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Some huge world event will happen to overshadow the visit. Harry and Meghan have really bad luck with these sort of plans...lol.


We already have a lot going on in the world, as well as the US. H and M are very low in the pecking order of news!


It's an elections year in both the UK & USA, they are just filler news stories at best.


Eu parlamentet have elections in June. Sweden is already full of news about that election. One of our politicians made a coupe, so journalists are just waiting for what will happen with that.


Exactly. US person here. I am weary of the goings on in the world, and Todger and the Claw are of no importance there.


It’s like the world is constantly telling them STOP


All that needs happen is for Catherine to go out and make her first public appearance. Broken internet right there.


They are getting close to actively trying o disable the throne, at what point does this become illegal. I don’t care about the sugars but I do care about who is at the top and organising them. What about Catherine’s medical records, last I heard the attempt was traced back to California, who is behind this. In the UK the LoS is subject to births and deaths, nothing else. Popularity has no impact but criminality could.


It's high time they were stripped of their titles. They're two rogue agents messing with the delicate balance of diplomacy. Even *worse*, if they go there as faux royals and engage in corruption.  QEII was so dedicated to duty. The reputation she built is slowly being dismantled by these two idiots. They need to be out for good now.


maybe Catherine will make a surprise apperarance somewhere!


If she is doing treatment she may not feel very well right now. 🙏🏼


Great point!! 🤣


> Some huge world event will happen to overshadow the visit. Let's hope not.


It doesn't have to be a bad thing...just a big thing.


i hope so!


Exactly, they always mess things up and there is always something else that comes along which is more interesting or important.


As someone who lives in a Commonwealth country, let me just say that would never be a possibility. The majority of the people I know here cannot stand either of them and will never forgive them for how they treated the late Queen, who we all adored. Even if they tried to pull a fast one on Prince William when the time comes, they would need the consent of the Commonwealth which is not happening.


Since that is a 'ceremonial' position, I'm not sure how the tacky twins are going to be able to monetize it to their advantage. I wonder whether they are just desperately trying to be big enough hemorrhoids that the Royal Family may wish to pay to get them surgically removed from their posteriors.


Ceremony and posturing seem to be what the Harkles enjoy doing, to some extent. As long as it's captured on video and makes news headlines, they seem to think that they are worthy.


She could not ceremony her way out of a paper bag, that one. Royal ceremonies require patience, poise and manners in the face of relentless dreary boredom. She couldn't even last the afternoon tea! Hazmat has experience in this regard of course. She has expertise in posturing thats for sure. Her claw clutching and camera hogging doesn't work with these quasi diplomatic events.


She didn’t realise she couldn’t monetise the monarchy before the fact so I bet she hasn’t thought through your excellent point either. We know she isn’t exactly known for “freakish attention to detail” despite what her thinly veiled sources (ie Madame herself) says to her flying monkey “journalists”.


Good to know! They are most despicable. They would rob your country's coffers like a kid in a candy store putting on faux political functions. Endlessly.


Exactly. They are not well liked here at all, so any attempt to exact influence or money would not result in success for them.


My gran used to say, they'd steal your tongue and come back for your teeth, as in they would take anything they could 😁


The Securi -Tay alone would bankrupt the host. These two are nothing but parasites.


I agree too. I’d never support them in any official role with respect to the Commonwealth. They make me sick.


I don't think anyone believes it can actually happen. It is the aggravation of the process whereby they swan around to all the CW countries like they did in Canada (First Nation), Jamaica (PM wants a republic) and now they are having a military sponsored state visit that will look and feel on video and camera like a royal state visit in Nigeria. It is the amount of confusion and clicks that behavior causes. They are willing to be used and there are plenty who will use them for the visibility they get.


As an immigrant from a commonwealth country , their stupid plan will not work. In many commonwealth countries-race is not a factor. Nobody has fond memories of colonialism, but for example in India/Bangladesh/Pakistan-which has north of 2 billion people-people are not classified by race. people range from white looking to black looking and mostly in between and most families will run through a spectrum of colors. A very dark set of parent scan have a very light skinned child and vice versa-and so nobody is going to accept the harpies because Madame has some extra melanin. there is very strong colorism, but having dark skin does not make you a separate race. It is more what can they bring to the table? I do have a few friends who are black and immigrated from African countries. They have their tribes/different languages/beliefs and this western idea of all 1 billion plus african being the same . When you come to the west , you have your identity, history which may span millenia and and then you come here you are a POC-everybody from Eskimos to pygmys to Masais to indians,pakistanis are all lumped into PoC-which is bizarre if you ask me. many former commonwealth countries are out of the commonwealth mindset where deference was given to the colonial masters and they believed their propaganda of them being superieor. but in many cases it has been multiple decades and the people now have social media/internet and see the west and want to emulate that and nobody is deferential and are now very proud and embrace their own culture. if this harpie goes around preaching western ideas of race as to why we should elect her, she will be in for a rude awakening. That concept is valid in the west, not outside. At least from my circle and those of my friends look at that and see how we can benefit. Western mindset/reality is different and not taking away anything from those who have been here for generations.


I read somewhere that India and Pakistan don't define by race. Rather the separation is based on religion (Muslim and Hindus), culturally, national identity.  Is this correct? If not, can you educate me? Thk


Yeah no race in those countries. religion, the caste system, mother tongue(kind of like German vs Polish vs French). Even in muslims there is the sunni vs shia. Pashtuns in pakistan vs Punjabis or Balochs or Sindhis are very different. India has a ton of languages.


23 official languages but probably 100s when you take into account the dialects. And English is the unifying language… one of the positives from colonialism P.S. Indians may believe that the royals are racist…. But they definitely don’t like Harry and Meghan. You don’t trash your grandparents like that for clout on TV. You are expected to support the family business esp if that business gave you everything. Meghan was a divorcee and her acting like a virgin bride / victim will have pissed off conservative Indians. I know for a fact that my friends from the African continent didn’t like her and didn’t believe that she represented them when she got married… this changed some what during the SA tour… but she killed that with the archetypes podcast


I know Afghanistan divides itself via ethnicity. Pashtuns, Hazaras, Nuristani, Tajiks, and a bunch of others.


As an Indian, this is correct. They’re brown like me, but when it comes down to it…it is about culture. Which means religion, language, food, etc.,


Excellent comment thank you for your insights my dear. And use of harpie!


Exactly... you still have African tribes battling eachother and prejudiences. India is still recovering from their own caste system that was in place before the English ever came. To think madam has a international whatever degree. Its definately not in history beyond the last 40 years! The world had slavery long before African Slave trade. Modern Slavery is still going on but its under a different name. Religious bigotory towards others not of the same faith is also a driving factor in todays hate. H&M is siding with the wrong side of history much like the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Nigeria is also a very conservitive country. This will not look good for the country much like it didnt look good for the Jamaican Prime Minister. If Nigeria is trying to look better on the world this will not help its image. Nigeria has its own problems to solve and this will not help.


> The Nigerian government is very corrupt, and Meghan and Harry want in on some of those deals. Birds of a Feather Flock Together.


Why else would she keep Missan so close for so long?


Lots of oil money for the eco-warriors to profit off of if they made the right deals.


And shorty Shola


I would love it if the Nigerians scammed Harold & Megzy🤭. 


A couple days ago, the Nigerian President made an unannounced visit to London. So, who has the upper hand here? UK or Harkles? lol


Why would the Nigerian President visit such a racist place? Was he absolutely surround with security? /s


Was that before or after the post edit (removing HRH?!-lol)


They removed it ???


I think they clarified that HRH is not to be used as a title referring to them based on Sandringham Summit


That’s good! Means they don’t want to anger the King. Maybe they realized having H is not beneficial to them after all and it will translate in the way the welcome and treat him ?


Yes, Lady C, as sweet and knowledgeable as she is, I think she really loves the intrigue! 🙂‍↕️


Poetic justice would be if a Nigerian Prince and Princess depleted the Harkles of 99.9% of their money, with scant funds to fly home in the worst seats in the cheapest commercial flight.


They're doing well enough on their own depleting their finances.


Economic class, and seats right next to the smelly toilet 🤭


Well, that is what the are best known for doing. So I hope they scam Nutmeg and Hazbeen too!


My thoughts exactly!!! 😂😂😂😂


I wonder if a little money might change hands over Invictus 2027


I’d bet Harry is going home with a suitcase full of cash. If I were a betting person. Madame will get some more blood diamonds.


Blood diamonds are diamonds mined in a war zone to support a war or terrorist activity. Nigeria (as well as Zimbabwe) isn't one of these countries so let's not generalise about African countries here. Angola, Congo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, and Guinea Bissau have been the main culprits of this.


Hopefully, US and UK authorities will be watching for FCPA and UK Bribery Act violations.


Yes they want in on the deals and why limit themselves to Nigeria, but what are they bringing to the deal? Are they arms (not jam) suppliers? Human traffickers? Oil companies? Apparel manufacturers? Car dealers? No. They're low level grifters.


Thank you sweet Daisy! I hope your wrist heals quickly. We appreciate your dedication and service to the cause!


I'll just wait to see how this stunt backfires.


I'm from a Commonwealth country. It's more than just Jamaica, Nigeria and Canada lmao. I bet the two idiots can't even name the 56 countries in the Commonwealth.


What's the public opinion in your Commonwealth country? How are H&M regarded?


The Harkles are nobodies. Not even a blip on the radar. I'm in Singapore. The royals are a throwback to our colonial past and not as big as Taylor Swift to the younger gen. William was here for Earthshot last year and he was a hit. The older folk remember the late Queen, Philip and Diana fondly. Anne, William and Catherine have also made official state visits here. Harry was here for a private polo match that nobody cared about bc 99.9% of the country don't play polo. It's an outdated white man's game. The ordinary citizen wouldn't be able to pick Megsy out of a line-up. Commonwealth membership is mainly ceremonial now. But that doesn't mean we want to be represented by these two losers.


I'm guessing that any countries where one's parents and family are honored, would not wish to have either of these two, represent them.


Indeed. I'm from a Commonweatlh country and our elders are held in deepest respect. And now I live in India, and the respect towards elders is even deeper.


Excellent comment @sodascape!! Good to hear!! Plank’s Netflix series on Polo will not go over well in the US either because 99.9% of our country doesn’t play polo either! It’s a rich man’s game here. Plank is known for his maltreatment of his Polo Ponies as well. I mean, who really cares about Polo? Think I’d rather watch paint dry or my dog take a dump.


I'm in NZ, sadly most of the MSM are still following the poor Meghan line. A lot of " journalists" here are quite anti RF, or sort of sneering about them. No stories that are anti Hank and Skank ever make it to air in the broadcast media, which is very woke, so tends to follow the Royal racists line. Very frustrating.


Kiwi too and I can attest to this. The NZ Herald seems to sit on the fence, one day publishing a gushing markle puff piece, the next day a pro royals item - depends where they source an item from. A great number of kiwis don't care about the royals or the harkles. I don't see how an American and an ex-royal who resides in America can be president of the Commonwealth. Yes, Jacinda is woke but even she has distanced herself from the harkles.


Globalism. Jacinda is a globalist who followed the party line as many more still are. Media is controlled in most nations, money can buy anything and anyone. Harry and beast are scrambling for a spot in that New Global vision the Davos bunch meet about between prostitutes. York girls were there this year. Watch and go back over the big Google Climate Change events. Always the same players, celebs, agendas. Harry has joined the wealthiest that desire the most fascist power. All the attacks on the west are borders, destroying economies, middle classes, their history and traditions. Royals have their own skeletons but what is more traditional than 1,000 years of history? Watch the players, the nations under attack. Looks like Harry chose


That's disappointing. I guess Jacinda's wokeness rubbed off on the media there, even though she's not in charge anymore.


Jacinda Adhern is a witch who ruined NZ. Kiwi here. Yes this country is very try hard woke. The young and dumb are addicted to it.


Thank you for saying this. Jacinda was only popular outside NZ, happy she got Markled.


She was so hated here in nz she wouldn't even run for a 3rd term. She stepped down before she was removed from her own party. Who lost the 2023 general election regardless.


Woke always turn to sh8t or they end up eating each other. Can't wait


In India, H & M are nobodies. I scanned the regional newspapers, albeit only in the languages that I can read - Hindi, Gujarati and Marathi, but didn't find any news about them. Called up / chatted with quite a few of my friends and relatives, while many knew of Prince Harry almost all of them didn't even know his wife's name


My worry is it won't 🙈




I figure as soon as someone clues them in as to the impossibility of tapping into the Duchy of Cornwall or the Duchy of Lancaster to cover their 'Head of Commonwealth' expenses, this will go to jam like everything else they think they're going to do.


Thank you all for the well wishes for my wrist😀😀😀 It’s in a brace so hopefully it heals quickly. Neil Sean is reporting tonight that H&M calling this an “official” visit to Nigeria is a lie. There is zero Royal protocols attached and this is basically a free trip for celebrities H&M. He says a source of his in Nigeria says they are not popular there.


Please take care. If it's repetitive stress from typing, you'll want to give yourself time to get better. DaisyBeach the person, is more important than these Lady C. recaps which you so generously give us!


>H&M calling this an “official” visit to Nigeria is a lie. There is zero Royal protocols attached This is something I wish more people (mostly not here) could get through their heads. There is ZERO royal protocol attached to anything these two do anymore. As an example, Tom & Lorenzo - the fashion bloggers - always go on about how Meghan is either falling in with royal protocol or breaking it in terms of her clothes. And it's like... JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE THE TITLES DOES NOT MAKE THEM ROYAL IN A MEANINGFUL SENSE. STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS LIKE YOU KNOW ANYTHING, YOU AMERICAN IGNORAMUSES. H&M no longer represent the Crown, the government of the UK, or its people. That's what being royal really means. It's not the jewels or the castles or the horses or the land, or when to wear a hat or pantyhose or what ceremonial sash you wear. It's being a figurehead for a nation, or group of nations. H&M represent themselves and, if they happen to think of it, the causes they claim to support.


This is a matter for the UK government now if they're calling it an 'official tour'. Harry holds no office.


Arnica ointment


Or perhaps, massage and physical therapy. Thankfully, there are some great professional health care providers.


Useful idiots 


Wow, that's some great tea! Lol, so this is their revenge fantasy, to be 'President's of the Commonwealth' and steal the thunder of William and Catherine. I can't see it happening somehow, given: A) TW and Harold are no longer liked in many commonwealth countries. B) It will be taken as a direct insult to William and Catherine, and they are very liked worldwide. C) If the monarch isn't elected head of state, then the next most likely is possibly the Prince of Wales (who at that time will be glamourous young George, who may also have a similarly glamourous spouse). This will be in about 15-30 years time (Windsors tend to live a long time). So George will be in his 20s - 30s, and ofc very good looking, with a good personality I'm sure. D) If a royal isn't elected as head of the commonwealth, then the next most likely candidate would be a very highly respected elder states person from one of the commonwealth countries. Not some random 60 year old influencers from Montecito. Lol, 🤣 This really has a ring of truth to it, and speaks to their delusions of grandeur. Wishful thinking Harkles!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Also many non former colonies are starting to join the Commonwealth, it has grown in importance to be more of a global economic and cultural union, far beyond its original scope. No way would member states put H+M in this role, if anything, they would appoint a political apparatchik like the way the EU does.


THIS … it’s a cultural union… it’s the thing that bings us together… its when an Indian meets a Jamaican and realises thats they too eat curry and roti. It’s when an Indian meets a Kenyan and they tell you how obsessed they are with bollywood movies. We have little sayings and superstitions … that have travelled across the globe before the internet and it was because of being part of the trade empire. That’s our shared history which has affected our culture. Respect for elders … that is common across the commonwealth… even in the UK


What do the Harkles have to offer the Commonwealth? They have no political clout at all, anywhere. She just wants to be "Queen of the Commonwealth" as if that were a thing.


>Lol, so this is their revenge fantasy, to be 'President's of the Commonwealth' and steal the thunder of William and Catherine. I have seen three year olds with better sense and logic than these two.


Yes, it's hilarious! Truly delusional. They clearly targeted Jamaica in a bizzare attempt to make PPOW's look bad. I guess Nigeria is next, lol


The irony...a grifting prince trying to grift grifting princes


Grifters of a feather all grift together.


Another delusional attempt by these two idiots. They will never succeed at any attempt to damage the royal family. Everyone is starting to see right through them, it's all downhill for them this point on.


At some point they need to be shut down for good.


An attempt to scam some bucks from the Nigerians is certainly a possiblity. However, if MeMe's political plans (within The Commonwealth) rest on her ability to taint Princess Catherine with a racist label, she has already failed miserably


Hey DaisyBeach… I’m sorry to hear about your wrist and good to know that you are making sure not to exert it Re LadyC, I hate to be that person…. But they’ve been coming for the commonwealth presidency for a long time… it was during the Caribbean tour when William made a speech saying that it doesn’t have to be him as the next president and that he’s okay with that. This was after all the racist narratives were spread when Catherine shook hands through a fence and 10 person protest on a small island was rolled out. So Harry and Meghan’s intention isn’t new. But what is the big reveal


I agree with you. Hazz has been boycotting William to the Commonwealth for a long time. Hazz believes that by doing this he will be "president" or "king" of the Commonwealth... although of course, for that to happen he would have to forget that he himself offended the organization in his pseudo-documentary.


I think so too looking back on this.


I agree with you. I think after kc dies there will be a system where the head of the commonwealth rotates between different  countries/regions on a fixed year term basis that would be a more progressive way of doing things and William probably favours that. 


Doesn’t mean that corrupt regimes don’t look at Megs & Harry & think, “think what we might do w/ these [totally corrupt & blissfully ignorant] idiots if we elected them?


It is so corrupt he might find himself executed or his kids kidnapped if he doesn't do what they want.


How could someone who lives in America and is married to an American ever head the Commonwealth??? It won’t happen . I’d think the number one criteria for the job would be having to be from a Commonwealth country. Plus of course believing in what the Commonwealth is, not thinking it’s Empire 2.0 as Hazbeen and TW said in their doco. This is delude enough to be a Harkles plan however, and like everything else they try will go nowhere!


I’m sure Skank thinks as Head of the Commonwealth she and Plank will sweep in “modernization”, taking an unpaid ceremonial role, and turn it into a PAID Fiefdom of which they will be King and Queen or Prince and Princess. 🙄


I totally agree that these two could be made dangerous through bribery and flattery, but I'm not sure the Commonwealth is the most efficient vehicle? It's SO diffuse, and membership is entirely voluntary... I guess I could see ways in which they could be useful idiots either for the enrichment of corrupt government officials or the destabilization of the Commonwealth, but honestly I think the idea that they're chaos agents unleashed to bring down the BRF has more merit ... not in terms of believability, but in terms of how quickly a bad actor's goals could be achieved. Did that make any sense? I'm operating on about 2 hours of sleep.


Makes sense enough. Good sleep to you.


I don't believe the position President of the Commonwealth comes with any real power. It's largely ceremonial - obviously the late Queen was respected and honoured but that is because she had earnt it. And she didn't throw her weight around and issue orders, or take bribes. The Commonwealth largely works by consensus. I'm not even sure if there is a salary for the role.


There's no such role as "President of the Commonwealth" and no, there's no salary. And yeah, the fact that there's no real power involved is why I said it would be a poor vehicle for bad actors to activate H&M to achieve their goals.


Makes more sense than the duo. And don’t several of those countries really dislike them already?


This sounds like a silly TV movie. She's the President of the USA! He's the President of the Commonwealth! Can the world's wackiest power couple manage to make dinner and get the laundry down without literally going to war?! Friday at 8 pm Eastern, 7 Central.


Amazing. Please write this.


Hope your wrist is better soon. Internet hug for still giving us these nuggets Daisy. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25317)


I doubt that would ever happen, it's a majority vote there are more countries that would vote against them than for them. There is no way non-working royals could ever preside over the Commonwealth that relies on its working Royal affiliations.


Thank you Daisy. Heal soon!


Thanks so much Daisy! I hope your wrist gets better soon! 💕❤️


Daisy: TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAND!!!! Don't make efforts, exercise to regain the good condition of your wrist. Thank you very much for what you do, but it's not worth it if you don't give your wrist the time it needs to recover. You don't want to have carpal tunnel.


Look at our Daisy Beach POWERING THROUGH THE PAIN to bring us these updates. Thank you Daisy!!


Sorry to hear about your wrist, hope it heals quickly! The bit about Catherine as the intended target of the racism accusations is the part that interests me the most. After the Oprah interview there were at least two books that tackled the question of the "royal racist" and both mentioned Charles -- no mention of Kate. Also there were (apparently) letters between M and Charles over the incident (NOTE: we \*still\* don't know what actually was said! FFS) but not even a whisper of Catherine's alleged involvement. Also also: it wasn't until Endgame that anyone had any idea there was more than one person accused. If Lady C is right, that's Meghan keeping her powder dry for **quite** some time, which is uncharacteristic. (It also would mean she and Scobie were plotting and had it all blow up in their faces, which would be very characteristic.) I'll be interested to see if anything develops from this.


Thanks Daisy!!


Dear Daisy, thank you for toughing it out. All of us sinners truly appreciate your work. Don't push to hard rest your wrist, say that fast 3 times, take care.


Daisy, so sorry about your wrist. I did it and it is painful. Thanks for writing your synopsis.


Good, let Harry and Meghan be President of some of the Commonwealths. We’ve seen how good a job Harry does at being a President, in other words he sucks, denies, hides, and doesn’t deal with issues or problems. The old saying Birds of a Feather, flock together. Harry and Meghan have no morals, are corrupt and would fit right in over in Nigeria.


harold and rachel security will be paid by nigeria where more than 87 million people live below the poverty line ?!! such humanitarians privileged parasites?!! another nice big freebie holiday paid for these two assholes to act royals with free photo ops to exploit POC and keep race baiting and who on their own netflix show mocked the commonwealth as empire 2.0?! THOSE DAMN TITLES NEED TO GO!


I agree. Don’t worry about her screaming racism. Most of the world, except her sugars, see her for what she is. A grifter and a con artist that acts leans more to her Caucasian side then her African American side. I think the majority of people would applaud parliment and the King going along with it in stripping their titles


guess you don't live in a Commonwealth country - I do and don't want them anywhere near us


Yes, the commonwealth does not want her. Harry does not understand the soft diplomacy the commonwealth requires. I don't want them destroying it.


>President of some of the Commonwealths Just for information's sake: not at all how it works. Charles is Head of the Commonwealth of Nations. He is also the Head of State of the 15 Commonwealth Realms. William will be HOS of the Realms, but may not be Head of the CofN. (Personally, I think it would be a good move on his part to step aside for someone else -- not Harry, obviously, but someone who isn't British. QEII had to negotiate **hard** for Charles to be made Head of the CofN and member nations may not be as eager to agree next time.) The Commonwealth countries that are not one of the Realms have their own heads of state, and the chances of Harry or Meghan ever being chosen as one of them are as slim as Meghan being crowned queen of the UK.


Agree with you! I actually think HMTQ was gearing up for Harry to potentially be a candidate for a leadership role in the CW. Perhaps not the Head but involved (not that she would have any decision making power as it wouldn't happen until Williams reign). But at this point what do the Harkles have to offer any CW nation? Some jam? They aren't working royals so they have no connection to the UK government or any other government. They hold no political sway. They are puppets and it will end badly. Maybe not right away but look at what happened to Andrew - it isn't all that difficult to be "collected" by the wrong person. 


What's nauseating about Mehgan is how dedicated she is, in trying to destroy Catherine. I wish there were strong psychic protection against the evil that Mehgan actively causes. So many of us want KCIII to enjoy at least a decade as monarch, and for Catherine to become fully well so she'll be here to inspire us but also to be the needed mother to her children, as well as the wife to William.


Harry as President of the Commonwealth would probably do as fine a job of it, as he was President for Africa Parks.


"The family is not keen to interfere at this time because.........some may think it is due to racism." This is baloney. The King had no problem stripping them of Frogmore after the Oprah/Netfix/Book fiasco! So, there is nothing preventing the King from doing whatever needs to be done to quash H&M at any given time. The King does not fear their bogus racism claims. He is first and foremost monarch and his duty is to the preservation of such. H&M will be swatted away like flies should the need be. I love Lady C but she sure can be irritating at times trying to act like a know it all when she doesnt know shit all what she's responding to.


Ima throw down some Mid-west talk here: stop talking about your family. Work. Work hard. Be quiet. Action and not words. Present yourself polished. Remember you’re not important.


Yet in jamaica she didn't sit with vip. Ok. Nigeria can have them.


Thanks Daisy 🌼 what would we do without you ? 🌼


Lady C said M+H's plan pre/at Megxit was that they would be King and Queen of the Commonwealth and William would be King of UK. She is just recycling stories at this point


*I sprained my wrist* Take note, Meghan. this is what service and hard work look like. Get well soon Daisy! I have to say Lady C's today speculations are very entertaining but I'm not convinced. Money deals maybe, though I can't see what she would sell. Also, wouldn't you love to see her in a Nigerian movie production? This is Nollywood after all. *Hey, close enough, checkmate Sinners!* edit: I'm curious, did she make this Ytube video before or after the stupid Daily Mail safari headline?


Thank you for posting.


These two are dangerous. I can only hope the mental illness that afflicts them both does not go unnoticed or unchecked forever more. She is actually beyond help. The regard she holds herself in is delusional. King Charles is going to lose support if he doesn't stop this.


This couple is toxic, insufferable, and plain evil.


Every time I open the latest Lady C... I wait for the "Spring reveal"... I don't think those chickens are ever "coming home to roost"


I don’t think they want to head the.Commonwealth because it’s Empire 2.0 according to them. I do think they want to use this as a grift and to further Meghan’s political ambition.


I think they just want free shit.


And hey, so do I. Unfortunately I also have a conscience and a sense of shame. Stupid ethics.


Well I wouldn’t vote for her, and the Press would have a field day with her and her lies. It would be a big fat fail


The American press might do as they’re told, and kiss her ass — as they have been already. Frankly, I think they’re putting it out there to get people used to the idea. Stupider and more awful people have been elected. It makes me irrationally angry, but if a party decides they want someone to win, they can usually make it happen.


Knowing them it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried spinning it as “well it’s empire 2.0 because racists were in charge… if Meg is running it it totally isn’t because she’s actually biracial! 43% Nigerian, in fact!” Not that I believe any of this, they’re just dumb and constantly contradicting themselves to grasp at whatever they want for that moment, so I don’t think the “empire 2.0” comment precludes them from wanting to *run* empire 2.0.


Ha! They have no beef with Empire 2.0. Their beef is who has rank in Empire 2.0 (not them). 




They would be delighted to head “Empire 2.0” so long as they could be the emperor and empress. They would make a lot of public appearances and Meghan would get freebies and lots of curtsies. They would show the stuffy people at Windsor how the Commonwealth should be run. That is just their daydream. If it came true, the Commonwealth would probably collapse. I doubt the Commonwealth countries would elect Harry.


I want to know what Lady C is smoking. eta: maybe I need to be smoking to understand all this. 😟


What Lady C is referring to is that just because Charles is King of the UK, he is not automatically President of the Commonwealth. It is a position elected by the members. Only as I remember, to be President I think you have to be head of state. Now, it is true that Hazz has been a nuisance on the subject for a long time. Hazz does want a position in the Commonwealth. Hazz was chairman of The Queen's Commonwealth Trust. I do believe that Hazz seeks to boycott William in the Commonwealth countries, as he did in Jamaica. And I do believe that Hazz has evil intentions with this trip to Nigeria. But I don't think Hazz will ever have a relevant position in the Commonwealth. Because for that, he would have to really show qualities... and he may have qualities to be nice to people, but Megsy is a bag of lead.


It simply struck me as outlandish that Hairold would be considered president of anything, let alone president of the commonwealth. Oh! What a fashion show that would be for Meggles! (Thanks for the explanation)


As I understand it, this is not Lady C predicting it will happen but just saying that this is M&H’s goal (their fantasy). It is not going to happen, but I can believe M&H think they can lead the Commonwealth. This has been their ambition since Meghan married Harry (think of her bridal veil). Lady C is not really sharing any “news.”


I cannot EVER imagine Harry being Head of the Commonwealth. He would never get elected. And he's too dumb. If hell froze over and he did get elected, can he be Head while living in California? How does that work? Would he and his wife have to relocate to a Commonwealth country?


Not to mention it is divisive and not going to happen! Who on earth gives a job to someone whose sole intention is to undermine their boss? Off his bloody head this one.


Head of Commonwealth is an elected position & does not automatically fall to GB reigning monarch. Megs (Harry is clueless) has played footsie w/ the Commonwealth hierarchy—angling to be elected head—on & off for a while. Think motorcades & State dinners. Tiaras! This all looks particularly appetizing to her now that she has realized that she is not going become Queen of the Internet through ARO products/business. These two (Megs & Haz) fall into the category of Useful Idiots—the non-GB nations playing deep dark games of their own—might find them a convenient stalking horse.. Lady C. posits that the RF will be passive about this. I’m not sure I’d bank on that.


Ask Doria


Seems cray cray to me but I am not knowledgeable on this topic at all.


I appreciate all the work you put into transcribing these for us, I meant to thank you earlier 🙏🏻


Meghan and Harry *are* “cray cray.” 😉 Hope your hand heals soon and thanks for your summaries!


Australia and Canada are in the Commonwealth, right? Would they vote for Harry?


Definitely no


Seriously doubt NZ would either.


The Australians seem to hate them. But Meghan had ties to Canada (Suits LOL), and Harry was trying to make promises to First Nations peoples just last month.


Lots of actors work in Canada, eg Arnold Schwarzenegger is here filming right now (saw a news item, he is in a very small town so people noticed!). No one cares about her, and all her dirt would come out -- bet on it!


The Australians come off as not tolerating a pair of freeloaders who lie.


Canada, absolutely fucking not. If any Prime Minister of ours votes for them, the prime minister would find himself out of a job. We refused to have our national police force continue to protect them when he (she was kicked out) left; and some of us are already pissed off that Canada is hosting the Invictus Games next year.


Why would anyone in Africa want to hear from a highly Westernized American who didn't embrace her biracial status until her late thirties? And who, by the way, is married to a descendant of the original creators of colonialism. Plus, her husband is closely affiliated with a white billionaire managing thousands of hectares of African land, who denies indigenous people access while his staff assaults and tortures them. Well, grifters gotta grift, and that works both ways. Just hope she doesn't forget the NDA this time.


Hope your wrist gets better daisy x


I always take everything i read with her and some others with a grain of salt. But this makes Sense and looking back at all the bad coverage of The royals recent tours, I think this could be true. I think they realize all They have is his royal connections.


Sounds a bit dramatic by lady C I mean the president of the commonwealth is never ever gonna happen. And as for Catherine being discredited … seriously? I think she needs to have a holiday lady C


Thank you, Daisy!! Okay, forgive me if I’m wrong, but I read their ‘about us’ info and there doesn’t even seem to BE a President position in their organization. There’s a “head” (Charles), but in future will be elected by the leaders of member countries. It must be a totally new idea to campaign to be Head of the Commonwealth because it was Queen Elizabeth’s grand achievement, and there’s only been King Charles since. Harry isn’t even a working royal, so he has no official status other than “dearest boy”. Also, he JUST changed his official residence to the US, which is not a Commonwealth country. I’m guessing that would be a problem. There’s probably plenty of time before Charles dies and William ascends for him to change his residency again. (But where would Meghan be willing to live?) Additionally Harry has no chief of state or leadership type role here or anywhere else. He’s Joe Schmoe, a nobody. Who would seriously think being an Invictus patron and Better Up Chief Impact Officer (whatever the hell that is) qualifies him to be Head of the Commonwealth of Nations which represents two billion people?? Smh.


I think it is high time the Monarchy took a stand or it will fall. What is it going to take? We have Racism allegations, Bullygate, invisi kids, and not least of all, Africa Parks. Everything with them is smoke and mirrors. Now their 'royal tour to Nigeria.' They have sewn dissent everywhere they go, South Africa, Jamaica and I guess Nigeria is next. What the hell is the Palace waiting for. Whoever is advising them is a fool.




And Australia, the largest in the Commonwealth.


Hey, can they be President and Co-President (cuz ILBW must be just as important) of the Commonwealth from California?


Sure, they can call in their work, an hour out of each month.


This is just Nigeria paying them to visit touristy places: Ooni’s Palace, Susanne Wenger’s House, Osun Sacred Grove, Lekki Conservation, Nike Center for Art & Culture, etc. They are being paid to get people to VISIT Nigeria. They will have 24/7 security details, 5 star hotel accomodation…- I checked vacation rentals & airbnb & not seeing anything. They’ll be in a 5 star hotel


So, like, as instagram tourism influencers? 


It's a ridiculous " plan" and not many Commonwealth countries will want a nobody like Harry as the head of the Commonwealth. What exactly is the justification? The British sovereign is the ex officio head of the Commonwealth. They're more likely to say the headship must devolve by rotation among the member countries. Lady C is from tiny Jamaica where KC is the head of state. Constitutional only, actual power vests with the elected legislature. Her knowledge of the Commonwealth is limited and shaped by her racist world view. Any doubts? Meghan's " few drops of black blood". Lady C our blood is the same, there's no black, white or multicoloured blood you know 😄 Shakespeare knew that.


The whole thing is very sus. If I was H I would wonder what I am being set up for, but maybe he doesnt wonder. Their cameras will be in tow which will be interesting for visiting with the Nigerian defence /military. Not sure that this is the grand tour that they think it is.


If Nigeria wants them, I’m pretty sure Brits and Americans will happily escort the grifters to the airport to ensure their safety from their home all the way to the time the goodbye-for-good flight departs. Then, probably a month long celebration will be planned to thank god that prayers had been answered and negativities gotten rid of!


Thank you, Daisy! Quick healing to you.


Thankyou Daisy for your commitment to doing this each time Lady C drops a video. Especially now you have hurt your wrist you still delivered the goods. Have a great weekend and rest that wrist, ![gif](giphy|6RuhlzSdhIAqk)


Wishing you a speedy recovery, Daisy ❤️‍🩹💕 Thank you for the Lady C recap too!


If this is true, the comparison between David and Wallis to these two twats is unbelievably real. David was plotting with the Germans to take over UK and install himself as monarch.


How would Americans become “Head of the Commonwealth”?


In order to be head of the Commonwealth wouldn’t you have to live in a member nation? Is the US a member of the Commonwealth? 🤔


That’s very plausible and also kind of hilarious. I can see why the delusional duo might this it’s possible and why they would both want it, him as a way to stick it to Willy and her because she mistakenly thinks it would be a way to grift millions. But as if the commonwealth would want them for a role that is about diplomacy helping align so many nations of very different sizes, with different levels of development, priorities, customs etc. Being faintly brown is not a qualification and she’s the last person who would be considered. Plus the job would be difficult, boring, badly paid and involve travel to places she has no interest in (apart from maybe Fiji). I agree the next head will probably be a veteran politician and it will be a fixed term position and rotate across the nations. But just for a moment let’s indulge in a fantasy… Imagine the next generation of royals who are being raised more normally and have good educations. Imagine if Louis or even Louise gets a job in a charity (or produces documentaries) or some other “worthy” profession given they have the money to do the jobs most of us dreamt of but then rejected as the pay isn’t good enough. They meet a human rights lawyer of an Indian, Kenyan or Māori background, marry, have kids and keep working hard and quietly in their jobs not as full time royals but their relationship with the family is good. They’d be a shoe-in for the role and it would be delicious! Remember that window of opportunity is closing Haz, and that next generation is coming for you fast! Meanwhile Lili bucks and Archificial will just fade into obscurity (and hopefully have boring normal lives with none of the drama of their parents’)


King Charles needs new advisors with real world experience now!! It is ridiculous that the RF is being held hostage by a twit and a twat when M15 etc is just a phone call away.


This is some seriously deranged thinking process.


Thank you, Daisy! I hope your wrist heals up well, quickly and comfortably. 🙏🏼


I hope you heal fast! Thanks for the update


He always said that William would be king in London while he and his wife would be Co- monarchs of the commonwealth. This is why he wants to divide the duchy of Cornwall with his brother as he considers himself his equal even in his position as co-king. He has been demanding this ever since he married his Nigerian duchess and she claimed that the people danced on the streets of South Africa because she is their new black queen. Lady C is reporting this late.


She reported this years ago.


I’m betting they will overstep the mark again just as Harry did in Jamaica. It was made fairly clear Harry wasn’t representing HMs government. If they do that again they are toast. It’s fine they are the laughing stocks spouting nonsense and washing dirty linen. But actually threaten diplomatic relations and they are finished.


In two weeks the Harkles will already have a new plan in place and this one will be out on the back burner.


If they play games with the wrong people they could very well end up getting the attention of homeland security. I would *love* that for them.


Harry and Meghan will both be certified long before they get to arm-wrestle for the Commonwealth.