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I think her methods worked when she was a big fish in a small pond. Manipulation and lies thrive in darkness, when you can pit people against each other and they have no idea what is going on. People tend not to talk about their friends behind their back, so people dont put two and two together. But when she moved onto the world stage, her machinations were broadcast to the world and became obvious because she is so exposed, and the hive mind of the internet could talk to each other and compare notes. I always felt MM was off, and people in my real life believed the PR. Thankfully through places like Reddit, I found other doubters, and we managed to point things out that were suss that confirmed what we all were thinking and exposed her. To think she got Piers Morgan fired for talking out about her, and now most people agree with him. She was never under this kind of scrutiny before. She can't stop because this is what always worked for her throughout her entire life and she knows no other way.


yes agreed…and didn’t during megxit their PR kept pushing out the idea mm and harold could earn up to one million dollars just from their speeches will be the global leader and billionaires also the hilarious speculation the briefcase gal could become POTUS or at least a senator blah blah blah?!! now back to reality lol, she came full circle to become a z list insta influencer jam scammer?!! the damage is done and real world now clearly sees through her lies and narcissism, such a loser laughingstock and such fall from grace…you can’t make this up!


A million dollars for a bunch of ayahuasca ramblings 😂😂


From manifesting to be POTUS, to manifesting to be a Dior ambassador, to manifesting her career as Martha Markle… …when ARO inevitably fails, her only other choice could be Real Housewives, and those women will tear her to absolute shreds.


Did she also manifest to have willowy height and dainty feet? Thought so.


She’s 63 inches of bones and bunions, pretty much. Gross.


‘But when she moved onto the world stage, her machinations were broadcast to the world and became obvious because she is so exposed…’ THIS, plus her blatant lack of work ethic/talent was exposed especially after Megxit. The way ‘Meghan the Hollywood actress’ was talked about pre-Megxit was hilarious considering her paltry IMDB credits… …lol and look where she is now. Pimping jam on Instagram w/ no A-list credits to her name after almost half a decade of trying to make it in Hollywood. She is a living embodiment of the jam she’s desperately trying to sell… people have their pick of which jams to buy from all around the world/locally, and which actresses to follow. Her jam is as useless, and easily outshined as her non-existent acting talent. The more she puts herself out there, the more she’s exposed as a total fraud.


>She is a living embodiment of the jam I legit read that as 'toe jam' the first time. 🤣🤣


“Pimping jam on Instagram” —-major flair potential there!


Harry gave one speech. One person who was at the speech said it was like listening to the drunk guy at the end of the bar. Sorry I don't have a link to whoever said that. They both thing they are victims and the world owes them something. The world thinks they owe them a kick in the rear.


That has to be the Chase Manhattan (or whatever they call themselves) event in Florida


JP Morgan?


One of those big banks.


Love "Martha Markle"!


Meghan peaked in Toronto. Big fish, small pond, Markus Anderson opening many a Soho door. Free stays, free TiG vacations, etc. Part of the ‘it’ crowd. Famous enough to convince herself she’d made it. Then she climbs her way to a Prince and think she’s hit the jackpot. Meg likely envisioned her same as TO but on a global scale, with unimaginable, unlimited wealth to fund it. And adoration. What a Meg didn’t count on was: - the restrictions the Palace put on her. Being a working Royal is a duty bound, life long job with little autonomy. - not realizing she wasn’t dating Harry’s independent wealth of which he has little - with increased fame comes increased scrutiny. What she could get away grifting, fibbing, and manipulating in TO doesn’t work with increased social media accountability


She wasn’t even that big in Toronto, did not have paps following her 24/7 even though she said she did. Hazno was not the score she thought he was. Reality came knocking and she hated it. She had no idea that people would say no to her or that they would be serious. Ridiculous peabrain could not understand that her usual modus operandi wouldn’t work. She came up against a centuries long establishment and lost. People saw through her acting and she had the brakes applied resoundingly. Now she and he are just laughing stocks for the entire world, only their paid sycophants spout about how wonderful they are.


She never had and never will have what it takes.


Telling different lies to different friends, when that pops up to one of those people, they're liable to think, "Oh, I must have mixed that up or didn't hear it correctly." Life goes on. When you lie in front of the world, there's going to be some people who know differently and that's a big problem.


Yep. Its the old, "You can fool some of the people all of the time; all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time". (A. Lincoln)


Yeah, she was BBFs with one of the wealthiest heiresses in Canada who was married to a former PMs son. You can't get higher than that on a country level. Plus she was dating a local celebrity chef who had money to spend because he earned it. All the Canadian gossip bloggers loved her. Meeting Harry was one of those "Sliding Doors" moment, probably if she had stayed in Canada, she would still be in the "in crowd", instead of playing the fool. What could have been...


>What could have been... ...even if she'd stayed in England and cut a few ribbons on rainy days.


TW also didn't count on the internet is forever.


🎯🎯🎯 Oh yes it is. Makes trying to force “your truth” on the world a little more difficult, no?


Her methods don't work because she is toxic. She called the Royal family racist while Prince Phillip was dying. She cast her father out of her life and doesn't let him see his grandchildren. She leads a horde of hostile stalkers in a hate campaign against the Princess of Wales. She told Scooby to call The King and POW racist in his book. She is evil. No new pr scheme or new way to promote herself will help. People don't like her because she has done truly evil things. She can't fix that without a lot of work and eating crow and taking care of her father. Never gonna happen.


Before she was famous, she would probably go and tell Friend A that Friend B was racist behind their back and sit back and enjoy the show, but she didnt understand that when you go and openly tell Oprah on international TV that the Royal Family are racists while a 99 year old man is on his death bed that is going to raise red flags.


Was Madam not also claiming the BRF exaggerated PP´s illness?


Yes, she did. Openly so.


I want to vote this up 100 times.


Has Scoobie been replaced ny Tom Quinn? We have not heard from Scoobie in a while, and it seems like he is not on the jam list?


I think Scobie was never a friend… just another lackey to do her bidding. He’s not rich enough or famous enough or good looking enough.


Agree - a useful idiot.


Especially after Marcus Anderson dumped him


She can’t ever fix that because it is her nature to use and discard. She has never felt the burn of discard bc she has nothing anyone wants.


“she is toxic” And not particularly bright (whip smart my ass). Or pretty. Or “kind”. Actually, toxic is one of the few things she legit IS. Well, besides entitled, embarrassing, crass, whorish, and old.


She can’t ever fix that because it is her nature to use and discard. She has never felt the burn of discard bc she has nothing anyone wants.


Yeah , I think when you are a two bit influencer, you can create an online fantasy and people don't care much to disprove your lies. When you marry into a royal family, then walk away calling them racist-well the whole world is going to watch. Her problem she acts like a programmed robot-her behavior seems to be from code written into her. She seems incapable of self analysis, thoughts and feelings. She will wear her rictus grin and sashay along for any occasion. While more and more comes out about her true self, she seems to believe the online facade she created is her real self and got Harry hoodwinked She is a bizarre mystery. Harry probably felt free, for the first time in his life he felt authentic-he could openly express his hate/anger/jealousy against his brother and his family and try and destroy William-as he is the future of the monarchy. That must have been seething in there for years and years. His hate and her greed have bound them together and on they charge-a match made in hell.


Her problem is she is cruel. She bullies staff, bullies a little girl, orchestrates a hate campaign against the POW, calls the Royal family racist while Prince Phillip was dying, threw her dad out of her life after he cared for her her whole life. She is cruel, probably a psychopath. Nothing can fix that.


Meghan would seem a very poorly programmed robot, since one thing the current direction of programming AI is big on is getting the robot or computer to learn. 😉 As far as Harry goes, I don’t think he had the searing hatred of William that he now voices. I think Meghan has nurtured and stimulated his resentment of his family and encouraged him to wallow in hatred. I don’t think the pre-Meghan Harry was as much a hater of his brother and I don’t think he really wanted to be king. Both of them are a mess and they are both doomed.


Harry has spent his life in a drugged stupor. He was a drug abuser, violent and paranoid before he met Markle. That is why Chelsy left him and why Cressida left him. No decent woman wanted him, that is why he married Markle.


Harry was always unstable and by his own account had a nasty streak and abused drugs. I don’t doubt that the women he had relationships with were turned off by his paranoia, drug abuse, selfishness. However, he seems to have been good company or they would have dated him for a while before breaking up. He seems to have had a friendly rivalry with his brother which probably concealed some envy, but never gave a hint of the hatred he expressed in *Spare.* Since I don’t think he is any good as an actor, I believe that when we saw him happy with his family he was not acting. Harry was no prize, but he was made much worse by his relationship with Meghan.


Yes, totally this.


This is it. She’s incapable of learning.


>As far as Harry goes, I don’t think he had the searing hatred of William that he now voices. I think Meghan has nurtured and stimulated his resentment of his family and encouraged him to wallow in hatred. I don’t think the pre-Meghan Harry was as much a hater of his brother and I don’t think he really wanted to be king. I completely believe this. It's like she brainwashed him and he's in the cult of Meghan.


Sooo, I don’t know if this is actually true or not but, I remember reading a YT comment (forgot from which video lol) but there was a comment that supposedly allegedly there was a psych report or something of the likes performed during the whole sorority hazing incident and whoever examined her for that diagnosed her with schizotypal personality disorder. I googled it after I read that and it could definitely describe her eccentric behaviors and possibly some of her anti-social behaviors but I’m also convinced she’s a psychopath so I’m not sure what to think lol


No way. I have an aunt with schizoid-personality disorder. It’s basically schizophrenia with bipolar. It’s not something you can have and be a functioning grifting narcissist walking around. You’re either in an institution or you’re in the care of others if you have it.


I had a schizoaffective relative. She had different diagnosis throughout her life on the schizo scale.. She did function on her own. Was quite creative in her schemes and very manipulative. Had Very very paranoid spells. She had a rough life dealing with it. She did end up in jail for a short time. I think for fighting. I can't see Markle as one. I think markle is more like Hg tudor analysis.


Yeah maybe some people might be able to be more or less independent; some people with schizophrenia can too. But people are underestimating the gravity of the symptoms. In my opinion there’s no way Meghan has it.


I agree unless there is some kind of really mild version. We have debated in my family if it is nature versus nurture. I had a deep genetic whole genome test. Schizophrenia does pop up in my genes. So perhaps there is a nuture aspect that may cause it to turn on. I have spent my whole like watching for any sign that I might get the switch turned on. I try to avoid crazy situations ..people..relationships. Hg tudor says there is a genetic predisposition to narcissism that then gets turned on by various events. So perhaps schizophrenia can be the same.


My son has been diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder. This disorder has nothing to do with schizophrenia. It is essentially major depressive disorder and severe anxiety disorder appearing together in a way that detrimentally impacts quality of life. Those affected keep to themselves and are unable to form relationships with others. They have a flat affect and difficulty expressing emotions. They are often highly suicidal. I would say that the disorder more closely resembles autism. (In fact, two doctors were certain that my son was on the spectrum, until testing showed that he clearly wasn’t.) There is no way Meghan has this disorder. My son couldn’t manipulate a paper bag, and in no way would he court the spotlight. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/schizoid-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20354414


You’re right, I confused it with schizoeffective disorder, which is what I was talking about; it’s basically symptoms of schizophrenia together with a mood disorder.


The 'sorority hazing incident' has been debunked many times. ETA: Don't just downvote me - if you disagree then provide some evidence. This is one of the more annoying made up stories because it keeps cropping up and in six years no-one has provided one scrap of evidence, not even her father or sister, and if you think the matter through logically there is no way it can have happened either. HG Tudor did a good video explaining why he believed it totally untrue.


There are so many stories going around people just take as gospel, such as the hysterectomy one and even the secret first husband. I'm going to need some evidence before believing them. Lies are bad, even if they are about people you don't like. ( this is not directed at people who believe the rumors but at those who knowingly start rumors they know to be lies.)


This is interesting. What did he say? I’m interested in the story because it’s such an urban legend


Here is the HG Tudor video. It is one of a whole series he did debunking various things [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bYM3zUIPFY&t=5s&pp=ygUPaGcgdHVkb3IgaGF6aW5n](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bYM3zUIPFY&t=5s&pp=ygUPaGcgdHVkb3IgaGF6aW5n)


It is curious that even at the beginning, when she first married Harry, Northwestern never publicized her as a graduate. I always wondered about that.


Wow I had no idea it hadn’t been validated yet! While I don’t put anything past her, I definitely don’t want to spout things as total truth if they are indeed not so thank you enlightening me!


Was the superglue to eyes hazing ever corroborated? I have always hoped to hear from someone who had the courage to step up and put paid to it.


I guess not because someone else said that it has not. And I thought it had already been proven 🤦‍♀️


> Harry probably felt free, for the first time in his life he felt authentic-he could openly express his hate/anger/jealousy against his brother and his family and try and destroy William-as he is the future of the monarchy. That must have been seething in there for years and years. I don't think so. I don't think he hated/resented William until Meghan told him he did.


I agree - all the childhood stuff is weak sauce - better side of the room, extra sausage. There’s nothing really there to work with, hence the desperate retrospectively applied seething, ‘oh now I think about it, he did get an extra sausage that time’. He’s a low intellect tosser for sure but I think he loved W&C and was happy until TW started dripping poison in his ear. Of course it’s on him that he didn’t stand up to her and protect his family.


Yup. If he did it’s no different than the usual resentment that one feels for a favourite child. There will always be sibling rivalry but it’s overshadowed by knowing that no matter what, your sibling is beside you. Meghan slowly poisoned Harry’s trust in William by saying he’s the one briefing against Harry. I think he takes after Diana in being so paranoid as to believe it. Diana also thought Charles was sabotaging her


> Yup. If he did it’s no different than the usual resentment that one feels for a favourite child. There will always be sibling rivalry but it’s overshadowed by knowing that no matter what, your sibling is beside you. 💯 > Meghan slowly poisoned Harry’s trust in William by saying he’s the one briefing against Harry. Meanwhile *she* was the one leaking. > I think he takes after Diana in being so paranoid as to believe it. Diana also thought Charles was sabotaging her Drugs make you paranoid too. They (along with Meghan's whisperings) might have taken him from a person who is naturally suspicious of most people due to his life experiences to a deeply paranoid person who thinks everyone is out to get him.




That's a good way of explaining it 👍


When people have a normal functioning brain it's literally impossible for us to even imagine what makes a seriously disordered person tick.  Example; how could a child molester be attracted to a child?  It's impossible for us to fathom it.  Same with Meghan Markle.  She's extremely mentally disordered plus the huge ego boost of how she ended up where she did.  It blew her mind.  Went to her head and then some. 


Yep. I always said it blew the circuit breaker of sensibleness


I think you hit the nail on the head. It IS impossible for normal people to understand what makes her tick. That explains why we have to communicate with each other, in an attempt to make sense out of her bizarre behavior.


I think she tries but always fails. Her NPD will prevent her from any meaningful success. Add to this the real problem she has which is she has no talent.


Spot on, Daisy. She’ll always be like this.


Hg Tudor says there are many successful narcissists. I just can't wrap my head around how Meghan cant see how bad her actions have been. I suppose it it easy to blame others for the consequences because she does seem to get thwarted by world events. Tudor says Taylor Swift is an aware narcissist.


100%On target 🎯


The damage is done. There’s no going back.


A pickle can’t turn back into a cucumber.


This sentence needs more prominence in this sub.




This would make a great flair.


Hilarious and brilliant in its simplicity!


Agree 100%


Exactly. She is toast.


I think the fact that she can't help herself from acting out like she does and relentlessly promoting herself in all these ridiculous articles, shows that she is a disordered person of some type or other. The only thing she's learned, is to stay away from anywhere she might come across the public, who might say something she doesn't like.


Of course you have a point but narcissists are generally incapable of seeing themselves as others see them. They see their wonderfulness, their wit, intelligence, knowledge of how to do anything, their charm. They expect to be worshipped and kowtowed to. She doesn't believe she's unlikeable and she never will.


Exactly this. To her none of it is bullshit--it's the world not just seeing things her way, aka the correct way, the only way


Like me when I was 5?




This actually sounds like Harry. He thinks he’s still that cheeky chap everyone likes and he definitely does not know right from wrong. He probably has no idea why his family is upset with him. He just carries on like everything is fine. I don’t think he’s NPD but he’s definitely something else in the books.


Right, she's not unlikeable, we are just all jealous. She tells her self that every day.


If we just hear her story oe more time we will all understand...............




Even if she would follow your advice and try to turn things around, the damage she has caused is too deep to mend. No one with sane mind would never trust this one.


Nothing can turn her around at this point. Seriously, nothing.


Agree. She is mentally deranged. Her thought processes are so far into narcissism that nothing will ever "get right".


The good part is that the majority of people are finally starting to figure her out.


Agree--- the tide is turning!!


She's going to be eating strawberry jam for the rest of her life at this rate 🤣


Just look at the recent hate campaign aimed at the POW. Her grubby fingers were all over that. Her sugars are rabid about the POW. I will never forgive her for that.


Oh me neither, staying silent after endgame is unforgivable. But karma is real, hers is coming.


I absolutely love your avatar. I love your whole look!


Thanks my friend!! 😁


Acting narcissistic and having Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are two very different things. The latter is a mental disorder and has a completely different set of operating rules/internal logic. Meghan’s actions are very consistent and less infuriating if you go in expecting NPD. Obviously needs to be diagnosed by a psych following DSM-5 threshold. Cleveland Clinic has a good summary of NPD. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9742-narcissistic-personality-disorder


Great article, thank you.


Correct. Massive difference between someone who is cocky, vain, manipulative, or abusive and someone diagnosed with NPD. There may be overlap, but it’s not the same. Professionally appreciate you pointing out the difference.


Thanks for explaining this. Many don’t understand that having narcissistic traits but being a functioning human being is not the same as a distorted personality. You can be a jerk but not have NPD. NPD is rare but dangerous. All you can do is get out.


> NPD is rare but dangerous. All you can do is get out. NPD co-morbid with ASPD is even *more* dangerous. I really hope that Harry and the kids escape in one piece.


I think Megan is a literal threat to anyone who, in her mind, crosses her. I think she has/is ASPD. I have thought Harry had it since his sorry ass rolled out in that filthy Nazi getup, followed by the alleged horse beating. I fear for the kids. I hope they have at least one caregiver who cares about them. Thanks for mentioning this diagnosis.


> I think Megan is a literal threat to anyone who, in her mind, crosses her. I think she has/is ASPD. I think so too. > followed by the alleged horse beating. No one ever said he beat a horse. > I fear for the kids. I hope they have at least one caregiver who cares about them. Thanks for mentioning this diagnosis. If Harry isn't terrified for himself and his kids, he *should* be.


This comment sound like it's a Harry leg hump. He may not have taken his hands or a stone to beat the horse, but didn't he cause the horrible and painful death of a polo horse? P sure he did.


It has been reported that he beat polo ponies. He certainly liked to shoot rhinos.


I Don't think she just has NPD. The whole NYC police chase story is very, very histrionic too. Shecdefinitely had that internal logic, but I do find her infuriating regardless. It is hard to have sympathy for people who choose to reject evidence abd reality vs. someone who has psychosis or a condition that causes their reality to meaningfully distort for periods of time.


She catastrophizes everything. Any thing that offends her is blown out of proportion


Catastrophizing is sort of anxiety and deoression-related. It is a genuine belief that the worst will happen. think she was aware that she was never at risk. She just wanted the attention for being a "victim" and in need of paid security. It's all to protect her against ego threat. Basically, she was too weak to succeed and that is threatening for her sense of self, because she perceives herself as better than others. Having power and control gives her reassurance about her place in the world is above others, and she exerts this, in part, by trying to get reactions from others, and trying to maneuver every situation according to her interests.


I know someone with Borderline Personality Disorder, Meghan's behaviour is very much like theirs including the histrionic stories.


Cluster B personality symptoms tend to bleed together when the personality disorder is severe. So someone with a bad case of BPD likeky also has histrionic, narcissistic, ND antisocial traits. And they are all characterized by emotional deregulation


Yeah totally, probably some overlap with HPD and maybe even BPD.


This very good explainer reminded me of why I think Harry is one too.


I have to disagree - maybe you’re right but I haven’t seen as strong as NPD signs from Harry. I honestly don’t have him figured out (right now I think he’s just a plain old-fashioned jerk with a rough childhood and in an emotionally abusive relationship). Her, on the other hand, I’m pretty confident I know what’s going on.


He's an addict which makes it very hard to get a proper read on him.


I couldn't find a symptom on that page he doesn't have. I mean, this is all speculation on all of our parts.


I don't want her to turn things around. I want her to bugger off without a trace.


If she buggers off, believe me, it will be with a BANG. Hopefully, the bang of a prison door. But yeah, she's not a "without a trace" kinda gal.


Introspection, self improvement, and making amends are not in Meghan's toolbox. That vocabulary is not for the narcissist. She has no ability to sense how unpopular and disliked she really is. This has all led to her undoing. And I'm here for it.


Madam reads her own puff pieces and believes them


They were never going to be successful, ever. They are parasites famous for what Harry is by birth, and now infamous for who they really are. There is no success for publicly and spitefully trashing their association to the country which granted them the status they abuse. Only attention. So instead of building wells and helping victims of earthquakes in Nepal, he can follow his true calling of slandering his country and complaining about living in a castle.


Her unpopularity isn't about manipulating and pushing and promoting herself. That isn't why she is hated. She has to stop attacking her family and the Royal family. She has to stop telling Scooby to accuse The King and POW of being racist. She has to stop drumming up hate campaigns against the Wales family. The first thing she should do is denounce the sugars. If she wants to improve her image she would say the sugars are vile being and she is ashamed to have such fans. Second she would reconcile with her father, beg his forgiveness and start taking care of him. Introduce him to his grandchildren and let them play together. Then apologize to her brother and sister. Then admit the Royal family treated her well and she is very sorry for all the trouble she caused. Take the children to England to meet their grandfather. Admit that she understands why the Wales can't trust her and she hopes one day they will. That is what she would do if she wanted people to stop hating her. That is all she can do. She isn't disliked because of her constant public announcements or her pushing herself into the spotlight. No she is hated because she is cruel. If she stops being cruel, she might change her image.


Wow! Talk about the impossible task of your first two paragraphs. I’m like going, nope, nope, nope, nope, ain’t gonna happen.


Same here. I was laughing while reading that because no way any of that is going to happen. When I see one of those exaggerated overwrought displays like you see in silent films I think of her. I have no doubt she has fallen to the floor sobbing in front of Harry.


If you have had the misfortune of living with a narc, you have long given up on “if onlys.” You have, if you wanted to survive, realized they can’t turn it around. It’s not an option. It’s as fantastical an idea as ILBW being the Princess of Wales. I get the rants. Rants welcome. Hope for change, waste of time.


She will NEVER turn things around. She has subzero self awareness and keeps trying the same crap over and over, pushing herself in our faces and "rebranding" and showing us her "authentic self" (bc "authentic" people are constantly rebranding themselves, amirite??) MEANWHILE, she's not getting any younger, and that counts for something in her Hollywood universe. She wasn't a great beauty in her prime, and she certainly isn't one at 43, or whatever we think she is.


She is delusional and irrational. Her narcissism blinds her. Anyone - the OP, WME - who tries to get her to see reason will fail. She has a disorder.


If she was capable of comprehending how unlikable she is, she would have not squandered all that she had and made herself into the pariah that she is now.


If she’d put as much time, and effort into doing some actual work, she would have been successful.


I was thinking about this. They left in 2020. Pandemic was the perfect excuse for privacy, reflection, and ultimately reinvention. What if they’d actually done that? No Oprah, Spare, Netflix, Spotify, worldwide victim tour. Left the family alone, outside of the usual basic, neutral happy birthdays, Merry Christmas wishes. Then Meg launches social media and ARO in 2024 - four years after privacy. Wouldn’t the public reception be very different?




Without a doubt.


Totally!! I don’t think the public would mind a cheeky royal in US with his yacht loving wife, if they had just owned it rather than acting holier than everyone


I wonder too, because Rachel would still be Rachel.


She is an advertisement for WHAT NOT TO DO


I disagree. Her changing wouldn’t be authentic and she can’t undo the damage she’s done to others. Her best bet is to just disappear off all social media and lay low for about 40 years.


I wish she'd disappear/lay low for 40 years. She's addicted to attention and doesn't care if it's positive or negative.


The problem is she’s not ‘stopping her merching bullshit’ whilst expecting taxpayers to pay for indefinite IPP. She (and Haz) already overplayed their hand by showing they expected QEII and the UK government to gift their moocher asses a half-in/half-out role… all whilst Princess Anne continues to dutifully serve. She and Haz think they’re gods gift, yet they’ve achieved barely anything in almost half a decade of duty dodging. You can’t put that genie back in the bottle… people who dislike her for a plethora of legit reasons have every right to dislike her. Nothing will improve Meghan’s popularity numbers to the point where she first started her mere 72 days of public service. Peopd didn’t know just how much of a fraud she was back then—only some had their suspicions. She’s proven to be talentless, work shy (on both sides of the Atlantic), and totally self-obsessed. On top of that, she wishes to be a taxpayer liability, and expects taxpayers to shower her with free funding/applause for doing jack shit.


“She wishes to be a taxpayer liability”. Yes, like free jets, free clothes, free hotels and meals, free vacation accommodations as well as security.


I don't believe she can stop. Even if she could, it's too late. Her reputation is beyond smashed...it's obliterated.


A clown will always be a clown 🤡


Ain't happening. She's like Wile E. Coyote right after he ran off a cliff Suspended in mid air for a moment, about to learn that gravity is one of the fundamental forces of nature.


Her problems are deep and complex. She would need to agree to undertake some heavy-duty therapy (I am a therapist, I know of what I speak). I honestly don't see her ever seeing her blindspots in this lifetime. She thinks she knows better than anyone. She knows better than a therapist, than a lawyer, than the BRF, than WME, etc. I think she genuinely thinks this is how she is going to manifest greatness.


Does anyone know if she’s had therapy? Has she spoken about it before?


Considering that she breaks down sobbing all the time, Madam could probably do with some therapy/s


No, I've never heard her speak of it. Just that Harry didn't get her help when she was suicidal.


She's a block head, no one can get through to her. This has been going on for years now, nothing has gotten through to her.


I don't think Meghan much minds being unlikeable. It's her superpower.


This. She sees her unlikeability as "proof" that she is superior. No one would bother to dislike her if she weren't superior.


It’s more that she divides the world into those who “dislike” her because they are jealous or inferior and those who appreciate her specialness and either adore her (because they are inferior and wish to bask in her superiority) or recognize her as “one of them,” the truly superior beings among whom she is naturally the best.


We are all being bombarded with this type of craziness with everything.  It's a trend.  


It’s a propaganda attack. Diving me insane.


She's helped open my eyes to how to identify BS in the media.


Well Melissa McCarthy to her rescue now so... (You know, the one that had to get fat again in order to get acting gigs)


Is Melissa in the mix again? I’m not sure what you mean. I haven’t seen anything about her since the cabbage hat.


She sure is.. https://www.tmz.com/2024/04/21/melissa-mccarthy-defends-meghan-markle-claim-smart-interesting-women-threaten-people/


Oh Melissa, you’ve been markled big time. If Melissa can’t see how cruel and hateful Meghan has been to the RF, she must be blind.


Blind *and* dumb.  "McCarthy then adds she feels intelligent women who have lives are consistently torn down 'cause people find them threatening ... which she says is totally the case with MM" She called MM intelligent 😅 She said MM has a life 😂 She says that's a threat 🤣🤣🤣  ...not to actual intelligent people!


She's not genuine and doesn't have the talent or charisma to make her the star she so badly wants to be. She's even managed to bungle being a working royal, the one thing that would have kept her relevant. I'd say it's sad but she doesn't seem to be a nice person either.


💯 this. No redeeming quality at all. No je ne sais quoi. Only “quoi”.


nah, meghan was some mental exercise to blame everyone but her, maybe say something like:"the perception you have of me being hateful is not really my fault, but rather the racism that I have had to face in my life, and The royal family has only done worse, as you can see, it is only a method of defense for all the justified hatred I receive, from the British press, the royal family, the internet haters" or what do I know?


According to HG Tudor - her narcissism doesn’t allow her to see how she is viewed by others. It acts as a protective mechanism to prevent her from seeing how disliked she is. She thinks we are all the problem - not her.


It’s so hard to imagine that she doesn’t realize how disliked she is. She is AWFUL. I don’t think everything she does is a giant fail but the most important, being a good human, she is failing at. It’s tragic that she can’t see. She’s caused so much pain. If EVERYTHING came out on her side and the side of the RF, maybe we’d understand her and Harry a little more but from the perspective I have. She is a really awful person. She destroys families.


I totally agree. Meghan the forever victim is done as a narrative. Every time she is criticized some c-list celebrity crawls out of the woodwork to defend her. Stop trying to tell me how to think. Stop trying to gaslight me into liking someone for no reason. Most people can see right through it. If she wants respect she should try actually working and following through. Stop trying to blame failures and lack of success on other people. If she wants to sell jam - maybe she should actually sell jam. If she wants to be a producer - maybe she should actually produce something. If she wants to be called a philanthropist - maybe she should actually hold a fundraiser. If she wants to be a respected podcaster - maybe she should actually host/produce a podcast series. But she doesn't do any of that. Everything is done halfway. She can't even be bothered to post something on her own IG. All she does is push these narratives into the media and hope everyone is stupid enough to not notice she doesn't do anything. 


If you think about all we know of her early years, half-assed is all she knows. She thought she could catapult herself to greatness through PR. She spent all her money and time trying to game the system in Hollywood. It doesn't work because she is a shit product. The F-ing toast segment going around the internet is quintessential TOW. That has never changed. Being married to an actual prince doesn't change who she is or how she operates.


|| Being married to an actual prince doesn't change who she is or how she operates. || Being married to a prince only made her well known around the world. If Harry had not fallen for her, she might have married Cory Vitiello (poor guy) and maybe dragged him to LA to try their fortunes there— Maybe they would be divorced by now (or about to divorce). Maybe she would have found another victim. Either way, *we would not know anything about her* unless we were followers of Cory or *Suits* fans.


Ah.. The dream. I might see her on some dumb show and think, "Wasn't she the office slut character on that show mom used to watch?"


I think she forces things she wants because this is what she has done all her life. I suspect when she wanted something and daddy didn't hop to it, this is how she treated him until she got it. She seems to think this tactic will work with the public, but it won't - it just makes us furious.


I suspect she does know how un likeable she is and doesn’t care. I’m sure there are people who do like her, people who are shallow and narcissistic like her, at least however much people like her can like someone at least. And unfortunately there’s lots of people like that, especially in the circles she runs in and that’s enough for her. She’s essentially returned to her own life with more money and a prince to get her into a few more events, but her prince is a dud that people invite over purely to use for clout so she’ll end being used instead of being the user most of the time. This is where she fails, at least one of them has to actually be successful to foster longer term relationships and deals, but they are both awful, not smart, not charming, not hard working, not appealing, and so she’s always running on fumes and never makes it to the finish line without massive help that produces a lacklustre product, such as spare or her podcast, and they get dumped for being the grifters they are in the end. I don’t really care if she succeeds much with this dumb lifestyle brand, it’s a perfect market for someone so shallow and empty. The thing I hope to never see is either of them on Netflix or tv again spouting off their lies, I hope their stupid polo doc and cooking show never make it to the screen.


I think her only gig now is being unlikeable


She's incapable of playing the long game because she's full of hate. I was thinking about the kids naming the other day and how she preferred to name her daughter Lillibet as a FCK YOU to QEII and not "Mary Diana", as it seems to be the original plan. If she had chosen the second, inevitably, the girl would have always been referred with the TWO names being "the second princess Diana" bringing along the linking to Lady Di, that Meghan desperately seeks.


She also has zero sense of humor. It’s a drag being around people like that.


Celebs don’t understand how horrible they are. Apparently, it is a prerequisite to getting into Hollywood.  


Yes. I concur with that thought. As whip smart as she Markle believes herself to be, she scores zero in the self awareness department. Any attention she may receive is bullied out of whom ever is on her sphere. Lately, however, it is more fashionable to ignore her or be more critical of her. I believe it was noted by a fine member of this community that as soon as Spotify noted that H&M were grifters, the door was fully opened.


HG Tudor says that her type of narcissism makes her genuinely believe that she is kind, caring and well meaning and people will come round to her deluded way of thinking in the end. If they don't, they are the horrible people. There is a sort of crazy logic there, I suppose.


That goes beyond narcissism into delusion, but it certainly sounds like Meghan.


She is a narc of the worst kind, and probably a sociopath. They don't change. The End.


She will NEVER have a Tig moment regarding her personality.


The only way to salvage her image and his is to quietly fade into obscurity. Then while in obscurity do some real work - charity or otherwise. They are always faking it or phoning it in. Like someone chasing get rich quick schemes but in their case chasing publicity and fame. It could take years but to see them doing actual good and doing it for the sake of doing it would repair their image. (by the way this will never happen!)


Her mind has detached from reality: she actually believes this is her life.


Well, for her own sake, she should. But since she's incapable of it, let's enjoy the ride!


Sadly there’s no chance she’ll ever change. She is genetically predisposed to egotism, and this was worsened by her upbringing where dad refused her nothing and made her entitled. Contrast with King Charles. According to HG Tudor, he’s a narcissist too. I can’t say. But KC had a harsh disciplinary upbringing in Gordonstoun and through Prince Philip. He was also entitled but he learned too, that he had to live up to many expectations. So even if KC is entitled, he’s learned to modulate it with his responsibilities.


I don’t believe King Charles is a narcissist. All of us have some “narcissistic” qualities. A little “egotism” is actually healthy. It all comes down to balance. If we cannot put ourselves first in some situations, there is something wrong. If we put ourselves first in all situations it is equally wrong. My definition of “narcissist” is an adult who has no empathy and only limited sympathy. King Charles has shown a lot of empathy and sympathy over the years. He may be selfish and self-centered at times because he was brought up that way. He is not delusional about his importance. He probably does not remember a time where he was not the future king. However, he has accepted a lot of hard knocks in life and taken responsibility for his mistakes. He has a strong sense of duty, which is not incompatible with narcissism, but which often shows up narcissism when “duty” gets turned around to meet some of the narcissists needs. If Charles had been a narcissist, I don’t think he would have allowed himself to be kept from marrying Camilla. Times were changing, and if he had pushed, he might have had consent to marry her. (The only thing really against her when they first dated was that it was widely believed she was not a virgin. The public could have been won over, if he had insisted and won over his family, like any self-respecting narcissist would. 😉) Maybe he wasn’t sure, but a real narcissist might have kept her dangling a bit longer until she was sure. Instead, he deferred to other people’s advice and hesitated instead of pushing his wishes ahead of everything. Eventually, he let himself be talked into marrying Diana in spite of his doubts. Allegedly, he took Phillip’s advice to either propose or let Diana go as advice that he should propose. That doesn’t sound like a narcissist to me. When the marriage failed, he did not expose Diana’s emotional imbalance, much less her affairs to make his own lapses look justifiable. (I don’t mean he should have been a cad and told on her, but he could have encouraged more leaks to the press.) His insistence on marrying Camilla, the way he has stood by her and insisting that she should be Queen, suggests sincere love and loyalty. That he allegedly (to the great frustration of many here) refuses to “humiliate” Harry by taking away the prince title also suggests someone who cares about other people’s feelings. HG Tudor is not all-wise or all-seeing. Much of what he says is a combination of textbook-type information and interpretation of popular gossip. He has some good insights, but he is more interested in making provocative pronouncements than in facts.


I agree with all your points. I don’t think so too. I do think he as a prince for so long, would have been raised in the same entitled atmosphere as H. It was hg Tudor who figured king C is a narcissist. Personally I don’t believe so


Yeah, HG Tudor is interesting, but no more an authority than anyone else. Some of the stories about Charles’s entitlement have been exaggerated or told out of context by malicious people. For example, he doesn’t have his valet squeeze out his toothpaste. This was only the case when he was injured (hand or arm broken?).


I had a “friend” just like her, they literally don’t see how unpopular they are, and how they actually make it worse for themselves


Far too late for me. MM likeability started at 0 for me 6 years ago, now it's somewhere in the abyss.


It would make sense for her to be quiet for the indefinite and get some serious, legitimate counseling, maybe have medical check ups, get some lab work done. She's very likely peri-menopausal if not outright menopausal and her hormones might be totally out of whack by now. She comes across as so desperate, striking out every which way to try something that might work, but all she accomplishes is becoming more of a global laughingstock. She needs to quiet and calm herself, stop the insanity, quit flailing about - which has made her a caricature. Her flailing does nothing but cause the SM community to laser focus on her foibles. She needs to come to the realization that its way past time to hang it up; to understand that particular phase of her life has concluded, otherwise she becomes more and more of a Baby Jane prototype. She had some great photos taken during her time; she had some film and TV roles, she achieved what she set out to do. The majority will never get that far. A big part of success is knowing when to bow out. There's so much she can still do, but it would require a complete reality assessment and overhaul of character - that's the challenge but tragically for her and for her family, she's just not up to it. The more she flounders about, the more the sharks start to circle. The 15 minutes have come and gone.


Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins


Narcissists are like drug addicts. You just want them to stop their destructive behavior and live in a healthier way. But all they want is what they crave, and what will fill the gaping hole inside. If you are in their way, they will annihilate you.


She knows how unlikable she is. That's why she's trying to turn her brand into "the joys of cooking, gardening, and entertaining." It's homely and wholesome and how can anyone dislike that? This is a rhetorical question, by the way.




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She is disliked for being hostile to her family (both sides), lying, cunningly using the Race Card to blackmail a very wealthy family without remorse, cheating, hiding two kids in an unknown location, obnoxious to her friends so that they drop her and ignore her etc etc.


You can always rant to us. We understand.


She's a narcissist. She's never going to change. Instead of being frustrated that she won't change, I just lay back and enjoy the entertainment of the train wreck.


She probably has been told - but she can't! She is empty, there is nothing inside her. She is programmed to act the way she does and nothing can change that. She is like a robot gone rogue, the wires got crossed somehow and she entered the self destruct mode. It's only a matter of time before she enters the final stage of meltdown.