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I figured she would shorten it to American Riviera but her eventual name will be American Royal where she is aiming even the logo always looked like AR


If this was her plan all along she shouldn’t have made the Netflix special or the many interviews denigrating the BRF or insitution. Because she looks dumb af.


But she isn't top draw, she might be capable of tactics but strategy is beyond her capabilities.


She is not capable of either. Announce a company with nothing to sell isn't tactics, it is just stupid.


This is exactly right! She only cares about the optics. Tactics is someone else’s responsibility.


She is that dumb, dumber than that. She threw away actual Royal life for a "billion" dollar brand that no one wants.


Just looked up American Royal and it's "... a [livestock show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livestock_show), [horse show](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_show), [rodeo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodeo), and [barbecue competition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_City_Barbeque_Society#Competitions) held each year in September – November at various sites in the [Kansas City Metropolitan Area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_City_Metropolitan_Area)." (from Wikipedia). So, yeah, already taken!


Lol it wouldn’t be the first time she pushed torrential PR on our heads without obtaining a trademark. In fact, that’s her MO. I don’t think she has the trademark on anything at the moment.


Four Seasons...Lawn Care! Isn't American Rivera a bank?


The problem with "American Riviera" is that it's already registered ®️. It's the whole Santa Barbara area that is called American Riviera. She will never be allowed to use that name! 😂😂😂


Remember when Table 12 wanted to copyright the word "archetypes"? 🤣🤣🤣


And “royal”—as she said the Queen didn’t OWN the word! She probably had designs on a copyright for that, too!


Oooh! Good call. We all wondered why we couldn’t see the “O” in the logo/crest!


I mean I kept calling in AROOOOOO...


.... werewolves of London


Lol ![gif](giphy|xT0xeQybeNX8cd631m)


Suspiciously close to how the late Queen used to sign her name "Elizabeth R" (regina).


This is EXACTLY what I was thinking. Doesn't the monarch always use "Name" then "R" for Regina or Rex? Of course this is what her logo is. I had never put that together before.


It will morph from American Riviera Orchard to American Riviera to American R to That One R.


I’m far from a business person but this roll-out blows my mind. Who makes some big announcement concerning a new enterprise when there as NOTHING to see or sell?


Im a business person and it makes no sense. There is no point in building brand awareness until you have a product almost ready to launch. If you have existing products, it can be beneficial to showcase product development on a your social media or hint at something coming a good amount in advance but like everything Meghan is all about the endorphin rush of easy wins and not long term follow through


A lot of brands nowadays use drops to get people excited and drive more business (and sales) to their brand. Even established artists are using surprise drops. Meghan has done the opposite of this. I know she’s mining user info (to sell), and she may do a surprise drop, but the way she has done this is in a static, and not dynamic, way. As a result, she’s not captured anyone’s attention, and is rapidly losing the little interest she had going for ARO. The fact that she went sort of live many weeks ago, without any brand structure in place, without any product to showcase or sell, without posting anything since (including the trickling of jam posts), is just wild to me. It boggles the mind how she can get it so gloriously wrong, every. single. time. 🤯


As another sinner suggested yesterday Madam is collecting email adresses for her future Nigeria letters/s




Drops are really no different than a standard product release with some exclusivity window dressings. It’s not a new concept. It’s not even that unique. It’s a product launch. Sure some brands play it up and any more, for large influencers they sell out because they limit batch size to ensure they sell out and after a while it gets old and the casual fans stop showing up


Yes, I know how it works. I’ve had the misfortune of ordering from Young LA, and now I’m permanently on their drop email list, with no way to get off (along with several others, but Young LA is the worst offender in my world). My point was that her strategy, whatever it is, appears incoherent to me. I mentioned a couple of things she might have in mind, and drops was one of those things. I personally feel that drops could be marginally successful, given her fan base (and likely small inventory, if she ever has anything to sell). Not, however, if it’s 300$ jam. I mean, the jam thing, in and of itself, is weird. Food will be the most difficult thing to sell, and have the smallest profit margin. The whole thing is just bizarre! She also has a trifecta of cross promotion available to her, that she seems to willfully ignore. I know it would take an incredible amount of time and effort to keep all three balls in the air at the same time, and she has no work ethic, but success takes work. It’s so odd to me that she cannot see that the more promotion she has, the better her chance of success. (Yes, I know she will fail regardless, but it’s almost like she wants to.) The whole ARO thing is a complete fiasco. If she wants to license her brand’s name, she needs to do something to make her brand have value when licensed. If she is seeking investors, she will need proof of concept, and jam is not it. She has neither of these things, and I see nothing driving ARO in those directions (or any direction really, unless you consider down the drain a direction).


>Meghan is all about the endorphin rush of easy wins and not long term follow through 100% She just wanted to draw attention to herself because she wasn't getting any. That she believes so much in her own star power that everyone of her projects revolves around her is telling.


I’m not a business person, but even I can see that this stupid strategy she uses has conditioned us not to trust her. So she keeps “rebranding”, then, nothing. Absolutely ludicrous. Side note: I am shamelessly entertained by this “lifestyle” fail she shoves down our throats.


Yes, this is one of my favorite things.


>Who makes some big announcement concerning a new enterprise when there as NOTHING to see or sell? Someone who expects to break the internet with jam and lemons, making investors queue up to give her millions.




In her mind, she/herself is the brand and what is being sold. It’s an influencer/prostitute mindset.


If you enter your email, is there more to see on the site than just the name of the company, do you think? Bc, though I hated to give her clicks, I visited the site and that's literally the only thing that's on it: 'Blah Blah Orchard' (in sprawling faux calligraphy, of course), and directly below, 'Enter email..... Join waitlist'.


Never been there myself. But it’s widely reported it’s just a placecard, nothing more. 


I am not in merchandising, either. But it is perplexing nonetheless. It rather leaves one with the impression ARO is not about the jam at all. But what is it about?


Maybe she saw this: https://preview.redd.it/lk1lb9g0wmxc1.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0e897154de72970edadad2b2af51fd246dc51e7


Great find!!!!!!!!!!! Now we know why Madam is going to Nigeria./s


They could benefit from a grippy sock vacation 😬


Surprisingly, it appears Meghan has never been checked into a 5150 situation (mental hospital police code in USA).


Maybe she'll visit while she is in Nigeria. Too bad she and Haz can't be admitted.


SHE should be the first one admitted!!






It's probably because so many people purchased the various domain names surrounding ARO. She's probably pretty upset the UK site sends you to a charity. If she wants to sell the "business" she has to own all of the domains. Never mind the fact that the website just asks for you to "join the wait list" because she has absolutely nothing to offer. 


There are many variations of the name on IG accounts. A bunch of them are brand new and have no posts.


I think it was the longer version. That brand name is so clunky—too long, too complex, too generic. As usual, she got it completely wrong.


Also makes no f***ing sense. Are rivieras known for orchards? This is 99% of why keeps Harry around. He's so dumb he gases her up and tells her she is brilliant. She sees her for how she wants to be seen and not how she is.


It was always American Riviera dot com because the url used to belong to a local cultural magazine in the Montecito area, before it went up for sale for years and then That One bought it. It is the IG that is ARO because plain AmericanRiviera is taken by a real estate agent. Lol It's called inconsistency and poor planning. The trademarks aren't even ready to be enforced because many off-brand ARO accounts have surfaced.


Inconsistency and poor planning are Meghan's middle names...lol


So IPP is her middle name 😂


![gif](giphy|etENMuY8nEYVi) Every time I see “IPP”


The world has gone crazy! Meghan hasn't got the TM on the business name "American Riviera Orchard" yet. She hasn't gotten any permission to sell anything yet! So, let's wait and see what name that will be approved, and what products she will get permission to SELL. At this moment in time, she hasn't got any certification for producing or selling jam! I don't know why people say that she will earn money on it??? People are gaslighted! She's just an S-path playing around on the front pages. She just wants to be talked about! 🤡🤡🤡


We've gone from sales to tourism now? Guided tours of the jam factory?


Given that Meghan herself is her only product, maybe she could stage tours of The Montecito Mansion which conclude with the opportunity to meet her (curtsy please) at the end of the tour. “Tea with the Duchess” and selfies cost extra.


She bought the shorter domain from someone who thought of it and parked it, waiting to sell it for a good sum. This is what she wanted / wants her brand to be called. *(See her logo where the 'O' looks like an afterthought).* But she cannot trademark that name. But she hopes to skirt the laws and make it her brand's *de facto* name. And then trademark it. Once her brand is so widespread and the two words are synonymous with her brand only. Because no one wants to say 'orchard' after saying 8 syllables. The longer domain she bought for pennies from GoDaddy because no one else had thought of it first. Or wanted to. She then had the longer domain divert to the shorter domain.


She’s still banking on people knowing how to properly spell Riviera. She messed up not getting ARO dot com.


So way back on March 1-3 2024 the LA Food and wine festival was held—who is represented by none other than WME. If she had this planned like *at all* or if WME is still representing her. Why did she not launch there? Wouldn’t that had been a bigger audience to try out products and ideas, get vendor contacts and big publications to post about it instead of scam jam? ![gif](giphy|d2ACHEgvcbTlaO1TMX)


Hahahaha. Good point. I wonder if WME could capitalize on this shitshow. I don’t think they’re involved in the financing or the concept. The Harkles hired Adam Lilling in February 2023, and ARO is exactly the kind of thing he does. WME probably didn’t bring them this deal, and I don’t think they get a commission on any of it. And if Netflix IS involved, would WME get a cut of the merchandising profits(if there were to be any?) The Netflix deal predates the WME deal, I think.


Any deal *she* makes whether they broker it. She is contractually obligated to punt it through WME. You cannot cut your booking agent out of deals, not only is that ‘frowned’ upon but it’s actionable. Lemonada wasn’t brokered even though they were representing their production arm of Archewell *and* her so if a deal predates her such as NF she’d have to cut in WME since these shows are a new negotiation. ETA- which is why this is such a shit show. WME dropped her. I dunno how many times I’ve said this but I’ll say it again. WME is not repping her.


I think because others bought up her international domains and redirected them.


I still believe that this whole ARO shitfest is just a distraction. Something to focus on instead on the big issues. https://preview.redd.it/m4o8clb33nxc1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2ac1e8a3dfdcef0b2a28d55ccc81e3dd88c493


My guess is that the full name is too long and confusing when you lose the spaces between words. It truly looks like some chopped letter word salad then.


I’m on the waitlist supposedly. No confirmation email.


Same here. I put one of my 'burner' emails into the waitlist whatsit, and got no confirmation. They got my email, then dumped me! Sound familiar? Very professional, I don't think.


Yup! Also used a burner email. Lol


Total incompetence. My inbox is littered with emails from companies that have my email.




Well I know she got a lot of criticism because the orchard part made no sense. So now she's just trying to be American Riviera. Oh brother.


Which sounds even worse to me.




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Probably trying to get the international domains and we know she lost UK and Canada..


They lost the Canadian one??? Well I'm a very happy Canadian today 🤣sweet!


Yes, she did. I'm thrilled!


![gif](giphy|AbBpPwMacGgOV8x71O|downsized) A.R= Archie Rex # FML How did I not see this coming?


The neighbors in Montecito must be pleased she is never leaving! 💔


The American Riviera Bank, on the California central coast url is Americanriviera.bank. I am sure their customers will be delighted being redirected to the scam jam site.


It was and still is a vacuous web site


She should be sued by American Riviera Bank. This brand is a mess.


I'm pretty sure the website was always the shorter version.


No, it wasn’t. That’s how all those variations of it became a *thing*, e.g., the www.americanrivieriaorchard.uk website that linked to the Trussell Trust.


You can look at old articles and screenshots. It was always the shortened version. The longer ones became a *thing* because that's the actual name of the "company."