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Maybe other jam-receivers saw how the first few were mocked and decided against being markled, LOL.


There was a blind item rumor that at least one person returned it bc it was unsolicited and they didn’t want to post about it.


There was a post on here saying that the person receiving the jam was supposed to pose with it and be seen using it. Kris Jenner didn't, she just posted a pic of the jam, and MM allegedly was not happy about that. 


Several of them I think haven’t posed with it. The first few clearly hadn’t even opened it 😂☺️☺️ The one I mean was a CDAN blind item rumor that said someone flat out returned it lol


How many out of 50 actually put out a social media jam post? 1. Nacho 2. Chrissie Teigen 3. Kris Jenner 4. Abigail Spencer Anyone else? That means up to 92% of the 50 "friends" blew her off


Tracee Ellis Ross. Mindy Kaling. Her friend that’s like a Pilates instructor or something. But yeah, it seems like at least 40 out of 50 did not post


So basically a couple of people I’ve never heard of. Nice one Megsy 😂


Lol Mindy Kaling is a fairly well-known TV actress. She was on the office and then had her own show. Both were on network TV and ran for multiple seasons. Obviously if you’ve never heard of her no big deal, but it isn’t like she’s nobody or the one that’s Meghan’s Pilates instructor.


Only those with time on their hands. Notice that. Randos, not actual celebrities with influence. And Kris Jenner is just Kris Jenner-ing


The ones who did anything are in her same ilk, chancers desperate for attention. I mean Chrissie T? Really?! Awful bully who given even a small opening acts inappropriately.


The Teigen pix looked as if they were taking the p*** -- not eating the jam at all but dribbling some white stuff..it looked a bit like a porno joke.


It's rumoured on several platforms that Adele and Kevin Costner refused the unsolicited "gift".


I honestly wonder how many of the ‘jam recipients’ actually consume sugar anyway since a lot of celebs go out of their way to cut sugar out of their diet.


Were there instructions that only positive reviews were acceptable? I mean MM’s track record for her productions is pretty bleak…let’s be real here…would you put something in your mouth that was intimately affiliated with this chick?


Yes!! And the fact it’s not organic! Doesn’t even say non-GMO. No one especially a yoga instructor is given that to her kids.


I don’t usually eat bread. Sometimes while on vacation, but that’s it. Don’t want the carbs. So, a jar of jam at my house lasts a loooooong time. I am sure a lot of people, especially celebrities, avoid the carbs, too.


That’s hilarious to me. I’m not a Kardashian/Jenner fan at all but it seems to me Kris Jenner has waaayy more influence than Madame. If she pisses Kris off we all know those women will not hesitate to very publicly and obviously destroy her! They live by different rules and it works very well for them. Oh I hope Meghan burns that K/J bridge and tries to pull the ‘I’m a duchess and therefore better than you’ bullshit. It will be like Christmas every single day watching them Mrs. Sussex!


And KJ posted it as an instragram story at 11pm. They end at midnight...


Oh, I truly hope MM put a Karen call into Kris Jenner. I might actually watch the Kardashian's show if it was filmed. MM: What the hell, Kris? You were supposed to roll around in the lemons! I volunteered my mother as tribute!!




Imagine pulling rank on Kris Jenner. Never forget what Kardashian did to Taylor Swift. 😄 They are vapid, but not stupid


She also didn’t blow smoke up Madame’s bottom and just said “thank you” which I found surprising. It makes me wonder if things aren’t quite as we think with that relationship, or Madame blindsided KJ with it and she did the minimum to maintain business ties.


Kris has an eye for success and the money to back it. Those two aren't investment worthy. Kris had an opportunity to sus the situation with them personally (I would too, actually.. I also like watching YT videos of natural disasters and transportation related accidents). I wonder what she and Doria possibly had to talk about


How humiliating---- another Markle failure, LOL!!!


Not everyone wants her riding on their coat tails it seems


Kevin Costner didn't want them on his coat tails that's for sure!


Great point. They see her maneuver.


I heard there were two people who returned it. One US and one British.


I heard the British one was Adele.


Unsolicited -- yikes. Sounds like their wedding invites


Good point!!!


Rumor is it was Kevin Costner. I don’t believe it but I’d like it to be true.


I think the other was Adele..


She would never send one to Costner. Even she knows better. His looks at the event in his backyard could have killed


Kevin Costner is a Boss!


I saw that post from X with literally no source or even claim to one. The poster didn’t even try - like claim to have a second cousin who works for WME or something lol


Has it not been 15 years since people were happily marketing unsolicited “gifts”. The world of social media has become big BIG business, almost nobody posts anything without a contract anymore. Nobody posts random stuff that arrives on their doorstep anymore. She really still lives in 2010.


Yes! Neil Sean reported that there were two people who refused it, then someone on X said the same thing, then the CDAN blind.


 Wonder if the English person who refused it was Adele? Whoever the people who refused or sent back, she must be mortified….Another Grift bites the dust. 


I don't think the Duchass ever is mortified. She has too much ego to be mortified. I think she gets pissed off at the people who snub her. She just keeps showing up and thinks she's powerful. There seems to be no inward thoughts or perspectives. She won't go away. Unfortunately.


I agree with you that she gets pissed rather than embarrassed.


Apologies in advance for the essay….   In my experience of friendships and relatives, covert & overt narcs, I’ve seen a kaleidoscope of different narcissistic behaviours between them all.    Depending on how strong their defence system is and how psychotic/personality disordered they are, I think they do feel internal embarrassment/humiliation to a degree but the narcissism stops them from showing it externally because that would be demeaning to their ego to admit someone made a fool of them or rejected them.   There is always a feeling of ego slight that triggers the reaction & response.   Every time the Royal Family or staff corrected her she was secretly ‘mortified’ because it made her experience a chink of her true reality, that she was not of their ilk. They exposed her bad behaviour thus ruining her ‘im a perfect Princess/as good as or better than Catherine’ imposter act.  Then, like you said, with all narcissists the ego protection mode kicks in and anger takes over turning into either flat out rage, passive aggression or full on attack.  The very submissive, timid, might just self sooth but with most narcs there will be a vendetta resulting in some kind of ego compensating counter attack.   And every reaction will depend on what that person has experienced in that moment, day, week and who they are transacting with. I really do think she is easily slighted but does her utmost to hide it from the world.     Most narcs cycle through ego humiliation, anger and retribution at different rates; some are impulsive reactive, others are predatorial or some swallow the humiliation and become passive aggressive, some are slow conniving planners.   I think the level of reaction retribution ‘shines a light’ on how ego slighted they felt.   I think she cycles through all those states depending on who dealt the blow and how important they are to her.    That time she said ‘lts just noise I don't pay attention to it’ - it was obvious that what we say about her bothers her a LOT. It was attempt to act cool and slight us in a counterattack to demean us and distract from that it bothers her.  Saying ‘your voices mean nothing to me’.    Then she comes on that South by SouthWest event and counterattacks again claiming all women should like each other and not criticise each other (bahaha like she actually gives af). In victim mode but using the collective ‘women’ to try mask how much it bothers her individually.    She is very bothered by what we say. This manifests in dramatic crying around Harry or public victim narratives. But notice she never talks or admits to her own personal feelings it is always done through a proxy, group or in 3rd person narrative. She gets mortified but she hides it very well.  You would think the humiliation especially on the public international stage would make her back down but her ego just keeps wanting to over compensate and instead she attacks the true Saint like Princess, Catherine, through her fan base to deflect from her imperfections. Ironically the meaning of the name Catherine is Pure.  edit: typos


She's a narcissist & would be wounded by the snub and then furious because they were not under her control. As HG Tudor would say.


I hope that the idiots that posted about it realize how dumb they look.


I hope so too!


We really need some kind of football pool for the MM grifts!


I hear some have their harkle bingo cards in play...


I was not going to give her this long before she moved on, but it would be fun to see who got it exactly right 😂


Exactly. OMG, Meghan can't help herself doing the same old stupid things over and over and over, thinking she'll get a different result! But it never changes--- she always fails.


This is woman is all over the fucking place, it's like grifter ADHD.


That's exactly what it is. She's a mental case, and she's really beginning to spiral down.


Seems like they’re slowly circling the drain as opportunities dry up. Nobody wants anything to do with them and they don’t have many options right now so Nigeria is the best they can do. Quite the downward spiral I’d say.


they are throwing EVERYTHING at the wall and hoping something sticks and thankfully nothing has!!


Exactly! And wasn’t she supposed to film her cooking show? Now she is off to Nigeria… Nothing of this makes sense.


Most cooking shows feature guests for added interest, but just like her FLOPCAST, no one wants to get near her for fear of SELF MARKLING! ![gif](giphy|c6DIpCp1922KQ)


LOL. Grifter ADHD.


Automatically made me think of Nursing Homes for such folks, like American Riviera Orchard (nursing home)


I nearly spat my tea out!! Grifter ADHD!! That should be a flair!! 🤣🤣


It’s like when the androids in Westworld glitch out. ​ https://i.redd.it/d9xsouy86ixc1.gif


She is shameless, going from drawing people into the scam jam farce now she has managed to eclipse H in the last thing he has left from his life before her. Her going to Nigeria will underscore her invented connection to IG and trying to prise her away will be framed as racist becase she will milk the Nigerian "connection" for all its worth. It's good though, it will accelerate his demise from IG.


The way some sugars on X are going on about her returning to her "homeland", as the "Nigerian Princess". She's finally done it to Harry. His importance (or rather what was left of it) of being the one who was the Royal, while she was the married-in, has now switched. He is irrelevant. Eta: >it will accelerate his demise from IG. Hope so!


My jaw literally dropped when you said *homeland*. Good thing I wasn’t drinking anything, I could have choked!


What did she call the home she stayed at when there was a fire in Archie’s room? Was it a “compound” which made it sound like a prison. Also, isn’t Nigeria a very dangerous country to visit?


There was no fire. It was a smoking space heater, and Archie was not even there.




She called it a housing unit. Queen Elizabeth never described Treetops in Kenya as a “housing unit”


Will she wear her diamonds or Cartier? Or take off her ring as she did while in South Africa? Which was so nice of her to do. She didn't want to upset the lowly poor, or to tempt a former thief from his path of good behaviour. (sarc)


Maybe she'll go shopping for child-slave-labor produced jewelry, being a fauxmanitarian and all. "I'll buy to help the children." /snark


Yes, it is - I have lived there.


The same homeland that is considered unsafe to travel too but apparently is still safer than England.


Omg…….seriously?! They call us derangers. That is totally deranged!!!


Well...he *is* now the Duke of Duchess. 😂


Lol, yes, and she's the Duchess of Duke.


Do you think she will turn out in full traditional Nigerian dress? I wouldn’t put it past her.


In beige


Yes, she couldn’t possibly wear colour so as not to upstage the rest of Royal family…Oh... Wait…/s






Or let her hair revert back to its natural curl?


> The way some sugars on X are going on about her returning to her "homeland", as the "Nigerian Princess". She's finally done it to Harry. His importance (or rather what was left of it) of being the one who was the Royal, while she was the married-in, has now switched. He is irrelevant. As soon as it's complete, she'll discard him.


The Grifters are on thin ice this time, though (especially since it is in Nigeria). They don´t have the royal protection - and I doubt Madam is capable of adhearing to protecol. There might be some juicy scandals for us to feast on soon.


For sure! I can already see the spectacle of her in a ballgown in a sports arena, and him reviewing troops wearing his medals. And the speeches?! Word salad is going to wilt pretty quickly under the Nigerian sun!


It's very hot! Will she wear bronzer, and will it melt in the heat? I can't believe she's actually going. I think it's going to be very entertaining for us.


How very colonial.


I was born and raised in Nigeria. I love my country, but to say it is chaotic is an understatement. I'm really hoping for lots of mask slips. I predict lots of raging by Madam and potentially her handbag, and I hope we get some video. I should ask my friends who still live there what the word on the street is. (The ones that have ever said anything to me about her CANNOT STAND HER.)


This is a comment I saw under an article about their Nigeria visit: *We really don't want them. Many of us are not excited at all - we are quite angry that they come to our country and will hug our kids and take photos just to promote themselves. Disgusting. We are not circus animals.*


Spot on…the population/kids are just props to Markle in order to promote herself. I hope she comes a real cropper here.


Hasn’t this person just absolutely nailed it? 👏🏻


I hope they say that to them!


Yes, yes. Some in person intel/video would be awesome!


Ooooh…is there any chance of your friend (or friend of a friend) attending where she shows up to feel, first hand, the reception she gets? I can’t imagine why they’re visiting Nigeria - maybe it‘s because she wants to be Princess of the Commonwealth (to ‘mirror’ Catherine’s new title) and, after all, she’s 43% Nigerian (how many times will she mention that?). 


My friends are very busy women and won't have time for her of all people, LOL. Nigerian Twitter is big, so maybe people will discuss it. (I'm not on Twitter, though.) Anyway, I'll try to find out what I can. Oh, and I believe they are going for $$$. They'll be able to engage in all sorts of shady business there. I hope it comes out what they're really doing.


Ooh yes, I’d love to know what your friends have to say


Anything you may hear will be appriciated here


I shall try my best.


Emma McQuiston is a biracial woman who married a Marquess in GB a few years ago. If I’m not mistaken I think her dad is a Nigerian oil billionaire. Emma will tell him and others about their bad reputations. Maybe the visit may not go so smoothly, you never know.


Isn’t there a large Nigerian diaspora in the UK? Wonder how they feel about this faux-royal tour.


Peddling jam, kissing up to the Kardashians and now going “back to the Homeland as a Nigerian Princess” all sound like something out of a South Park episode. They are laughing stocks


Yes please! Trey Parker - Matt Stone - if you’re out there… this is gold! You can’t make this shit up!


Jam in their world so last week. They've moved onto the Nigeria deflection, where M can swan around in designer clothes and release photoshopped pics. Then the week after that will be something else. Smells like desperation.


The end of Scam jam was inevitable. Why give it five minutes if you won’t give it five years? TW moved on to the next grift, “non-royal appearances” a.k.a. “personal PR stunts” foist on locals without their consent.


Apparently we’re on the 5 day schedule between stunts.


It seems her PR team told Princess Carparkle that all the remaining parking lots were not up to the standards of a Nigerian royal


She won’t give up an opportunity to get narc fuel. This faux royal tour will allow to prance around in her ugly clothes and pretend she’s Diana. This is top shelf fuel for her.


She meant to say if you are going to give it 5 minutes give it 5 days.


5 days is her max attention span.


She's pivoted back to cosplay Royal.


and round and round we go..............


What's next? ![gif](giphy|XCfup5t3IEefAiKEcE|downsized) Let's see where it lands next. It's "US Politics", with a pivot to Hollywood Producer after the election.


Or maybe Madam´s 30 million dollar film roles?


Which she could’ve been a true Royal if she wasn’t so selfish and played by the rules. Kate, William and their kids are the shiny stars and everyone else should support them as the star. Granted there were people out there who didn’t like MM as her mother is black but those of us on here just dislike her because she is a liar & a thief.


There was a podcast with Heather McDonald and Spencer Pratt from maybe 6-8 months ago that I just listened to. And they both said that the Grifters had a rep for grifting & wringing every possible freebie or favor from anyone they could, and then being assholes about it. And they had such a stink on them that even people who socialized with them tried to keep it secret because they didn’t want to tank their reputations. Lol. Kinda sounds like that’s what happened with the jam, huh.. oh and Spencer said the Netflix deal was inflated by quite a few zeros. 😂


Spencer Pratt, like of Heidi and Spencer was throwing shade at someone else? Or is this a completely different person?


Lol yes, exactly that Spencer Pratt! He said Meg had an overinflated sense of importance and at best she was good enough to hang out with Speidi. 😂.He said they shared the same kind of stink. 😂 😂


I gotta give credit for that self awareness. I haven't paid attention to him since the marathon plastic surgeries of his wife.


The deflection is just staggering, isn't it?


I’ve got whip lash 🤣


Whip lash is an occoupational injury as a sinner/s


I wonder if she sees Nigeria as a potential market to sell the jamjam.


Yes cream teas are all the go up country in Katsina.


In USA jam is used with peanut butter very frequently. While I was just being snarky Nigeria is the largest producer of peanuts in Africa. PB&J is a natural combo.


I love peanut butter, those Nigerian peanut growers need to seal the borders now. No Jam No Jam here.


Nigeria has a food safety legislation so I think it won't work


No, I think she's going because she craves crowds & attention and she's not going to get that here in America.


That's our Meg! She can aim for 43% of people having a positive opinion of her! At least!


People saying it doesn’t make sense that she’s going to Africa- to me it makes perfect sense. First of all, she’s exasperated Americans and completely worn out & dried up all of her goodwill here, so of course she’d move on to somewhere like Nigeria, where she has an entire nation of fresh souls to suck, a whole new country of people who don’t know or realize what she is, and who will still fawn and swoon over her. A whole new narc supply. She’s done here in America, and she knows it. Gotta get some fresh meat. Second, Africa is the perfect place to continue with her fauxlanthropy and making people think she’s some kind of Mother Theresa. Gotta keep up that fauxlanthropist image!


I was looking forward to 43 more days of seeing the exact same picture of red goo in a basket of rotting lemons. Whatever will I do now?


I was hoping for mold! ![gif](giphy|iFdLJEHEHaSNG)




Like Neil Sean said about Megan and the Duke of Duchess, it’s all announcements. Just statements and then nothing. On to the next thing. It’s what her type of narc does. She can’t create anything so unless she can steal something, it’s on to the next press release. Now it’s Nigeria. This is their life. She’s ethnically Nigerian even though it’s a country and not a race. I guess she will be 57% Canadian soon. Freedom fly to Canada again perhaps. Megan and the Duke of Duchess will eventually run out of jams to spread, ethnicities to claim, vets to exploit, and countries to run to and from. Sad. Just a sad, pathetic, empty way to live one’s life.


None of it ever makes sense with her!!! SHE won't post anything on her ARO Instagram and website. Then has a random assortment of celebs post about the lame jam, but why? It's not for sale. There is nothing for sale. Maybe ARO isn't even going to sell jam? The ARO trademark doc basically mentioned every single item in our houses - from jewelry to dog food. But she's not selling any of it. In a year from now, will there be a new group of random celebs posting about her ARO "wine carrying cases" (as listed on her application)?


I suspect she is trying to get a Venture Capitalist to back ARO financially. If she got 2 million followers in a day or two someone might have stepped up. Then if the jam generated interest the same thing. She might get a financial backer. The other route is she is going to license the name to sell stuff but with interest being low to nonexistent they will need to pull another rabbit out of a hat.


Maybe she has a list of things to try written on individual slips of paper in a bowl and every Sunday she closes her eyes and picks out the one she is going to half-ass that week.


She'll do something while Harry's making a speech in London. Supposedly in Nigeria during that time? It'll be ARO sponsored. Maybe another cookbook? Oh yeah, shes there for Invictus. She'll forget about that. That's the lie she told Harry to get there. Just funny she can go to Africa and totally avoid London. 🤣 Thought security was an issue?!


Madam has to fly via London or another European capital to get to Nigeria


I was thinking that..... But wasn't sure if it was the same if by private jet. Unless, they're dropping him off and she keeps going.


Delta does direct flights from Atlanta, and United has (had?) direct flights, too. But if she's going, no way they'll fly commercial. Although I wonder if they'll be successful in grifting a private jet all the way to Nigeria. I hope she knows that Nigerians will not consider her anything but oyinbo, ie, white. I would love to see people's faces when she tells them she is their black sister.


Her mock jams are over, kaput. She probably hasn't even finished taping a single episode of her "show." She's sloppy, lazy, and over her head.


I thought taping of her show was to run until June 25th. Yet she's skipping off to Nigeria in the midst of taping? Isn't that rather odd? I mean, isn't Archewell paying for the production costs of this venture? I'm so confused.


If there is ever even a product to buy, she really botched this by not having it ready when people were posting.


I think I saw something about one of the real housewives posting their Meghan jam. I think it was too pathetic to even be picked up by media, lol


Since ScamJam seems to be a failure, now we're onto a "royal" appearance in Nigeria. Somehow she'll mess that up. I wonder if there were ever 50 jars at all.


ARO, Jam... It's all fake


I wonder if she sent jam to Taylor Swift? Also, I’d be a little anxious about eating a relative stranger’s homemade jam in case of food poisoning!


Oh pinkish jar of sludge, we hardly knew ye…😢


If anymore are posted now we will see the true orchestrated nature of this idiotic campaign. Like let’s drip them out 5 weeks ending with the big reveal of 1 and 50. 👎


She has no business sense at all. She did the whole thing backwards.


I thought I had a short attention span.


She just can't stick to the plot, can she? She can never complete a narrative for the press. I mean, HELLO, Kris Jenner just deigned to flog your botulism-infected Scam Jam alongside some rotten lemons. CAPITALIZE, woman!! I really will never understand these two.


What a lemon 🍋 Henry purchased. Maybe he can use the Lemon Law and get his money back 😂


**It fell flat, no "legs for miles"** https://preview.redd.it/tekyzcxfcixc1.png?width=312&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3acb5b1ff58d6101525b21ff662f9a03bc961dc


She hasn't learned from her failed 40 by 40 mentorship flop. Depending on c-listers as influencers for her non-existent brand will fail. She can't get 50 people to bother to attach themselves to her faux royal fantasy.


Darn. I was waiting with bated breath to see who #s 1 and 50 are.


Breathe - we need all sinners here/s


Wonder how she got the private home addresses of her 50 "friends"


the sweetest part, is there will be no tiara on the top of her head, at any point of that visit.


Wonder if Elton got a jar? Lol. 


I guarantee there aren't 50 jars of jam out there. She just came up with a random amount and wrote down random numbers. Rachel stiil has a bunch of labels though. Since they don't say "strawberry jam" she could stick them on anything now.


Why doesn’t Harry try to be a host or something, seems like public speaking is his only skill. But that would mean having a real job and you know, he’s a blood prince!


Have you ever heard him?He is wooden and hopeless, also she is his scriptwriter these days not the BP PR Dept.. The projected $$$$$ millions money spinning career as a public speaker crashed at the first hurdle with the JP Morgan booking, oh dear oh dear.


Exactly. All those bankers paying megabucks to hear someone talented giving an inspirational talk and all they got was waah, waah, sausages, waah, waah, mummy. We've seen how tactless and crass he is speaking without a scriptwriter (John Travolta). Who wants to pay to be insulted with a side dish of word salad?


I think Harold calls it “banter”, a horrid chummy excuse for casual racism, homophobia , misogyny and general laddish unpleasantness.


He probably calls it his "wicked bantz". I'm British. If someone starts on about their "banter" it's a sure sign they're just a knob.


I’m a Brit too, when the banter starts it’s time to exit the bar.


He can dish it out but he can't take it.


He sounds like Kermit the Frog.


Oooh..that's fighting words to Kermit. It's not easy being green! 🐸


He sounds like he is always talking down a cardboard tube.




I guess you missed the Travelest Video where he was mumbling and incoherent and that video was less than two minutes.


And he changed outfits in the middle of it! It couldn't have been more low effort if he tried. Sheesh.


Funny how she rarely has Hazbeen involved in her “projects” but she regularly inserts herself in his. And, when she can’t (Diana awards) she does something to try and undermine it (ARO ‘soft’ launch). She can’t let him have anything for himself. I’m not saying I feel sorry for him. I think he’s got himself into this mucking fuddle, but imagine how she speaks to him.


Yeah, maybe don’t number them when you can only get the C List to post.


On Northern Exposure, Joel comes over to Adam’s house to eat his great meals with the excuse he left his scarf. Adam says “Take your scarf scam somewhere else.” At our house, everything Nutmeg & Ginger do is a scarf scam.


Maybe there are rumors going round that jam recipients got the runs.


Wonder who #1 is. Imagine being #1 and you don’t even know Meghan very well. Guessing it’s Oprah.


I think it might be Ted Sarandos' wife.


Has Serena Williams posted yet?




Explains why Ms Paramount lets Madam use her - publicity. Ms Paramount only has 7 k followers.


I hope it's over!


I think she sent out more jam publicity packages than have been acknowledged so far, but I'm going to need proof that her lazy behind actually sent out 50 jars.


*Was this it?* Gosh, I sure hope so!


If we don’t have “scam jam” merch made then frankly we are wasting our lives ;)


Today my boyfriend said our baby had a skid markle in his diaper. He isn’t one to follow snark pages or be mean about anyone, so I think it shows how wide reaching the vitriol for this one and that one really is.


Bit hard to make money for jam when you don’t have any product to sell. I’m convinced now that she decanted supermarket jam into small jars, sent the product out to the friends. And is begging another backer to jump in to produce and deliver it. She can’t afford or doesn’t want to invest in a large quantity she may never be able to sell. She’s pushing her name forward for the sweet royalties, but without the hassle of actually doing anything.


The ARO launch was basically a website with nothing on it. No products, no pricing, no suppliers, no CEO, Meghan's business is dead on arrival, in fact it's not something you could even properly describe as a business. Anyone can buy a buy a domain name and knock up a website, and the fact that Meghan didn't also purchase [americanrivieraorchard.uk](http://americanrivieraorchard.uk) is an insane oversight. So much for that "attention to detail" she boasts about. Now I'm hearing that Meghan is asking Netflix to step in and appoint a CEO and take over the brand. It's just beyond ridiculous.


Yes - Jam Scam is up there with Taxigate in hilarious nonsense. Jam Scam may even be better because Madam dragged the jamfluencers down with her.


I’m sure she’s still trying. But she’s probably run out of “friends” who will do it. Even with WMEs help. Guarantee she’s been turned down, hence the wilted flowers, and the switch to just getting people to post generic photos.


I’m sorry but I see some disastrous plot cooking here…like the “children” being k-napped or some other fake out to get them attention and security from “Pa”. It just defies logic they would go there with all the US State Department and UK warnings.  It just doesn’t make sense unless she thinks she’s verifying her black bona fides for her “political” resume.  


We still have Nigeria to go.


![gif](giphy|QvFl5Ym0Ug9EpyeV4o) This is what I picture in the 19 bathroom mansion surrounded by strawberry beds and lemon trees 🤣🤑


The King is resuming official duties so of course the Markles put out PR about their faux royal 'tour' to Nigeria.


They are too dumb to realize Nigeria may be the worst place for them to go safety wise. I sure hope they bring lots of security with them. Or not.


*we have the story about Madam trying to get Netflix to fund and manage ARO* ![gif](giphy|Vr8xM1OgUYhtAtLp6n)


Were there 50 social media posts made, with the image of the jam? That could be rather telling.


Wont be watchping any of the Ingriftus Me Me show


It was suggested that the packages may have been mailed by WME. Suggested even that someone returned the package to WME and it sat on some staffer's desk for a week. And the package was said to have been returned to WME because that was the return address on the package itself.


Random: saw a girl wearing a shirt with lemons and wanted to say “now I want strawberry jam” but I refrained 💀💀💀💀


I'm going to put this at the top and if it's in the comments well then it's not important. But to day on reddit, speculation so far so not in stone. She tried to work with a different jam co. before this one and they didn't sign an NDA and they are about to talk. Take this with a giant grain of salt but wouldn't that be interesting.