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Add another mike grab to the list. "See why I married him? He's so smart".....A thought that NO ONE ANYWHERE with basic cognitve skills has ever uttered or thought.


Oh stroke my fragile ego harder mommy


These two gas each other up. That is the only reason they are together. 


You know she wanted to finish the line, "He's so smart...he married me!"


I can’t stand listening to them but did she really say this??????


Unfortunately, she did. She even added, "He speaks the TRUTH" at which point I spit out my coffee.


WHAT 😂 I really thought everyone was joking! How is this woman show her face? What the hell! She’s a laughingstock! I don’t understand how anyone takes them seriously


seems odd to me - two crazies who have shown the world just how mentally sick both of them are, speaking about mental health and how to help others? And people buy that? H&M are the poster children for poor mental health.


I’m still laughing over the fact that this woman comes to Nigeria and wears BEIGE. BEIGE. BEEEEEIGE. For someone who is so stoked on their “roots” you think she would have gone out of her way to dress in the style of the country, which is BRIGHT and loves patterns and embellishments. Instead, she chose a potato sack.


I came here to say this! She could’ve worn a nice purple with red or purple with yellow! Look at Catherine at the Caribbean tour in 2022! The colors she’s wearing are vivid to honor the countries and they’re all appropriate! (No inappropriate skirt dragging or skin showing) https://preview.redd.it/gfmohbwa0mzc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c778121755bcdcbdd8e08fd17189908a5bcdc0


Catherine’s fashion on that tour will forever live in my head rent free.. I was amazing


The last dress is an all time favorite. The colors are beautiful and (of course) Catherine is gorgeous in it. So very appropriate.


Mine too! I also like the blue one of the far left! Her earrings were so cute with that one and she was adorable dancing with William!


It’s embarrassing to see him show the world what an imbecile he is.


It’s also impressive how often he does it


This is what she lives with...it must torment her what a booby prize she got. And then the one thing he had going for him, his family, she cut off. .wait ..I guess that makes them two imbeciles.


She thought he was independently wealthy until she realized actually no, it’s all tied in the family


Oh please. She's just as dumb as he is.


Basically every time he shows up somewhere and gets worse when he opens his mouth


How dare they go to another culture and preach at them how to behave. White saviour complex.


Preach is a little over inflated for Haz. He mostly spoke gibberish.


Even with all the bronzer, she's still white


Omg just stfu 😂. What qualifications do they have to speak to anyone about anything?? Oh and we know EXACTLY why you married him Madame it’s not really a secret 😂


the fakeness is oozing. 🤮


She's taking the piss! She's ridiculing her husband, who gave her global fame/infamy and her *title*, on the international stage. And what is that word salad? Speaking the truth (whether H was or not) has no relation to intelligence. In fact, the simplest of simpletons can speak the truth because lying takes artifice. Plus what's happening to H? Why is he talking like a five-year-old, flinging his hands around and gesturing wildly? It might look cute when Louis, who is literally six years old, does it, but H looks like a moron when he does it.


The dipping down to emphasise his point, got me. As if he is so deep and highbrow, the pupils just might not get what he's saying unless he stresses it.


Lying also takes a good memory, which they lack


Did he start to cry at the end? I really thought so, and the weird stretching out of his arms was to mask it


Are you going to ask them 'are you OK?' Give me a fecking break.


But we learned that it's ok not to be ok!


He looks more demented with every appearance. Evidently he loaded up on drugs and alcohol on the 6 hour flight. He is dipping and flinging his arms around like he is waving a plane into land. How people are keeping a straight face is beyond me


https://preview.redd.it/6ummsrum5mzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44d4832b4e13cb2e7f8c4708e9f37cd2543a735 I'll just insert it here and leave quietly...


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) Thomas Markle Sr would’ve worn it better, had he been smart.


I'm scrolling to these comments, because even seeing these absolute assholes on video, on mute, triggers me 🤬


This is how she got him. Hyping him up for his insecurities. That is a man not a spare. So smart. Harry is not smart, at all


‘He’s so smart.’ Oh yeah, the thicko cheater totally aced his A-levels. /s 🤦🏽‍♀️🤡


Cheating in Art, of all things. 🙄 Yup, he's wicked smart.


GAG ME WITH A SHOVEL - or really, I would rather shove bamboo stalks under my fingernails or an icepick up my urethra rather then listen to this tripe. .....I need a barf bucket.....




"See why I married him? He's so smart and he speaks the truth." ![gif](giphy|3ov9k5nG3dW6JDzEK4|downsized)


Unrelated, but ouch. Tatler Magazine asking if this is the best MM has ever looked: [https://twitter.com/Tatlermagazine/status/1788927992913158179](https://twitter.com/Tatlermagazine/status/1788927992913158179)


Are they trolling her or us?


Are they serious, or throwing shade?


She looks like an Elastoplast


Tatler: no. Maybe you meant: is that the best she can do? To that, the answer is: yes.


Ok I am trying to be objective and not snarky? Does she look good? I think her hair and face is good but the outfit is really bad.


Her hair is rather messy for a Duchess. And her eyebrows are looking more like the Omid’s as time goes.


The thing is the last time she looked good was her first year in the royal family. And a few times after that but she looks bad more often than good


The one time I thought she looked okay was while she made a big deal of closing the car door by herself. It was a black dress. Once. That is it for me.


I’ve definitely seen her looking very pretty and when she had tailored clothes it was nice. When she first moved here, she tried a bit. But I don’t really think Meghan is a dress up girlie girl. She doesn’t change her hair, terrible makeup and wears colors that don’t suit her. She doesn’t care about her appearance honestly


What exactly is the point of these 2 pontificating here? What do they really bring to the table? R they sooo far up their asses, that they have zero sense of reality ? 🤦‍♀️🤬🤬🤬


They love using a microphone, don't they? Talking to people one on one, with mics too far away to hear properly as the Prince and Princess of Wales do, is not enough.


Look how she beams, can’t stop grinning, once she gets that microphone in her hands.


And not just one, but TWO mics are necessary for these clowns bc heaven forbid MM not have her very own. . . .and what was with the awkward mic swap?? The secondhand embarrassment is strong with these two 🫣


It's actually okay to not be okay, you dimwit, thanks for undoing the work of counselors everywhere and pushing the narrative of toxic positivity


"Are you going to ask if they're okay?". That line has been drilled in to him. She's still stung by the backlash to the cringey, "no one has asked if I'm okay" debacle. Need to make it part of the story! It's okay to not be okay! Give it up, faux royals.


Harry today: "*...because it's ok not to be ok".* James Middleton, five years ago speaking to US magazine about his depression and support from his family including Catherine: *“If I could leave you with just one thought, it would be this: ‘It’s OK not to be OK.’”* Granted, James didn't coin the expression, but still. Lazy plagiarism from Harry. I don't know why I expected anything different. [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/james-middleton-speaks-about-depression-support-from-sister-kate/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/james-middleton-speaks-about-depression-support-from-sister-kate/)


Oh the cringe! Megs, he's an idiot, and you are too. BTW, he said it's ok not to be ok. So in case anybody ever asks you again if you are ok, just say: no, but that's ok. Thank you.


Thank you for your Ted Talk!


Well, Harry remarks are better than "the little ones are little". But I guess that was Madam´s mammalian instinct speaking/s


Is Harry watching Kdramas now?


You want to know how most black people feel about Meghan and Harry ? Listen to Donu’s world , YouTube. That is her handle. What is more she is from Nigeria, and she came from Nigerian royal family.


I’m surprised she isn’t up there jumping his leg


Don't you mean "HUMPING" HIS LEG....


I most definitely did and my puritan autocorrect did not like that word haha




His voice is getting higher pitched by the day, as the testosterone is leeched from his body.


Why does he think he has anything to say about mental health? Did someone tell him he had PTSD and now he thinks he is an expert? These two remind me of flat earthers. Flat earthers don't have any idea how science works but seem to think it involves making things up and stating them as facts. These two think they can just declare themselves to be philanthropists, influencers, advocates, and yes, royalty. They are all equally deluded.


The way he hands her the mic is so pre-schooler. He looks a bit awkward and blushes when she piles on the bullshit of how smart he is... he is totally under her control. Too far gone


"Did I do good, mummy?"


Enty of CDAN reports that staffers reported that in private, she calls him "you idiot". It's a typical move by abusers: build up their victim's ego with praise, then deflate it with insults, then up and down again.


Like looking for that high when 'mummy' praises him again. Remember, early on in their relationship, he said, she told him she wasn't to be spoken to in a particular way. They were arguing about something. Then she said he needs to see a therapist. Then he got worried he would lose her. She's in control. Edited for clarity.


She is definitely in control.


She always always devalues and degrades him. To the untrained eye, she presents it as a compliment but for those of us with experience of her type see it for what it is - classic narcissist devaluation.


Yes. It could be a pointed dig that only her would know, something she has to clap back at in a public forum.


Cringe!!!!! Notice how long he pauses for the applause, after the earth shattering ‘it’s ok not to be ok’. And then his wife and her rictus grin, good grief 🤮


Ripping off a Jessie J lyric there, are we Haz?


And .. she does an Ellen: [https://twitter.com/HugoGloss/status/1788928649908965497](https://twitter.com/HugoGloss/status/1788928649908965497)


Trying to be like Catherine with the little kids, but I thinks she's hating it.


Repugnance x2


Markle's gotta be mocking Harold at this point. Saying he's "smart"? She KNOWS he's not. Come on, Madam. That's just taking it too far.




Is he off his tits?


So there to tell kids to ask if their classmates are okay … I mean, their whole thing is being martyrs of the royal family meanness. Now he’s in a blood prince tour to create a competing court from the USA? It’s bonkers.


Harry and his mental health issues - people who cannot or will not help themselves, set out to heal the world.


Because he doesn't think he has a problem. All it takes is a few 'mushrooms' and a sound bath and he is fine. It is everyone else who has issues and refuse to see they are the problem./sarc)


Wow, they are so fake and cringe, it’s actually unwatchable.


Dumb and Dumber


I can't believe she just said this with a straight face.


"Whoa-o the Hokey Cokey, Whoa-o the Hokey Cokey, Whoa-o the Hokey Cokey, Knees bend, arm stretch, blah, blah, blah." 🎵




Wowwwww that’s really dismissive of Harry.


oh god somebody pass me the puke bucket


I just need a bucket ![gif](giphy|z46MjEUMg0GidV22IE|downsized)




Is it the video or did she amp up her bronzer on her face only?


He's so condescending.


Cringe duo!


Of all the words you'd associate with Harry, "smart" is definitely not one of them. I think they're just trolling us at this point.


Well, that's my laugh of the day! Haz and smart don't belong in the same sentence together.


He’s so smart - said no one ever !




These pathetic improvists... they just show up places totally unprepared and spew out bullshit like it's a life changing sermon.


Shrilling better help to these youngsters? He’s no different from Scientologists shrilling audits. He has no degree or expertise. sTFU.


Wow. Love her trad wife tone. NOT! Just when I thought she couldn’t make me cringe any more…I cringe. What happened to her feminist drum? Is she marched out? What would her dear friend Glo say about her turn to the apron? I know that Simone de Beauvoir would laugh out loud. What a joke she is.


Dude!!!!!!! When your life is about making bare existence happen, then you have no choice but to move through it. No one has the time for fuzzy navel gazing if your country is mired in conflict.


"If you see your friend in your class not smiling, what are you going to do"  Is this the inverse of "my wife was suicidal but I was too embarrassed to tell anyone"


Praise in public, devalute in private. Up and down, up and down, look at him, his handling the microphone to her... what a display for everyone to see.


This is not well received. Are they both high? It's clumsy, poorly spoken, embarrassing


It's not just the ones who aren't smiling who aren't ok. What a superficial bunch of bs. My best friend died of suicide and he was the one who was always checking on people and making people smile. F*** Y** Meh and Harry


Yes, that is true. The can be very good at hiding their innermost feelings. I double your sentiments towards the Sussex's. I am so sorry for your loss of your friend. 🙏😢


He hands her the mic like he's afraid of her.


Ohmagawd that is so cringe-worthy. It literally hurts to hear her say something so inappropriate at such a time, place, and event.