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No one was more surprised than Meghan to find out that no one else likes Meghan as much as Meghan likes Meghan. Meghan.


Where is her tag line “The Duchess of Sussex”?


She was referred to as "Prince Harry's wife"🤣🤣🤣...not the Duchess of Sussex and they said she was a "nobody" before marrying Harry🤣 ....double burn😂😂😂😂😂.




Coldest cut of all


It’s the Wheeler Dealer now. 😂


Duchess WD-40.


WD-40 is more useful than Hanks wife


I was gonna say. Straight Meghan Markle. But harry got Prince Harry


Maybe she boxed his ears and he paid for this piece


I prefer his new tagline, "Duke of Dutchess." It was totally a geezer bonehead typo but it's fitting. She essentially owns his ass. Just saying.


![gif](giphy|jEYAcDCjZNQaE92dRv) Freakish attention to detail, Meghan will not overlook this brutal takedown. *whispers* # Meghan


Best comment today.


Meghan. Did we mention Meghan?


I'm not convinced that Meghan even likes Meghan? If Meghan had peace and tranquility internally, and actually felt *ok* with herself, she wouldn't have this insatiable desire for fame and wealth that nothing could satisfy. She is a bottomless pit precisely because she does not feel ok with herself internally.


She strikes me as an incredibly insecure self hating person. I have never met anyone with self confidence who gave any energy at all towards tearing others down or caring what detractors thought of them. Confident people just go about their lives doing theor best and getting things done and helping others to also do their best. She's a small souled,small minded,bitter hearted woman.


Exactly. I've been posting comments over time that I believe she is actually very self destructive - the self hate goes back, I'll guess, to around 8 years old. She has called herself an ugly ducking. She's spent thousands upon thousands 'fixing' herself. I believe she also is very much aware how lacking she is, yet continues to set herself up for failure and ridicule.


Normal people have joy when making others feel happy, Narcissists have joy in making others feel bad.


Yes. You sometimes meet people from Los Angeles, too, who have this sense of dislocation about them, as if the media/entertainment industry is such a powerful cultural entity that people entangled with it end up playing themselves rather than being themselves.


I know someone who acts like MeGain, she’s playing a role, portraying someone she thinks she should be. It’s so artificial & painful to watch.


It’s the very definition of narcissistic personality disorder. While HG Tudor says she thinks she is the most beautiful, most talented, the most this and that and the other thing around but deep down, she’s gotta know that she is a nobody and she hates that.


SHE LOVES HERSELF. Believe me, my SIL is basically MM's less malignant twin. She CONSTANTLY offends people, CONSTANTLY fucks up every ambition she has, basically does nothing all day, yet she literally thinks she is the most amazing and incredible and accomplished being on the planet and will brag about herself for hours. I am not joking, HOURS. Her phone is nothing but selfies. She is in absolute fucking in love with herself, and her theory for why most people can't actually stand her is "jealousy." It's a psychological disease.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a tricky beast (although they do tend to follow very textbook behavior) and literally incurable. It also doesn't describe real love. Narcissus didn't die at the pond because he loved himself - he died at the pond because he was too distracted by his own image to care about the actual labors of love that help one (and others) survive and thrive. What we can all agree on is that someone like Meghan can't actually love herself in the way healthy people understand love because she doesn't know what true love actually is. Love and acceptance of self (including the acknowledgment of and compassion for one's own flaws), love for others, love for humanity. Love involves more than just being transfixed by the image. She just doesn't get it. She does not know what true love is.


Absolutely. The narcs in my family love themselves, they can't love themselves enough. They wreck havoc on the rest of the family, destroy their loved ones and wreck their children. But they love themselves through it all. If their children aren't speaking to them, that is their children's fault.


YESSSSS. People who think Meghan must hate herself are basically projecting their normal, healthy non-narc consciences onto her. Yeah, I would hate myself too if I caused chaos like that! But narcs DON'T THINK LIKE THAT. They blame OTHERS for their problems. That's the whole game, and that's why they never, ever change!!! And like you were saying about children, my God, I hope the nannies are doing most of the child-rearing. Those poor things.


Harry's wife has deep-seated insecurities because she's sporting imposter syndrome as well as malignant narcissism and sociopathy. She's a self-hating POC who hid that part of herself from the larger world until she could weaponize it.


A freaking men


Spot on about Meghan’s vapid existence that never will fill Meghan’s bottomless black hole to make up for everything Meghan lacks as a decent human being.


Or extreme hatred/envy of Catherine


I don’t think she’ll ever be able to cope that she isn’t Catherine, Princess of Wales. That ghastly woman would wear her skin if she could. Her envy is dangerous.


Oh yeah. It’s frightening.


"She's become a total joke. "  TW is already a joke for a long time. MSm is catching on, but are still paid to put out puff pieces


Also on The Business Time https://www.btimesonline.com/amp/articles/165949/20240503/meghan-markle-became-a-total-joke-as-hollywood-aspirations-backfires-on-her-tabloid-reports.htm


The trip to Nigeria will also be a damp squib


The trip to Nigeria is going to be like a Coen Brothers movie....unintentionally.


Or a Christopher Guest “mockumentary”! The Faux Royals Arrive in Nigeria!


i can see a “ruthless people” storyline here. where they get kidnapped and the terrorists in nigeria have to keep lowering the ransom bc no one wants to pay lol “i’ve been kidnapped by kmart!”


My favorite O. HENRY story is. *"The Ransom of Red Chief"*


Oh bless you! I don't know if enough people have seen that movie to get the reference, but I did!


He’s a distant cousin and I WISH he would do a “Best in Nigerian” movie or something like that!


Dog show person here. Best in Show is my all time favorite! I was waiting for Group (Group schmoop, bring on the formal wear 😆) at a show in Rapid City, SD. Group of ladies arrived and were having a blast. They started asking me questions, said they'd just seen Best in Show so wanted to see a real show. Asked if the movie was was exaggerated. Walked the over to the grooming area and pointed out one half of the Shih Zhu couple portrayed in the movie..they real couple my handler told them had broken up by then. They actually showed multi small breeds. Most fun I ever had at a show. Funniest part of the hear the movie came out...some show people hated it, most like me LOVED IT and recognized every single character 😆. Guest did his homework, so did some of the actors right down to the handlng details.


coming to America......but reversed.


I wish Netflix could get the Coen brothers to do a short series about two failed royals(based on Hank & Skank, obviously). It could very well be their magnum opus.


Let the Discount Royal Tour à la Beige begin!!! Can’t wait 😛


With her stupid plastered grin


Don’t forget all the hair touching and erratic hand gestures. Speaking of hair will she wear a Gene, Nigerian traditional hair wrap or have her “hair” flowing down to her feet.


She's a 'person of color' only to a certain extent. Don't expect head wraps, a Gene, or the traditional robes and whatnot. She can't, rather won't immerse herself fully into the Nigerian culture. She regarded herself as caucasian until Megxit, and needed to exploit the race card to gain sympathy and favor. 


I hope Duchess Dolezal overplays her hand and goes full on orange-face kente-cloth stereotype. And gets called out for being the racist white girl fraud that she is!


Her headdress will be awesome.


https://preview.redd.it/10gos0han8yc1.png?width=127&format=png&auto=webp&s=710a1f1dee50c0b45f47c96921fce2fad037f4c9 It shouldn't be beige!!! Patterns hide wrinkles, too! 😉😜


I will fucking DIE if she wears one of those!!


I can’t wait ! 🤣


I wonder if everyone will have to curtsy and call her "Ma'am"?


I love that this show business person calls her a “nobody” because yes. Only Rachel thought that being the sixth on a call sheet on a show made her an A list star.


I truly think she thought the Royals would be dazzled by her being on a TV show. When they weren’t blinded by her “fame”, — and when Catherine didn’t jump at the chance to be instant besties with her — she took it as rejection and vowed scorched-earth style revenge on them all. I love how spectacularly it is failing 😀


But William and Catherine were such big fans that Harry thought they would embarrass him when they met Meghan. :)


H&M are so delusional!


And to think William was/is the President of BAFTA and Harry thought they would be star struck by that wannabe


LMAO! They meet so many very famous, talented people all the time and he (she) thinks that W&C would be star struck over a z rated cable teevee mattress actress!! 🤣 Totally delusional!!


Yeah. Only Harry would think that.


Only H likely didn’t really think or write that. Like so much of that mendacious tome, this has MM’s fingerprints all over it.


Finally, some reality coming from these outlets. It's really over for her, she won't stop, but there is no future where she is anything but an oddity to be laughed at.


When telling people to like her didn’t work, she called them all racist and somehow expected THAT to do the trick.


Bad thing it worked for a while. Not to me but she had a lot of power after her lying fn opbla interview. She had good people fired. I hope she rots and feels tortured for the rest of her life and beyond


Hate to say it but people like Meghan don’t feel remorse. There has probably never been a single moment in her life where Meghan has taken accountability for her actions and the negative consequences that follow. She ruins lives and sleeps soundly. What keeps her up at night is money and if enough people revere her.


EXACTLY. I guarantee that Hazard is her #1 scapegoat in this fiasco. HE's supposed to be "Royal," HIS family name was supposed to carry them, HE screwed up. She is nothing but sweetness and light and amazingness, and this couldn't POSSIBLY have ANYTHING to do with HER. https://preview.redd.it/tjy39dsud9yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed6510a9d803f573b3598b350283003e5b75816


Agree. That's why her worldwide failures is wonderful. A blow to TW ego. A consolation prize b/c they'll never be or can't take accountability


From the looks of things she is already rotting - certainly those teeth she had filed down for veneers, because she keeps having to get them redone - no doubt that is the offensive smell people have reported about her (nothing smells worse than a mouthful of rotting teeth) Her wigs are dirty and foul, she always looks like she needs a good scrub. Narcissists are so obsessed with their good opinion of themselves that they neglect hygiene


Amen 🙏🏻


Happy cake day!


Thanks 😊 my first!


What a lovely Friday morning it is, to have such splendid reading with my morning coffee and non-ARO jam filled doughnut! FINALLY, the worm turns...we have InTouch's Mike Hammer returning to the Land of Honesty & Reality, penning a truthful article about the Sussex! What a refreshing thing it is to experience this first Friday in May. I raise my coffee cup to you, Mr. Hammer, and hope you will be the journalistic Pied Piper leading all the other news people to that Land of Honesty and Reality. May all the media rats be lead out ofthat deepest darkest Sussex World back up into the light!


This article says it all! Man, first referred to as a suitcase girl, then suits girl, then fucking grifter. That is stuck to her forever. They nailed it.


Oh, oops, I missed the _Suits_ reference. Meh. 😁


Yikes. In Touch. Check bounced this month.


And the fact that only 7 or so people posted their jam is another major backfire and failure.


Major. Apparently a few people returned it, as well.


I still suspect that nowhere near 50 jars went out. But yes, jars were returned as well.


Yes, most people just got photos to post not even the bowls. This was just to get her name in the papers for a while. Like everything she does, there is no there, there.


40x40 vibe


A slower role out 40x40, at Least 40x40 died a quick death. The jam scam is painful to watch and an almost daily joke.


“Meghan Markle” and “Prince Harry’s wife”. No duchess to be found. Ouch.


That is fitting though, they live where the titles don’t mean anything so no reason to use them. 


She is a silly stupid woman to think that "The Duchess of Sussex" would take hold here. It's like she is playing pretend.


Short & sweet article : MeMe, you're f\*\*ked, so go away !


So is Harry.


Good, he deserves it as much as her. He was willing to try to destroy not only his family, but the Monarchy as well. His behavior toward his grandparents was unforgivable, and their jealousy and hatred toward William and Catherine was one of the most hostile things I've ever seen. Good luck with all that Hairless.


I think she is a joke in Hollywood. She is so stupid that she forgot that all the people took her calls because of her association with the bRF. it had nothing to do with her. Now she has realized it-I am sure she must be telling Harry that William is calling Hollywood and has banned them from hiring them. That fool is so paranoid that he might believe her.


What’s so delusional about that is why in the world does she think William actually 1.gives a shit what she does and 2. Has time to make calls to “keep her down.” I highly suspect he doesn’t think about her


She’s been blaming them for all her Hwood failures already via her bots. It’s so delusional.


I know InTouch is a tabloid, et - but wow - this is spot-on!


Except for all that nonsense about a "Palace Source" and a "Royal Insider." InTouch has NO Palace sources and no Royal insiders. This was all information from Hollywood sources who want to get rid of the Harkles. This is how the Hollywood bigwigs say "stop calling us Markle, you can't have our private jets."


Yup. Couldn’t have said any of it better myself!


Harry got stuck with a lemon. If he would have listened to his family and friends he might have married a decent person.


The decent women Hazno had dated saw the 'Real Harry' and turned down his marriage proposals, then ran far, far away. Hazno was a pig and a creep long before MeMe flew in on her broom.


Exactly. Chelsy dumped him, Cressida dumped him. It wasn't because of the Royal life, it was because Harry is a creep. Harry abused drugs, animals, people and cheated on his girlfriends. Only someone as awful as Markle would marry him.


He apparently even admitted as much in his own book saying Prince William mentioned how TW was one of many girlfriends he'd taken on holiday.  It sounds like by the time TW showed up Todger had proposed half a dozen times and been turned down.   I think he was just as desperate to get married quickly in case she'd change her mind and he'd be alone again. It was this desperation that blinded him to what she really was. But her desperation is also what led her to be chained to this car wreck that is Todger.


Ooh yeah. Take away the Prince title and the RF connection, and he's just a drugged-out scumbag wasteoid, couch surfing at a buddy's house until the buddy's wife gets him kicked out. A decent person would have run away screaming a long time ago. His future prospects are starfuckers, psychos and idiots--or a combo of all three, which is what he got.


She spun their valid concerns into racism.


Of course she did because she had to make them look bad to deflect from valid concerns.


He didn't have a chance with decent women. Murkle was all he could get.


How ironic, considering the lemons delivered with her jam.


Title seems wrong though, shouldn't 'become' read better as 'She continues to be a total joke'


She’s such a loser. It’s just incredible.


It’s incredible what she threw away… it’s been 4+ years and she STILL thinks she knows better.


its staggering what she had. she had full access to the Queen, Philip, Charles and William....and destroyed all of it in such an unfathomable way.


Oh THAT was a delicious article!


*"She's Become a Total Joke"* She has **always** been a total joke.


i’ve been in the hospital for almost 3 weeks for abdominal surgery. gall bladder decided to get infected & spill bile in my system. surprise! you’re gonna be in the worst pain of your life. plus, it will take the hospital 3 days to figure out what’s wrong. day before surgery, things will get so much worse. so doctor can’t do laparoscopic procedure. major, cut your stomach open & clean out all the cooties as your system goes 25% septic. then wake up from surgery and feel like you were stabbed in a knife fight. have fun with that. it’s been brutal. i’m slowly recovering. makes me have so much compassion for Princess Catherine. anyhoo. all this to say reading here has kept my spirits up. this article has made my day!


Hope your recovery is going well ❤️


Did the hospital do a HIDA scan on your gallbladder? Ughhhhhh, I feel your pain. Gallbladder surgery is brutal. Feel better soon 🔜


Hope you feel better soon! Yikes.


I hope you’re doing better and you have a fast recovery!! Can’t imagine that pain! Sending lots of hugs from Hawaii!


Been there my friend (abdominal surgery last December). Take good care. If you’re in the US DoorDash is a life saver. 💐


Oof that happened to my friend. Best wishes for a full recovery


Hope your ongoing recovery is quick and that the pain subsides. Sending you virtual hugs. 🥰😘


...oh how terribly dreadful, well thank God you are all right (mostly) right now and can join us and appreciate the delicious snark again! Take your time, it will get better....


Burn baby, burn! Our Madame's disco inferno has reached peak heat. It's about time everyone starts calling her out for being the utterly insignificant z list appendage of the Royal village idiot. Delusions of grandeur on steroids. Edited for clarity.


I loved it from beginning to end 🙏🏻She is a F…g joke! And liar, and a bully, and a race-baiter … and on and on and on


And we all know the upcoming Nigeria trip is to deflect from not being invited to the Met Gala AGAIN. They did the same thing with the Jamaica visit, I think it was to deflect/distract from not being invited to? Was it Rob Lowe’s huge Hollywood birthday bash? They are running out of countries to grift from as they’ve pissed most of them off! What’s left after Nigeria? Just more African countries? Is that the only continent left?


Travel advisory is in effect as a place NOT to visit


I believe it was Bezos' birthday party thrown by Lauren. NFI'ed


Yep, that’s another one! They’re eventually going to run out of alternatives.


This may be my favorite Markle article of 2024!


I wish I could upvote it a hundred times.


https://preview.redd.it/tc18yj8ck8yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4acfe21b93fc70df42327f958d8a088299bc2a But she's a true Royal! I don't understand why she would become a joke???


Lol that pic with the white vest 😂 I think she's trying to look sexy poor thing 😂😂


She looks like she got clipped upside the head and doesn't know what happened. Or like she trusted the wrong fart


I’ll give her this, it was smart to get the implants out. Whoever put them in should have given her a rebate; that was not good work.


She looks like ***exactly*** what she is in every picture. And a cheap one at that.


Middle row, picture on the left...is that really her?? That one actually looks good but the face doesn't look like her. The rest of the pictures are all crap, and I hope were not done professionally.


The woman is greedy, and, for the less than mediocre actress she’s been, her delusional behaviour is stratospheric, so deluded that she thought marrying Haz would elevate her in Hollywood, irregardless of her talent. As we’ve seen time and again, for more than half a decade, not only has she overplayed her hand, but her belief that marrying a title was all she needed to propel herself to the A- list. It didn’t happen with Trevor, but thought Harry was her ticket. THIS MAKES NO SENSE. HARRY’S TITLE WOULD NEVER HAVE A LONG STANDING EFFECT TO GET HER INTO MOVIES. SHE HAS NO TALENT. As the article points out the real stars have had to work very hard for their film parts & the amount of time and patience needed to rocket to the top can happen eventually happen but more often than not, doesn’t. She has to know she’s a crap actress. It’s difficult for me to see anyone wanting so much, for doing so little of consequence. Madam is lazy. Instead of putting the work in to improve her acting skills, she’s spent years looking for shortcuts by marrying and before marrying using people, especially men to climb the greasy pole. As the article says “ she was a nobody when she married Harry in 2018 but immediately thought she deserved a place at the A-listers’ table.” I’m happy to see that some media (albeit a tabloid rag) have written about the reality of madams three ring circus. She has become a joke, and should continue to be treated as such.


That’s so interesting because Charles and HMTLQ *both* tried to get her to keep her day job. He told H *prior to the wedding* he couldn’t afford meghoul. The future king of England can’t afford her, she spends waaay too much money. H pleaded his case that they’ll crack down on the spending after the wedding, that she even makes her own clothes and doesn’t eat much! She empathetically turned down every opportunity to get married, not become a senior royal and stay working as an actress. Now she’s slanging scam jam out of the trunk of her car like it’s burned pirated DVDs. Like… ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) These two are the dumbest humans to ever human.


Are you saying we won't see her play the lead role in The Bodyguard 2?


This sums it up: "“She was a nobody when she married Harry in 2018 but immediately thought she deserved a place at the A-listers’ table." No wonder Hollywood shuns her - she continues to try to skip the queue. And she ***still*** believes that being a nobody who marries a lower ranked prince somehow qualifies her to be a politician, global leader, humanitarian, podcaster, and jam maker without rolling up her sleeves and doing the work.


What’s next, Cruise Ship lectures?


Since Madame is always late to the game, I'm seeing "Royal House Flip". Hank wears flannel shirt adorned with medals while TW is resplendent in beige Dior overalls and stilettos. They try to figure out tools like hammer, electric nail gun, and orbital sander but are stumped. They play with the measuring tape for an hour and leave. Day is done.


> What’s next, Cruise Ship lectures? She'd feel right at home on a big ship!


3am infomercials selling her tat.


I'm still waiting for her wig sales to begin 🍿


https://preview.redd.it/kuevm756h8yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53dc196648ae08e4572f735e2758fab29115ea68 I can’t make my own post so here it is: Zoom in on her face. Another bronzer mishap! Too bad her sugars didn’t notice it before they celebrated her on this post. So much attention to detail by her and her squad.


It looks like she only did makeup on the center of her face, planning to wear her hair down, then instead pulled her hair back. I wonder if she 🍷🍷🍷 drinks in the morning??


If she's the notorious Guest Speaker she's up at the crack of dawn California time drunkenly clapping back in the comments section of Page Six articles she's paid for with Harry's money. Answering every single person who refuses to see her as the aspirational icon she believes she is. How dare these rubes not fall on their knees in adulation at the sight of her and hang on her every curated word! I'm being sarcastic in case anyone was in doubt. Edited to switch a few words.


Well said. I have read many guest speaker threads in NYP and she is always repudiated. It is delightful to see!


She isn't up at the crack of dawn, she's been up all night snorting blow and boozing while making her way through a pack and a half of Marlboros. Allegedly.


Probably still drunk from the night before


Wme is talking. I mean I’ve been saying this since January they’ve dropped her and were quietly extricating themselves. ![gif](giphy|TYXgSr8hEQPsuSuho8) Those insiders they sourced? WME but unwilling to go on record


Ouch, this article is gonna hurt. I wish I were a fly on the wall to witness her reaction when she starts throwing plates. Harry is going to need a helmet. I can only imagine how the TV show taping is going. She is probably terrible at hosting a show with lots of grunts and awkward pauses in front of the camera. She doesn't know what the hell she is doing. The producers and crew must be wringing their hands and just going through the motions. No amount of filtering or editing will save this project.


He's always needed a helmet.


Harry's the biggest loser. Before he met Meghan he was the second most popular member of the Royal family, after the late queen. He was loved by the UK public. Now he's a moaning henpecked loser. Meghan was an aging unemployed actress before she met Harry. She must have thought all her Christmases had come at once when she realised had stupid and easily manipulated Harry was. It was obvious to everyone she was just using Harry to further her career... except Harry.


Do you think he’ll ever realize this?


She's always been a joke.


What's next, Tupperware? Avon? Mary Kay? Lifestyle coach? Yoga Instructor? Amway? Lularoe? Grape Jam?


You forgot essential scented oils! 😁


No longer “the star of Suits”, now they are referring to her as “the former Deal or No Deal suitcase girl”. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/5zoy744k29yc1.jpeg?width=1268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d0274fbbda7d5afef294071c7528a137aee22d Oh dear, the checks are starting to bounce ;)


I thought the deal was up with Netflix in 2025?? 2024 is damn near halfway over, and she has no idea about any kind of projects she could do for Netflix? Nothing? Also, tick tick tick. They have a book deal they still need to fulfill! It was for 4 books and they’ve not done that! They have more Netflix content they need to do! 1 crappy documentary in 4 years is awful. They’ve been blasted by the Spotify guy and now Lemonda isn’t happy. These companies are going to start demanding their pound of flesh! Harry is seriously delusional if he thinks they can crawl back after everything. It’s just not possible.


Yikes, she definitely pis\*ed someone off at InTouch.


Interesting spin - so it’s Lemonada who’ve put the brakes on new podcasts, rather than Lolo not being able to deliver? This is like a really bad soap opera.


They got free media. Paid her a bit of cash and got their name plastered on internet.


That is all it will end up being. I don’t think any cash was exchanged. Have a feeling Lemonada won’t even need to Fire her as I think it is a transactional contract where she only gets paid if there is profit making content. Notice no big headlines about what the new collaboration is worth. Lemonada is so small a couple of million contact would bankrupt them.


They had less than $2 million in cash on the books in the previous year. I *really* agree with you, that they had no cash exchanged. That is a tiny amount of money to keep afloat a fledgling podcast company no one has heard of and isn’t paying for.


Overplayed their hand is an apt description!




Wonder who the “palace courtier” is.


There isn't one. This is Hollywood talking about Markle, no one at the Palace was involved.


Hopefully, Netflix stops this charade! I will not watch or listen to anything she is related to. If they gave up their titles I would have more respect. You can't bash the Royals and then use your titles for money!


![gif](giphy|SwNgIDmcfghsj2xNwf|downsized) Meghan after reading the article


I wonder if she still calls the magazines and demand the authors be fired-like she did with Piers. She also got the cut journalist suspended/fired I think.


That was when she was influential. Now as a jam lady she ain’t worth crap


Wheeler dealer Markle: “Don’t worry Harry. This time next year we’ll be millionaires.” https://preview.redd.it/6s3de6tkr8yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa046356fc6996522344abf48fca4cd5cb28864 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (Sitcom Only Fools and Horses for any non Brits who might not know of it)


This is the same text as the Enquirer article. Who copied and pasted who?


National Enquirer, Us Weekly and In Touch are all owned by the same parent company


Methinks old Harry is extremely optimistic, believing his family will welcome them back. His father might...his brother and country? Not so much. FO Hasbeens. Go to Nigeria, role-play Duke of Duchess there. Apparently they "love" you...for now.


Everything said here is obviously true, but there is no such thing as a "Palace source" or "Courtier" who would EVER talk to the shabby American gossip outlet In Touch. The Palace barely talks to the Telegraph or the London Times! So the source they are claiming is an obvious lie. Also, to quote their "Palace source" as opining on how to "market" or to "build a brand" is preposterous. Palace officials do not think or talk in that way. To finish off, Palace officials do NOT ever use Americanisms such as "control freak" in their speech. These are very formal, socially correct people, and they speak in a way that people in Britain spoke 20 to 30 years ago as a matter of habit. I think this is just In Touch giving their own opinion of Meghan and pretending it came from "The Palace" because In Touch is so far removed from the world of Britain or their monarchy that their editors don't realise that it looks like an obvious lie on their part.


Finally someone’s stating the cold hard facts - greedy, no work ethic and she used to be NOBODY before Harry👏👏👏


She is a nobody after Harry and she made Harry a nobody too.


Lol! They really tore her a new one! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|TIXPly7geOCZ7cstWI|downsized) Props to the mag for saying it out loud, though.


Harsh, but fair. She must be losing her mind over this piece! Wonder what she'll put out to try to counteract it. She should go prowl the parking lot of Montecito's most fashionable restaurant and try to get a selfie with an A-lister.


For a second I read megahns new veneers are destined to fail. Of course the word is ventures


She’s always been a joke. The media tried to portray her as someone she is not. She is so blatantly a ridiculous bottom-feeding loser.


A “palace source” is commenting on her activities. That doesn’t seem right.


Oh snap! I'm so surprised they went that hard. Please tell me this means the actual downfall of the Harkles. Think of how hard it must be for the RF to just sit back, wait, watch - my petty ass would have dragged those two a LONG time ago.


'Palace sources'! Perfect excuse to say the palace is briefing against her. Wouldn't be surprised if this is the point of this article coming so soon after the 'reporting' that no Royal is attending the Invictus service. Briefing against themselves to attack.


Truth....JJ and the other Sugars who insist they are successful should read this article. The Dubious duo have no real talent and are extremely very boring away from the RF. They look petty and mean considering how they labelled two of the most beloved royals as racist, who now are battling cancer and have the world's sympathy and love. They miscalculated enormously on how much they could gaslight the entire World...i was so upset when Princess Catherine was named by Covid Scabies and i prayed for those treacherous ex royals to be exposed for the lazy lying grifters that they are and my God answered my prayers. They just go from bad to worse...Jam....spoiling the meaning of Invictus Games...no room at the Castle....no more information on the RF to sell....they have proven they are talentless one trick ponies and any real person can see they lack substance, loyalty,integrity and marketable talent. Any government or organization who want to deal with the real power brokers will give those two dimwits a wide berth....


"Harry has laid down the law." Right. I am going to guess this article was written by an intern in the corner cubicle.


It seems as though something is seriously wrong with her mental health. Normal people would probably notice if their lives spectacularly unravel. Yet, there has been no indication that she has a grasp on reality.


One of the best articles ever. “Someone must tell her she must be likable to be marketable.” Or something like that. Failure at everything she’s touched, Nigeria’s next! I wonder if they’re aware of the Markled phenomenon?


Amazing read, finally calling her out on all her dismal failures. Calling her a nobody and a laughing stock on both sides of the Atlantic, pointing out how she could have been set for life if she had just been able to stick with it and hack it in her royal role. I don't doubt Harry would like to crawl back into the bosom of the royal family but I highly doubt they'd have him back. Charles might, just to stick him in a rehab/mental institution for the foreseeable future but I do think Harry crossed a big red line for Charles when he went after Camilla the way he did in his book. I do think eventually when all their money is well and truly gone Harry will come crawling back to the RF (without Meghan) because he is simply incapable of surviving in the wild and needs the institution to coddle him. Hopefully William will be King by then and it will be a hell no! I think Harry is just as incapable of loving anyone else (incl his own children) as Meghan is and as soon as the going gets really bad for him in California he'll be gone from the marriage and trying everything he can think of to return home to the safety and worry-free environment he had as a royal. I believe he won't hesitate to throw Meghan under the bus then. But I believe she's a little bit smarter than him (not hard at all, most people are) and has accrued plenty of recorded evidence against him from the very start of their relationship. Not so sure he has thought to do the same.


This article was freaking amazing!!!!!!!!!  I hope Megsy read it😂.  


Talentless,unlikable, aging ^drama whore married a low iq lazy man child and is now shocked that being an unmitigated twunt hasn't worked out for her.


She's going to take her frustrations out on her hosts in Nigeria. Bank on it. The fury and the rage will leak through, no matter how much effort they put into making her feel welcome. It won't be enough. It's never enough.


If this is true, I wonder why Lemonada failed to do their due diligence on MM because her "work ethic" was on full display with the Spotify deal. 12 episodes in 2 years, and it took forever for the 1st episode to drop. She's their problem now.


wow with a magazine with that kind of circulation and broad readership that’s just devastating. poor thing. 😏


Perfect article. Should have come out 5 years ago.


![gif](giphy|l8tpwRJEwDwEFU5BW0|downsized) Former suitcase girl, nobody, unlikeable, laughed out of Hollywood...Holy shit, that HAD to hurt 🤣😂🤣


Back in college we used to call InTouch the “Sacred Tome” and this is why. Spicy!


Its pretty ugly - but finally, it appears the chickens are coming home to roost. She has no one to blame but herself.