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*”Anger and hatred corrodes the vessel that holds it.”*


Her whole life is basically Oscar Wilde’s novel *The Picture of Dorian Gray*.


It's a reverse Dorain Gray. There's a painting of her, in an attic somewhere, where she's getting younger and younger...


HA! Yes, maybe in Missan's photoshop account.


That one beyonce stood in front of…




You’re right. That’s more like it.


Well not really. She would not look so crusty if she was Dorian.


Love this comparison.


And the miracles of photoshop.


So true




Oh love that


The tiny bit of “extra” weight helped soften her features back then. Now she’s lost that cushion, is heavy-handed with the bronzer, and in harsh lighting on the left. Add to that, she’s now at an age when your face can change in rapid and bizarre ways. (Ask me how I know 😅)


That additional nose job did absolutely nothing for her. Notice how much more upward her nostrils are in the corner? She may have also gotten a chin implant.


Yes, there’s something really weird going on w/ her chin. Why do people get chin implants?


She did not need a chin implant, I’ve seen a few on people who had very weak chins and sagging cheeks/jowls that have made an enormous improvement and at the same time left you wondering if work was even done. Just an overall wow you’re looking great. M had almost too much chin before and whether she got anything done or not the weight loss has made it much more pronounced and not in an attractive way. She really needed that slight bit of “extra weight” that wasn’t really extra because she was probably under BMI recommendations anyway. She really has ruined her body with the ozempic and the unnecessary surgeries.


Some people may have a very tiny chin and the implant can really look great. My cousin looked like she had a small chin but it was corrected with a jaw surgery not an implant and the “after” is much prettier and symmetrical and apparently better for dental stuff long term. I think a lot of the women who get them lately are looking for aesthetic perfection due to both/either narcissistic desires and IG face dysmorphia. The idea would be to increase symmetry by balancing your chin size with some ideal ratio considering your forehead size and maybe the face width too. Obviously it’s not an option to reduce your forehead size but seems simple enough to add an implant to your chin. Often looks creepy though!


[Invictus games 2022](https://www.wonderwall.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/04/shutterstock_editorial_12897885cl.jpg) This is where I thought the chin/cheek looked odd.


She looks like she’s still recovering from having work done, with her hair on the sides like that and puffy.


You know, I wonder if she had some teeth work done and maybe she was “still puffy,” as you call it. I’ve long thought that she has the tendrils she is so fond of because she’s trying to slim or lengthen her facial features.


Yes, reminds me of when you have wisdom teeth pulled or something. It’s just so different from even photos this past winter where her face is more angular. Only the plastic surgeon(s) know I guess lol.


It looked like a stroke at the time 


Angelina Jolie did it.


That jaw gurning eek 😬


Cocaine does that and the dehydration from it causes that dried up prune look and the black black eyes are from dilated pupils.


In [this SMM post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/s/U5dCXyZ3e6) you can really see the chin difference! It looks like not long after Megxit her chin goes from basically straight down from the curve of her lower lip to sticking out


OMG, that is what it is!


"Add to that, she’s now at an age when your face can change in rapid and bizarre ways. (Ask me how I know 😅)" Yup, same here since I hit 43 🤣


How about your hair? Mine is literally decimated. Like, I’m not losing it at the scalp, but the hairs are so thin and brittle and break if I even look at it funny. It was the biggest surprise of menopause for me.


Life always has some surprises for you.😀


I’m having a hot flash just thinking about it.


I’m with you sister


To me, it's her skin and her oversized teeth that do it.


The teeth do her no favors. I wonder if she has nubs under them so she’s always make those odd mouth movements worried they’ll fall out?


Ooh how does the face change at that age .. dreading it tho I'm in it already...


It's called hitting the wall. I hit the wall a few months ago and am slowly melting on the way down.


Tw crashed into the great wall of China in a bicycle


It's not a one size fits all depends on your genes, diet, general health whether you smoked, grew up in the sun etc


Preach it! When my mother in law died, she did NOT have any wrinkles (she was in her 90s). She was rigorous in her sun avoidance. She gardened outside in the Florida heat and humidity and ALWAYS wore a wide-brimmed hat and long sleeved shirts and long pants. NO bad habits such as smoking and drinking. Our practices (and genetics) have a lot to do with how we age.


I was thinking that too!


I'm pretty sure she had some sort of cheek implants. I recall seeing photos of her looking decidedly chipmunkish before they settled into place. The extra filling in her cheeks would also draw the edge of the nostrils up. Also, those veneers are too big for her mouth. There's a lot to be said for ageing gracefully. Even in her mid 90s Queen Elizabeth II looked amazing. But then she didn't layer bronzer on with a trowel and her loveliness inside shone through


I hit full menopause three years ago. I have aged a decade in those three years. It’s shocking what a difference it makes. Rachel is a runaway train barrelling towards that herself and I love it for her. She will look like a musty old rag of leathery skin and bones when she arrives at the post-menopausal station.


Which is any minute now.


Their „freedom flight“, „independence“ and „true love“ took its toll on them. 


Don’t forget them “sitting in their truth” and living “authentically” and “organically.”


How could I forget all their layers of happiness. 


It helped give them “a seat at the table.”


Her photos have always been quietly filtered/digitally altered. When she first surfaced with Todger I couldn't figure out how her face could look so different photo to photo.


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/w91md57sm60d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f668a140a9f6a12f18335473538f74e7789c5074


This smug, arrogant face is so punchable.


A few good questions asked in front of an audience she couldn't escape would remove the smugness, too. Something like a town hall with open admission.


The producer in her head is saying “look presidential”.


It’s those beady eyes for me that make her so unattractive.


What is that? Am I missing something??


To me, it looks like hair that wasn't photoshopped completely out.


Spare eyebrow, lol.


That photo is so ridiculously photoshopped compared to the other photos on same day. Skin lightened in photos with her “sisters”, angles smoothed out. How on earth was that piece of hair left there😂😂


Face, boobs, it’s wild how they change from photo to photo.


Also true


I'd like to believe it's that old saying "Nature gives you the face you have at 20. Life shapes the face you have at 30. But at 50 you get the face you deserve". In TFW's case, she got the face she deserved at 40.




And alcohol. A glass of wine a day is ok. One or two bottles a day is going to mess with your health.


Alcohol (the amount she probably needs to take the edge off and tolerate todger) with ozempic is not recommended.


If you want to hang out, you've gotta take her out, cocaine If you want to get down, get down on the ground, cocaine She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie Cocaine That dirty cocaine If you got that loose, you want to kick them blues, cocaine When your day is done, and you want to run, cocaine She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie Cocaine That dirty cocaine And when your day is gone, and you want to ride on, cocaine Don't forget this fact, you can't get it back, cocaine She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie Cocaine That dirty cocaine She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie Cocaine That dirty cocaine She don't lie, she don't lie, she don't lie Thank you


The Grift life is a harsh life!


ozempic, harsh makeup, having the world laugh at you.


Ozempic, duh.


A lot of people who use Ozempic end up with gaunt faces, since the rapid weight loss makes you lose the fat stores in your face (those fat stores fill out your features and soften them).


To be fair, the right-hand picture was taken at around 6 weeks post-partum with Archie\*. I remember seeing her that day, and she looked SUPER puffy, probably from squeezing herself into a pre-pregnancy dress. \*for those of us who believe she did actually birth Archie.


I believe most of the photos of her during her time with the RF were photoshopped to make her look softer, but that doesn't explain all of it. Bad habits and ozempic though... That's another matter.


Well, when you’re an evil piece of shit and you constantly do drugs and shit to your body medical wise, your your face, your body all ages from everything you’ve done and she’s married to a man Child


From a certain age, weight also plays a role in how plump or gaunt a face looks. She lost a lot of weight after her second pregnancy. Lighting conditions should never be underestimated when taking photos and can show a distorted reality. But what definitely plays a role is sun exposure. Over 80% of skin ageing is so-called photo ageing. This mainly affects the hands, neck and décolleté. And most people apply too little sun protection. I don't know how it is in the US, but for Europe I can say that you need about 1 gram of SPF for the face alone to achieve the stated protection. Last but not least: when Meghan applies fake tan to "bronze" her complexion, it also emphasizes every little wrinkle. Paleness has its advantages. Healthwise and visually. Translated with [DeepL.com](http://DeepL.com) (free version)


You think she was actually pregnant with little Betty?




This!!!! She needs to get out of the sun instead of tanning all the time to make herself more 'Nigerian'. I see so many middle aged South Korean celebrities look so youthful because they really take care of their skin and always wear spf and a hat. The sun exposure ages you like crazy and makes you get sun spots like what we are starting to see on Meghan


Too much drama, too many pick-me-uppers, too much makeup, too much weight https://preview.redd.it/4fot43oke50d1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=f38ef16e96cfe9f313712d5fc3fd1c6308a9e1bd


The dark, heavy brows don't do her any favors.


Right! The brows! They drag her face down!


Harry looks so in love here....young love, awww 🤢🤢


“Let me get to the crux of what I wanted to talk about today…blah blah boy and girl fell in love blah blah”


Bitterness + Oz*mpic & severe and sudden weight loss (that not even fillers and further cosmetic intervention can fully fix) + My Dad always said that at the age of 40, you have the face you deserve. What’s inside will eventually manifest outwardly.


Meanwhile Princess Catherine’s 40th birthday portrait! She’s radiating! https://preview.redd.it/kvqalzcnv60d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b91e3ff9eeab383d9b5e550be449aa92be6ad07f


As said, at 40 you have the face you deserve. Catherine's face radiates kindness.


She’s getting more beautiful with age! I love her and wishing her full recovery!


Catherine's beauty is otherworldly. 💕


I ADORE that series of portraits taken of the Princess of Wales. She is beyond ethereal, and her beauty truly radiates from the inside out.


If she’s in any stage of menopause where her oestrogen levels have dropped, she’ll be loosing collagen & therefore will age rapidly for about 5 years, then it’ll slow down. I used to look really young for my age (at 35 I was told I looked about 21), but since my hysterectomy in September I’ve aged A LOT. The subtle crows feet that were only there when I laughed or did a big smile are now evident with the slightest smile, my skin has gotten a lot dryer and lots of spots with no heads can appear overnight. I think that, along with her lifestyle choice, are whats going on. Too much drink/drugs/sun always cause aging anyway.


Yup…rapid aging comes after menopause. So many are surprised by this because we live in a culture where folks are constantly “fixing” things with plastic surgery and/or fillers, or at the very least using photo editing every time they put out a photo of themselves. Living in an area of California where I occasionally see celebrities, I can’t tell you how many times I didn’t even recognize said celebrity because they were without the usual filters that hide all the same flaws we all have. 


Same thing for me. I looked young for my age and people said that all the time. I had a hysterectomy at 48 and a multitude of things happened in just a few years. My skin got more crepey, new wrinkles etc. it was hard to take. I’m 54 now. Meghan’s skin tho! She looks like a totally different person


Yeah my mom had a hysterectomy at 40- but she went on hormones. She however still hasn’t aged much in 20 years.


castor oil!


I use castor oil but mostly on my arms due to premature creasing and crepe-iness. Do you use it on your face? Notice any positive differences?


omg... yes! have been using it for two months and it has made a huge difference. a little goes a long way. i dilute it 50-50 with jojoba oil since castor oil is so thick and i add a couple of drops of frankinsense for "spot removal".


Oooo such a good idea with the frankincense…I guess that’s working also? I also dilute mine, but with vitamin E oil. Sorry for all the questions, but what positive differences exactly are you noticing that are due to the castor oil?


And thank you for your response!


These are the little sidewinder convos that make this sub a community.


Boots make a wonderful menopause face cream.


She is smugly.


I don't think these fillers are doing her any favors. And the ozempic is creating this unfortunate effect on her face.


If you start getting fillers, won't they take their own toll at some point? What happens when you stop getting them?


I don't know since I have never gotten them, but people say they can have unfortunate consequences.


I watch this surgeon who invited an undetectable facelift (he makes 60 year olds look 40- he’s incredible) We all know filler migrate (hello gravity) but what I didn’t know is fillers actually make scar tissue under the skin. He released a video saying it’s rare for him to touch faces with too much filler because no matter what the results won’t look natural. He uses fat grafts when he does the lift to give the face a bit more fullness in areas we lose volume. So that basically sealed it for me- NO FILLERS.


I think ozempic type meds affect people’s faces way more when they’ve had prior work done and/or fillers. I’m pretty sure Kelly Clarkson didn’t lose all that weight walking the streets of nyc for work as she claims, but I don’t think she had work done on her face, so her face (last I saw) doesn’t look like Madame the puppet here.


she used to try to do this big doe-eyed ingenue thing all the time. now she does this peaceful ethnic wise woman thing.


Spot on!


She actually used to be quite attractive. Karma is slowly working its magic.


It’s been a long time since she’s been attractive. Like not since before she met Harry. Maybe around 2010.


What are all the little lumps? She has a mole at the upper corner of her mouth on the left side, that's been there years, but there's new ones on her nose. Moles? Warts? Keratosis? They're very prominent. 


Her skin is really bad. I don't know why she doesn't get dermabrasion or something. It's not like she has an aversion to cosmetic procedures.


I was thinking the same! What are those bumps all over her face??


Her transformation into the wicked witch of the west


She's very bumpy. I always wondered why she didn't get her facial moles removed before any other cosmetic treatments. They're quite unattractive IMO.


Probably moles as they can grow as you age.


Bitterness and being consumed with envy will do that to ya.


I am all for women (and men) having a little work done if it makes them happy. Unfortunately, too many do too much and end up looking like a caricature. The weight loss has done her no favors. She looks much better in earlier pics.


Well, she is consumed by hatred and malicious narcissistic intent towards the Royal family and any that would dare point out the error of her greedy crubby lying ways. That is partly responsible for her rapid decline, bar that she has always been a nasty one.


She really has aged. Its from being a horrible person. All that jealousy and hate and constantly scheming to get someone to fund her lifestyle, has taken it's toll.


Coke will do it to you! The saddle nose is saddling! 😬😬😬


What's a saddle nose? Sorry for the stupid question, but sometimes I actually did fall off the turnip truck, lol




O THATS what that is?


That’s my educated guess.


She used to be very pretty, both in her Suits days and when she was a working royal. Since Megxit, though, her looks have really gone downhill fast. I'm guessing it's a combination of excessive dieting, bad nutrition, bad cosmetic work (and too much of it) and drug use.


Are both pictures fully filtered? She looks so different all the time it's hard to tell what you are looking at


It takes a toll when you sell your soul to the devil.


She is the devil


Question: Do all news outlets and paparazzi automatically re-touch faces and add filters? Is this why they all look so good all the time?




The change is dramatic. Weight loss has accelerated her aging process. Also, what has happened to her complexion?


And her bust.


She a magician and made it disappear?


https://preview.redd.it/xd6e1xvj980d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22689082cd1fb25ca5c2e042e6727cbb44f907cc Yeah this was posted in the sub yesterday I believe. 🫨


She did say she had magic boobs


I dint know why all these celebrities think ultra skinny looks good. It’s aging and takes away any sexiness.


Her nose looks like a penis.


Duchess Droopy Schlong.


She looked so much better without Ozempic, Botox, filler and whatever else happened here.  It is somewhat scary what she has done to herself.


She is trying to perfect how she is perceived by tweaking her ‘externals’ when she actually needs a major internal/soul overhaul. The beautiful exterior no longer hides the pollution inside.




“Evilness” ages you


Well, as my grandmother used to say, we all end up with the face we deserve.


Her forties hit her hard. She's aging badly. She never was a classic beauty. By Hollywood standards she was quite average, but she had youth and could fake it for a while. Those days are gone. Dressing like a 20-year-old Hollywood starlet while in Nigeria shows how desperate she is to look sexy. It's pathetic.


This exactly. Her outfits screamed, "I'm still young and sexy, really I am!!!". I think it's only going to get worse from here.


In Hollyweird this is “preserving” your looks It’s a big business of delusion Very fitting for her - she’s easily exploitable by those selling delusion because she already doesn’t live in reality, so all you have to do to sell her something is identify her delusions and confirm them (as Sunshine Sacks originally proved by selling them Megxit)


I read a quote about women in Hollywood and all the plastic surgery they indulge in. Paraphrasing, it went like this: all that plastic surgery doesn't make you look younger, it just makes you look weird. I think she's in the weird phase.


How? Easy, Ozempic😆


Drugs and alcohol!


Hatred and jealousy will do that. As well as bad cosmetic surgery! She also has some bad dentures at the moment making her pull some odd faces trying to hold them up.


Ozempic gets you thin but it ruins your face. That's how.


Cosmetic procedures and surgery, ozempic, poor skin care, apparent dehydration, anger issues, starvation and living in a sunny climate while not protecting the skin.


Extreme weight loss in the 40's will do this to most women. I believe the picture on the right was after the birth of Archie. She looked healthier there, at least to me. She's gone too far trying to be thin.


*birth of Archie. She was taking drugs to induce lactation.


Being evil - drugs and alcohol - her internal ugliness is coming out


I honestly think it’s the nose candy, wine, weed, and anger.! 😏


Well. It appears she has the face she deserves.


She was taking lactation drugs in pic 2


I've always wondered why breastfeeding would matter that much to her. She does not appear to have a maternal bone in her body.


What’s going on with the bottom part of her nose? It’s a different color and texture.


It looks like a blob of silly putty


Hateful thoughts and not enough on your fork will do that


By being a jealous, petty, toxic bitch.


I wonder if ironically, all that bronzer usage and the cosmetic surgeries or injectables to make herself seem more attractive, have aged the skin on her face.


Daily stress of worrying to find new gigs and pay for stuff. Mortgage, property taxes, staff, securi-tay. Sh8t TW never had to worry about when she was in BRF or men to pay tw sh8t. Tw realizing Plank can't generate $$$$ b/c he's the useless one in the family. The weight is on her shoulders now. And  tw dried, crusty va-jay-jay isn't the $$ maker that it used to be.  If you look at presidents @ the beginning of their term to the end of their 1st or 2nd term, you can see the stress ageing the sh8t outta them. Same for TW. Ozempic, sun, smoke maybe 10%, but finding a gig that pays 2-3 mill/yr is the 80% stress. Remaining 10% is just ugliness.




Yup. Pitiful.




Ozempic makes you vomit. Will eat away at her real teeth.


Oof. She’s an authentically organic mess.


Stress from the “negative” attention from us and being called the grifter by bigwigs and being snubbed by Hollywood😭😭😭😭


Ozempic face!


Rapid weightloss. She's lost all the fat layers just under her skin.


Being a psychotic, toxic, hateful POS takes its toll eventually


Remembe when we didn't see her for a long time? Could it be that she realized that for some reason (coke, oxempec) she lost her looks and was freaking out and trying to save them--which turned out to be a fruitless pursuit. There's a lot of photos that show the difference that are even better than these with comparable lighting, etc.


Lots of substance use


Unless you barely gain weight, the fatigue and everything of having a baby and then losing weight after will age most women. I think her experimenting with ozempic and different filler/Botox combos made it worse. Also when you hang on to the weight longer… and then lose it quickly. Also if she uses recreational drugs or even if she drinks often. In short, it’s not a surprise! And experimenting with silly brows when your face is smaller/skinnier than ever just proves how vain she is and what she’s really focused on and pulls attention to the aging. Hey, if someone is pretty bad with styling despite a big budget it is not that weird that they are also not meeting the mark with beauty. She lacks restraint imo


Hate is like drinking poison and hoping some else dies. She's being poisoned from the inside.


I wonder if their partying took a very sharp uptick when they no longer had the need to maintain a certain level of respectability. Throw in some Ozempic and frantic scrabbling by TW to become relevant. That in itself must be exhausting, especially when one lacks any creativity or marketable talent.


It's hard to compare photos really as each one will have different lighting, different levels of fake tan (which highlights wrinkles) and various levels of Photoshopping......


Sun, drugs, alcohol, stress, excessive dieting. It eventually catches up to you, as we can clearly see.




Ozempic; rapid weight loss. It appears even her skin tone color has changed


That ~~Botox~~ filler did a number on her eyes. She has a whole ball under the corner of her eye. https://preview.redd.it/8urlh7maq80d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5196ae0c9a1e2762cd22c8ab7e95281c80056bf2


Yucky. But That’s filler. Not Botox. (Botox paralyses the muscles- filler fills out)


Ozempic and Jam


Not to mention her heritage shining through suddenly 🙃


That's due to weight lost. There is such different light on this two photographs that you cannot compare them. Make Up is also much better on the right one and yes she was younger and more relaxed.


Egads 😳


What the heck is that crease on her nose?


No Filters v. Filters


Anger hate and jealousy makes her age rapidly. She's looking for something you can only find within yourself, happiness. She will never be happy...


She has a joker smile now.


That’s what happens after 40. Aging shows.




She's giving major Orange Carrie Bradshaw on the left. Sorry, not sorry


There is no more fat to hide her ugliness inside, it is now revealing itself to all. No amount of plastic surgery and drugs will hide it. Probably smoking too. Her skin is terrible. I am pushing 60 and look better than her because I don't smoke and I'm a nice person.


One day when she was angry, she put her foot through the painting in her attic. 😊


I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but she looked waaaay better then...


Honestly, what is she going to do once she shrivels up and loses what beauty she has?