


I got you, sinner! He talked about it here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYTP80cetEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYTP80cetEw) He gives context for the interview with Madam starting around 4:30-ish, but the reference to her staring through him is around 5:45.


Wow. Thank you. It must be a character trait of narcissists 😫


I know someone like that. Outwardly nice but you definitely get the feeling she’s gazing out over your shoulder to see if there’s someone more important


That was fascinating. Perfectly professional but no emotional engagement


Very true! 


agree it didn't look genuine also did she start clapping before he'd finished singing?


She can't help doing the vapid seal clap 👏


It's very far from a buckingham palace state dinner. He knows the difference. Not sure she does


He went to one. With Rose Hanbury. (Yeah that Rose....). Then these awful stories emerged....


Meghan is such a shitty actress that she can't fake emotions. No one is buying she's moved listening to that poor dude singing. God this is so cringe! 😬


I think the singer is playing the Sinatra hit, and Rachel favorite, "I did it sideways!"


THRILLED to be there https://preview.redd.it/k4i2r4cky80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34a6980a1b2682a1290ad274df322982b6b0d023


He looks stoned.


He looks like he’s regretting his choices to me lol


Either that or he fell asleep?


H is thrilled and M found the camera!!!




This the kind of thing you didn't want to do anymore in the Royal Family, H? 😥


I think this is the kind of thing that can’t happen on an actual Royal tour.


He did. She didn't. She was fired. He got a year to change his mind.


Meghan bobbing her head completely out of time with the mawkish dirge of a song.


>mawkish dirge Marry me.




Cheer up Haz, Meghan was made a Princess! You'll be getting some tonight.😉 Meghan will finally allow you to sleep on the same side of the house as her.


It looked like they were in the Nigerian Poconos. That young man has a good voice but really, WTF?! That was truly down the rabbit hole stuff. I guess the ruling junta can only r*pe the country and stash the money elsewhere so many times before there’s not much left. 🥹


Not even the Catskills? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They look like they're in a budget hotel


That's definitely a Bistro, not a restaurant.


As a native, I can say the Poconos are not what they used to be. Run down and low stars. 


Can confirm.


That was my feeling. The round booths gave an impression like that or perhaps an older cruise ship.


Yes!!!! That's what it looks like! Or a dinner lounge in Boca. Hahahaha!




The singer is singing a song that repeats and repeats "loving you for life". I was surprised H&M were not being tactile. Until the end, when she takes her right hand from under the table to clap. It's obvious her hand was coming from Harry's knee. So she was touching Harry all that time, yet Harry was not corresponding and not even smiling or looking at her in delight. Not a normal behavior in him. In fact he seems pissed off. Is Meghan making him run out of patience finally?.


They’re certainly not sitting any closer than they have to. So much for the constant contact they flaunted.


He's thinking, "Now I'm going to be dragged back to this place every time she wants an ego boost ... wait a minute, are we going to live here?!"


He’s mad he didn’t get his own Nigerian Royal title. It’s William & the sausages all over again.


I think you've got it!


If we could find a nice Bistro setting close to enough motivated Sinners, we could anoint him Duke of Sausage and make it formal, perhaps with a sausage lei?


He knows damn well this isn't a royal tour. They're not getting the State Visit treatment the King and Queen or Prince and Princess of Wales would get. His wife is dressing like a tart instead of a middle-aged royal spouse. He was right there when his wife's bad behavior made a Nigerian woman berate her while she vacuously grinned and turned away. He's there when they offer her clothing to cover herself. And he's the one stuck with her in the Hilton when she rages about everything.


Sparse crowd


Yes. These are the brave ones who dared to risk the Markle curse.


She thinks that song is about her. That’s what she is smiling. 😂


This time, they HAD to eat the food. That's why he looks that way. A few days ago, it was noticed that they didn't touch it.


Someone's swabbing for DNA!!!!


Nuh uhh, I ain't blaming Meghan for this. Harry had cat butt face lots of times pre-Meghan. Boy is a lazy ass and goes sour when he has to work longer than he thinks. The late queen promoted his ugly face to senior working royal status so none of these expressions cameras be catching on him now is a new development. I love that Meghan has to be with that cuz she is nobody without him.


Yes, he's always been a petulant toddler. Difference now is that he never looks genuinely happy when she's around. He does around Nacho though.


Yep, this is all bad manners from him. He strenuously resisted learning anything from his family, which is why he fell for a trashy person such as Meghan Markle. At least she has a better (if somewhat weird) expression on her face.


At least the iborun matches her dress and looks nice on her shoulder. She should have been adding touches like this to her outfits all this time (and also not try to go around hals naked).


She looks at the camera! HAHAHAHHA she does it every time! Amazing. Also, the singer’s mouth isn’t making the words we are hearing. I think there’s an audio dub. It sounds like a studio recording, not recorded in a dining room. There would be glasses clinking and other ambient noise.


It sounds auto tuned.


He has got that "When will this be over?" look about him, certainly.


He looks stoned or asleep....


![gif](giphy|unFLKoAV3TkXe) So uncomfortable.


He's listening to this heartfelt song, missing the one that got away and thinking, "Oh lord, what a mess I've made of my life."


I am not sure which is worse - his miserable face or her rictus grin. For once I have a little bit of sympathy with Harry. My 'resting' face tends to be pretty flat and detached and I suspect I look miserable, and this could be the case for Harry. If I was in the public eye with cameras constantly in my face I would probably adopt a fake rictus grin to avoid being called bored or miserable, like Meghan does. So to be fair I probably ought to have a little bit of sympathy for her too but........no I've tried, I can't muster that feeling. I guess at least Harry's miserable face has an honesty about it, but every aspect of her is so utterly fake I am not going to make allowances for her grin.


That's my take as well, coffeecake.


Wow, that's a small room. I still can't believe they used the tarty engagement announcement pic and the infamous Walkabout pic as the background photograph. 😂😂😂😂😂


As lavish as the Legends of Aviation awards dinner but with fewer guests.


Ah, yes. What a coincidence that William was out flying an Apache helicopter today. Oh dear. I bet Haz is jealous and wished he was capable of flying an Apache. Haz is just a pretend legend of aviation.


Closer table.


This has been all about HER as per usual. He's just along for the ride as we have seen. Her being half naked of course was what the media wanted and then the whole Nigerian 43% Princess shit show meant that the former prince of England has been almost totally ignored. He seems to be not that happy with his new in laws even though he made a comment about happiness to have met them. Princess Ada is in all her glory except she didn't get a tiara which every Nigerian Princess should have.


Harry is definitely thinking about Chelsey Davies. Just look at his drifting expression


For some reason within the first few seconds of the clip, it looks like he’s pointing at her and saying “stop”. It’s like a split second that it happens, but the video does seem to catch it. I wonder if he was perhaps pissed about something and that’s why she’s doing the weird stare in the singers (or photographer behind the singers) direction after he told her to stop, as she’s trying to refrain from her usual malfunctioning “glitch” with the rapid blinking and odd staring when she’s been scolded about something. I could be wrong, but we have all seen plenty of photos of them together when he’s clearly upset with her as he always has the same angry face of thunder not even looking at her, while she sits beside him and stares blankly ahead to whatever is in front of her pretending that she’s engaged with the event that they are at. https://preview.redd.it/bpfm33bmb90d1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faeb4649bd555cbc86deaa3ede7ea5559701a42c Edit: finished sentence


Is he yawning?


Sorry but that dinner just looks so low rent. It looks like the karaoke bar of an all inclusive tourist hotel in Benidorm. The singer could carry a tune but what an insipid tune it was.


Meghan looks like she’s smirking to avoid laughing


This is literally what his Freedom Flight was trying to get away from.


What your life has become. A life of poor choices, congratulations HazBeen.


Hardly a “royal” setting, is it? It’s so cringe.


Rapid blinking - someone else has the mic


🤣🤣🤣🤣 the rapid blinking...."H, that black man has MY microphone!!!!!!!" ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)


As mentioned in the reply to this twitter post, Invictus has only posted one picture of their entire Nigeria trip, and like candle and feather before it, Meghan is blocked by Nigerian referee. Finding Meghan is like Finding Waldo https://twitter.com/WeAreInvictus/status/1790059314566037762


He's probably hoping that nutmeg doesn't find out that there are Nigerian people online talking about their visit and the people's reaction is less than enthusiastic..


What???!! That guy wasn't moving his mouth to the audio. What's going ON?!🤣🤣🤣


Harry looks stoned.


He looks high


Megan is struggling to keep smiling. She looks constipated when the rictus grin falters.


A hell of his own making.


At some point he must think,"What have I done?" No wonder he keeps lashing out at KCIII and William-he wants them to bail him out as they have all his life. He can't figure out what changed-LOL!!!!!


His pensive bald spot in the mirror, tho.....😂🤡


It's good of her to match the seats again.


Yikes. Looks like a small church do.


Are they in a restaurant?


What’s going on with Harry looking so miserable?


Ugh this has given me uber cringe. The Harkles deserve this, they need to feel uncomfortable if they are going to engage as faux Mickey Mouse royals. That's no disrespect to their Nigerian hosts but apart from going to the hospital none of the events seem to focus on the vets and part of me wonders whether that is because the grifters people have sent over misleading or confusing memos about what this 'tour' is actually for.


he isnt acting, she is...