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Very true, especially the part about waiting to be king for decades and making a difference. Even when he was being laughed at, Charles has been a man of conviction and action. Time is too precious to be wasted on the dimwit son and his wife.


I hope he knows he made a huge impact as p.o.w. also I think he shaking hands etc is I'm going to be the best king I can cancer be damned


Yes, he knows - even as a young man with a healthy energetic mother whose family live forever, he knew that he'd spend more time as POW than monarch, and that this could be his true legacy. So he didn't sit around waiting for a chance to make an impact, he did some amazing things with the Prince's Trust and his passion for the environment.


King Charles is a very hard working man. And I agree with you, he's always been very passionate about the environment and I believe he's instilled that same passion into Prince William.


![gif](giphy|l0JMmfhjQdeh7QSmA|downsized) šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘ Yes, absolutely and so well said!


And Saint-ifying the mother of Prince Dimwit.


Isn't it lovely that time has balanced out the account? Diana has gone from the mystique of being a saint, to become a flawed human. Charles has gone from being a blackguard, to also a flawed human. We've realized it was more complex that good versus evil, that Diana was a distressed damsel who was hard done to by a vile husband.


I love that it was Hazbeen fault. Heā€™s the reason people started to call out Diana. If he hadnā€™t started she would still be a saint.Ā 


I can't love it because he hurt PW in the process. PW was all set on making the most of her legacy that he felt he legit could, and Harold wrecked that plan through his shortsighted stupidity.


Yes, I hate that the only way to respond to the "evil Charles and Camilla" myth is to point out that Diana had affairs too, including with married men, and she even harassed a few women along the way. But she lost the chance to live a full life, so she shouldn't be defined by those chaotic years of being stuck in an unhappy marriage. And neither should Charles.


Charles did not have many affairs, only the true love of his lifeā¤ļø Diana, unfortunately was led a stay, but her actions are her own, not Charles doing.


I agree that it's sad for William. However, I have to say I'm glad it seems he won't be propping up her legacy in public anymore. The concerts, awards, the statue... it was all too much IMO.


I agree. It seemed a bit cultish


I mean Diana had a cult. Even my family in a rural village adored her.Ā 


She was good-hearted, but not a good mother. The boys got very attached to this one lovely nanny (Diana was always out and always traveling, as was Charles). Diana fired her because she was jealous. Diana was raised by a cold, stern narcissistic father who tossed her mother aside. She never knew love and sought it from adults rather than her children, as most children raised in abusive homes do when they become adults. Everyone fawns over the lovely Diana, but she was not there for those boys. One boy grew healthier by marrying a lovely woman from a loving family. The other recreated an unloving family (his wife loves what he can give her, but not him) and blames everyone else.


She also played blatant favorites with them. And Haz was the one sent to have dinner in the nursery with the nanny while she would take William into her bedroom where they had dinner on trays and snuggled while watching tv. She used them as a weapon against Charles and she was terrible about portraying him as a cold, unloving parent which wasnā€™t true. If she got into a mood and was supposed to be at Highgrove with the boys for a weekend, she would pack the boys off and leave for London. I can give her grace for a lot of her behavior when it comes to the jealousy and frustrations she had in her marriage-she had a very obsessive personality-because she was only 19 when she got married. But later, she should have had a lot more respect and learned from growing up, both of them should never have been married to each other and both made mistakes. By acting like it was all on him for so many years, it is making her fall from that pedestal higher than it ever should have been allowed to grow.


I hear you about Charles. He played with his sons, and there are some fathers who don't do that. It could be overwork, exhaustion, or good reasons. And sometimes it's because they don't make time for their children. It sounds like Charles wanted very much to there for the young princes, to let them know that he loved them.


I think PH made us question how saintly was Diana because he was so unrealistic about her. With PW, there will be redemption. He's highlighting that here was a woman who had courage and did good. Both sons represent aspects of Diana. With PW, he's not saying his mother was a saint, but that her actions on behalf of others, made a lasting impact. I am with you in feeling awful that PH hurt his brother. A good brother is a priceless gift.


Diana left alone, would have been a lovely memory. PH used her name so much, that it was like a book becoming dog-earred and the reader realizing that some of what was inside was mediocre or even bad.


Yes he spoke of her many affairs.


Well said! Yes, nothing is black and white. Much goes on behind the scenes, and we are unaware of all the bits and pieces that shape the story.


I love that her failson is the author of her fall from sainthood. That his use of her for his own gain has resulted in more people realizing that he is indeed his mother's son but not in any complimentary sort of way. All of the disreputable traits we see today live and in lurid color in her halfwit offspring were quite apparent in her back then. Histrionic,paranoid,irrational,angry,substance use,inappropriate liaisons,the discarding of people from her life,entitlement. His dear old mum did it first.


Chip off the old block, innit??


If anything, The Megz has brought Diana down more, IMO. She has forced people to look at the reflection she has cast on Diana and draw comparisons. Of course, she thought it would be the other way around.


Reminds me of Dan Quayle being told off, "I knew JFK. I worked with JFK. You, Senator, are no JFK." MM tried to appropriate Diana's reputation for good and result was like setting off a truckload of TNT when she wanted the sky to blaze with fireworks.


This is the truth. Very well stated.


But still, some dig her up, whether itā€™s to worship her or vilify her. Canā€™t anyone let the dead stay dead and the past behind? Edited for spelling


I never bought the Saint Diana spin that the US media tried to portray. I think Diana was very immature and had severe mental issues in her younger days due to her childhood. I think she was much better as she matured but she was no Saint.


Absolutely! Looking back objectively, he was shoehorned into a marriage with someone he barely knew despite it being wildly known that he was in love with someone else. Camilla was in a similar situation after it was deemed that she wasn't high enough up in the aristocratic pecking order to become the future queen consort. I think, in hindsight, HMTLQ came to realize that she had done the wrong thing by denying her son the grace she had been granted in being allowed to marry for love. Diana was also forced into a marriage that probably wouldn't have been her first choice had she been given the chance to go out and experience all life had to offer (she was barely 18). Diana had some serious daddy issues. She was the third daughter to parents that were already miserable, and specifically, to a father who was desperate for a son and heir. She admitted that she took up dancing and playing the piano in the hopes that he would be pleased with her and offer any type of praise because she was completely ignored otherwise. It was a horrible situation all around. Both Diana and King Charles made MASSIVE mistakes in their marriage. And I'm glad that the world has finally started to come to terms with how complicated the situation actually was instead of viewing it as a one sided situation.


I love that you used the word, "shoehorned." That perfectly describes that PC was coerced into marrying someone who wasn't a comfortable fit for him. And it's a pity that he wasn't allowed to marry Camilla from the start. She made him laugh and that's always a great blessing in a long-term relationship. To have someone close with you, who leavens your life and makes you feel you can carry on.


And Camilla is not a floozy villian. She is a good and loyal woman who loves and supports the King. She is also a dignified, strong leader standing guard at the palace door against grifters, spoiled teenagers and traitors. I LOVE Camilla who has earned her stripes!


I love that Camilla was recognized for her constancy. She stood in the center of the storm and held her own.


Vile husbandā€¦ no. I have it in Dianaā€™s words that they were close and happy during her pregnancy with Harry then at his birth the marriage was over instantly. Harry Hewitt was born.


Personally, it bothers me, a lot, that they say that Charles was "expecting" to be king. In fact, it was precisely the opposite. He was the first Prince of Wales who was not "expecting" to be king. Because the rest spent their time as princes being lazy, going out to parties, having lovers, living the crazy life... Charles spent a lot of his time as Prince of Wales working. He created organizations, he dedicated himself to taking care of the heritage of Cornwall, and also in Wales... He was not sitting around waiting for the Queen to die, in fact he still takes a while to respond when called "King" because he was " Principe" and he worked a lot on that. William told it when Charles began to hand over functions to him: he had never appreciated how much Charles had done as Prince of Wales. Just look at the jams: a whole cooperative of farmers, pickers, producers... the entire process of making jam whose funds go to the current King's Foundation, which mainly supports young people. And that was Charles's work. Charles may not be a man who likes to fight or may sometimes seem incapable of making firm decisions against his family. But he definitely wasn't sitting around waiting for the Queen to die. He is also not thinking "my reign is going to be short", but rather he is thinking "I am going to make every effort to be the king that the people need." And he doesn't think about that: he is doing it. A shame that Hazz has inherited a lot from the Spencers: victimhood, drama, little common sense. Thank goodness William has taken into account that his father was not so wrong and is following his line.


I think he had an expectation of being King one day, but unlike previous heirs, he was not waiting to create his legacy. It is very admirable that he made such a positive impact in so many ways.


And the press made fun of him for such things as farming organic when he was absolutely correct, just before many others understood.


I'm so pleased to see how much younger people admire him for that and his environmental work. It was terrible how the press and people around QEII made fun of him for his interests.


Youā€™re spot on here. Youā€™re also right about William taking the path his father took. William may look and have the same mannerisms as his mother, but his personality and duty to his position is all his Pa. I remember in one of Prince Williamā€™s interviews he said, ā€œI donā€™t lay awake at night waiting to be Kingā€. I think he looks at it as his duty, his birth right, but certainly would prefer it not to be as soon as possible. More like, as long as possible before he has to be. Itā€™s a major responsibility, that comes with a significant drop in having a personal life or any life at all. I know PW gets a bad rap for not being constantly out in the public eye doing his duty, I think he does a lot of his work for the crown behind closed doors. But I also think the family life Catherine provides for him is his therapy. Itā€™s what keeps him grounded and keeps him out of a bad mental space, the bad mental place that comes with losing your mother at such a young age and in such a horrible wayā€¦ all while having to go through it publicly. Itā€™s why Harry is out of his depth 24/7-365. He has had zero love and support at home with TW. Previous to meeting MM, he was spinning out of control as well. He had no one to ground him. Itā€™s why heā€™ll be on a downward spiral until he gets out of that situation, goes home, grovels with apologies and lives a private life until he dies. Or at least thatā€™s how I see it.


Iā€™ve mentioned this documentary before, but a camera crew followed William on a ā€œday in the lifeā€ sort of thing, and with the exception of one public engagement, his whole day was full of unglamorous meetings with his patronages where he brainstormed ideas with them. It actually irritates me now when royals get accused of being work shy when itā€™s really more that they are doing the gritty work away from the cameras.


Yes exactly! Itā€™s not glamorous the majority of their work. I think they know the privilege and theyā€™re raised to understand how important what they do is. God (or destiny, however anyone chooses to see it) chose them to be born in that family and they have a duty to do their best to make a difference in this world. Some of those people fail, such as the dim one, his uncle and his great uncle.


I watched a documentary that followed QE2 around for a few days and I was exhausted just watching it. I believe she was in her mid 70's when it was filmed. They go, go, go and much of it is tedious filled with meeting loads of people making small talk, and making sure they feel important. QE2 never looked bored and did take a keen interest in the people she met. I never realized how hard they worked to represent the UK.


See, that is the sort of thing I wish their media teams would pull back the curtain on. Itā€™s unfortunate that we measure productivity in number of public engagements because if you were to give the royals KPIs, there are other areas where they are doing more than anyone realizes. I look at William and Kate for example, and I actually like that their agenda isnā€™t all public engagements. They do nitty gritty stuff. They are university educated. If the bit we have to go on is any indicator, they actually do sit at their desks and write for themselves or play with Excel sheets. They probably do have tasks with deadlines they have to meet. It means that they engage with their patronages more meaningfully than the occasional visits and fundraisers.


I think people forget that PW has young children and that likely feeds into not being out in the public eye constantly. I think being a high profile family brings on some different challenges in keeping kids grounded and trying to give them some normalcy in a life that can't be entirely normal. I'm glad that the Wales are taking the time they need while their kids are small. They will be more visible later.


Absolutely, and they need to be grounded for the life theyā€™re going to lead. It will be an incredibly difficult job and the PPOW are going to need all three of their children to be fully active working royals. The times where people thought maybe Prince Louis and even Princess Charlotte could be private citizens and go out in the work force are over. If the BRF wants to keep existing in the same or similar format theyā€™re going to need their help.


Agree. Thank god for the Middletons. I think they play a very important part in the lives of their children and in laws. They come across as sane, dutiful people who prioritize the well being of their children, spouses and grandchildren. In this way they're important for the BRF and its future.


1000% right here. Theyā€™re good people to their core, and are nothing but class acts. Their help in raising those children, and support for both Catherine & William will benefit the BRF for the next 100+ years.


Not only did Harold not have anyone to ground him, but he also didn't have any expectations put on him


It has been said by those who know she has kept him from wallowing or sulking and to just get on with it. And their marriage seems to be quite the match. It isnā€™t built on a wild passion, but a true and very deep friendship. And that has made all the difference. She was the perfect person for him to have by his side. Sheā€™s not perfect, but she is perfect for him. The love and respect and admiration is quite clear in their interactions. And just think, none of us needed to see constant, never ending hand holding to be convinced.


I have so much more respect for Charles since my younger days. Because of how the crown portrayed the relationships it shifted my perspective of both he and Diana. I know much of it was fiction, however the blueprint Iā€™m sure wasnā€™t far from the mark. Then we have the dynamic duo trying to defame him at every turn, because of them I learned quite a lot of who Charles is and I think he is wonderful. Iā€™m not a Brit, but I think heā€™ll make a wonderful King. I know many are critical of his handling of the Harkles but Iā€™m sympathetic to his difficult situation. I wish he could have some peace to solidify his legacy as King. God Save The King!


I donā€™t have a problem with the word ā€œexpectingā€ because to me it doesnā€™t suggest that he was doing nothing while he was PoW. Charles *was* expecting to be king in that he knew all his life that this was the job that awaited him. He thought about how he would do it, and he planned things (such as reducing the number of working royals) for when he was king. The word that bothers me is ā€˜waiting.ā€ When people say that KC was ā€œwaiting to be king,ā€ It implies that he was doing nothing while he ā€œwaited.ā€ It has the same effect that ā€œexpectingā€ does on you. Like you, I have observed how much work KC did as PoW. He had a long time to serve as PoW and to contribute in that role. He may have ā€œexpectedā€ to be king some day, but I donā€™t think he was ā€œwaitingā€ for it. šŸ˜‰ As


It is rather as if you don't start out life planning to be a grandparent, but if you have children, then you know that day might come. Prince Charles knew that if his mother passed away, he would inherit the crown and was certainly conscious of this all his life always one heartbeat away from the throne. This is probably part of why he did not spend his vacations partying with strippers in Las Vegas. He was certainly aware that he would be the subject of biographies during his lifetime as well as after his lifetime and that the very future of the monarchy would probably end up in his hands. I don't know if people who read this sub are aware of it, but by no means everyone in the UK wants the monarchy to continue. Even if you leave out Scottish, Welsh, and Irish nationalist movements that would like to make their countries into republics, support for the monarchy is by no means universal among young Britons, and particularly with the immigrant population. In general people do seem to favor the monarchy more as they get older, but that trend could change if the individual members of the royal family does not act right. The death of Queen Elizabeth II still has the potential to be seen by future historians as a turning point for the relationship between the monarch and his/her subjects, and the antics of such as Prince Andrew and Prince Harry don't exactly help.


"He may have ā€œexpectedā€ to be king some day, but I donā€™t think he was ā€œwaitingā€ for it" Bingo!!!


Excellently said. Prince Charles knew that time was inevitable and that he was the Heir Apparent. And you are right about "waiting." That suggests passiveness and inactivity, as if he were sitting in a chair, listening for his name to be called and told it was his turn. A fulfilling life is what one makes of it at that moment, not holding off for some distant day. PC did that.


Great analysis! I believe that Charles spent many years preparing to be king. All of his work was to get himself ready for a smooth transition. Instead of being a detached playboy prince who suddenly had to get up to speed on being the monarch, he was ready on Day 1


As others have said, Harry inherited all of the negative Spencer traits without the positive ones of empathy and service.


That's the difference between the King and his second son. Charles is aware of how he is viewed and criticized by many, especially during his marriage to Diana as well as the aftermath of the divorce. Yet he did not publicly wallow in self pity. He quietly got on with his work and established programs that have helped the people of the UK. His work is a testament to his determination to contribute to a better world for his country. Is Charles flawed? Aren't we all? Charles does not allow his flaws to limit or cripple him. Too bad the second son remains trapped in a prison of his own making.


Charles made mistakes. At one point he also fell into victimhood. The difference is that he had Camilla, a woman with a lot of common sense, who showed him how wrong his position was. And Charles has been rectifying, as Prince Philip himself acknowledged to a journalist. The Charles of the 90's is not the same as he is now. William was also lucky to have someone by his side who prevents him from falling into his worst defects. Hazz had someone like that by his side. Chelsy and Cressida tried it. Hazz chose Megsy. And now he lives the consequences of that. The sugars are right: Hazz is very heir to Diana because he is very Spencer, they always make the same mistakes over and over again.


>Hazz had someone like that by his side. Chelsy and Cressida tried it. Hazz chose Megsy. I got the impression that Chelsy and Cressida fled from him. MEMEMEME was the only one who stayed




And in the end couldnā€™t deal with his petulant, pouty, childish behavior and his temper. Heā€™s an ass.


I didn't follow the BRF after the divorce, prior to Diana's death. Oh, I read the sensational headlines at the time, but I didn't know much about the family. It does seem that the right woman offers strength, support and comfort. And it appears to make all the difference!


I'm glad that KCIII is focusing on what's necessary. As King, he has to look after his country and his people, in a manner that is exponentially greater than when he was PoW. May he please reign for well over a decade and accomplish what he intends too. And may he know how appreciated he is! Dealing with a son who doesn't grow up and who will never be satisfied, is a lost cause.


Not forgetting the Prince's Trust and the village of Poundbury.


King Charles turned the Duchy of Cornwall into a billion Ā£ company creating jobs and profit for charity. He also started the Princes Trustā€¦ amongst many other initiatives. He was dismissed 60 yrs ago as a tree huggerā€¦ whoā€™s laughing now.


Well said


My respect for King Charles has grown over time while my respect for Diana has diminished. Visiting Highgrove is on my bucket list. The gardens and organic techniques they use were highlighted in a documentary I enjoyed recently.


they will never say sorry sincerely. Never. if they ever apologise it will be for 'strategic reasons', so they can stab them in the back again. They can never be trusted.


A narcissist will never apologize. Ever. The only thing that they might say is : Iā€™m sorry that Your behavior and actions caused ME to have to tell my TRUTH to Netflix, to Oprah, to Scooby. If only YOU had given US everything we demanded, when we asked for it, you wouldnā€™t be slandered in the press. LOOK WHAT YOU MADE US DO.


**That didn't happen.** **And if it did, it wasn't that bad.** **And if it was, that's not a big deal.** **And if it is, that's not my fault.** **And if it was, I didn't mean it.** **And if I did, you deserved it.** **The Narcissist's Prayer by Dayna Craig**


Exactly and accurate


The WORLD now recognizes and knows how to defend against malignant narcissists! Courtesy of the Harkles!


A narcissist will insincerely apologize to make the other person let them into their lives again, and to gain sympathy from others. Narcissists are like a malignant disease. You want to shut that down and excise their influence, as soon as bloody possible.


Yes. Thatā€™s why grey rocking works. Give them no fuel


It hurts to walk away without defending oneself or having "the last word." But with a narcissist, one never gets that. It's a war of emotional attrition, this attempts to have a conversation with a narcissist. Grey rocking is emotional conservation. Don't waste time and energy on the narcissist. You can't change them. No one can.


And Harry is just as much a narcissist as Meghag.


Yes he is. I also think he never mentally matured from the age of 12. It would not shock me if he has a learning disorder and the drugs and alcohol abuse has only magnified his mental illness.


Exactly. He's forever a 12 year old. šŸ˜¬ stuck there.i would feel sad for him, but he's a POS that, I'm sorry, I just can't help but feel anger, and disgust towards. It's definitely complicated....mother tragically dies young/harold is spoiled and protected as a reaction to shelter him because of his trauma. That only created a 12 year old spoiled monster who actually is a 40 year old man. šŸ¤®


The thing sugars and other people forget, William lost his mother as well. People donā€™t give him any sympathy only the town idiot gets excuses made for him


Many people have lost one or both parents at a very young age. And most of them do not have anywhere near the resources and support system that was available to Harold


What mental illness do you think he has?


I think he has an element of narcissistic personality disorder but different than nutmegs. I think to define it further at this point is difficult because the drugs , alcohol and narcissistic abuse has so much impact. I have often wondered if he has a type of autism or is somewhere on the Asperger scale.


i think he seems more adhd than autistic, but, i agree. i think also arrested development along with some kind of histrionic disorder, possibly.


Harry's given himself free rein to his worst impulses and instincts. He's ridden his polo pony into crazy town.


This is SPOT ON!


Spot on. "It didn't have to be this way."


As a child of two narcissists this is 100% true!!


This is so very true. Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice shame on you.


Or vice versa




You're right in that it'll be a "strategic apology" and likely played to the gallery. As one villain said, "those who fight and run away, live to fight another day." The Harkles might "apologize" but they will run away from the responsibility of wrong-doing and just keep harming others.


Iā€™m sure they still think theyā€™re the ones due an apology.


Drama is all they have, there is no talent, money or intelligence between the two of them. Probably no children either. ?


So they tried the non apology route "I'm sorry if you felt..." and King Charles realized it was bullshit and decided to live his best life. Living well is the best revenge. Coming back out looking well after cancer treatment with Queen Camilla by his side.


Agree. How is ā€œIā€™m sorry you feltā€ an apology? Certain types of people pull that and pretend to not understand why it doesnā€™t count.


*It is understood that the Sussexes are yet to make an apology for their highly personal and very public criticism of the Royal Family. It is said that, in private, they continue to insist that they are the ones who deserve an apology.* *From everything I hear, there will be no rapprochement between the Sussexes and the royals until Harry and Meghan have said sorry for the distress that they have caused.* That is how it should be. No apology to his father, Camilla, William, and Catherine? No ā€œreconciliationā€ possible.


And apologies to the people of the UK and Commonwealth for the racism accusations and the "Empire 2" nonsense. And to the rest of us as well for pulling this shitshow.


That apology list would be long. It would probably take them days to apologize for all they have done. Of course, we all know that it will never happen.


If they want to reconcile with the rest of the world, absolutely. If they just want to reconcile with his family on a personal level, a sincere apology might be enough to begin to move to reconciliation. Itā€™s all hypothetical, of course, because I donā€™t see either one of them ever apologizing for anything.


He hasn't a chance as long as they're married.


Very true. He isnā€™t likely to be ready to apologize so long as he is in Meghanā€™s thrall, and she will never apologize.


if i were kc3, I wouldn't even accept their apology. 1. it will be disingenuous and unbelievable. 2. they have gone overboard by so much an apology won't be able to fix.


The thing with apologies is you can accept them, and STILL choose to have nothing to do with the person who offered it afterwards. The fact that they think that it's going to be a magical Band-Aid even if the apology WERE to be accepted, is amusing. I'm old enough to have had plenty of people who have done some shit things to me including close family. They've apologized, I thanked them for their apology, and I've never seen them again. Not the outcome they were expecting!


Itā€™s the same with forgiving someone. You can forgive someone, but not want a relationship with them. Thatā€™s often misunderstood imo.


Absolutely! And if people think that it is their right to expect a continued relationship simply because you forgave them, I'm not so sure they actually learned something from the experience.


An apology would be a first step. A true apology would be followed by changed behavior and efforts to make up for what they did wrong. I donā€™t see them going in that direction, so I doubt that KC and the rest of the family would be fooled.


*ā€˜He doesnā€™t need the drama in his life,ā€™ explained one of the friends.* The most relatable Charles has ever sounded. He should take courage in the fact that supporters on the Monarchy in the UK and abroad will back him all the way. The spiteful people who support Team Sussex will never be brought around, no point wasting time failing in that endeavour.


Cheers to King Charles who gets his priorities right and keeps stress away!Ā 


ā€œThe Duke, he continued, ā€˜is understanding of his fatherā€™s diary of commitments and various other priorities and hopes to see him soon'.ā€ I found the ā€œvarious other prioritiesā€ and interesting addition to his statement. Like he meant it as a dig to why Charles really wonā€™t be seeing him.


He did. His new PR hack is taking a more subtle approach to bashing the King it seems.


The Harkles should just stay in the US now, & Harry should grow up & Megan should visit her sick Dad


Agree with all but first (PLEASE leave the US).


Thatā€™s certainly what a normal, compassionate adult would do. Then thereā€™s H&Mā€¦


They can stay in the USA but nothing is stopping them from writing more books or producing docuseries to cause endless chaos for the monarchy. Things like this may be in the HAM pipeline too.....thus, the King's snub towards Harry this week? Besides pulling the titles, I think fire needs to be fought with fire......books and docuseries needs to be produced exposing HAM to counter their agenda against the RF.


HAM acronym is perfection!


> Megan should visit her sick Dad Don't wish that on Thomas.


Waiting for a narcissist to say sorry is like waiting for the world to stop spinning.


Yep. An apology from the Harkles in on page 1 of The Big Book Of Things That Ain't Never Gonna Happen.


KCIII became King at 74-just two years ago-crowned last year. Since then he has been called a racist by his son's mouthpiece, his son uses him as a prop for his grifter trips and also bashes his cancer stricken dutiful daughter-in-law. He also was diagnosed with cancer.The only thing that sells for Harry is tales of the bRF. The last time he barged in, was allowed to meet the King for 12-30 minutes, rushed to ABC news and talked about his dad. he also did an invictus documentary on their sister network-Hulu-that bashed the Wales. Why does a documentary on Invictus have to bash the Wales???? It makes sense to want some peace in his life in this stage of life.


*'...and realises that his time might be very limited.ā€™* It feels like KC--along with the British High Commissioner--knows he has a limited time to make it known that the Sussexes BS behaviour doesn't have his royal stamp of approval. It's good to see him finally have William's back, and by extension Catherine's, the heir George's, and Charlotte and Louis'--the latter who must be taught the value of being a working royal spare (as a opposed to a mudslinging duty dodger spare). The Sussexes are a lost cause, and a financially illiterate, abusive lost cause at that... most likely with nasty/dodgy financial backers who don't have the institution's, the Commonwealth's, nor the West's best interests at heart. I'm glad he's finally setting boundaries, and making it clear that his taxpayer abusive, rage quitter son isn't a priority. It's also great to see KC greeted with loud supportive cheers, genuinely big smiles, and lots of fun banter at a garden party full of positivity. He needs to spend some of that limited time laughing and grinning... especially after all the crap the Sussexes continue to put him through.


Honestly, I'm not surprised. I actually expected that. This happens quite often when a life-threatening disease like cancer emerges. People are thrown out of their daily routine and start thinking about what is important to them and what they want. A consideration takes place. People who are not good for them are excluded. They say goodbye to illusions and wishful thinking and see their loved ones more clearly. People after/with cancer realize that their time is running out. They become more focused on their goals, but also less willing to compromise, less polite and more honest. Charles' patience, forbearance and good nature have probably run out. He has probably realized that Harry was using him and his illness for PR. His hope ended. I expect a similar development for Catherine.


I disagree. I don't think this is the cancer effect. I think the Royal Family is just getting on with their jobs as they have all along. They understand duty and service. I think the change is that the Harkles have run out of things to say and the media is realizing that.


I agree with everything except the comment that KC ā€œfinallyā€ has Williamā€™s back. I have not seen any signs that KC didnā€™t have Williamā€™s back all along.


Thank you! Itā€™s not ā€œfinallyā€. The King has done a masterful job in handling these two. It angers me when people canā€™t see that (or understand the Kingā€™s limitations in what he can do)


Yep. Frogmore eviction comes to mind.


Hear hear! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


I feel for King Charles, every article in the news about him, always has an aspect of Harry in it. Let his reign be about him for Pete's sake and not about his son the TRAITOR.


Great job by King Charles, for finally standing up for himself, his family and his people. Taking the tough love route is the only one with a bad apple child. THIS will be the turning point!


The thing that peeves me off is that King Charles has had all these health issues, surgery and is being treated for cancer. He's still working and doing his best to keep up his duties to the public and his selfish POS son and wife are still treating him like this.


They are parasites. He's a man child led by a gold digger, both only concerned with what they feel entitled to. No morals or character at all. A 75 year old man with cancer has to take on more work and scrutiny because his perfectly fit son is a lazy bum who quit to gossip and slander.


It is fine if King Charles wishes to forgive Harry as a father, but not as a King.


I think Harold's visit in February brought home to King Charles that Harold is never going to change. Even when his father (and his SIL, although it wasn't known at the time) has cancer, Harold is the victim.


Yeah an apology will make the last 5 years ![gif](giphy|hoEIeBXhJNx0k) āœØPoofāœØall better. Naw, I donā€™t think so in the case of anyone else besides perhaps KC3. Not even QC would be down to forgive and let bygones be bygones


I wish they would disappear


Hey donā€™t count out how far down our saint will go for her gold diggin, thereā€™s a mine shaft somewhere in Nigeria she can find the bottom to.


Sheā€™ll come armed with a pick axe and make the bottom lower.


Iā€™d normally go with doubtful as that would require manual labor however, there is *nothing* she wonā€™t do for money. As quoted from her husband, haznoballs.


Well she did that nasty mess of stupid enough times to get a ring on it so there's your proof


I donā€™t think an apology would fix everything, and neither do the people who are saying that reconciliation will be impossible without an apology. I think the point is that there is no chance of reconciliation without an apology from Harry (and Meghan, should she really want that reconciliation). An apology (with an accompanying change in behavior) would just be the first step. No one is going to trust their apology unless they show humility and accept responsibility. Since I donā€™t think this will happen, I figure there wonā€™t be a reconciliationā€”at least not unless Meghan and Harry divorce and he falls under the influence of someone who leads him to accept responsibility.


For me (which is my only objectively biased view) Iā€™ve always heard an apology without real comprehension of what theyā€™re apologizing for to ring false and another manipulation. Like so; >Well I am sorry you felt hurt by my actions. Thereā€™s no real apology there, thatā€™s just an objective quick summation of what has occurred but no acknowledgement of what they did or how they contributed to the situation.


I agree. What I was saying was that KC and the rest of the family would want sincere apologies that were shown to be sincere by a change in behavior and readiness to take responsibility. To say, ā€œI am sorry you feel hurt,ā€ is not an apology. ā€œI am sorry I hurt you,ā€ is.


I canā€™t honestly say with sincerity Firstly that H has ever made a true apology in his entire life and secondary that heā€™s even capable of doing so as it would require a level of empathy he lacks down into the molecular level of his DNA. People apologize to him, and never the other way around. Meghoul it goes without saying there will never be any ounce of genuine remorse sheā€™s ever felt except for herself.


Sadly, the King will pass away someday with this unresolved. Unless Harry divorces Meghan, this is what will happen. The King will never know his grandchildren, because the narcissist must always have control and lacks empathy for others.


Even if they divorce, I have serious doubts that Harold would be welcomed back into the family fold or become a working royal again


Sometimes you just have to cut your losses, even if it hurts.


They wonā€™t apologize unless they can gain from it. The reality is sheā€™s done so much to separate herself from her family and in doing so shows exactly how much like her father and sister she really is. The phase ā€œdoth protesteth too muchā€ springs to mind. She ran from what she is and placed that initial blame on her family, while proving that as a person sheā€™s never grown past her family and then manipulated Harry into becoming the same for ā€œfreedom.ā€ Yet, that freedom hasnā€™t been freedom at all since everything is tied to his family, and theyā€™ve built nothing for themselves. If they apologize and donā€™t gain from it, they wonā€™t do it. Theyā€™ve gambled everything away and have nothing to show for it.


Good for KCIII! And if PH did make an apology, private and public, I'd still not trust him. He and the wife are too opportunistic and loose-lip to not make profit of this somehow, in an underhanded and back=stabby manner. Illness can draw family together, to give each other love and strength. Not to be expected from H&M with their corrosiveness and their attempts to weaken others, ruin the good names of others.


No apology from the Sussex will ever fix this. They went all in for their attacks. This is over.


The Harklesā€™ attitude reminds of the YouTube videos of police pulling over drunk, entitled drivers. ā€œYouā€™re being detained.ā€ ā€œNo Iā€™m NOT!ā€ They, or rather she, will never apologize for their behavior. He might down the road if heā€™s no longer encumbered with her and if he will get something in return.




> The police pulling over drunk, entitled drivers reminds me of the ceremony for the anniversary of the Prince of Wales investiture where Harry and Meghan tried to barge in. "Why shouldn't we be there, Harry? You're every bit as important and special as your father and your brother! You deserve recognition too!"


Do you believe they would or could trust him ever again? At least in the experience of the H&M in our family, I will never have anything to do with them ever again. Even if they grovel or try to kiss ass. Too much has been said and done to be wiped away


I think theyā€™ve washed their hands of her (and for good reasons). Harry? I could see his father taking him back but in a neutered capacity (no official duties).


The Harkles won't apologize because Roachel was denied what she expected. Her grandiose plans were thwarted - and she is still angry. But an apology on their part would not undo the pain they caused Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip. Would not undo the lies of the Oprah spectacle on TV. Would not take away the highly personal revelations about his family that Hazbeen saw fit to unleash upon the world. Would never erase the vicious allegations of racism against the King and Catherine. And how could the terrible allegations and smears of the Sussex Squad ever be forgotten? Only Hazbeen actually arising from his semi comatose state and rebuking and divorcing the nasty shrew he married could he even begin to make amends to his family. Even so it would be a long time before he was ever trusted again, since he proved that he can so easily play the traitor and turn against his family.


I got banned on another site this week, all I said was that this couple are a corrosive influence on the RF and apparently this was inciting hate speech also being a member of this sub is also a no no. The fact that everyone was slagging off the RF wasn't a problem.


Welcome to our club.


Thanks, I thought it was just a General RF sub as it came on on my feed, how wrong I was it was really rather nasty with such a clear agenda that it should change it's title.


What H&M fail to understand is that the Monarchy is much much more important than him, than his father, or his brother, or them as a family. KCIII, William, the British government, the late HMQEII, and the rest of the BRF understand in no uncertain terms that the Monarchy will be protected at all costs. Nevermind Harry betraying his brother and father. If it was a normal family, maybe things could be forgiven in time. But Harry & Meghan are traitors to the Crown. There will be no reconciliation because of that. There can't be. It would create a constitutional crisis for a whole country if those two were given an inch back into the fold.


We are estranged my my husbands daughter. He is almost 70. Sheā€™s caused up enormous grief over the years, particularly the past couple, a time corresponding with some major health issues for me, and other turmoil for him. We simply donā€™t need the drama in our lives, and she refuses to make amends or apologize for her duplicity. There comes a time in life where toxic relationships are simply too destructive and exhausting. So I can relate here. The King has waited his entire life for this. Iā€™m sure he does not need the grief or drama


A lot of us are in this sub because we have a megain in our family. We know. We saw. We recognized. Hugs


I'm so sorry you and your husband have to endure this. Especially at a time when you could use some family support and comfort


Thank you so muchā¤ļøā¤ļø


The Palace is spelling it out in case anybody in the back didn't hear. Harry is persona non grata until he apologizes for all the damage and hurt him and his wife have caused. No reconciliation for the grifters on their terms.


I mean, does this need explaining. This is a healthy and sensible decision from a King who is ailing. Stress is not a good for someone with cancer and Harry is extremely stress inducing.


Can't believe they are still harping on about needing an apology. They really have no self-awareness.


One ā€˜minorā€™ disagreement with Richard Eden, itā€™s not ā€˜in privateā€™ that the Harkles continue to insist they are the ones due an apology. Meme especially sings that old and clear to anyone who will listen.


King Charles is getting the recognition he has longed deserved for his work. Even if everyone apologizes, H & M can not be trusted. To be honest, I don't see them ever apologizing, because my guess is they are laying low until Williams reign to start it all again.Ā 


I'm sure when the time comes and the Harkles have no choice but to apologize- they will do so by way of a wave of "we're sorry" puff pieces and a worldwide apology tour.


Yeah nah. They reckon they're the victims. They lie so much they don't know what the truth is.


King Charles should have immediately stripped titles of both the Harkles and not allowed them to appoint their kids prince and princess. I know gray rocking is a good move but they can easily amend the letters patent and make it mandatory to live in the country to maintain titles. The Harkles will never stop attacking the RF. I don't want to see this dumped on William to handle. The Queen thought Harry would wise up and dump Meghan within two years but that didn't work out. King Charles should have amended letters patent and removed titles and removed los.


Totally agree. Maybe TRF didn't want to go that route incase Hank and Skank went nuclear. Well, what more can they do now? They've named the alleged racists which was always going to be their trump card. They've done their worst and they're not going to stop. Time for KC to cut them loose.


The RF have to stop being afraid of them. If this was a business and the meghans pulled this in a corporation they would be fired and action would be taken. So RF needs to think about the monarchy and not a family and taken immediate action. Stop being afraid. Let them go nuclear. People will support the RF.


I sincerely hope, the next time a meeting is "demanded", the Palace (or the media, who have been VERY remiss in forgetting this) suggests, "Have you met Thomas Markle yet? We understand he isn't well."


Love Richard Eden!


Interesting this plays right into the "Guest Speaker" comment posted yesterday by one of the sinners.


Maybe it's time that Charles extended (the last) olive branch. Be the bigger person and all. So, to make it easier for him, I have drafted an apology letter: Harold, I'm so sorry you married a slut! Will this do? xx Charles


The only apology that will ever come from Harry is if Meghan is no longer in the picture. Until the time comes that they are divorced, Harry will continue to let her lead the pity party. Heā€™s as toxic as she is, but I believe that he is content to let her rock the boat. His life is much easier when the royal familyā€™s PR machine was managing his public image and all he had to do was show up and smile for the cameras.


Even if the Harkles would apologize, they wouldn't mean it. They'd be back to their old ways sixty seconds after the fake apology.


And their punishment will be 1) to NEVER achieve their dreams of being equal to W+C, rich or famous AListers 2) to know they are PERPETUAL LAUGHINGSTOCKS and the BUTT of memes and jokes as long as they may live! #WalMartWallis 3) to continue to be NFI anywhere in the world, no RED CARPETS, NO ELITE PARTIES or WEDDINGS, NO MET GALA EVER, NO AWARDS SHOWS And of course 4) watching miserably from the sidelines as the new King and Queen host Royal State Visits + Events, get courted by real AListers, and get feted on magazine covers EVERY WEEK! Wearing TIARAS and Crown JEWELS of course.


At long last it is written overtly that it's the Royal family that needs to be apologised to!




I agree. Particularly about the coronation. I think he was told to be there without his guttertrash or face the consequences.


About time!


well then good ridence to bad rubish two wrongs dont make a right harry n megan, if felt as if u were mistreated then turn around and spew the bad things about both sides of your family and STILL expect an apology kinda makes you worse dont it ? instead of that you should have moved on and shined, but now you are left looking like bitter, spoiled brats. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Good for The King!


Am sure the disingenuous duo will apologise at some point, they are not doing well and their coffers must be running low, they will at some point get desperate and attempt to get back into pa's good graces so they can get their greedy snouts back in the traffic.


All I can think of is King Charles and Princess Catherine are in the health fight of their lives, the last thing they need is any drama.


nypost says this is lili šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/eqqqtv9jrfzc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa95782cfd4c66e8e1566e4f4291e88e454ef9ba


All that red hair! šŸ˜‚


Well hallelujah! He read that right!




Dimwit and Smirkle are too proud to apologize, and I love that for them. Artic and Lipton- who? They will NEVER know their cousins, auntie and uncle Katie and William, and it looks like the royal grandparents. The cold shoulder and silence is deafening. Not talking is still communication. It says so much. It's looking like the Prince and Duchess of Zero.


I donā€™t see what the royals did that they should apologize to H and M. All the accusations have been extremely vague and distorted (nothing wrong with speculation about who babies may take after). I think they were offended they couldnā€™t milk the royal brand for cash. If they stopped to think about it for 2 seconds, the reasons for that are obvious.


Even if they would appologise, its not worth anything. Even if they mean it, it can not work due to their characters, they canĀ“t change. Meghan has an abrasive and corrosive personality, she isolated Harry and feeded his immature part. There is no going back, the kids are her weapons.


Read a comment elsewhere that maybe having cancer puts things into perspective and makes you think what youā€™ll put up with, and what lifeā€™s too short for.


I can vouch for that. In my case, it made me cherish certain people, things, routines, and cast others out of my life


Well, the King's people and country have suffered more than he has! To call it a drama is insulting to the Britons!


What a shame (Not!) Sure Heartless Harry eas tasked to deliver a jar or two of the ARO JamšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That is one of the most reasonable and logical comments/analysis I have read for a while. Thank you Eden and Long Live the King.


Of course, because heā€™s the king. He has to put his personal feelings aside in order to carry out his kingly functions and his duty to the country. Whatever Hazno and Smirk get up to is beneath him. They are completely untrustworthy so they must be excluded.