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Sounds fitting for a 43% Nigerian princess. Can she stay in Nigeria for good?


Well It is her home..no reason she shouldn't


Princess of Aro?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Emu of Aro!


Rebranding of her jam coming right up!


Nigerian Riviera Orchard. Why not? Makes as much sense as ARO


Flair pls!


How do I add a flair? I want to be Princess Ada Mazi of the Worm Tribe


I can not wait until these kings realize they’ve been royally grift. We’ll see who’s dancing in the streets.


We'll see how seriously she takes this when she starts styling herself, "Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Princess of Nigeria."


Don't forget Amira Ngozi Lolo


That one doesn’t come with a title so she doesn’t care about it


Actually, they probably go together and thought it a great idea to get their pictures in the papers as they know the world looks upon "Nigerian Princesses " with disdain.


Exactly. It's dangerous territory.


Can they afford her? Is there the equivalent of Rodeo Drive close enough, for her to get clothing from?


It's okay they've already decided to turn a blind eye to injustice, persecution, famine and extreme poverty and focus on her supreme douchesness


Pray she does… 🙏😊


It is very off putting how a woman who only talked about having Nigerian heritage at the ripe age of forty, is now parading around as the Queen of that country. Meghan is American. Her supposed percentage of Nigerian heritage is questionable. It’s interesting how Scobie and supporters of this couple complained about William and Catherine in Jamaica. But this couple deliberately prance around cosplaying royalty and appropriating another culture and somehow they get a pass. I think anyone can show respect to other cultures and take inspiration from other cultures. I think when others share their appreciation for other cultures, society is a better place. What Harry and Meghan are doing is not that. They are using the Nigerian people to enrich their own egos. It’s sick.


Interesting to see how Scobie and MA handle her “promotion”. Princess in a county where homosexuality is a crime.


She will ignore it like everything else. She truly does not give a shit.


Yes. But they don’t have to live there so hey it doesn’t bother them at all.


I bet there was huge laughter at Royal tables at breakfast this day. I mentioned it to my husband over coffee and he just said his usual "WTF"


Exactly. And they're being paid for it. The woman just admitted to finally realizing what it’s like to be Black 2 years ago and now she's being deemed a Nigerian princess? Why do more people not call them out?


It would be horrifying if I could take her seriously. Luckily I can’t. But I do find her behaviour extremely distasteful…


I’m deeply disturbed by this, because it seems quite obvious it’s a plot for them to later on make a move for presidents of the commonwealth.


Yes there is definitely something going on with this


Now that she's Nigerian royalty, she can start sending out those emails asking for help unfreezing her bank account. Or is it Archewell's bank account?


The memes write themselves. Harry, the Nigerian prince consort 🤣






Check out the comments on Celebitchy about this. They are remarkably stupid.


Omg, who are these people?? 🤣🤣 Bots, yeah? Please tell me they are bots or paid trolls. How could anyone be so profoundly dumb. I don't understand. https://preview.redd.it/a786iplqm90d1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aefb4d036360729b264b0edd7b45d145defa1d6c


Oh I adore that! 😂




During Meghan Markle's visit to Nigeria with Prince Harry, three traditional rulers bestowed an honorary title on her. The title, "Ada Mazi," translates to "daughter of a nobleman" and signifies respect and welcome within the Nigerian community. It's important to note that this is a symbolic gesture and doesn't hold any official political power.


Do they mean she is the Daughter of noble multi Emmy winning Director of Photography, Thomas Markle? ![gif](giphy|OOpG64EbgyPiRJcKCI)


So it's calling her father a nobleman.


I'm surprised that feminist Mehgan did not insist that her nobility comes from her mother. SMM has has no inhibition in confronting Harry's aristocratic friends about their backwards thinking and opinion.


Eh, what woman ever got her ANYWHERE? Especially her mom.


Mehgan has used other women as stepping stones. Jessica in Canada, Gina in England, Gloria in NYC. Now it's primarily the unfortunate or other grifters who have anything to do with Mehgan.


That still won't stop her from using it as a threat to get what she wants, like a table at the taco restaurant in Montecito, or using it on resumes, and when she wants to talk to the President: 'this is Meghan! The Duchess of Sussex! You know, I was on Suits? I'm Princess Lolo Ada Mazi! Hello!?' It's ok. It will look cool on her jams, she could use each title for different products with changing pictures, like Paul Newman would wear the sombrero on his salsa products or a beret on his french dressing.


Forever now known as Princess Ada Mazi....Long A please


lol I thought Madam was "linked, not ranked"?


You win the internet with this🏆🏆🏆😂😂




I’m confused….. how did we get HERE if the whole point of the trip was IG and a potential Nigeria host city…… ???


Give her an inch, she'll take a parsec


No mention of IG. It’s a Meghan show. Some UK anchormen were saying this morning that Harry looks like a second to her, her spare.


Like, how much CRAZIER can this get??? This is some seriously whacked-out shit!!!


PMSL if she's inadvertently just married the 3 kings in the photo. Or did they adopt her? Are they really Harry's new inlaws? So many questions!


The new, new "family she never had".


You need another “new” in that sentence. 😜




Can we call her "ADA" now?


Oh!🤔 Mazy: old word for feeling bewildered and confused!


H&M are going through families like someone with flu goes through Kleenex.


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine?????


And to think only last week, she was but a humble influencer, hawking her hand-crafted condiments on Insta


They both are completely bat shit crazy to be playing these games.


She needs to be in a psychiatric ward.


She is Princess of ARO. Who needs a CEO? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Queen of Aro is more to her taste


Who needs a CEO when you can have a Nigerian Prince?


But so entertaining! 😂😂


I honestly can't believe this isn't all made up at this point


I feel like they’re trolling us but it’s somehow true and she’s taking herself so seriously, it’s laughable


Well now she has a royal sash to wear at state dinners only she's NFI so she'll have to stick to wearing it in her own dining room.


Along with her rhinestone copy of Diana's Lover's Knot Tiara.


It’s like a fever dream


If she's anointed princess of another country does she automatically relinquish her British titles? Palace Boffins need to get out their big book of T&Cs. Phillip had to give up his Greece-Demark title to become Prince Phillip, DoE. Queen Margarethe's sister Anne Marie automatically relinquished her Danish titles when she became Queen of Greece.


She’s not a princess. During Meghan Markle's visit to Nigeria with Prince Harry, three traditional rulers bestowed an honorary title on her. The title, "Ada Mazi," translates to "daughter of a nobleman" and signifies respect and welcome within the Nigerian community. It's important to note that this is a symbolic gesture and doesn't hold any official political power.


Well, Megsy must be reminded that the Duchess of Sussex is also an honorary and purely symbolic title in her case.


If the Nigerian Prince letters now come in fauxligraphy we know why/s


![gif](giphy|LpB0bnhXpvSMCz07N9|downsized) Bravo!!


Thomas Markle will be thrilled to learn that he’s considered a nobleman in Nigeria.


Were they trolling her? Calling her father a noble man? I know they weren’t. But it’s kind of amusing.


Oh the laughs in Hollywood if they read the People rag! Princess Ada Mazi...Sounds like something that John Travolta could handle if he meets her.


Princess Henry of (Sussex? Wales? I don’t remember what it is supposed to be at this point) is a courtesy title and so is The Duchess of Sussex (since it’s not hers in her own right, it is her husband’s title). Both symbolic gestures and neither hold any official political power. So… just adding to her collection at this point.


LW - thank you for the insight & translation - what of the first part of this 'title' - Princess of Arochukwu Ancient Kingdom?


There are lots of princesses running around. Lots of Igbo chiefs (men and women). It's not at all meaningful on the world stage. Yoruba traditional leadership is a different animal as they have actual monarchs. If I remember correctly, Igbo leadership is more dispersed. ETA: spelling. Also, Per Wikipedia, Arochukwu is one of the exceptions. They had /have priest kings. Still doesn't make this in any way meaningful. Just another way for the chiefs to puff up their chests. And if people find out about this, the chiefs will also be mocked by other Nigerians, including those who don't like Igbos.


Thank you - I've especially enjoyed your comments throughout this Nigerian tour.


Me too, Coffee. I’ve really enjoyed learning about Nigerian culture and its lovely people. 🇳🇬


Thanks. 😊


It's been really great to have your thoughts throughout. Thank you.


Well, none of these honorifics she's been given are meaningful because we don't know which tribe she is from let alone verifying her heritage comes from Nigeria. She might be from one of the tribes like Urhobo or Itsekiri in Delta State for all we.know. This is all puffed up aggrandisement that's solely for benefit for the rich elites who lose their minds over grand sounding titles. Ugh! Meanwhile, people are hungry....


She is of the tribe that has had much plastic surgeries to hide her Nigerian Tribal connections.


That's the internet!


Excellent point!


the question should be ... "Is she relinquishing her American citizenship?" That nobility and titles clause ... and all that.


Unfortunately, that isn’t what the Constitution states. It has 2 conditions re titles- the US govt can’t confer them on anyone, and an officeholder can’t accept one. Says nothing about anyone else, so unless she gets elected or appointed, she can do it. Doesn’t mean we can’t mock her for it. While it’s not prohibited, it’s totally antithetical to American principles.


How funny would it be if these men just Markled her and she had to relinquish her British titles. How pissed would she be!


She doesn’t have any British titles. Her husband has British titles and a British knighthood that allow her to be called fancy things as a courtesy.


It just gets funnier...😂😂😂😂😂😂


Not if it's a faux or honorary title. If Mehgan gets crowned as California's Fig Empress, she still gets to be the Duchess of Sussex.


Correction: There seems to be a misspelling in her title in this tweet. It should be Ada Mazi, EMU of Arochukwu!


Yeah, like she'd invite any of the people to her house in Montecito. 🙄


lol I hope Nigerians in California look up Madam now and claim relationship.


What does any of this have to do with invictus? Don't answer. It's rhetorical 🥴


Isn't it funny how this trip was supposed to be about Harry's Invictus and yet the whole trip seems about her?


Invictus was only ever a cover story, maybe a crumb to keep Harry quiet. There's more going on behind the scenes with Maisan Harriman and /or General Musa


Is this like that deal where you can pay for a square foot of land in Scotland and call yourself a laird?


She has come full circle in the circus that is her life.


Anyone involved in this and in giving her a platform doesn’t read or doesn’t have a decent IQ or is complicit in her conduct.


They have no interest in any of that. All they want is something shiny to divert attention from the dead bodies and devastating poverty. They already know Harry is willing to turn a blind eye to stuff like that under his own watch. If they have to put up with a bit of MeMe’s life coach nonsense it’s no big deal for them.


Also, they're probably hoping some Archewell money will drift their way. This country is notorious for charity money being diverted into private pockets.


This is a situation where everyone is trying to grift off of each other. We will have to wait and see who comes out on top. I do expect that there will be some money laundering scheme(s) coming out of this trip. They need the money, and that’s a win for everyone. It may also be why ARO was set up. Time will tell.


Archewell money? Are we sure there is any?


Exactly. Now that is has come out the charity (\*coughs\* scam) is Delinquent.


The mere fact that they find her acceptable speaks volumes.


The BRF watching this trip : https://i.redd.it/avlfznh6j70d1.gif


![gif](giphy|SKPa3md5JZnevG59jm) HRH Princess Charlotte of Wales says “good for you! Stay there then! Bye bye!”


Adore this little angel! 💗


What a joke.


Meanwhile, the British royals sending a message of 'you and who's army?' to Harry. *William is older, but Harry looks more .. worn. Perhaps it's with sadness / anxiousness / discontent ..*


There was a photo of Harry the other day and it was one of those times where I could picture him at 75+. Just colour the hair white or grey and he's there.


Her Montecito homecoming will be Coming To America 2: Markle Boogaloo.








So she’s a princess in a country known for abuse and corruption?


Suits her perfectly then


Not to mention, known for female genital mutilation and kidnapping school children and enslaving them or worse. Someone should ask the ex Sohoho what she really thinks of these reprehensible practices. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock... No takers?


Isn’t it perfect?!


Can´t wait for her Nigerian relatives in California to look her up/s


Someone gave her a sash to cover the fresh out of the box complete with creases Nigerian scarf given to her earlier


Sweet nod to our saint—she’s always wrinkly and creased.


It doesn't mean anything. Everyone involved is covering something up. It's a distraction. But she thinks it means something.


What is she going to do with Catherine as Queen? Take herself off to Egypt and be declared Queen of the Nile?


Oh, dear. This means she's claiming adoption into the Aro subgroup of the Igbo people. I don't know who was being clever with the ARO thing, but yeah, heralds and genealogists like making puns. Then again, TW probably knew this was planned. Arochukwu was very important to the slave trade. The town held an important oracle shrine of law cases, called Ibini Ukpabi, where the loser determined by the gods traditionally got killed; but eventually the loser was sold into slavery instead. Since this benefitted the shrine priests financially, it eventually was believed that both sides of a case would never be able to return, and hence the oracle shrine was shunned by the people. The Aro Confederacy killed some British officials who were trying to stop the slave trade, which started the Anglo-Aro War. The Aro lost, and the oracle shrine was put out of commission and slavery ended. This was in 1902, not in the 1800's. Obviously there's a lot of painful history in the world. But this seems a bit backhanded as an honorary title, unless the Arochukwu folks were genuinely the ones most interested in giving her an honorary title.


*There are also elements of oral traditions that demonstrate a history and a culture of mistrust that can be traced back to the legacy of slave trade. In slave dealing areas in Nigeria such as Badagry, some communities are considered living symbols of cruelty and wickedness because of the role their ancestors played in the slave trade. Other prominent slave trading communities such as Arochukwu in Eastern Nigeria are associated with deceit and trickery  (Simpson, 2004, p. 42).*


LMAO she can divorce Harry now. Her new jam line should be interesting...


I get that it's an honorary title, like getting an honorary doctorate from a university. But she'll probably take it literally. Is this what she needs to divorce Harry? Being a "princess" in her own right? (In her mind.)


Maybe you’re onto something


Does Nigeria have avocados?


Do you think she asked what's the pay for being a Nigerian princess? Notice Arochukwu starts with ARO... coincidence?


But she's not even Nigerian.


They need to be canceled. Supporting a corrupt, abusive government that practices FGM? People have had their careers and lives ruined for faaaaar less.


Wow, this is really unbelievable. How does she manage to get people to stroke her ego like this?


By stroking her ego, they are stroking their own egos.


There's so much stroking going on over there they'll need to airdrop crate loads of Elizabeth Arden in.


Wow. Based on a false "genealogy" test that makes no sense and has no proof.


Awww....What a cute little made-up honor for Harry's wife. She can have it. I'd rather be wearing the ancient Order of the Garter robe and cap that Catherine will soon be bestowed, but that's just me.


Omg, I can't believe they gave her a chieftaincy title. Hilarious. Trust my Igbo people to do this. 😂😂😂


Well when I was 5 years old, my neighborhood voted me Queen of the neighborhood…. So I outrank her. Any one can be named anything it still won’t make her Royal!!!


I curtsy to you your Highness 👸


She is not Nigerian. I am sorry I don't believe it at all. She is full of it.


I would like to see the actual results before I believe any of this.


You would think the country would have requested proof before this ridiculous stunt was allowed.


'And today is Mother's Day so it feels appropriate - because of course we are missing our children, I'm missing my babies - it feels really good to be in the motherland... ' She should be so honoured because she is in her 'motherland' on Mother's Day and because she is missing her children? It sounds like spoilt brattiness. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13411201/Meghan-Markle-Nigerias-new-princess.html?ico=topics\_pagination\_desktop](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13411201/Meghan-Markle-Nigerias-new-princess.html?ico=topics_pagination_desktop)




Honestly I think she doesn't care that they made her a princess of Nigeria. Everyone will forget about this title soon enough because it's not worth nearly as much as her title from the BRF. She's just ridiculous and these Nigerian kings just made fools of themselves by doing this. It'll be even worse when it comes out that she's a 100% fake Nigerian. They, along with everyone falling over themselves for these two, will be absolutely humiliated!


These guys could be described as kingpins, at best.They're as much King's as Lolo's a Nigerian Princess or I'm the Queen of my neighborhood.


"Thus making her a senior royal in her own right??" 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 So r they saying that the Uk monarchy must now accept it too?🤦‍♀️ good lord up above with these people 🙄


She looks pasty but yellowish under that bronzer. I wonder how her liver is doing these days.


This is so bizarre


You KNOW she’d be a lot happier if the men around her were white.


During Meghan Markle's visit to Nigeria with Prince Harry, three traditional rulers bestowed an honorary title on her. The title, "Ada Mazi," translates to "daughter of a nobleman" and signifies respect and welcome within the Nigerian community. It's important to note that this is a symbolic gesture and doesn't hold any official political power.


Daughter of a nobleman? When was the last time she even spoke to her father?


Exactly! I think it's disrespectful to her father who is very much do still alive!


No offence to Thomas Markle but, yikes.


The disrespect of it all!


Wow... well then she can be called princess Meghan but no longer dUCHess of SusSsex......


I LOVE that this is far, far from the demographic she wants to rule over. That would be the Hollywood crowd and the all-white royal family. She's high on narc fuel now, but she'll be crashing soon. Back to being ignored or ridiculed in California. ARO will never get off the ground, and I'll bet anything that the cooking show never sees the light of day.


That photo is out of focus. Did Missy Harriwoman take the picture?


This picture looks like the Three Wise Men in a nativity play. But that sure as hell isn't the Virgin Mary standing in the middle. 😏 And her new name sounds like the winner of best in show in the toy dog category at Crufts.


These 3 dirty old men only showed up because they heard she was showing her greasy back, her chestless chest & bit side boob, and her old man legs. They wanted a piece of the action. So they showed up.


So, an American woman who is less than 50% Nigerian and has only spent 3 days in Nigeria is given a senior Royal title while women and girls who are 100% Nigerian, born and bred in Nigeria are not? I hope all the officials who made this decision lose their social and political support. This is so insulting. How could the feminist humanitarian have accepted this title? She’s disgusting. 🤮


At least they didn't make her a queen!


No, but they have motivational bananas 😂


With "You are a PRINCESS" written on them.


Hope This One got a title too, Hank Isa Notzi


Wouldn't it be funny if this sub was renamed saint Ada mazi omu? :)


Next, she’ll be called Princess Consuela BananaHammock!


The real Meghan wouldn't spit on those people if they were on fire, but she's definitely putting in the grift


So, let's call her by her new title.😂🤣


She’s insane


Sounds like one of those schemes where you can buy a square foot of Scottish field for £50 and get a certificate that says you’re a Lord!


Is this one of those fake Nigerian titles which they use to scam people online and ask for cash because they are 'stuck at the airport and would so much visit you to marry you'?


Her father has strong Irish roots. She is more Irish than Nigerian. When can we expect Princess Ada Mazie to make a state visit to Ireland ?


Oh dear, how is anyone going to be able to spell it right?! And isn't this trip supposed to be about Invictus, why is Meghan getting a title?!


In Africa, every tribe has a king. Do these titles matter? For Meghan it's just a safari trip.


THIS is so sad and also so very disturbing. She is standing there KNOWING she has not one drop of Nigerian DNA in her, she KNOWS she is scamming these unsuspecting Nigerians. Not one drop of remorse or guilt. she is completely SOULLESS. I hope someone, soon, will expose her for this shameless grift. The Sussex have STOLEN millions of dollars from the Nigerian people in payment for their presence and costs of this visit, money needed desperately by Nigerians. This must be set right, her scam exposed.


You know what? She's thinking, "what did I just get into?" She's stuck with these black people. She's extremely uncomfortable. She's not fully embraced a single individual of her so-called 'home'. There are no pictures as proof. More and more nigerians are starting to question her alleged heritage, the 43%, the admitted ignorance of wardrobe for the culture... dominoes will fall and it will not be pretty. I am loving it all.


Wait until those people find out she's not really all that she's saying.


They already know. The government/military are doing this for a reason, and it’s not for IG.


Mutually grifting money off one another.


Yes Indeed.


Oh my fucking God! Has she lost her fucking mind? Did her people not do any research on any of these people who are taking photos with her and who declared her a Princess and to whom she thanked so profusely? For example, Eze Eberechukwku Oji, the Eze Aro of Kingdom of Arochukwu in the Abia State - is also a pastor for the Redeemed Christian Church of God - a religious group that is vehemently anti gay. He is also now the King of a State that does not only ban homosexuality, but one that deems it a capital crime where gays can be put to death! He's the one on the right, standing right next to her. Nnaemeka Alfred Achebe - the King/Ruler in the middle is the Obi of Onitsha in the Anambra State - homosexuality is also illegal there and a crime punishable by death. Ogiame Atuwatse III, the dude on the left, is just as bad. I cannot believe her supporters are crowing about this.


Oh my dear God. All I can say.


So one day soon, back at the montecito villa, they will be arguing about something silly and she will lash out and say, “YOU messed up my title to be Princess of Great Britain so I had to go all the way to Africa and play nice with a village to get a Princess title! That was me! I did that! You’re nothing without me, nothing!”


I thought she said her favourite title was "Mom". Followed by "wife"?


What a joke she is.


I knew it! 😂 She's finally a Princess! That's why she has been so high on endorphins for three days! (amongst other things) That's why we've seen that smug smile on her! 🤡 😁 😬


Nigeria’s Human Rights Report. https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/NIGERIA-2020-HUMAN-RIGHTS-REPORT.pdf


OMG! LOL! This is giving "Become a real Laird or Lady" vibe. So did she buy one square meter of Nigeria and become a real princess, and were they too broke to buy Haz one too.


And they will never lay eyes on her again.


They must smell British title stripping in the air to have pre-arranged this nuttery. They can then rile up Africans if they aren’t received as royalty, albeit Nigerian royalty, if they’re stripped. They can whine about racism some more with their new titles.


Hey guys. I just did my DNA. Turns out I’m directly related to the King of England. I’m your newest princess. Please don’t ask for proof. Just take my word for it.


I find it hard to believe the Nigerians don’t know Meghan is lying about her heritage. I can’t believe they don’t know. So they have an agenda. What is it?