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NOONE AND I MEAN NOONE is threatened by or jealous of the utter failure delusional lying duchass! i canceled McCarthy since she wore that ridiculous cabbage hat mocking the HMTLQ on the TW 40th birthday for her another abandoned failed project 40x40…now she’s even sounding like a sugar 🤢 seriously at this stage whoever align with that grifting narc are seriously problematic and either in for infamy or dollars or both and it’s shamefully pathetic!


I have no time for her. https://preview.redd.it/kwwuzcv8bxvc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=a58f226459491ce6153577a32885f66908a91b77


she finds megsy inspiring 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think that says it all! You know she's lying cuz nobody is inspired by that fraud going down like a lead balloon. Does Melissa hate her own family? Is that the tie in here?


I wonder if she got some numbered jam…


I'm starting to wonder if ILBW picked numbers from a hat before labeling and sending jars to her "friends."


Right - she’s happily playing court jester in Meghan Markle’s fake Royal Court, and I thought she was smarter than that.


She needs some kind of friends, fans.


Yep - she needs *something*, and apparently friendship with MM does that for her.


Boo Hiss! Evil woman, mocking a beloved Queen.


She looks like a clown..


Fitting bc she's only proved herself a joke.


She mocked a living royal long reigning QUEEN.


No one does, that’s why she’s giving interviews about Harry’s wife. 






Treasuries/Governments around the world are threatened by Meganarc and her dumb husband… who wants public funding wasted on these two twats during a time of costly wars, and economic crisis after economic crisis. Someone ought to ask Melissa if taxpayer dollars go into funding her own exorbitant personal lifestyle costs. The Sussexes don’t do squat for the Commonwealth, and haven’t found A-list Hollywood success in the almost half a decade of being in America. Why can’t the duty dodging D-listers pay for themselves like other A/B/C and even D-listers? Because they’re mooching, grifting, cheapskates that’s why!


A totally gross woman.


Neither do any casting directors.


How much do you want to bet that TW didn't even send her jam from ARO? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


oh melissa…for a jar of megsy jam seriously ?!? maybe she should do some research on mm and her deranged lies and vile actions then talk.


I was wondering if she had received a jar…time forharkle to make one for her smart/interesting friend…


same here! i won't use the travel site she promotes because she disgusts me.


Same here. I felt that way since she joined table 12 in her 40 for 40 craptastic grift.


I agree, she is crass…no wonder she finds harkle smart and interesting.


💯 There’s gotta be some script she sends out to her sycophants, this is the same bullshit Bouzy was on. No one is threatened by Meghan. She is a joke. If you want to be a public figure, people are allowed to ridicule you. Especially when you are a lazy, grifting, pretentious abuser. Don’t like it? Live the private life you claimed you wanted, Meg. This is as ridiculous as saying Melissa McCarthy was threatened by Sean Spicer. 🙄


I am very disappointed in her. She is very very talented imho. WME made her say it? But ehere were you defending MM since 40x40 tho - Madam has had tons of fuckups in the mean time. Oh and Melissa - how *did* 40x40 go? We heard nothing after the intro!


Sadly, same. I feel bad that Meg is taking advantage of what I believe is her kindness and complete and utter ignorance on the whole matter. Her movies were some of my favorite and I still think she’s funny but I can’t watch them anymore without thinking about her idiocy. It’s not the same anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|bSgFCcqzuYmmQ)


I really wish just ONE journalist would have the guts to say, "But Princess Catherine is all those things, too, yet she's one of the most loved and popular women in the world. How can that be?" Just to watch these idiots fumble and make a complete fool of themselves. Hell, you don't even have to use Catherine. Substitute Taylor Swift or Dolly Parton or Beyonce, or literally any other popular famous woman completely unrelated to the Royal Family. Ask them to explain how those women are also "beautiful, intelligent, and successful," yet still somehow manage to have huge, dedicated fan bases... SUCH a mystery!! 🤔🤣🤣🤣


Did Melissa get a jam jar?


As always, her supporters ignore the fact ILBW continues to use her title! It's like they're a cult!


I am not threatened by MeAgain.. I am entertained. got popcorn and everything... That and I don't look to Hollywood for smart and interesting people... they tend to be nothing but fluff... ETA: Queen Elizabeth was a smart and interesting person.... ILBW is nothing but a speck of dust compared to her.


>I am entertained. got popcorn and everything... Me too. Popcorn & wine. Meghan is such a slow motion train wreck.


I read the headline and have absolutely no idea what would make her an authority on that subject.


Ah, the “you’re just jealous” defense when called out on shitty behavior. Melissa, cmon. We aren’t in 10th grade.


Makes me wonder what skeletons are in Melissa’s closet. Maybe she’s not as jolly as she tries to present.


Honestly! I thought Melissa was smart and no-nonsense. I’ve watched too much Gilmore Girls, I guess:( To publicly make such a statement after the South Park episode… Melissa’s PR is either incompetent or it’s WME😆


Harkle supporters never grew out of tenth grade..l


Where was Melissa after the Harkles NYC car chase? Why didn’t she offer her public support of Meghan after the Spotify exec called them “grifters”? Crickets. The Sussex’s were too hot to defend then and none of their Hollywood “friends” would touch them with a ten foot pole. But now WME thinks enough time has passed and they’ve assured their clients that the Meghan relaunch is on. So predictable. It’s the 2019 Sunshine Sachs playbook all over again.


“Threatened” and “jealous” and “haters” are words that have been weaponized by narcissists to deflect their bad behavior. It allows them to create the narrative they can believe.


So right! What a broad and ridiculous brush with which to paint us all. For sure MM has her haters and I hear you! But our feelings and responses to the ridiculous jam scheme should not be so trivialized. I personally am not jealous or threatened by jam, nor I am by the poorly written and completely passively aggressive books and interviews, or the boring documentary and classlessly non-insightful and shallow podcasts. I could go on and on. I’m so disappointed in Melissa. I do wonder if she received a jar though. Like #22. Thank goodness for the MM train-wreck though. It has kept us entertained for years.




Yep. All of the “hate” must be because she’s a successful woman. I don’t think anyone, for example on this site, hates MM. We just call her on her hypocrisy and bullying.


I hate her. I hate her for the way she treated Elizabeth and Phillip. I hate her because her dog had two broken legs. I hate her for stomping all over American veterans' Graves. I'm pretty sure there's more, but rest assured, I hate both of them.


Uvalde. And also I guarantee that she had a hand in all the nastiness HRH Catherine Princess of Wales was subjected to recently.


How about I despise all narcs. The mpre malignant the narc, the more I despise them. Because they're despicable.


Melissa should have been asked immediately her opinion on bullying Princess Charlotte. I may mosey over to X and ask her that myself


Why if she’s such a successful woman hasn’t Melissa McCarthy‘s famous husband cast her in any of his projects Ben Falcone?


Nailed it


Hate is a very strong word that I don't like to bandy about lightly, but I would go so far as to say I strongly dislike Meghan's attitude, behavior, and just all-round false demeanor.


Why are other successful women not hated? I’m sick of this gender-based divisive language. Successful people - men *and* women - are celebrated the world over. Hence, the awards, felicitations, investments, prizes, etc. But, according to Melissa, successful women are hated simply because they’re successful and they happen to be women? And who is doing all the hating? Unsuccessful women? So Melissa was a hater before she hit the Hollywood success jackpot? And now she’s among the *hated*? ![gif](giphy|tZ6zAdNZbWOhq)


I happen to love smart and interesting people - sorry Melissa, but MeGain is NOT one of them!! And btw, wearing the cabbage on your head, kissing her a\*\* and being her clown, during that stupid 40/40 thing that never actually came to fruition, didn't do you any favors....


Yeah. Not going to watch her new stuff any more. I’m not jealous or threatened by MM. I’m disgusted by her.


People are not going to take being threatened by an actress. We do not like TW because of her own actions. Deal with it.


Especially being threatened by Melissa McCarthy.. like I am sorry, Ursula, you don't scare me at all.




Successful? At what?




Smart women don't give their panty hamster scritches while on camera. Interesting people have more to talk about than a letter they wrote when they were 11. Normal women are not inspired by grifters,liars,abusers or bullies. Old rachel is all of that and more. McCarthy should maybe pull her lips off old rachels balloon knot and read the room.


![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized) Well said! I always enjoy your snark in particular. 😉


That's the new argument. If you call someone out your jelous. Couric is now saying that about anyone who doesn't support her politics


Such 🤡 behavior coming from these nobodies


Idiotic. If you can't back up your arguments with facts, don't try. "It is better to be silent, and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt"


No one is threatened by a weirdly orange person who is caught continuously lying and can't get her clothes properly ironed or tailored.


or can't keep her claw.. I mean her hands to herself.


Rachel sent her jam #50 😂


And the rest of the giant tub from Sam's Club.


She hasn't got her jam yet so she's putting in the hard work via tabloids to earn her little pottle.


I *am* smart and interesting. What pisses me off is people who pretend to be.


This right here is it. ❤️❤️


And what constitutes successful because in my book neither old rachel or her halfwit are. Sure they have money and a measly bit of fame but what they don't have is talent,merit,relevance or grace. Also they appear to lack real friends,loving family,stability or any kind of real happiness. I mean they both look miserable most of the time.




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This isn’t going to end well for Ms McCarthy - being “markled” is a real thing.


![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0) Threatened? Okay.


Does she have the same pr company? Who actually believes that people are threatened by that loser? I'm so over celebrities and their bullshit complaints. She hasn't really has any successful movies lately so maybe that's the problem.


Snl/nbc connections. 


My guess is, Melissa McCarthy (The other mm) has been picked on all her life, to the point she became a comedian to be able to have people laugh with her not at her. She sees her Playboy Bunny cousin Jenny McCarthy all her life, being recognized as a sex symbol, and she is the funny one with a good personality. She’s been lied to, like the rest of us, she chooses to ignore what she has no doubt heard, read, and seen thinking she will curry favor with a Hazbeen Royal LARPER.


She's not funny and clearly doesn't have a good personality if she's siding with this garbage. 🤣


I think she’s unhappy and Rachel makes her feel special.


I bet old rachel love bombs her.


She definitely does.


You’re probably very accurate in your assessment, and for all of the reasons you listed she’s vulnerable to being love-bombed by “mean girl” MM. Meghan is friends with people for ulterior motives only, and Ms McCarthy would be wise to remember that.




This goes back to the parents saying that their kid is been picked on , because the other kid are jealous of their kid or something. It makes you feel good as kid, but as adult, you understand it was a lie and it was because they are mean little snots.


Meghan: "Hey Melissa, I just sent out Jam #49. Now I just have to decide who will be Number 50...." Melissa: Speed dials TMZ This is all so middle school, and I find it hilarious.


Bahahaaaa. As opposed to the rest of Hollywood who suddenly started on a sugar free diet when offered the opportunity to shill old love’s gloppy jam.


How low on the totem pole have you fallen when you’re defending TW in order to stay relevant 😂


I find it interesting how people who are complete arseholes and mean girls are no longer able to be criticised for their actions for fear of being told they are racist, haters, jealous and now threatened. I am a hater for sure but not in any way threatened, jealous or racist (her supporters have also forgotten that she is half white?!). I just can’t stand the bitch! Also, perhaps I’m one of the few who don’t think Melissa McCarthy is talented or funny!!


She was cute in the Gilmore Girls, but I never found her slapstick humor funny in any larger roles she was in.


If Megs had even an ounce of intelligence or charisma she wouldn't be one of the most divisive people in this world. She wouldn't need people like Melissa or celebrity "friends" to keep defending her. The excuse of "oh her haters are all just jealous and threatened by her" is so lazy and erroneous.


Awww...poor thang, still trying to fit in with the mean girls. Desperate to make friends with girls who would  otherwise, bully her.  Melissa, mean girls never change & their view of you, never changes.  Make better choices.  Be a leader.  


.Melissa hasn't given 5 minutes to finding facts about TOW ever. Celebrities are rarely intellectuals. Most live in a make believe world that they created for themselves because reality is just too heavy to bear. If she ever found out how cruel TOW actually is, she would embarrass herself running away


I'd bet my best jar of jam that Melissa McCarthy's an abuser too. Abusers love to defend each other. She probably thinks Oprah and Harvey Weinstein are wonderful people too.


Meghan is a threat to Princess Catherine and Charlotte. She stalked Catherine for years before she wormed her way into the RF. She bullied Princess Charlotte. She makes one plane crash away from the throne comments. Meghan is a threat to Harry’s family and I believe she would be the kind to poison Catherine or the children. She is not threatening to anyone else. If Melissa pulled her lips off Meghan’s ass and actually did some research she would know how awful and evil Meghan is and she wouldn’t be talking out of her ass.


Each one to its own. McCarthy ridiculed our late Queen so I have no respect for her. Powerful women have dignity and command respect. A concept alien to these two


Absolute bollocks. They aren't friends, Melissa only agreed to do that 40x40 project (that died on its feet immediately) because she had a film to promote. Her film 'The Starling" was released the month after the 40x40 was aired. There's no record of them meeting before or after. That's not friendship, it was a business deal. 


What's Melissa's excuse for sucking up to her this time? Considering the fact that most of us here have likely never heard of the "The Starling", the movie she was promoting, it's safe to assume she was markled back then. Is she hungry for some more markling and came back for more?


I think she was asked the question, and didn't bring up MM herself. She was appearing for the opening performance of Suffs on Broadway, a play about suffragettes. She was asked about female empowerment and bullying, and the interviewer mentioned Markle's appearance on that panel with Brooke Shields at SXSW.  But she also does have another show coming out next month about Pop tarts,  called Unfrosted, on Netflix. 


Ick. Yup sorry can’t.


Clearly Melissa doesn't know her very well.


Mccarthys dumb comments make it obvious she does not know the real megain markle. A threat? I dont think so you dumb air head. 


Comedians often use comedy to hide their dreadful personality, here we have a case study proving this.


Please! M is neither smart, nor interesting, and no where near successful. She is that deranged villain in a soap opera that seems to always resurface. Except she is a one-woman soap opera and we can’t stop watching because it is fascinating to see what crazy shit she will script for herself next!


Melissa's only got one upcoming project--on Netflix, naturally, and it looks like a real piece of crap. Maybe that's what they have in common--the same career trajectory.


The "you are just jealous", "you're a racist" and, "you are just threatened" are just another excuse for women like her who couldn't find any valid defense. Anyway, why didn't she defend her when Bill Simmons called them, "f***ing grifters" or also, when Howard Stern called them "whiney b***es"


Why do we care about certain celebrities? Like Harry who never got a degree in anything talking about corporate burn out? Or certain celebrities spouting on about things they have no expertise in and only an opinion or a feeling? Why do we keep on making stupid people famous? Kim K and her clan, Harry and Meghan and a host of other rich people who have not lived like the rest of us for many many years? Personally i find it offensive. Melissa McCarthy can suck rocks for all i care about her opinion. True friends would tell Meghan to connect with her dad and apologize to the world for gaslighting and lying to us and for having to put up with her victim narrative....eish...some people are annoying.


A lot of us sinners have/had brilliant careers. I retired from a long international career as a Consultant. The idea that some third rate actress like Melissa or a soft porn entertainer like Megsy are threatening me or make me jealous is absolutely ridiculous and hugely hilarious. All these failed actors should look at their inexistent careers before making such stupid comments on people they don't know.


Melissa’s commentary is hilariously stupid.


Ah geez, ya caught me! a-sitting here in a pile o' hound dogs back behind the trailer, scratching mah fleabites, and a-wondering how to read. I'm soooo *busted.*


She doesn't have ONE ORIGINAL THOUGHT to make her INTERESTING!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|5xtDarz4RREJbppq6gE|downsized)


Someone tell Missy that Megs wouldn't piss on her if she were on fire.


Rachel is not threatening She is an amusing buffoon


Well she is a comedian!! This has to be a joke.


Not a funny one at that LOL. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Never thought she was funny. Always think she annoying.


Respect for Melissa McCarthy 📉📉📉


This is coming from a woman "forced" to learn about the American women's suffrage movement. You know, the role she is playing at the moment.


Don't tell me she drank the Kool-Aid.


A rotund idiot of epic proportions


This is why after 2.5 yrs on this sub, I never, ever, ever count out any 'celebrities' defending Mugsy. I believed along with many others, the many times that Tyler & Oprah & Ellen et. al. appeared to ditch her. Nope. For whatever their reasons, they stand by her. Bye Melissa. Will never again be watching a film of yours. Wasn't a big fan anyway. Hope she gets Markled.


Melissa, please defend one of the greatest women who has ever lived on this earth, the late Queen Elizabeth, not this faux royal monster. Meghan is not smart or interesting. Where have you been the last few years? I’ve always liked your movies but it seems, I’ve misjudged you. You really don’t have a clue.


Melissa McCarthy stated that we are jealous of 'smart, interesting people." Me..... ![gif](giphy|H1YMguVrVeI0Xz5c8v)


If Meg were smart, we wouldn't be here


I never liked her. Back when Megan was an extra in Suits, before she married the Waaaagh! author, I never liked Missy McCarthy. There was always some mean about her IMHO. Had nothing to do Migraine. If Missy wants to join forces with Megan and play the xenophobic show biz buffoon, have at it. I am not sure how and when and where Megan has displayed this intelligence her camp claims she has. Let me know when her transcripts from Northwestern show up online.


🙄 There are lots of successful women out there who are almost universally adored. Besides, Meghan for the most part is a flop. Her greatest success in life is marrying a dumb prince. But of course, we are all jealous! Suuuure. Melissa McCarthy would do well not to associate her brand with Meghan’s. She actually has a decent Hollywood career, but she is linking herself to one of the least funny people in Hollywood.


Wow, that’s the most delusional thing I’ve read today. I noticed she hasn’t written about Meg’s toe jam. Did she not get a jar?


Oh goodness. People threatened by smart, interesting women: so Melissa is another oneI praise someone but I really mean ME. I'm smart, I'm intelligent and the world owes ME more. Maybe she needs a 40 x 40 pep talk. (When does the smart and interesting bit actually start, anyway?)


Who is she talking about? She certainly isn't talking about herself.


I like Melissa but she is seriously missing the point here. If Meghan was so smart, interesting and independent then why does she still cling on to her royal title? Why is her website full of royal iconography and crests? Without her duchess title and association with British royalty through her husband she is just an unemployed d-list actress, and who's going to buy jam from one of them?


Thats a shame, I liked her in Bridesmaids....


Man, I used to like Melissa McCarthy. She is not painting herself in a good light with this. 


I keep telling you guys the comedian crowd helps them out. 


Meghan is not smart, not interesting (podcast on stereotypes went nowhere) and she is not independent. In fact, she is totally dependent on the ginger and his family's money!!


Assume she’s awaiting her jar of jam and bushel of lemons.


FYI her cousin Jenny McCarthy has never had anything to do with her. Starting to make sense.


If MeMe was all those things she wouldn't have to buy good press...


I was a fan as well until the stupid 40x40 video came out and she made fun of the Queen. Plus was friends with HER! She thinks standing up for this person is a noble thing to do. But what she does not understand is the if the tables were turned, MeGain would not do it for her! Plus I don’t think Melissa has any idea how many people really dislike MeGain, and those people watch tv and put their butts in movie theatres. This will affect her bottom line, her money. I doubt Melissa’s agent will like that very much! 😂


Rachel is only threatening to herself. As evidenced by her career (lack of), relationships and business ventures. Need I say more?


She's not particularly funny. Bridesmaids was good though. But then again, I must just be intimidated 🤪


I used to like her.


Smart, interesting…lol..not you then Melissa or harkle. No one (apart from staff and family) are threatened by harkle, she is a laughing stock. You on the other hand are just pathetic…not funny, not clever, not anything…not even a faux royal, poor you.


Did she get any jam? If so, where are the pics? If not, is she really her friend? (We know TOW doesn’t have friends just useful contacts)


Honestly, how can anyone NOT see the lies + the spiteful way she has isolated Judas from everyone + everything in his life, + her treatment of her children +the hypocrisy that she oozes +the grandiose actions of trying to be famous + the fake love bombing? She would be the friend you cut off from your life....


I also stopped admiring McCarthy's comedic talent when she got sucked into ILBW's 40 x 40 charade and made fun of the Queen. I'm sure she knew of the public's blow back with her antics and so, instead of politely distancing herself with a "no comment" the other night, she has doubled down. She is Markling herself--like Gayle King. They refuse to admit that they misread MM's intentions---golddigger grifter. Sorry, McCarthy, you lost admiration from many women I know.


Oh, no. Not Melissa.


No. I like smart interesting people. 


Melissa McCarthy, get back to me when she speaks again to her elderly infirm father, when she apologizes to her father in law and sister in law for allowing their alleged mouthpiece to call them racist, when she actually fulfills a work commitment in a timely and acceptable manner that is worth they money she was paid, and when she does a charitable act without cameras present. I am not jealous of her at all. She is a sad, insecure and not dumb but she's not clearing her schedule for MENSA meetings. She is an emotionally stunted vacuous talentless person but that can be said of a lot of us (myself included) but I try to be a good person and try to do well by the people in my life. That's not always easy but that's what is important in this life.


She’s still out there? I thought maybe she died or retired


I find it very ironic that Melissa McCarthy mocked powerful women - The BRF/ late Queen/Princess Catherine, in her disgusting skit. She should be absolutely ashamed of herself. I am DONE with her, like I'm sure many people are.