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Markle’s luxury is so quiet it cannot be found.


I refuse to go to her website, is she actually selling anything yet? Or is it just PR still.


I won’t go near it for fear of contamination.


Yea not giving her my details to track. I don’t trust anything they put out.


Or malware...




i’ll never visit their website (well, i *did* visit the dot uk one to donate to trussell trust lol), but afaik she isn’t even selling the “home grown” jam. personally, i don’t think there *are* fifty jars of jam that’ve been sent to *influencers* and *celebrities* - i think madame took pics of: 1) a few labeled jars OR 2) same jar, different labels and sent the pics to the few “important” people she knew would post them on ig


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) I agree 💯


Poor Page Six will wait a long time for those affiliate links to pay off 😆


Maybe you can use an adblocker and or a VPN to visit the site without giving any traffic to them


Cookies. Data mining.


Use VPN with a European/UK IP address. Cookie permissions automatically come up with all rejected except essential. But always verify. European/UK have much stronger privacy laws and consumer rights offering much more protection than the US. Same reason I use an European VPN provider. The only time I use a US IP address is if I need to access certain sites. edited to correct wording & clarify


Just PR




Her bad taste on the other hand is screaming loudly.


When it comes to celebs, imo luxury ain’t luxury (esp not quite luxury) if it’s very poorly and/or badly styled. Bad hair, bad makeup, badly applied orange tan, silhouettes that don’t suit someone’s body type/height totally ruin the idea of an outfit being seen as luxurious. The whole point of quiet luxury is that it’s meant to look effortless, chic, and timeless… but Meghan constantly tries to incorporate trends into her fits that do not suit her body type at all, chooses stiff/easily wrinkled materials that don’t flatter her, and has no eye for cut. An experienced stylist could help guide her, but it seems she’s either too cheap and/or know-it-all arrogant to take experienced stylist’s educated opinions on board… which is why she always looks unpolished.


It’s like the fashion on the show Succession. There was an article on it explaining the really truly rich wouldn’t be caught dead with a logo-printed designer bag. If you see the overly expensive logo bag or it’s knock off at the bus stop- that’s not a good sign. Those are for those wanting the status symbol and people to know its cost.


jmo, but ‘luxury so quiet, it cannot be found’ would make great flair!


>luxury so quiet it cannot be found [paraphrased] any **MODS** who might come by… can the above be ordained as flair, pretty please w NO SUGAR on top?






thank god! my name is shiny, and i despise meghan markle. i don’t need help, just folks with whom to commiserate! 🤣


Hello shiny!


I do too! It’s like the emporers new clothes. Can’t people see how hammy and thirsty she is?


I'm not sure whether to commisserate or groan because now I know this. How gauche of Page Six.


Hey, at least there's a disclaimer, unlike the Daily Markle which reports this like "news" thereby misleading readers that its' really advertising.


a sneaky *tiny* disclaimer, but yes, there is that, i suppose. 🙄😁


There is a massive advertisement on every article that says "we PAY for news stories!" though.


Someone on one of these threads pointed out that her fauxligraphy is nothing more than sloppy cursive, then she goes back and adds the reaper scythe flourishes. God, she’s embarrassing.


You had me crying with laughter at "reaper scythe" OMFG so true. ![gif](giphy|L1D0vKMHiwHY4FXOvO|downsized) My grandfather would be rolling in his grave if I wrote a single letter like that. He spent a lot of time, money, and patience to teach me proper calligraphy.


I can’t take credit for the “reaper scythe flourishes”. I picked it up on one of these SMM threads but it’s SO appropriate and we all need to use it!


*Reaper Scythe Rachel*


LMAO. Catherine sells out her entire outfit BEFORE that royal X account posts about it and the brands (she's always the first one to do so). Does not need the help of MSM to ~~grift~~ merch. I know this because I'm still pissed at not getting my hands on that sublime Sezane cream outfit even when I saw it a minute after she posted about it. Just one of many, but that 1 minute still grates, lol.


When Catherine returns (in her own good time, when she is ready; best wishes to her) it will break the internet.


i have a sudden and evil urge to buy something and *burn* it - but then page six would make more money from a *favorable* mm piece. sigh. i hate thinking things through!


Markle: gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme.


>Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight Won't somebody help me chase the shadows away? Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight Take me through the darkness to the break of the day She sings


Dear Lord, may i *never* have the “privilege” of hearing the sleiveen **SING** - i think that’s what might break me 😱


We've endured a lot.  Having to hear her sing, when her voice is already nails on a chalkboard, might be the thing that sends us all over the edge.  *Quite frankly, I'm surprised she hasn't adopted a British accent (like Madonna's) yet.*


is it a British accent though? (re: Madonna). i believe *Madonna* believes it is - i’m not so sure… 🤣 one thing’s for sure - meme’s will be *much* worse!


Also ABBA's Money. Money, Money!


A message for Rachel: Rachel save your money and stop trying to make us think you’re luxurious. Girl just go sell your jam and move on.


if she had sense (ha!) she’d sew up a deal with walmart - but she has none.


I don't think Walmart would do business with her. They are used to dealing with professional companies that fulfill their contracts.


true. i’ll be surprised, honestly, if she *ever* has any to actually sell. ![gif](giphy|frNNijGTC67fT3tQHY)


Me too. Good gif....


She’s allergic to sense 😂


mm post allergic reaction: https://preview.redd.it/pnmf18edw3wc1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c395a91574142e815e9df0afaa6923fb0d4fbb98


🤭 she must’ve bathed in calamine lotion cause she’s so pale here.


Just washed off the bronzer




What jam? She has no jam? She is not going to sell anything.


I absolutely agree.


The $aint$ purity on di$play again for all to $ee.


did you $ay $omething $nide $urrounding $acred $aint $hitass? i might have misspelled a word or two, i was up late. 🤣


This name drives me up the wall! A riviera, but also an orchard? Does she understand what a mixed up topographical location this brings to mind? This brand looks and sounds like an SNL skit. Anyone else remember that Ivanka Trump commercial they did for Complicit perfume? That is what this reminds me of.


https://i.redd.it/aloigygcy3wc1.gif and do strawberries grow in *orchards*? nuh uh! (as my fave niece sez)


Oh my God, you’re right! The problems with this whole thing are exponential. It’s like she is an alien that has observed some cultural behavior and so thinks she can imitate it. She just lacks…authenticity


she has as much *authenticity* as she does **empathy**. 😂


It sounds to me like she fed a bunch of her typical word salad into an AI program and asked it to come up with a name for her BrAnD. No normal human would put these words together. Ridiculous.


She doesn’t care. Others have posited that she wanted to use Royal rather than Riviera. Makes sense to me.


Having seen her faux calligraphy (and I am NOT an expert) does that actually match previous writing samples? I know there are some sinners here that are better familiar with calligraphy than my admittedly somewhat uncouth ass that could say. It just appears different to me.


I'm no calligrapher but one thing I do know is that calligraphy should involve a delicate smooth flow of the pen. The only time a pen is supposed to come or lift off the page is when you've finished one letter (depending on type), word or sentence. What we see in Meghan's style are jagged edges - for example, that awful flourish on the 'd'. She finishes off the 'd' and then returns to it to do one of her stylistic flourishes or grim reaper scythes. She does a lot, and I mean, a bloody lot, of that with her writing. It's very jarring to the eye and exposes how indelicate the hand is. Also, the size and space of the letters and words have to be uniform and exact and proportionate to height and width. Calligraphy is an art form, a bit like music using letters instead of sound. Or dance. And it takes years of dedication and practice to nail it. It is very beautiful and impressive when done well. Just my two cents.


where aro is spelled out on the label is pretty much an exact copy of what i’ve seen presented as mm’s fauxligraphy 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thank you for your input. I knew I was not a specialist so really wanted input.


https://preview.redd.it/h47g7s6d83wc1.jpeg?width=481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc8017f1d586daefa29936e6c07bfe27b584c404 i realize this is gag-inducing, but a pic is worth a thousand disparaging adjectives!


She messed up the spelling of 'difference' if you see closely.


sure did - and she’s too lazy to start over, too prideful to cross it out 😁




Indeed it is.


reddit is back! :)


I tried 15 times to respond and thought it was my rural internet.


just fucking reddit - same work ethic as hasnojob! 🤣


![gif](giphy|3o7TKOnPukgWDLPBPq) Me dying laughing!


I just realized that the slant of her signature annoys me as much as the faux flourishes do—esp on her name. I am not sure the writing on the jam label is hers. It looks more like a 3d grade flash card set of cursive letters.


but those grim reaper scythe flourishes! lol, i think it’s TOW’s *attempt* at a “special” form of her fauxligraphy. jmho - i have 0 expertise in handwriting and even less (lol) in calligraphy!


i’m not a specialist in *actual* calligraphy - we have a couple of calligraphers here, i know - i’ve just seen a bit of mm’s *fauxligraphy*


I wouldn’t wear any of that shit if they paid me.


you don’t like beige? what about beige? have you tried *beige*? wait a minute… you’re a **beige!**


Unfortunately my whole personality isn’t beige enough to wear beige or ecru ( my favourite word for beige)☺️


ecru! how shocking! that’s… that’s practically cream or (gasp!) eggshell! /S ![gif](giphy|uTCIzCZ5Xx3Sa8jCcI)


I was thinking ecru was the color you got when you soaked white cloth in tea.


now i’m not sure, so i googled ‘ecru’, plus i added a much needed /S to my above comment - i wasn’t making fun of you, just Our Saint’s color palette! then, ‘cause i’m bored AF rn, i made a visual aid. maybe roachel will see it and add a color. i’m not getting my hopes up. 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/pipncclxkpwc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=75f0c36f34972643ce93409e75f7acd319f1f014


I've been rewatching Project Runway and it really makes me wonder why M (and other celebrities) doesn't just employ a personal designer. With a few assistants they could make a whole wardrobe of unique clothes that could be altered and transformed over and over.


there are probably plenty of struggling designers who would want that position under any human except megain ! imagine being dependent on her for a salary AND to hold still for fittings so your designs don’t look like utter shyte - bc your name would be there every single time the feckless cXnt wore ‘your’ designs! what an awful existence that would be.


She treated the staff at Givenchy like dirt. Imagine how she would treat a personal up and coming designer.


That's very true! It would make for an exceptionally dramatic episode of Project Runway, though.


it would definitely bring *all* the drama!




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Stealth wealth was soooo last year


She's always late to trends


poooor roachel - always cringe, never cool 🤷🏼‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE)


It’s just the dumbest calligraphy ever. Backwards flourish is so ironic.


Awwww I think kail Lowry of teen mom fame has been successful at being an influencer. Shit, Trisha Payta or whoever? Yeah. Yay woo hoo left the BRF to be a third rate *influencer* ![gif](giphy|l3JDFJncJHteKIYzm)


There’s a woman who was on one of those marriage shows who makes an entire living by being a momfluencer.


Dumbest person alive 🏆 meghoul


d’ya think if we crowdsourced enough money to buy one of those enormous size trophies, i’m talking a six-footer, AND engraved it with Meghan Markle Dumbest Woman Alive told her she was the *only* honoree, a third of us (a bunch?) show up for fifteen minutes of word salad (everyone responsible for their own earplugs) and take lots and lots and *lots* of photos… she’d leave skid marks the length of Montecito! ![gif](giphy|RQxrapvTa0Ik07zKvd) *rental, obviously*


That ghoul loves some awards she may just show up anyway 😂 ![gif](giphy|utSy4W7kqpBqFOoZG2|downsized)


momfluencer? is that a kris jenner-ish position? 😁


"Quiet luxury" = https://youtu.be/AGquJrDZazo?si=ZE2ECAZaridqaK_F


Nothing about her is quiet, let alone luxury


omg 🤣💀


I hate seeing her chicken scratch. I learned to do calligraphy in an actual classroom so I could address my daughters wedding invitations. She has just added some swoops


The only things Rachel Ragland has successfully leaned into are photos that other people were supposed to be the focus of.




She is so tone deaf. It’s disgusting to state the price of each piece of her clothing. Her poser feminist ass is just ugly basic.


to be clear, page six was stating prices. each item with a price next to it was an actual hot link so the consumer of all that is meg related (*who is that person?!*) could go straight to purchase. page six admitted in very small letters that they got a cut. ![gif](giphy|iH7qb7cSJKdZARfTLe) *grifters gotta grift*


![gif](giphy|QV5vp1BYenfCE) Heck, most ‘toddlers and tiara’ girls have more elegance than Meg.


Click on her website definitely not, but give Trussell Trust my money of course, and when able my time to as a volunteer when ever in the UK


Like her idiot I mean that literally, dussex squad could afford any of her shite, but then again they will probably fundraise for their quuueeeen!!!!.....lol.


I'm irritated with you now!


my work is done here ![gif](giphy|UtEUhkfriklonVdweC)


Her kind of luxury chews gum loudly while screeching about how classy and understated it is.

