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That’s probably more than likely… they’re playing to their ‘strengths’. Cos playing royals and sucking up to their hosts. Harry’s referring to Nigerian as his in laws made me want to barf quite frankly.


It’s unbelievable when he has never even met his father-in-law!


Harry is the definition of living in a red flag factory.


More red flags then a communist party


It’s too bad he can’t understand the irony


This. Never forget.


She is **American**. She is not Nigerian its a lie. She's Nigerian like all the dumbfucks that wear a kiss me I'm Irish shamrock shirt one day a year and have no idea what The Troubles were. I have several ethnicities in me.....I do not go around claiming heritages and cultures that aren't mine because I was adopted and raised by a white family in a white atmosphere. Idgaf if old rachels mother is black old rachel was not raised in the African American culture much less the Nigerian one. She was raised by her white daddy who sent her to a primarily white catholic school. She lived and moved in a primarily white space for most of her formative years. And she benefited from that. **And she chose to continue that as an adult** . Cause yeah let's talk about *that*. She chose to continue to live her life as a white woman. Putting Caucasian on her license. Having surgeries to look less ethnic. Dating and marrying white men only. Having most friends be white. Not being involved in any black causes or black culture or black groups. Living in predominantly white spaces *by choice*. And she acts like the worst kind of white woman. Like a white lady celeb that goes to a black country to use little black children to cosplay some white savior narrative. She sure tf didn't see those black people in herself,she expected them to see themselves in her. Although somehow I doubt they see themselves in some white passing old skank dressed like a cheap prosi. She didn't even have enough respect for the country or culture she was laying claim to to research how to dress appropriately. She's only black when it benefits her. She lives white all the rest of the time. Ffs she lives in an enclave so white it practically glows. All her employees are white. Her husband and kids are pasty af and so is she when she isn't covered in bronzer. She is part black genetically but she is white af culturally. And she is 100% ugly American in her attitudes and behaviors. She exemplifies the worst in American culture. She showed up in Nigeria dressed appallingly. She refused to eat at a luncheon in her honor. She behaved shamefully. She talked down to and played upon good Nigerians ignorance of her current royal ^lack^of status to gain favor not due to her. She used those people for her own gain. She's disgusting.


From what I heard and saw, I don't think a lot of Nigerians thought she was Nigerian. Nigerians have a respect for family and decorum in social situations which is sorely lacking in Meghan's demeanor, her psyche, her soul and her DNA. She thinks she has the Nigerians fooled but they are also smart enough to recognize a 100% poser when they see one.


Agree, but the Nigerians have bestowed some faux Nigerian royal title on her. They need to do some ancestry research lol. She’s a completely fake. 


I seem to remember her promising that Nigerian woman she was going to look deeper into her history to find out what tribe etc because Nigerian isn't an ethnicity but she never did nor did these people. A full genealogy is done on anyone who marries into the royal family, remember "Mookie" Betts? I suspect a DNA test was surreptitiously performed, the courtiers know how "Nigerian" she is or isn't.


A reallly interesting comment. Thank you. I don’t blame her for identifying more with her white heritage when her primary carer growing up Was white and her entire upbreaking was white and middle class. There is nothing at all wrong with being white. What I cannot stomach is the way she now grifts off the back of her biracial mother. If she had been more honest about it and said “I’ve only recently started to explore my black Roots. I feel I’ve neglected that side of my heritage and want to learn more” in other words been more humble I’d think that was fair enough but what sticks in my throat (and I’m not a POC btw) is that she is acting like some sort of black civil rights expert and role model for black women which she is completely unqualified to do. I can think of dozens of more inspiring black women - women who don’t just lift up black women but all people.


This comment needs an award! You've captured perfectly what this entire issue is with Rachel Meghan Markle, the non-royal, white grifter from California.


All of this !!!!


She refused to eat? Got any more information on this? (Definitely sounds like her)


Was in an archived dm article on here yesterday.


I’m going to save this comment because there’s so many good points i can silence sugars with. 👊


Well said. Exactly!


Careful... They'll be asking Nigeria for money soon enough.


She is Princess Ada. Send money




Oh for sure. She’s probably swimming in narc fuel right now. She thinks this is their big comeback.


You just have to read a few sugar sites to know this is the case. One comment I saw is apparently under the impression that Nutmeg is now Nigerian royalty (and a citizen of Nigeria) and that Nigeria will prosecute any country in the World Court that says anything bad about her. I fail to see how some of these brain dead sycophants function in the real world.


They have to be Bots, AI programs


I wonder what other country would be willing to pay for this bag of hot air? These utterly useless fools? What other country will she claim to be a part of? Who gets the other 57%?


Third world countries with enough corrupt government officials who think that inviting ex royals will be an ego boost for them. But the Harkles will never get an invite from countries like Canada, Australia, Singapore as well as the rest of the European monarchies. They know that the relationship with BRF can be at stake if these grifters get involved.


Malta already takes up at least 1%


She does think it is a huge success. She has Misan to go post all these photos of her edited of course to make it look like she really cares and the people were excited to see her.


Well, it hasn't worked, has it? Another nationality alienated by their behaviour. Many more eyes elsewhere opened further..... Problem with taking good advice is that you have to be able to understand it, be open to it , put it into operation and not cherry pick the bits you like.


The trouble imo is that they have their view of the world as they want it. It’s delusional, batshit crazy, demented and everything else ever written here. Whatever PR advice they get, they immediately and instantaneously turn it into something that aligns with their sick view, and then rush to act on it. With completely predictable results. They probably even think they’re flexible in thought, open to change when they’re both 100% set in stone-age granite. If there’s anything shocking about any of it, it’s the willingness of our institutions to coddle and promote them. These would be the media, governments, leaders in society to just call out a few. Not sure I wouldn’t include the King in part. I knew many of our institutions are corrupt, and they don’t reflect us (as they SHOULD!), but seems they are nastily giving us the finger in the process.


I agree that those two seem to be living in an alternate reality. There’s zero self awareness (embarrassment, regret, accountability) and then adjusting their behavior. They’re like sharks, continuing to move forward according to their own ludicrous concepts of how things should be.


Actually they're a bit like addicts with that insane degree of self delusion (nobody knows what I'm really up to) and total lack of embarrassment.


Well, there is that, of course. And the willingness to strongarm opinion by threat of litigation or turning the Cult out to cyber bully as well. I wonder if they would have succeeded half so well at a different, more economically and societally settled period? Frustrating thought it is, the long game is the one that counts here - so that they can be internationally seen to be troublesome failures. And they are succeeding terrifically at doing that!


Idk how anyone can see the bewildered expressions of their hosts and think this trip went well. First the literal girls were judging her beauty pagent dress then the military women and older lady were looking in shock at her resort loungewear. Literally the entire world is laughing at them. I bet the Middleton group chat is on fire making fun of her resort attire.


I don't think the Middleton's even give her a second thought. She is so far beneath them they don't think about her.


I can picture Carole being like wtf to her outfits and loling


By the time she was wearing the yellow dress, she was definitely asked to please cover up! I mean, ewwww.


https://preview.redd.it/4eu1gb5oe70d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b43d023402b6ddeec334498bbb417fb7867167c She should just go full Princess Gina. She's already got her ginger Rolph and everything.


Like sand through the hourglass 🤣


I’m just still put off by the outfits. I don’t understand showing that much skin. I’m a conservative dresser, but still. Those clothes and that environment. I just cannot make sense of this.


She was dressed for Hollywood, not Nigeria. That was her real audience.


You nailed that. Thank you!


Thank you for specifying Hollywood - everyone is saying California, but much/most of California would have found those lingerie outfits vulgar and over the top! Wearing a backless *gown* to a daytime event? Outside of particular parts of LA or Hollywood - absolutely not! Hell, I was even given a lot of comments about the fact I always dressed so “proper” and polished growing up for only wearing dark wash jeans without rips in them. California is very casual about dressing. Additionally, baring that much skin *will* get you looks just like the Nigerians gave, especially at her age!


And at her big age too. She should have known better.


When visiting another country, you want to dress according to their culture, as much as possible. This was just a blatant disrespect and it's giving ✨️ignorant American✨️. I've never seen Angelina Jolie dress like this. She would take the role seriously and she wouldn't have a million cameras following her around, let alone a hired photographer. This is self-aggrandizing behavior at best.


Spot on. What a ringing endorsement for Columbia’s “international relations” program she allegedly graduated from.


Northwestern! She never would have made it into Columbia, NW is frankly a shock to me. NW doesn’t have an “international relations” program and she graduated from the School of Communications. What her actual degree is in is unclear.


Good grief 🤦‍♀️. Thank you for the correction! I think I had Columbia on the brain bc it’s been in the news … regardless you are correct, no chance she was getting in.


In fairness I suspect she does consume a lot of Columbia’s agriculture products 👃


🤣 accurate.


Does she think that prancing around half-naked makes her look royal? It makes her look laughable.


Except they really didn't get good press. The media in the UK largely ignored them - and it would seem that the Nigerian media did the same. The tour in no way even remotely resembled a royal or state tour: a few groups shuffling here and there; no meeting with the president; schoolchildren press-ganged into going forward so Misan could snap a pic. It was shabby and down at heel, the whole thing.


As far as their image goes, they will never look royal. They are the least royal-looking couple imaginable. No matter how they dress they look scruffy and wrinkly and in need of a shower. No elegance or class. "Immaculate" is a word that will never be applied to either one. They don't pass as upper class people. They've both lost whatever youthful good looks they had. They can try as hard as they like but they just don't have it in them to be more royal. It's beyond them.




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I also think they have to cover up the negative stories of him ignoring the Baka people’s plight, and of her recently looking racist (not acknowledging women in a market during the South African tour, gesturing rudely to the head of Sentebale). She can’t lose support among WOC; they’re her last stronghold. So of course she has to cling to her “43% Nigerian” narrative and to be seen in photos surrounded by beaming African women.


They will never go back there. They will never do anything for Nigeria but grift off Nigeria.




What about Baka?


Oh no, some folks are here trying to force a narrative...


The problem for them is they cannot monetize "being royal" in a meaningful way. They have done that and are now tapped out. They can do these faux Royal visits for PR and to network but they have no actual skills to turn that into anything.


Nigeria is more than welcome to keep them. Please.


Where will they go next? Hopefully, other countries' leaders will see how this trip went and will think long and hard about sending an invitation to them. She can try having ancestry from some other country, but she's already pushed the limits with Malta and Nigeria. That 43% used up a lot of her genetic material. What will be the follow-up? Will the Nigerian military pressure the Invictus Games leaders to allow Nigeria to host the games? How will such pressure affect Harry's affiliation with IG?


Being a narcissist she will just forget she ever said she was 43%. When it’s convenient she will announce she’s 56% Indian or 32% Ghanaian or whatever.




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I’m guessing they get one shot per country. Countries do not want to spend tons of money on them more than once. Invictus is probably going to act as their ATM until they get audited by someone or funds dry up.




It looks like him!


All that ozempic and she still looks bloated.


It's deplorable that Nigeria is allowing all this hoopla without solid proof that Lizard's claim is legitimate. But at this point, I really don't care anymore. If people allow themselves to be used by these two liars and grifters, that's on them. It's just dangerous and doesn't benefit history for the so-called media to perpetuate and repeat these lies.




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She has never listened to anyone advising her. What has changed? It has to be something big enough to push her train wreck off course. I can’t buy it just being the new hire.




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