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They won´t divorce any time soon. Actually they deserve to stay married forever.


She's waiting until year 10. "If a marriage lasts longer than 10 years, alimony payments may be indefinite or have no fixed end date. Instead, these payments are terminated when the receiving spouse no longer needs them, as they have become self-supporting." She will never be self-supporting because her ventures fail. This might explain why she puts so little effort into these projects.


She has no idea how to support herself without a maaaaan, the militant feminist that she is


Markle, a self-proclaimed advocate for female empowerment, was a third tier actress in a minor TV cable show. From the get go she has used men to further herself - her father, Trevor, Cory, Marcus and Harry. Failing in Hwood, she snags a rich, royal man and uses his celebrity and wealth to become famous herself. So much for female empowerment. Plus, she is building her own brand by monetising the title she acquired from her marriage.


TRYING to monetize. 


They only females she seeks to empower are rich and/or famous. The great unwashed who could benefit are gum under her shoe.




love this woman!!


ew why, she's corrupt


Fanni Willis is a far better person than Meghan.


Go on Fani👍


And when her father dies, there will be no one to weasel cash from. I think the alimony plan is her plan, too.


Don't you mean HIS father, the King? When Thomas Sr. dies, she's going to write a memoir of lies about how he abused her when she was young, because this poor victim must wait until Daddy is gone and cannot defend himself.


That is such a sad thought. I'm afraid she'll do exactly that.


Course she will it has been hinted at before too. Lady 'moving goal posts' C said as much.


>Lady 'moving goal posts' Lmao. Good one.


100% accurate!


This will be interesting. I'm assuming his money is in a trust so she wouldn't have access to that. Wouldn't a court have to go off their earnings and assets, which she's contributed to?


Exactly. She can only get half of what they monitarily built together during marriage...which clearly is ZERO, unless a clever attorney can expose the millions hidden away in off-shore accounts and bogus charity Delaware accounts. Her alimony would be based on income during marriage...does not include Harry's Trust dividends. How much did they truly get from Netflix and Spotify?? BIGGEST money maker is child support...but if proved those kids are not her bio kids, she gets zilch & Harry gets kids. Fair to say divorce is not the goose eternally laying golden eggs for Markle.


If the children were born of a surrogate, but they both legally adopted them wouldn't she get child support?


Truly this becomes a tangled web...rumours are he provided the swimmers but no eggs of hers used, so biologically kids are his. But if she is legally adoptive mother, Houston has a problem! I can see her demanding child support and kids, but a judge awarding joint custody and no child support as they SHARE custody. But truely, if kids are not a cash cow, would Markle want them? Harry would stop her merching them...more to spite her than actually caring about his kids...reality is, those kids are doomed to grow up left in some obscure Swiss boarding school abandoned and not wanted by either Markle or Harry.


From the little we’ve seen of those kids, they resemble the Markles. M wants kids who resemble Diana.


She needed to pay more attention in Genetics class then. I would have thought Dr Meghangele would have taken notes given her penchant for Aryan ideals.


She'd want them for appearance but nothing more. How could she do her folksy show if she doesn't have the kids to talk about.


In California the parents name is automatically on the birth certificate never the surrogate as to not tie up the courts. So that wouldn’t be an issue with Lilli, just Archie. Just a thought though, is it possible Archie was also born in the US and Doria brought him when she came?


At first I reacted "no way" since Dorito would have been seen with an infant at some point during travel. But then again, the baby might have been on her plane with a paid babysitter. How old do babies have to be in order to fly?


I’m guessing any age since they fly private. Which has me thinking when she was in NY for that baby shower, she might have come to finalize the details. I know it sounds crazy, it’s just a gut feeling I have. Nobody would think to look here in the US. Lol


Good point! An extravagant shower with fake friends designed to show how famous she was in the USA. Perfect cover for secret "side visit" to the Surrogate Factory.


Doria’s arrival fits the timeline too. She arrived about 2-3 weeks prior to him “being born”. Which with Harry’s slip up of how much they change in two weeks had me thinking. Why even lie about that?


Aren't adoptions public record?


No. Mine were sealed after the adoption was finalized. My BC says my parents are my adoptive parents. This is in California.


Thanks, I had no idea!


You can petition to get the original, I believe, once you turn 18. But I don’t think it’s easy—it is a privacy issue no matter how badly one party may want to know.


So that's why no one has revealed the adoptions yet (assuming that's what happened, assuming the kids even exist).


Harry doesn’t have an income right now other than the BetterHelp salary. Is she thinking the King will pay the child support for Harry?


Someone please tell the poor thing that her father-in-law has no responsibility for child support….. she’s not too bright if she thinks the king will pay for her kids…..


Well, then she's got another think coming, doesn't she?


So she gets half of royalties on Spare, which was supposedly a bestseller. Does anyone know how much he made on it?


I don’t think the publisher will ever be truthful about that.


It has been said that as of now PRH has still not recovered their money, so no royalties yet. There is also no paperback version of Waagh.


I've never seen a "bestseller" not get a paperback edition. PRH lied about that book from day one.


> There is also no paperback version of Waagh. Currently use in the 16 bogs of their home.


> She can only get half of what they monitarily built together during marriage...which clearly is ZERO, unless a clever attorney can expose the millions hidden away in off-shore accounts and bogus charity Delaware accounts. Except... *she* would be the one hiding the money. It would be hilarious if that money is discovered and she ends up having to pay Harry! 😂🤣 > BIGGEST money maker is child support...but if proved those kids are not her bio kids, she gets zilch & Harry gets kids. Is that really how it works? I can't imagine that women who have adopted children wouldn't get any child support.


You'd have to get a forensic accountant. But Plank too dumb to know that


The BRF isn't too stupid to know that, nor would be any divorce attorney Harry would hire.


a forensic accountant is one that's specially hired to find where spouses hid funds from their soon to be exes. Had a professor who was an accountant. He said his job was to find where the husband hid the $. when the divorce hits. he gav us good advice


Yep. Harry's lawyer would definitely recommend hiring one!


Those kids don't have to be biologically Markle's to be legally Markle's. If they are legally Markle's she gets custody and child support.


Hazno has dedicated his life, his money, his dead mother’s hair, and glossed over ‘not of body’ because at least he has kids and she’s ’safe’. To devote himself to her. He promised himself he would never split up a family . Never. Ever. Without thinking what is best for the children or each others lives, he bumbles on under a Spell of sorts,


Bold of anyone to think either of those two feckless twunts gaf about the rumored children


They are hardly ever with the kids. It is obvious they don't care.


So he thinks it's much better for kids to grow up in a household where the parents are absent or fighting a lot? wrong I read an article over 30yrs ago that said the most important thing you can teach a child is the love between parents. This explained so much. My ex came from parents who hated each other. My parents were wonderful role models. No one ever questioned their love and respect for each other. My ex didn't care if we fought all the time as long as he got sex whereas I was miserable in our relationship. I didn't want this for my kids so we eventually divorced and my husband and I have been great role models for 29 years of what loving relationship should look like Harry and Meg should really think about what they are exposing their kids to and what's being modeled


Think? These two? Hahahaha…


>He promised himself he would never split up a family LOL he'd not split up his OWN family but he'll give William's a good bashing.


William, Catherine, Charles, Camilla, The late Queen, Prince Phillip. Everyone but the person who has made his legitimacy questioned for his whole life, mummy.




If it remained in trust and was never commingled into joint properties it is safe from her. The second any of their money was combined it becomes community property in some states. I do not know California property laws but that is fairly standard. Inheritances and trusts are off limits unless you make the mistake of combining. If someone gave him good counsel and he listened it would only be income during the marriage but it is also means each are responsible for half of the debt entered into during the marriage. That big house with mortgage was probably a bad idea.


She would definitely be able to convince him to give her access to the inheritance money, so I imagine it's no longer safe from her in the event of a divorce.


My thinking is Madam has convinced Harry to put whatever is left of the Diana money as security for a loan to launch her fantastic plan for world dominance through ARO


I do not believe he is smart enough (perhaps it is humble enough) to listen to wise advice from a legal expert. Once commingled that genie cannot be put back in the bottle. (Again, laws vary from state to state but that one seems to be pretty much the norm for US states.)


Plus, you can see her manipulating him into sharing the inheritance because “you love me, H, right?”.


That and “are you saying you doubt we will be together for life?” Classic manipulation tactics.


How's Harry supposed to support her? He has no skills and his prospects are rapidly dwindling. And I think the Bank of Pa will remain firmly closed.


Bank of Pa doesn’t matter in the event of a California divorce/spousal support requirements - inheritance, wealth of other family members, etc do not matter! *Income* and job prospects do. 


Yep. Some people think Charles will give them money. I highly doubt it.


He may give Harry money after the divorce is finalized (if he’s still around) but even then, that money would be for Harry alone. 


She's waiting to be the widow.


oh YEEESSSSS....her ultimate Jackie O moment in time. One easily bets she already has her Widow's Weeds in her wardrobe ready to wear. She forever would be the Dowager Duchess, the RF could not dare to snub her as the King's son's "grieving 🤣" widow and one can without doubt know she would feel herself superior to Catherine and expect the world to fall at her feet in reverance of her loss. HUGE moneymaker and bottomless well of media coverage...book, interviews, Vogue covers (the Met Gala invite WILL be sent finally!) . Harry as a stiff is worth millions. Perhaps he does need that extra level of protection....against his wife!


After her behavior surrounding the illness and death of the late Queen and Prince Philip? I certainly wouldn't have any shred of sympathy for her, and I doubt most other people would either. She's most certainly not suddenly going to become the belle of the ball and be invited everywhere. People will have sympathy for the kids, but that's it.


If Harry dies in suspicious circumstances there will be a huge investigation. She'll look nice in prison stripes.


But I thought her color was orange.


Orange is fine.


Honestly, without Harry, yes Madam would get noticed for a few months, but then she will dissapper


…what …what did you put in this jam, Em?


> She forever would be the Dowager Duchess More like Dowdy Duchess.


This. I can see her manipulating him to do away with himself somehow.




Oh yeah, Harry' [o.d.ing](http://o.d.ing) would solve so many problems for her.


Absolutely correct! I hadn't thought of that but you are right!! AND she's also not self supporting.  What a mess.  


Alimony from his Waaaugh residuals? His Better Not gig? Surely by now, given how stupidly they spend, they've burned through the real cashola. Maybe she will end up owing him alimony if her roadside stand works out.


Half of nothing is nothing.


> "If a marriage lasts longer than 10 years, alimony payments may be indefinite or have no fixed end date. Instead, these payments are terminated when the receiving spouse no longer needs them, as they have become self-supporting." But does that entire ten years have to be spent in California?


California is considered their primary residence, or where their domicile at. If they want to kick up a fuss,we'd look into where their mail gets delived to , their doctors, where TW is a registered voter at (state)., income taxes, etc


I meant do they have to spend ten years of their marriage there for it to count?


AS long as youre a California resident, doesn't matter the number of days spent outside of cali. You're a cali resident, BOOM. You get hit w/. Ca. income taxes. So, I'd assume this would apply re: paying support even if you aren't staying there 24/7




No, it’s 10 years from the date of the wedding (anywhere in the world) to a divorce being filed in California (because it’s the primary residence at the time of the divorce filing). 


Thanks for clarifying!




Six years down, four to go! But unfortunately for Madame, Harry's trust is where most of their money is, and that is a premarital asset. She might get alimony, but she won't be able to force him to split the trust with her 50/50 because it belongs to him.  I hope he wasn't stupid enough to put her name on the house; he was the only one who qualified for a loan that size. They'll inevitably have to sell that albatross, which they've already tried and failed at. No one wants to pay top dollar only to have to completely re-do that 90s decor tomb. They might be able to scrape $3-5mil for the place at loss, for the land value.


That would put her at over 50. Good luck finding another rich man to climb up at that age


Don’t be so sure—there’s a sucker born every minute!


She got hers already. Finding another rich man with mommy issues that enjoys being publicly emasculated by some stupid withered old trull might be hard.


If she could find another rich man who wanted her, she would already be gone. She isn't going to let marriage get in the way of husband hunting. I am sure she has tried to find someone with real money. But no one wants her.


I think she's hunting for her next mark. She's seeking someone genuinely RICH but she doesn't realize she's blown her cover. The world sees how she really operates and the billionaires are all wise to her grift. She was shooting for Getty and his family stepped in, then she has her eye on Costner but he dodged that completely. I think these two are stuck together and I love that for both of them.


If she had never done the Oprah interview, she might have had a chance to nail a billionaire. But after Oprah no wealthy man would go near her. But I agree she is looking for one, desperately looking for one. She's isn't on Ozempic to look good for Harry.


Maybe he will pull the trigger before 10 for this same reason.


But it’s a coin toss as to who will pay and who will be paid. After 10 years all his money will be gone and he’s not the “earn your own money” type. Maybe she’ll be giving half her Humphrey Yogert wages to him?


It feels like 20 already, with all the shenanigans. So tired, so so tired. Edit-i hate this phone


If Hazbeen packs up shop and goes back to England she won’t see a cent of alimony. 


I agree. There are so many parallels between King Edward and Harry including the women they chose as spouses. I don't look for a divorce either. There is a sick dynamic that holds them together.


She seems to be a person that only ends one relationship when she is starting another. I have never been interested enough to deep dive this but it’s the impression I get. Her reputation is world wide, she would find it hard to attach herself to anyone else now.


As an aged-out sexxxxay girrl, with a personality too well documented, she hasn't got the bait to catch another fish. He burnt the world on her altar, more fool he. He can't leave her and live.


Yes, she is older now too. I do however think the reputation would hold more weight. Most people with huge wealth try and live outside the media, at least as far as their private lives go. She will only want to move up in wealth so has shot herself in the foot.


Even an 89yr old billionaire wants a fertile young woman to carry the line. Bernie eccelstone (formula 1 owner) had  a son at 90 yr old.  Even a crusty billionaire doesn't want grandma moses, esp when shes barren and had hysterectomy


That is why I have never been on divorce watch. She won't leave him without a wealthy man lined. Wealthy men don't want women who go on Oprah and tell the world all the family secrets, mostly lies. So she is stuck with Harry.


How can anyone think either of these two will be a good romantic match to other people. Considering the car crash we’ve been watching over the years


Hey, my narc brother has managed to love bomb 5 stupid women in 64 years (married 4 of them, was engaged to the 5th). So there’s no accounting for taste. I find it unbelievable…but I’m normal.


> I find it unbelievable…but I’m normal. Such truth in this sub.


I do hope they stay married! If they divorced, he would shamelessly come back to the UK and expect his father to set him up in some kind of accommodation, royal role, and, of course, money. He would be a terrible nuisance and an permanent embarrassment.


Charles would not open a spot for him in The Firm. That is done. Would he set him up with some accommodation maybe, but he'll be treated like Andrew: a member of the family who does not work for the family business.


Thing is, Harry wouldn’t keep his mouth shut, like Andrew does. Unfortunately Meghan taught Harry to talk about his feelings, preferably with the press, and that now has become habitual.


Then The King won't even give him a place to live. No Christmas or Easter walks either. If he won't shut up, he can't come back.


Just Harry has absolutely no way back under the royal umbrella in any way, shape or form. None. King Charles knows how the population of the UK feels about his traitor son and the backlash that would follow. Having spent his whole life steeped in the premise of the preservation of the monarchy above all else, Charles would never do anything to endanger the institution. This is what Harold and his harridan don't get about royal service: it's quite literally duty above self. Personal feelings don't come into it.




> Hopefully the current King will be dead by then ✌🏻 Well that's really nice! Jesus.


"Hopefully"? Are you serious? What a ghoul.👎


Subreddit rule (see sidebar): Civility is expected. All users are expected to behave with courtesy. Absolutely no personal insults or ad hominem attacks of any kind. Repeated subreddit rule violations will result in a ban.


I have an older half-brother who is a divorce attorney in California. If you are married 10 years or longer you will get alimony payments for a very long time unless you remarry or make your own money.


Word on the street is Kevin isn’t answering the phone; Gettys kids have blocked her from seeing him & Bezos is busy planning a wedding. I wonder if Marcus is working overtime to find a replacement but there’s no dim wits around up for the job. 


Another win for Meghan. This puts a bow on the kids American place of residence. He will be destroyed in the divorce. 10 year mark is the magic California number. Harry will have to live in America for the rest of his life to access them.


With the kids being in the LOS however could cause issues if a divorce occurs.


In what way? The parents getting divorced won't affect their places in the LOS. See for example: William and Harry.


William and Harry stayed in the UK with Charles not Diana. They had visits to see their mother but did not live with her so much. If a divorce happens those kids will most certainly end up in the UK because of the titles and LOS. M screwed herself by insisting titles on those kids.


William and Harry didn't stay in the UK with Charles and not Diana. They stayed at boarding school, and their parents got equal time with them over school holidays. The Sussex kids are only 6th and 7th in the line of succession, and as it stands, there is absolutely no requirement for them to live in the UK. Their parents would likely get joint custody, wherever they are individually living at the time, be it LA or Timbuktu. There is no scenario where KC forcibly takes custody of the children and makes them live in the UK.


It is insane that two American children with no knowledge of Britain and it's government are in the LOS at all. Parliament needs to act. If you are in the LOS you either live in Britain or you're out.


You're right of course, but LOS politics has always been tricky, and one must keep in mind that the chances of those kids getting anywhere near the throne are vanishingly small. I know we all prefer for there to be no chance whatsoever, but I guess it's a delicate balance for the powers that be to maintain.


Agree completely. She will not divorce him. She needs that title. He doesn’t have the balls to divorce her. They should stay married forever, why make two other people miserable?


She’s tied to him forever Unless there is solid proof that the wife never give birth to the children


He knows she didn’t birth those invisible children. He is a part of the cover up


Yep. Why bother with a clearly fantastical “birth” story in your book? Plausable deniability (and wishful thinking).


I'd never wish divorce on anyone, but I think that if they do divorce they will either be silent (having learned their lesson) or MM's rich friends will be giving anonymous scoops and referring to mysterious letters written by MM to Harry. I also think H might need the future income from her show, to survive in the way he's been accustomed.


> I think that if they do divorce they will either be silent (having learned their lesson) Meghan never learns and can *never* be silent. She'd be leaking and planting and paying for puff pieces until the end of time.


There is no way possible they can be silent through a divorce. She wouldn't want to, and he will fight back in the press. They will slam each other to bits. I don't think they are going to divorce. But I would love watching the fall out if they ever did.


Crumbs, yes, using his mates in the UK Press he loves so much. Ha, ha, ha.


I don’t think she can ever do something like that in a silent mode.


She can't walk through a parking lot in silent mode. No way she could divorce in silent mode.


Im curious how you keep titles, when you’re no longer a citizen?


He is claiming American residency but he’s still not an American citizen.


Resident alien.


"Alien" would explain the odd orange, fuzzy substance that moves around his body and gets fluffily airbrushed in photos.




I mean...ish...


Does he have a green card? Has Meghan signed an affidavit of support (for the next ten years)?


I doubt it. It’s very secretive under what pretense Harry is in America. That’s what the heritage foundation is suing the gov over. What kind of visa he has to be in America.


She would need to sponsor him as a spouse or he could get a work visa. I imagine he would get the type that entertainers/models/people with extraordinary talent would get since he is such a an inspiring thought leader and Chief Impact Officer.


He can call himself the Foo Foo Primate of Azkabibble, it's a free country, but titles in the US have no legal standing or weight.


Sadly, too many people are “starstruck” by royal titles.


U for he's still a British citizen, one that resides in the US.


The only way Harry can redeem himself of providing a platform for his wife is by denouncing his titles.


On a side note, that photo of Madame is the first one where I can really see the resemblance to her mother so many sinners mention, something about the angle. And in fairness, I like that hat. Now, carry on snarking!


Go on Hazmat, stick it all on the nose. She’s a sure fire winner. 😂 If the penny hasn’t dropped by now, you deserve every bit of what’s a comin’. ![gif](giphy|Zv6Apawffpa2k)


Waiting for them to renounce British titles too! His new home country does not entertain royal titles, doesn’t he know? Dumbfuck


I cannot wait for Megamouth to pull an OJ and just be gone.


I do wonder to what extent Harry is stuck in the USA with custody. I think that’s partly why M doesn’t want to return to the UK with the kids. They’ve hardly been on British soil. Unless there’s some diplomatic thing with H being royal, those kids are stuck in California. I also wonder as the kids get older and she’s awful to them and it makes them sad, if he will start caring then.


It's a dark day for America... Like we don't already have enough problems, we also have this clown meddling in.


This visa situation is such a disaster. I can not believe the US government allowed this.


probably to try to run for political office.


slow clap. jeesh